BKWSU: "Nothing wrong in driving to work in a Mercedes"

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BKWSU: "Nothing wrong in driving to work in a Mercedes"

Post02 Jul 2013

Following on the from the picture of a white Rolls Royce with an armed driver taken at Abu, and the latest public relations video, the BKWSU has apparently copyrighted "It's Time ...©" and is moving into the luxury car market. (I am not sure if that is with or without the three dots, or if it matters, but I thinking "it's time" is hardly new or unique so I don't know how they can claim it).

Unless it's specifically trademarked for their new "Corporate Wellness Series".

From Aruna Ladva, who writes for BK Publications and, hence, have to presume her thoughts are condoned by the BKWSU ... it appears that the BKs are treading down the same path that other prosperity cults have walked before them ... like the "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" Nichiren Buddhists and all the get rich quick positive thinking groups.

I don't know ... does this really fit in with the Brahma Kumaris Knowledge™ ? I don't think so. I understand it would appeal to the corporate whores the Brahma Kumaris are pimping out their sons and daughters too as coaches but I don't remember "a spiritual person will attract abundance on all levels: physical, mental and spiritual" in the Murlis ... unless they mean after Destruction (End of the World) and in the Golden Age.

I don't see many BKs get rich quick either ... most of the BK corporate coaches don't even seem to be working part-time in that career.
    Is this really BKism ... or just new agey material to fill a new book to sell?
Part of ‘It’s Time…’ Corporate Wellness Series

There are some who believe that the only way to lead a fully spiritual life is to surrender all worldly goods, renounce creature comforts, and adopt cotton clothes.

Well, yes, that's exactly what the BKs used to teach in the old days ...
In fact true spirituality does not mean ‘giving up’ the things we love, it simply means renouncing our deep-seated attachment to these things. The Buddha taught that attachment is the basis of all suffering.

Actually, the Buddha has taught that there are three poisons, or unwholesome roots, of suffering: greed, hatred and delusion. I think she refers to rāga in Sanskrit which is defined as "hankering after things" ... which sort of contradicts what she is about to write next. But, honestly, what does a BK know about Buddhism and why would a BK quote Buddha who was never as enlightened as they believe they are?

The Buddha did not use "suffering" either. He said "life is dukkha" which means many things; dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha and samkhara-dukkha ... anything temporary is dukkha, even happiness is dukkha ... but don't allow me to distract because we're moving to the punchline. (The Buddha also taught there is no self!).
The premise of Raja Yoga Meditation is one of a lotus-like life ... In the same manner a Raja Yogi learns to lovingly be with their family, pursue a career, move in their social circles, be an asset to the community, own the house, the car and the latest gadgets ...

In other words, there is nothing wrong in driving to work in your Mercedes – there is only wrong thinking which fools us into believing that we need these trapping in order to be happy.

It is sometimes thought that ‘money is the root of all evil’, however, is it the wealth and possessions themselves or the avarice, the attachment, the greed or the ego of the power it gives us that is our downfall?

A spiritual person will attract abundance on all levels: physical, mental and spiritual. Abundance is our natural state when we are free from negative influences, and of course real wealth lies in the treasures of happiness, love and contentment.

‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London

Now, Aruna ... or after the nuclear bombs have been used?



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Re: BKWSU: "Nothing wrong in driving to work in a Mercedes"

Post02 Jul 2013

I couldn't go through it. I tried, but I couldn't. It was like walking in the quicksands. What a bull...t.

BTW, did Aruna leave her other business, I mean The Sixth Element?
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Re: BKWSU: "Nothing wrong in driving to work in a Mercedes"

Post02 Jul 2013

A corporate re-branding I guess ... in a corporation of one. A dIfferent day, different service device.

Aruna is another BK Sister who entered as a child. We discussed her before. I think she tried to find a place in the outside world but came back and was rewarded with a good position.

Who was that other young Indian BK Brother in the Middle East the women all loved ... Yogesh? Apparently he also did quite well out of paid seminars.


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Re: BKWSU: "Nothing wrong in driving to work in a Mercedes"

Post03 Jul 2013

In other words, there is nothing wrong in driving to work in your Mercedes –
‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London

Except that one could be driving to work in a modest car and use the money thus saved to support some true charitable work.

What Aruna is preaching cannot be found in the Murlis. It is true that many BKs would agree with her but it is not BKism.

When I came to Gyan in the early 1980's most BKs lived modestly, BK Centres were modest and Madhuban still had a flavour of modesty. Had I been taught Aruna's philosophy then I would never have joined.

Over the years I became disappointed and sick with the BKWSU's ever worsening addiction for material wealth. I am glad I walked out.

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