Beware of the "Happy People"

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Beware of the "Happy People"

Post01 Jul 2013

This classy synth-pop gem of Yazoo/Yaz seems to fit just perfectly to describe any cynical manipulative leaders.

Happy people

Take no notice 'because I am just the same
There's a thousand other faces with the very same name
And we look like each other, and we all live together
And we talk about the same things
And we never try and change things

We're the happy, happy people

We never give opinions and we never state views
After all, you cannot be sure that what we say is true
And if you want to join us, you can follow on behind us
You can talk about your visions
You can make some big decisions

[chorus ]

We believe in having fun and smiling all the time
And sometimes we're on TV if we're over 69
And when we have a raffle, then it's just a big reshuffle
It's a democratic poll
But we're the ones who are in control


[credit: Clarke]

Note: A cynical song about populist politics, and plastic society in general. Quite suited for the protest generation of the early 1980's, with its happy bashing of 'the system', consisting of manipulative leaders and naive members of society.

So, beware of the "Happy People".
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Re: Beware of the "Happy People"

Post01 Jul 2013

Only BKs™ are truly Happy™

In the future, God™ has proclaimed ...
    Only BKs™ will be Happy™
    Only by being BK™ will you be Happy™
    BKism™ is the only path to Happiness™
    No other religion or lifestyle results in Happiness™
Be Happy™ now and be rewarded with the Happiness™ that no other religion can offer you for 2,500 years ... for eternity© (Terms and Conditions apply *).

Failure to do so will ensure eternal unHappiness™ and the worse possible suffering you can imagine which will cause you to "cry tears of blood and grind your teeth like the sound of mustard seeds being ground©" (true BK quote).

* Terms and conditions. All applicants will be required to surrender their mind, body, wealthy, first daughter and her dowry to the Brahma Kumari leaders™. All property and land must be handed over for sole use by the Brahma Kumari leaders™. Any non-white belongings must be destroyed and any non-BK related activities avoided. Marriage is only allowed for the corporation's interest and to other Brahma Kumari followers™. All holidays must be taken at officially recognised Brahma Kumari retreats™ (even if they are privately owned). Instructions of Brahma Kumari leaders™ must be followed at all times. Applicants must avoid watching any movies ... and questioning. All copyright, trademarks and your lives are the property of Brahma Kumaris Global Domination Corporation, Inc. Brahma Kumari leaders™ may add, subtract or multiply these terms and conditions at any time.

Any individual dying will be required to re-join the corporation in their next life and create heaven on earth or provide any missing services they left incomplete in their previous life, e.g. more financial donations (true BK belief).
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Re: Beware of the "Happy People"

Post01 Jul 2013

Hmmm! this is a very meaningful song raistlin!

thanks for sharing

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