The Jewish Question: Brahma Kumaris on Jews & Judaism

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The Jewish Question: Brahma Kumaris on Jews & Judaism

Post28 Jun 2013

Jews and BKs have one thing in common ...

Both believe that they are special and chosen ... However, Jews never preach to attract new followers to their religion, and actually make it extremely difficult to accept new comers. They believe that being the "chosen people" from this huge crowd of human beings is the role of God, and it is not up to them to choose "the elites".

On the other hand, the Brahma Kumaris would go to any length, amd do the unthinkable, to attract new followers.

If BK really believe that they are ""special"" ... Do like the Jews, and Leave it to God to choose ..!!!
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Jewish Question: Brahma Kumaris on Jews

Post28 Jun 2013

If BK really believe that they are ""special"" ... Do like the Jews, and Leave it to God to choose ..!!!

Oh, he does, yes he does.... but we are boom boom Boom Boom BOOM ..."The... Un-chosen".

It's like you meet a person who flirts and seduces you. You fall into a serious relationship, then you find out what they're really like, neurotically possessive and controlling, trying to shape you in their image, and you eventually try to break up and leave them.

They say "But you cannot leave me, where will you go? We are meant to be together. Forever. You'll be sorry. You'll be back."



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Re: The Jewish Question: Brahma Kumaris on Jews

Post28 Jun 2013

pink panther wrote:It's like you meet a person who flirts and seduces you. You fall into a serious relationship, then you find out what they're really like

That is exactly the sequence of the game : Seduction ( Golden Age), Fall in (get trapped), Find out (the truth), Split (back to normal life) ...

I believe, if it were left to God to choose the BK followers, may be the old women in Mount Abu would be the only BK followers left, passing their time in simulation water spray games ...!!!
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Re: The Jewish Question: Brahma Kumaris on Jews

Post29 Jun 2013

ex.Brahma wrote:I believe, if it were left to God to choose the BK followers, may be the old women in Mount Abu would be the only BK followers left, passing their time in simulation water spray games ...!!!

Oh, I remember that ... the most incredibly phallic display of BK indulgences. The Senior Sister pumping away madly spraying the audience with "holi" juice.

Back to the Jews and BKs ...

One of the most bizarre elements of Brahma Kumarism, and most audacious ignorances or errors, was their god (aka Lekhraj Kirpalani), claiming that Islam had been founded by Abraham 500 before Christ (2500 years ago). Right up until at least the 1970s, the "Godly University" taught this codswallop to it cult zombie followers who believed it without question ... Dadi Janki and the likes. She probably still believes it is so.

This is pretty funny when you think about it ... "God" did not know nor remember the Jews existed. It make a mockery of both religions and destroys all credibility in Lekhraj Kirpalani and claims he was a very wise and religious man. Either the Brahma Kumari god is right ... and the whole of Judaism and all the world's historical scholars are wrong ... or Lekhraj Kirpalani was an absolute bone head!

It's harder to think of more obvious evidence the spirit guide of the BKWSU is not God ... no mention of Moses and the other Jewish patriarchs, and there were the Jews thinking and telling themselves *they* were the chosen people and worshipping their tribal god for thousands of years ... and the BK god spirit had not only never heard of them ... but confused them for their arch enemies Islam.

The "divine wisdom" of the Brahma Kumaris stated that Abraham founded Islam 2,500 years ago (500 BC) when Mohammed was not even born until around 570 AD and the Qu'ran was not finished until around 630 AD!

The tricky Sindis like Jayanti Kripalani sit down with sincere Jews, and use ex-Jews like Maureen Goodman to deceive them, without any shame or conscience whatsoever.

Here is what the Brahma Kumaris really believe and teach about the Jews ... and, yes, that the Holocaust was their own fault or Karma because they did bad things in the past is part of it. Quotation marks indicate verbatim quotes. There is are so many problems with what they teach, and their teachings appear so absurd and extreme, that I appreciate it might be hard for people to accept that what I am reporting is actually what someone as apparently intelligent and social skilled as Jayanti Kirpalani or an ex-Jewess like Maureen Goodman believes.
    a) Judaism is a "path of ignorance" in which human being spiritually worth 50% less then top BKs "stumble in darkness".
    b) Abraham was an ex-BK and a spirit medium, who had reincarnated from India where he had spent a few lives, and was then possessed by a second soul who inspired and spoke through him to start the religion.
    c) It was started 2,500 years ago almost immediately after the Fall of humanity, in BK terms, a mini-Destruction when their high tech heaven on earth was destroyed by the soul.
    d) Both Abraham and this unnamed second soul have continued to reincarnate on earth in human forms until this day, taking 63 births.
    e) Judaism is of such little spirit benefit that the practise of it is a waste of time and should be discarded in favor of Brahma Kumarism, as proven by Maureen's example.
    f) Judaism is a "partial and incomplete memory" of Brahma Kumarism from 5,000 years.
    g) That Abraham, his spirit guide and all the Jewish patriarchs must return to the Brahma Kumaris at this time in order to relearn their religion.
    h) That no Jews will go to Heaven which is reserved for Brahma Kumaris alone.
    i) That the holocaust and all previous pogroms and all anti-semitism is entirely the Jews own fault for the sins they carried out in the past.
    j) NO Jew in history had a direct connection with God, or had God speak to them, that God only comes in person and meets with the BKs at their headquarters in India through their spirit medium. That their "god" was, in essence, this second unnamed soul working through Abraham.
    k) That it is the god of the Brahma Kumaris who "holds the key" to any divine visions etc any Jew has had.
    l) That Judaism has been declining in its purity and spirituality since when it first started and is not at it "fag end" and 100% degraded.
So which religion of the two is the wiser, more divine and more chosen?

Now ... how can the Brahma Kumaris with any sense of integrity, sit down with Jews at interfaith meetings and make all the wonderful sounding noises they do about respecting the divinity of other religions etc?

The rational answer is because they are two faced, exceptionally skilled at deception and manipulating them for the sake of public relations and social advantages.

What the BKs really mean by their homilies about other religions is that each religion has it's own mini and lower quality "Golden Age" when they first start and that each human being when their first reincarnate on earth for the first time is at their history spiritual level but that, technically, the highest of Jews is lower than the lowest of the 330 million Brahma Kumari souls ... and will be so for eternity.
"For you are a holy people to YHWH your God, and God has chosen you to be his treasured people from all the nations that are on the face of the earth.

Deuteronomy 14:2
"Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me from all the peoples, for all the earth is mine"

Exodus 19:5
"The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people; but because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your ancestors."

Deuteronomy 7:7-8
God of the Brahma Kumaris and Jews

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Re: The Jewish Question: Brahma Kumaris on Jews

Post29 Jun 2013

It was not until the Brahma Kumaris came to the West in the mid-70s, and probably on the prompting of individuals like BK Maureen Goodman rather than either their god or "enlightened" Sindi leaders, that the teaching were first changed ... before now being almost completely obscured as seen by the large framed version now seen in the Brahma Kumari retreat centre where the Interfaith group met.

Given BK Maureen influence upon later BK adherents, and her willingness to be part of the cover up and heel dragging during the child sex abuse episode, I think it is fair to question again whether her position in the organization was just bought by her ex-husband's BK David Goodman's financial support, and insured by her slavish and unquestioning devotion to Dadi Janki Kirpalani (and probably fear of Jayanti), rather than earned by any innate spiritual superiority?
    "Chosen" ... or bought and paid for?
Both David and Maureen Goodman renounced the "impure" Judaism and converted to Brahma Kumarism.

The BKs will, no doubt, be getting all of their property and wealthy when they die as they were encouraged not to have children.

According to the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University teachings, the Jews are, were and will only even be for eternity, "Copper Aged" and merchant caste souls (vyasa). Jews only even incarnate for the first time in the Copper Age which is an age of duality and a 50% deteriorated state. They never experience a perfect world or heaven.

They are called merchant caste souls (rough but accurate translation), because they are unable to surrender to God and serve Him completely. Instead their tendency is to do deals with Him ... you give me this and I will give you that. Bother "Gold" and "Silver Aged BKs" souls ... the gods and goddess and the "warrior souls" ... are superior to them.

Jews in later Brahma Kumari teachings

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