Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post24 Jun 2013

To keep to topic, I suggest you move Dany's post into a new topic as his question is genuine. I have only responded to that.

My responses to specific queries are seemingly condescending, derogatory and irritating to some people here as it is presented, so I will let my friend PP recover from the irritations caused by my "gardening" example and let me settle that "karma" by some "Yoga" before commenting further on the specifics :D.

Well, what I meant was that I am going to be busy for next few days for work so taking a break.
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post24 Jun 2013

If it does not anger you, nor make you aggressive, I'd suggest you did some weeding instead.

Gardening is good for the soul and the environment.


Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post24 Jun 2013

Don't have a garden mate, only rich do it seems! I am doing weeding for the soul instead (by choice), looks like I had still not overcome few things I thought were weeded out of me; worth the effort :-)
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post24 Jun 2013

Baba the clever gardener says, "all you need is 3 square feet to conquer a garden" (I think he means, "make"). Try bonsai ...
    but get back to us when you feel like discuss your position on the BKs' god and the 5000 Years.
We're doing 'Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals', perhaps we need to do 'Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards plants' as well? I'd say most Indians in the UK have a tendency to just concrete or slab over their gardens, but that is probably more a reflection on caste thing, is not it? Sticking your hands in the dirt is low caste ... and when you are working 12 hours a day the last thing you want to do is labour at home, I suppose.

Start a new topic if anyone is interested.


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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post25 Jun 2013

Many believers have come to accept that through suffering (and possibly meditation), they can connect/come under the mercy of God, and thereby redeem their past life/time sins ...!!

As such, they indulge in self-denial and lead austere existence ...!!

Does God really will that his people (children in BK terminology), should suffer ...!?

Does not a "Father" will only, joy, love and happiness for his "children" ...!?


Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post26 Jun 2013

Of course, the Father will only wish peace, love and joy for this children! While for the outsiders, it appears as suffering, but for the children taking on the path:
    it is not self-denial- it is the denial of the false self
    it is not austere existence with suffering- it is austere existence with peace and happiness which is not dependent on materialism. An austere living can be a happy living from their point of view
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post26 Jun 2013

MCN, you said you would be away for a few days and so could not answer. From this answer, it seems to confirm that, for you, the BK god or 'The Father' most certainly is God. You claimed you did not believe in their 5,000 year cycle. How can their god be God and wrong about such details?

It's a genuine question, I am interested in how you internally negotiate that paradox and retain your faith whilst allegedly not follow Shrimat.

Personally, I don't think the BKs life is particularly austere or a burden, although it is a bit monotonous. For example, even having young children is far more fraught, tiring and a distraction.

But the BKs say anger comes from suppressed lust and it is true that, if pressed, BKs can become angry although I think aggressive is probably very rare and too strong a word. You suggest that amongst the poorest BKs one finds the happiest. Is that really progress or just a passive acceptance of their lot in life?

Would it be better for them to be helped and educated by their religion and rise a little within life? It's a subject for another topic but how much if any real education does the BKWSU give its young and vulnerable followers?

Please don't ignore the honest questions I have now asked you several times.


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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post26 Jun 2013


We often hear people/souls saying : I have devoted my life to be in service of God...!!

Does God, the Supreme, the Ocean of knowledge ... really needs us, and needs our services ...!?


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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post28 Jun 2013

littleo wrote:Wherever there is anger there is lust also. When lust is not fulfilled anger comes.

What should I conclude from my experiences of witnessing Dadi Janki, Jayanti and New York Mohini getting angry?
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post28 Jun 2013

littleo wrote:Wherever there is anger there is lust also. When lust is not fulfilled anger comes.
bkti-pit wrote:What should I conclude from my experiences of witnessing Dadi Janki, Jayanti and New York Mohini getting angry?

What you should conclude is that simplistic equations for complex physical and emotional urges do not work.

What I conclude is ...

(Original 90s video, here).
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post12 Nov 2014

My aunt's husband has died because of tension of meaningless family.

He was a rich man ... but BK people trapped my aunty, they brainwashed her ... broke her family ... My uncle was not able to sustain this, he died.

All property worth millions was taken by Brahmakumaris and now my aunty is a free servant to all BK activities. Her children are also being forcefully taken into this cult.


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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post13 Dec 2014

I find it fascinating studying the posts and views of ex-l , She/he cannot detach from BK. She/he makes an average 2.5 + posts per day. She / he is so much in remembrance by default. Still she /he on the journey of pilgrimage of remembrance as the time spent on BK os significant every day.
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post13 Dec 2014

sankaraiyer your deluded


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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post14 Dec 2014

sankaraiyer your deluded
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post14 Dec 2014

sankaraiyer wrote:I find it fascinating studying the posts and views of ex-l , She/he cannot detach from BK. She/he makes an average 2.5 + posts per day. She / he is so much in remembrance by default. Still she /he on the journey of pilgrimage of remembrance as the time spent on BK os significant every day.

So why are you here?

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