Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post27 Jun 2013

Great to see more than a one liner from you, Mr Green :D.

I haven't looked at all the stuff going on here in detail as I am travelling but I just have one question for you Mr Green, would you feel embarassed if your actual name and photo is published here (with praise, not criticism)?

If not, can you share please? I have a lot of interest and I want to know who the person behind those witty one liners is (kidding) :D.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post27 Jun 2013

mr green wrote:When I was a BK, I was told off by Maureen Goodman for walking to the park with a Sister! How things have changed

I used to get funny looks by members of the Brahma Kumaris even when I looked at someone of the opposite sex let alone when I talked to members of the opposite sex ... I felt like I was committing some crime!!


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post27 Jun 2013

I used to get funny looks by members of the Brahma Kumaris even when I looked at someone of the opposite sex let alone when I talked to members of the opposite sex...I felt like I was committing some crime!!

Very familiar.

There were some very beautiful BK girls whom I had secret crushes on but wouldn't dare do anything about out of fear I was doing something sinful.

Those girls have left the BK clan and got married to some other non-BKs. I wish I had made my move now as they probably had more in common with myself!

There needs to be a process where BKs of opposite sex can have healthy and open relationships.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post27 Jun 2013

There needs to be a process where BKs of opposite sex can have healthy and open relationships

I totally and utterly agree with you, however, I cannot really see that ever being accepted after all these years of absolute and utter stupidity!!


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post27 Jun 2013

When I was a BK, I was told off for phoning a Sister.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post28 Jun 2013

I am too short of time to respond properly tonight ...
    I'd just like to re-iterate the need for the less mature BKs to go and take Shrimat on these issues.
    There are a lot of very non-Brahmin sentiments flying around, and too much as stake for others.

    Seriously, go and speak to the Seniors now
Simon, I still keep your email. You were willing to get involved with a BK who was unlawfully using the BKWSO NPO for her own personal benefit, in order to carry out a personal attack on me for something I never even wrote, nor even copy and pasted.
    How do you think I feel about that ... and how do either you or the BKWSU justify it?

    Both of you wanted to ... went out of your way, to hurt, damage or destroy this website; the only place many people get any support.
Hansa who had left her own infant child to join the BKs, "secretly" married another BKs as a center-in-charge (probably in order to defraud the US immigration department but then apparently for a relationship within Gyan) ... and then went on to interfere attempting to split another woman's marriage (I could go a lot further).

And now you turn up "married"! Time to check the old moral compass, I think.

The rest of you BKs, one symptom of psychopathy is the inability to feel compassion or empathise with others. I hope you read Enlightenment's latest post because I am not seeing one iota of empathy or compassion in what you are writing; no concern, no discussion, no "oh, how terrible, we should do something about it".

It strikes me you cannot even see what is important ... and I'll tell you that none of the wealth accumulation and worldly acquisitions of the BKWSU are worth one of the rape or child sex abuse victims, the suicides, nor the broken families.

The easiest way to stop others criticisms, is to have nothing to criticise ... and, funnily enough, that is basically what your Baba says too.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post28 Jun 2013

No, I am still stuck on this marriage business.

Something is not quite right here ... at the very least because it suggests an equal system of privileges for some.

I know other BKs who have been mentally beaten up and invaded for far less.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post28 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:Great to see more than a one liner from you, Mr Green :D ... If not, can you share please? I have a lot of interest and I want to know who the person behind those witty one liners is (kidding) :D.

Hi moreclearernow. Thanks for your friendly post. I did consider your request, but I am afraid I am just too good looking to put my picture up! Already I have to beat the Sisters off with a stick (innuendo ex-l!)


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learnisngspirit & others

Post29 Jun 2013

@Ex-I : Simon (and anyone else) has the right to be married and enjoy such pleasures. I understand that people were involved including Simon to topple over this site which is out of order (right of free speech and expression) but that is the past so let it be. Maybe I don't know the story well enough but as is well that ends well.

Anyway, so who are these BK couples that stay in the organisation and breach celibacy etc but are doing it themselves? Should they be exposed for their hypocrisy? There were a couple of senior Sisters in GCC that I thought has a 'wondering eye' but I did not really make much of it then.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post29 Jun 2013

Minesh, you're starting to come across like an absolute BK apologist and that you have only come here to defend them.

Hansa Raval's illicit and unethical legal action, and abuse of her position as a director of a charity, may be in the past ... and it would be very convenient for the BKWSU for it to be "let go" but ... from our point of view, it is very much not resolved and it will not be until it is fully resolved by them.

It did not end well. It left a great wound in our relationship, and it would be very stupid of the BKWSU not to resolve it. I must say I do not expect the BKs to do so, the wounds they inflict are poisonous. Some even die of them.

If someone was to smash up your face or car and then runs off saying, "oh, it is in the past now, it was your own karma ... so let it be", how would you feel?

I am sorry but, no. It's not over until it's over. One should not allow others to abuse oneself and get away with it, especially when they themselves have been absolute hypocrites and contradicted the codes of their own religion.

It sometimes takes years and years before justice can be achieved, and the right thing to do is to pursue it.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post29 Jun 2013

Back to sending semaphore signals to the BKs because they still won't let me play in their forum (god, it is so childish but, here we go ...).

Enlightenment recent wrote very bravely of her rape within the BKWSU. Again, I don't see the BKs discussing the serious issues we raise, all they do is put us down. For me, on top of the years of my life the BKs wasted with their lies and deception, Hansa Raval's and Simon's legal action was a very deliberate mental rape. The kind of "mental rape" some Brahma Kumari leaders are very skilled at.

Legal actions are used as a kind of violence by individuals with more financial resources against those with less. Lawyers act like mercenaries. On the internet, this is called using "the chilling effect" when silencing critics.

I had never wronged either of them. I did not even write or post what Hansa Raval was so hysterical about. Why did they attack me ... why should I not be aggrieved by it?

Personally, I would have thought a BK center-in-charge should have been stable enough to take being called "kooky" by a journalist, although I do agree her comments about the nature of Latinos were ignorant and racist. Her marriage within the BKWSO was deeply hypocritical and contrary to Shrimat, and I think her visa application were knowingly fraudulent and deceptive. The paperwork I have seen also suggests there are outstanding tax issues relating to her property, although I'd need to have a professional to look at them and decide.

In the 8 Powers, Baba clearly teaches the BKs 'the Power of Toleration'. The image he uses is of a tree having sticks thrown which then bears sweet fruit to those doing so. Where was her tolerance and where is our fruit?

Put into "lokik" terms, the advice to "take Shrimat" would be "you really should go and ask for advice in public relations where matters effecting the public perception of BKs and the BKWSU are concerned. Especially where your actions might backfire onto the BKWSU".

You are not "responsible souls". You do not have unlimited minds. You are thinking to a very limited degree. If you screw up, and it backfires on the BKWSU, it will not be you who has to deal with the mess or pay for it out of donations ... so please speak to someone is officially responsible.

Baba's has given very specific Shrimat in the Murlis about the manner in which BKs should conduct themselves in public, and often reminds them of how they should be very concerned about how their actions reflect upon the Godly Family as a whole.

True or false? Justify your attitude and behaviour on the basis of some Murli quotes please.

I am persistently amazed by certain so called BKs' ability to twist and manipulate situations, condescend, and keep repeating falsehoods in an attempt to make them true ... for me, those have become typical BKWSU qualities.

Learningspirit follows the BKWSU partyline and attempts to discredit everyone on this forum and all the work we have done by casting me in the role of its evil "leader" who uses "bad" words to express myself. We must be the Anti-Party and I must be the new Mukhi Mangharam! If I were you, I'd be checking when Mukhi Mangharam dies just to make sure I am not his re-incarnation. :D Ha ha ha ... what an idiot.

Learningspirit, ex-l is no one's leader. Actually, they don't exist. They are not a real person. The BKs cured me of ever wanting to be a guru or center-in-charge. I even made efforts to ensure that I was not in such a position ... and, trust me, no one cannot get these bastards here to do anything.

Telling ex-BKs what to do is like herding wild cats. It's impossible ... but it's also wonderful ... they are immune to be led like BKs are. You know nothing about how this community website runs.

You see, the problem you have is that you are conceiving us like you see the world through the BKWSU experience ... a tiny elite ruling and a vast body of impotent followers. You are projecting your own experience upon us.

This lot here are a happy sort of anarchy. They do what they want, when they want, for themselves, and for their own reasons. No group of us have ever met up in order to conspire to conquer the BK internet like you BKs do so please remove your allegations.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post30 Jun 2013

As usual, none of the BKs pick up on the issues we've raised whether marriage ethics, or any of tragedies.

Learningspirit copy and pastes part of a comment I made to a BK supporter who posted here called Patzcuaro. At the time, Patzcuaro was working in tandem with BK supporter Moreclearernow (as clearernow) and BK Supporter n-b/nishaybuddhi. Who knows ... those BKs could well be the same individuals and just peed off with us.

We were discussing suicides within the BKWSU and how families end up bearing the costs of families and family members breaking down due to the Brahma Kumaris' influences. (I was told even BK Denise from California, who has done more than any Westerner for the Sindis, went back to her family when she started to crumble).

Patzcuaro wrote ...
Patzcuaro wrote:I agree that is is not easy to "digest", and specially for westerners, that ... such a great news, experienced in [BK] meditation, could result in a few cases of what you call "mental breakdowns".

I replied ...
Where is your compassion, even if you have no intelligence to give a response like that? You heartless, brainless and facetious cult moron.

Patzcuaro then replied again without any concern for the victims or issue.
Patzcuaro wrote:It seems that I touched some delicate fibre, but this reaction of yours does take away all seriousness and reliability to your opinions, and all this anger basically explains why you have such a complicated relation with BK. Being so far away from yourself makes very difficult to understand succh essential messages.

Anyway, I wish you all the best.

WTF. I had to point out, "Facetiousness" is not swearing or foul language. It means, "treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate or flippant manner".

It's easy to call someone who is being a moron a moron without being "angry" at all, and get sick of the BKs constantly portraying me or us in that manner just because we don't conform to their constraints on language and speak our mind.
learningspirit wrote:re: ex-l

... incessantly exaggerating, patronising and intimidiating ... spending so many years in rage [not] healing and moving on ... Venting out even to Ex-BKs [is] unhealthy in my view.

bullying ... intimidating ... fear ... control ... blackmail ... psychopath ... accusing ... going ballistic ... unforgiving, overbearing ... vengeful ... ultra-low threshold of transgression ... spoiling reputations and so on.

Whew ...

The BKs and BK supporters often seem to be suggesting that the reason the BKWSU does not reform is because we don't speak nicely to them, and that if we speak nicely to them will they change ... therefore it is *our fault*!?! :shock:

Many people tried internal reforms ... it did not work. It's a waste of time. The leaders are really not interested. What has worked the best so far is challenging their PR when ever one can when ever the media posts their publicity, and questioning and exposing them in public.

Just keep up contacting the IPs, VIPs, "contact souls" ... the "microphone souls" they use to promote themselves ... and other organization, governmental or not.

Use short, polite and informative emails and letters, and include examples of their actual teachings, e.g. their teaching posters. Make absolutely clear to the reader the authenticity of their real belief because many of them are struck by disbelief when they find out.

Strong accusations and exaggerations are counter productive so avoid them. The truth is good enough.


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post01 Jul 2013

That is very correct. You see, the BKs hate negative press and publicity. When ever somebody speaks out, they get very annoyed.

I, too, have spoken nicely to the BKs about reform. All it has achieve is for the Seniors to start playing the blame game. It's all our fault you see ... rubbish, I say.

The BKs hate reform and will do all they can do avoid reform. In the Seniors' dictionary, they don't know what the word reform stands for.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post02 Jul 2013

See also here: Marrying types
bksimonB: Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:18 pm
Site Admin

I request ex-l to refrain from harassing people by unwarranted intrusion and public humiliation and to refrain from making threats.

The rest of your post was as condescending (as usual) Simon and ignored the serious ethical issues (again as usual). Honestly? If you are passing yourself off as a BK, you really need to get to grip with that attitude.

Simon, it's not "hot air" or "stale bubble gum". It's very serious stuff that is not yet resolved. It's a shame the idiot factor at your "Open forum" first shut down the private messaging system and then locked me, otherwise we could be continuing this bridge building discussion in private, rather than in front of the world and across two forums.

Did you fall for Hansa's poor me performance ... or did you just cooperate out of vindictiveness against me? How could you wholeheartedly agree with her strategy when you knew she was using the BKWSO for her own interests? That was very unethical, if not illegal.

Incidentally, you're the second Simon whose gotten into bed with her, albeit only metaphorically. The first Simon, the one whose wife and family she messed around with, refused to support her in the case.
EasyMeditation Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:51 am

Bksimonb, I do think this thread made a lot of people look closer and analyze the methods of and have a more critical reasoning about it, and being able to think for themselves about the validity of their content, whether or not some of their thoughts should be trusted and why. Whether or not his excuse of "reform" is really true or just an excuse for a destructive aim.

And the fact that he feels very uncomfortable about it, that his methods are talked about and exposed without the usual content control he is used to in his forum, I think it's very positive for many kinds of readers and each one can come to their own conclusion.

It kinda takes ex-l a bit out of his comfort zone and his feeling of having a great deal of control about anything that people read in the internet about Brahma Kumaris, and I think ex-l feels he is losing credibility of some of his readers when his tactics and tricks are clearly exposed, and his reactions also serve as an even clearer example.

Of course his websites will still mislead a lot of people, unfortunately because of google search mechanics. People read ex-l's content because they are looking for Brahma Kumaris in google, not because he is a great writer or philosopher.

Again, it's positive that his methods are talked about and analyzed here without him as a moderator being able to silence it. The more he tries to defend himself, the more he exposes his inconsistencies, specially because they are real.

What about me just being able to respond directly in person in your "Not Quite so Open Forum" ... or do you only like talking at people when they cannot talk back?

Or am I *so* dangerous and I *so* impure that I have to be penned in over here along with the other "weak bricks" and "lowest of the low" ex-BKs?
EasyMeditation wrote:People read ex-l's content because they are looking for Brahma Kumaris in Google, not because he is a great writer or philosopher."

Oh, how hurtful ... how am I meant to respond to that!?!

It depends what they are looking for. If they are looking for the Truth about the Brahma Kumaris, I suspect they do come here and read our work. We receive a lot of emails from people who have had bad intuitions or bad experiences about the BKs. Most people can tell the difference between facts and advertising. In addition to the truth, we just help them identify what is BK advertising more easily.

Darling, I am not aspiring to be a great writer and, trust me, the life of a philosopher is not worth living (too many of the best ones get bumped off early). Studying philosophy is much over rated.

I always preferred comedy or satire, and ... utterly immodestly ... I'd say I was the 3rd best comedian ... but the number one satirists in the BK movement.

Actually, that's not a very great achievement at all ... because there only is one satirist so far. According to The Knowledge, someone has to do it in order that it exists in the next Kalpa, Bhai.

I'll give BK Jim Ryan the title for the "Best Comedian", by far. His talents are wasted on the BKs and as a corporate white. And Jagdish Chander the title of the "Biggest Joker".

But one day I am hoping to get into making pornography. I want to move to India and make BK Desi Porn like the Brothers in Mount Abu were watching until they blocked the internet ...
    ... or a certain trustee enjoys.
Crazy people these BKs ... really, really crazy. (No, these are nothing to do with me too but I have to laugh at it!)

Brahma Kumaris Porn
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post02 Jul 2013

Angels with dirty faces.

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