Shiva mind games

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reforming BK

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Shiva mind games

Post23 Nov 2006

I am wondering how related the 1976 destruction date and the world population figure of 5.5 billion is, e.g. if it was stated that world population was say 7 billion in Murlis, then some clever BK would have no doubt realised 1976 Destruction date could not possibly mean world destruction, as that number had not been reached and was way off in the future.

Does Shiva play subtle games with us or is it Brahma Baba just getting it all wrong?

Does anyone know what the world population was in 1976, did someone post these figures already?
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Re: Shiva mind games

Post23 Nov 2006

John wrote:Does anyone know what the world population was in 1976, did someone post these figures already?

A quick trawl of the internet gives the estimated figures of;
    1975 - 4,073,000
    2003 - 6,313,000
    2015 - 7,219,000
According to the United Nations Development Programme.

The teaching poster of 'The Ladder' has the population at 5,000,000.



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Re: Shiva mind games

Post23 Nov 2006

John wrote:Does Shiva play subtle games with us or is it Brahma Baba just getting it all wrong?

Neither Shiva plays games, nor Brahma got it wrong.

It would have been treated simply as an estimation error if only Mr. Lekhraj Kripalani did not have the delusions of acting as a channel of God.
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Re: Shiva mind games

Post23 Nov 2006

freefall wrote:Neither Shiva plays games, nor Brahma got it wrong.

It would have been treated simply as an estimation error if only Mr. Lekhraj Kripalani did not have the delusions of acting as a channel of God.

So, are you saying it is all the work of Lekhraj Kirpalani?

I am not too clear as to what you are trying to say?



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Re: Shiva mind games

Post23 Nov 2006

John wrote:So, are you saying it is all the work of Dada Lekhraj?
I am not too clear as to what you are trying to say?

What is the doubt here?

Dada Lekhraj made it up all.

At best, he himself was deluded into thinking that he was a channel of God.
At worst, he was a con man who duped others into believing that he was a channel of God.

Nothing else explains the elaborate structure of lies and deceptions created in his name.
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Post24 Nov 2006

^^Humans thoughout the ages have had similar delusions. Nothing new here ... in fact is not that how religions usually get started? :D
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Mr Green


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Post24 Nov 2006

I attended a class in Madubhan given by Lekhraj's son, and he claimed his Father was prone to mental illness and dilemma. This was later explained away as his visionary stage where it was claimed he saw the now infamous visions and also that his hand would keep drawing The Cycle against his own hand.
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Post24 Nov 2006

Mr Green wrote:I attended a class in Madubhan given by Lekhraj's son, and he claimed his Father was prone to mental illness and dilemma. This was later explained away as his visionary stage where it was claimed he saw the now infamous visions and also that his hand would keep drawing The Cycle against his own hand.

Is that "dilemma" or should it be dementia?

Either way a little different from the story the BKWSU propogates. The "automatic writing" is another symptom of psychic possession. Of those that accept the reality of psychicism, mediumship and channelling, it is generally considered that a "higher" source would not enter another individual against their will. It is interesting that someone so close to him would come out with such an opinion even up in Mount Abu.

Is he still alive? Still within the BK fold? And did he mentioned anything else?
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Mr Green


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Post24 Nov 2006

As far as I know he is still alive, and was never really a fully fledged BK as far as i know, please correct me if you know otherwise.

He said lots of things. The hilarious thing was that Sheilu was in the front row and at least twice she stood up and turned round shouting to everyone that this wasn't right ... but eventually the class members stood up for him and insisted he be allowed to say what he wanted!!!!!!!!

His son (who incidently looks identical to his Father, quite unnerving if you are still in devotional mode) also said that Lekhraj and Mama used to come and stay with him when they needed a break, and that once his Father came and stayed for quite some time whilst having a lot of mental unrest. This right in the Yagya's hayday.

I am sure this 'class' was recorded, as is most stuff out there. It probably is still available but you'd have to go there to get it.
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Re: Shiva mind games

Post24 Nov 2006

freefall wrote:Dada Lekhraj made it up all.

At best, he himself was deluded into thinking that he was a channel of God.
At worst, he was a con man who duped others into believing that he was a channel of God.

Nothing else explains the elaborate structure of lies and deceptions created in his name.

OK, fair enough. cannot get clearer than that.
Mr Green wrote:his son (who incidently looks identical to his Father, quite unnerving if you are still in devotional mode) also said that Lekhraj and Mama used to come and stay with him when they needed a break, and that once his Father came and stayed for quite some time whilst having a lot of mental unrest. This right in the Yagya's hayday

Mr Green you are a mind of information!
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Post25 Nov 2006

Mr.Green wrote:As far as I know he is still alive, and was never really a fully fledged BK as far as I know, please correct me if you know otherwise.

I am not sure about the first part of your statement, but fully agree with you on the latter part of your statement. He generally used to come only once every year on 18th January to meet the soul of his Father through Gulzar Dadiji when I was a BK. I don't know if that process continues even now. I once saw him during my childhood on 18th January at Madhuban, Mount Abu while he was meeting Avyakt BapDada. Avyakt BapDada also spoke to him. As far as I remember there was nothing personal in those versions and Avyakt BapDada spoke to him just like other BKs. I don't know if the words spoken to him were recorded in the Avyakt Vani of that day published by the BKs as a compilation.
He said lots of things. The hilarious thing was that Sheilu was in the front row and at least twice she stood up and turned round shouting to everyone that this wasn't right ... but eventually the class members stood up for him and insisted he be allowed to say what he wanted!!!!!!!!
His son (who incidently looks identical to his Father, quite unnerving if you are still in devotional mode) also said that Lekhraj and Mama used to come and stay with him when they needed a break, and that once his Father came and stayed for quite some time whilst having a lot of mental unrest. This right in the Yagya's hayday.

I am sure this 'class' was recorded, as is most stuff out there. It probably is still available but you'd have to go there to get it.

This is quite a revelation to me and quite 'sensitive' piece of information if it is to be categorised. And keeping in view the nature of audio material, I am sure that it must have been weeded out long back. When they can edit the versions of God, then it would be a wonder to expect them to supply such 'sensitive' material.

Could you please mention when this incident took place? And whether you actually saw or heard any video/audio cassette of the class later on?

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Mr Green


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Post25 Nov 2006

hi Arjun

this was about 5-6 years ago max and I did not see the tape. In those days they used to record everything, so I assume it did exist. But I don't think they'd let me go and look :lol:.

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