Money & BKWSU: Right To Information Activist (India) wanted

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Money & BKWSU: Right To Information Activist (India) wanted

Post20 Jun 2013

Thanks to the wonderful power of democracy, and a recent comment by our BK supporter friend moreclearernow, it's been brought to my attention that following a recent court decision the 'Application for Information under Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005' (Full act) now applies to charitable institutions such as the Brahma Kumaris run.

Therefore ... a 'Right To Information Activist (India)' is wanted to research the financial position of the BKWSU and all its ancillary business and establishments! Does anyone feel like investing a little time and a few rupees here and there to find out the BKs response? See note below, unfortunately it needs an Indian citizen to do so.
Now, the original trust was registered in Bombay by Ramesh Shah, so this might help ...
Private Charitable Institutions receiving Govt. Funds, Assistance, Grants, concessions etc are liable to provide information under the RTI Act. But you can always seek information on these organisation through the Charity Commission. All such organisations are required to file some details of their activities like Annual Report, Financial Accounts, Membership details etc. etc.

Ramesh Shah would be the person to approach and his details are:
    Ramesh N. Shah,
    Managing Trustee,
    World Renewal Spiritual Trust,
    121, M. G. Road, 1st Floor, Agra Building,
    Above Bank of Baroda, F. U. Branch,
    Mumbai - 400023 (Mah)
    Off. Tel : 022- 22625825, 22625827
    Res. Tel: 022- 23515805, 23515806
    Fax: 022-22623919
    Mob:9869454511, 9920675377
    Email :
The framing of the question needs to be specific so I suggested areas such as
    • What is the total annual income of the Brahma Kumaris?
    • How much are the cash reserves and investments of the BKWSU?
    • What is the value of their property portfolio?
    • What is the value of the gold, jewellery and other non-financial assets they hold in their vaults (including that white Rolls Royce we showed)?
    • a List of all and any subsidiary trusts, corporations and companies.
    • An estimate of what percentage of it is accounted for legitimately and how big is the black economy within the BK movement, e.g. center-in-charges taking donations but not filing accounts?
At the moment the process is not clear to me. It may have to be done state by state, I don't know. However, I suggest the first step would be to approach Ramesh Shah directly, in formally manner bringing to his attention the law, and ask him to provide all the information without the need for us to pick through 10,000 accounts.

I can help as much as I can but it will need an Indian citizen to take up the initiative.

Thank you
Charitable institutions to come under RTI scanner, May 10 2011

From now on, charitable institutions will come under the purview of the Right To Information (RTI) Act — following a decision taken by the the State Information Commission of Punjab in this connection. Now, all such information will have to be provided within 15 days of one moves an RTI application.

The decision comes after a year of struggle by RTI activists Ajit Singh and Harmanjit Singh under the banner of RTI activists Federation.
In Maharashtra State IC has ruled that if the charitable institutes registered with charity commissioner under Bombay Public Trust Act, and if they have been granted any legacy, including income tax exemption under section 80 of Income Tax Act, they are public authorities and are required to appoint Public Information Officer and First Appellate Authority.
An "Application for Information under RTI Act 2005", should contain a declaration to the effect that the applicant is a citizen of India and a DD/IPO for Rs. 10/=
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Re: Money & BKWSU: Right To Information Activist (India) wan

Post20 Jun 2013

Implementing RTI was a great decision made by India Govt. It can be a useful tool for fighting corruption and injustice.

There is a forum of RTI activists who give help and suggestion.
RTI Federation Forum

Contact Us

Advocate H. C. Arora, President
RTI Activists Federation Punjab
Chamber No. 46, Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh
Office-Cum-Residence: # 2299, Sector 44-C, Chandigarh
Mob. 98140-13764
Telefax: Ph. 0172-2645373

I think this would help.
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Re: Money & BKWSU: Right To Information Activist (India) wan

Post20 Jun 2013

What would help most is an Indian citizen volunteering to do it!

I am sorry but I am not and so, therefore, cannot.


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Re: Money & BKWSU: Right To Information Activist (India) wan

Post21 Jun 2013

I am quite available.

Someone will have to guide me initially though.

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Re: Money & BKWSU: Right To Information Activist (India) wan

Post23 Jun 2013

Thank you for offering. Sorry to take such a long time getting back to you. It would be very useful to know.

At present, I don't know the correct procedure in India and will have to read up on the information given above. The forum linked to is also a specific source of support and information for 'Right to Information' activists.

It will be an interesting journey which I expect the BKs to fight at every step and not disclose everything their Byzantine Empire consumes and hides ... but now the law is with us so it's worth trying.

What is most important is
    a) how to phrase the letter/email so that they know it is a formal, legal request
    b) to know where to send it.
I think the first place to send it will be Ramesh Shah as he is their chief financial/legal guru. I expect he will ignore it or half-anser it ... which we should them document to show what they are like.

Some informational might be available via charity commissions in India but it appears the Income Tax departments is the right place to approach.

Is they State by State or is there one for the whole of India? I suspect many small centers do not file any records ... but the centralising of donations to Madhuban might demand accounts from them. I've always wondered what the BKWSU / PBIVV legal structures are? Are they based in Abu now, or still in Bombay via the World Spiritual Renewal Trust?

It appears that a few of Emperors of the BK movement have set up their own wings/trusts and operate them separately ... but we don't really know how.

Thank you.

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