BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

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Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post14 Jun 2013

In my day also, food was meant to be cooked in Baba's remembrance, and no food was allowed to be eaten if cooked by lokiks or relatives who were not BKs.

For many of us, this was the norm. Even in work places, we would be made social outcasts for not eating at restaurants and not eating any food made by non-bks.

Opportunities and life drifted away. One would be seen as an alien for not eating food cooked by non-bks, of course now, new members of BK would be told, depend on situation, depends on your own circumstance but, in theory, food was only allowed if made by a BK.
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Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post14 Jun 2013

What are the ethics of having built a pyramid cult and empire on the work of obedient slaves over which you had total control, to then change the rules to allow anyone in and do anything ... even the opposite of the rules with which you started? Or take the religion and turn it into a business including eating out.

Plus, it is fine for Western or Westernised BKs to speak of how liberal or slack the BKWSU has become ... but what is the condition of all the 10,000s of women they have enslaved in India? Some of whom hardly leave their centre?

How far does eating relative's food go? For example, are mothers OK but aunties and cousins not?

I had to laugh when I read of one BK eating food which was cooked by virgins but not married women. The BK must think he is in an Islamic heaven!

Why after 75 years and multi-million dollars haven't "the university" done simple research to prove the difference or not? And why, when there are stories in the Vedas of saddhu who could eat meat and then bring the animal back to life, can the 8, 108, or 16,108 most power souls on earth ... who are going to transform all the elements of this world with their Yoga power ... not eat a bowl of dahl cooked by their grandmother who probably had sex a far LONGER time ago then they did?

The entire matter is a illogical garbage heap.

I know BKs who used to take a lot of drugs and party. I would even say their mind was changed by it. Why would it be "pure" to eat their food and "impure" to eat food by a non-BK who had never taken drugs and never partied?

I think it is more about how it looks and sounds to outsiders which is important to them. It's play acting as caste born Brahmins to make Hindus believe they are are religious.


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Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post15 Jun 2013

clearernow wrote:As you have educated me now on other cases, I would certainly express my support for sending the BK Brothers and Sister to prison if they did that crime.

No... No.. No... Brother you cannot do that.

It will break the Baba's Shrimat of "APKARI PAR UPKAR" and "SAKSHI DRUSHTA BHAV". Rather you should just give a yukti yukt statement that, "While committing the crime the soul was under the influence of Maya, other wise they are also Baba's sweet children and on the journey of perfection and once they were deity, and other dirty souls are going to worship them for 2500 years starting from Dwapar yuga".


Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post15 Jun 2013

Your sarcasm is noted.

What you did not relate it to is the simple Law of Karma that applies to all individuals in the world. Anyone if they have comitted such a crime regardless of whether they are BK or not or they were under Maya's influence, should face the consequences in my views.

"Apkari per upkaar" holds good in its own way in spirituality but its subtle and to me it means not to hate the sinner not that a criminal shouldn't be punished.

"Saakshi drushta bhav" would be not to get influenced in one's own journey by the acts of others.

And to me you are a "sweeter" child of God than anyone indulging in that sort of crime


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Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

As told by you that you are moulding and twisting Gyan to fit it to your own life. So i am not surprised that you twisted Baba's definition of 'APKARI PAR UPKAR' and 'SAKSHI DRUSHTA'

According to Baba's Gyan one should not take law in his hands. and be sakshi and see the world drama as detached observer. The Law of Karma is automatic according to Gyan, so where is the question of punishing one arise.

You don't worry--- Baba BAITHA HAI...


Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

It's very difficult to understand what you are saying because I have said exactly what you are saying. You think I am saying close all the police stations and prisons as no punishing is required because Law of Karma exists :shock:. If you have to ridicule BK knowledge, that's fine and your choice but more than me you are twisting it to satisfy yourself. Anyways I guess we have gone enough off-topic.


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Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

I have not twisted any thing. I am a straight forward person.

When I was a BK and believing BAAPDADA is Father of all souls, I was following is all shrimats including pure food. But now when I am sure that I was deceived by logical fallacy and few yuktis I am straight way rejecting the whole BK philosophy. It is simple.

I am sure you have completely twisted yourself and dancing on two floors, thinking that you are above all.
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Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

Please take it outside you two.

Moreclearnow however, with all respect, you equivocate.

You seem to say, "It matters but it doesn't matter".

If vibrations pass through, from "soul" to food to others, and does have effect, then senior Sisters' strictness is valid and anyone who does not follow that strictness is definitely going to be "at risk" and they may be right to see "food careless" BKs and non-BKs as lower in rank. (I find the whole notion of "rank", well, rank).

It may be that vibes do "travel" but are of such low impact in comparison to so many other factors that it really only matters when one has everything else in Gyan and Shrimat and Yoga etc 'together" and one is now jostling to be "best of the best" so, like an elite athlete, any micro-advantage makes the difference?

Out here on the perimeter, where like the legendary meatballs that fell off the spaghetti we've rolled off the end of the rosary and out under the door where the rest of us live, a good balanced home cook meal is best - with a nice Gourmet pizza every now and then for light relief.


Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

PP I have already said it's off-topic to BP !

I have already mentioned what I think about Food issues and your example of athlete is pertinent in that context.

There is a lot about BK labelling on this forum to anyone in support of anything related to BKs that's why discussions become difficult. The ranking system is replicated on BKInfo - a person saying anything positive of BKs is of the "lowest" rank here :-).

For me, a BK label is insignificant in this discussion because even if the vibes can have an effect on food to any degree, a kind non-BK person's vibes can be better than a BK if thinking maliciously.


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Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

You are going off topic not me. I only replied your post.


Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

Apologies, if that's the case.


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Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

Apologies if thats the case.

How many times would you apologize? The BKs have not committed the crime which can be forgiven.

They have done crime worse than doing the murder. If murder kills the man once, BKs brainwash kills him daily when one realizes it. The apologies will not solve the problem. In fact, the apologizing is the weapon given by Baba's Gyan as it taught the followers, "jhuk jhuk mar mar seekh seekh", and you are using the same. It seems that you don't even know the meaning of true apology.

Back to the topic.

I recently saw the BKs offering PANIPURI during their 7 days bhatti program. It reminds me the day when I was taught that eating PANI PURI is like the slavery of your tongue and it proves that you have not mastered your senses. Their Gyan stopped us from almost every small fun of life and now the newer generation is doing the same which was prohibited 10-15 years back.
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Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

because.parmeshwar wrote:It seems that you don't even know the meaning of true apology.

I understand what you mean. Try and find one record of a BK, especially a BK leader, apologising sincerely for all that has happened. Try to find one official acknowledgement ... you won't.

To apologise sincerely, to repent, would be to stop doing that which causes harm. The BKs can say anything and then go back to doing what they have always done ... but it's not for moreclearernow to apologise for their crimes. However, considering them and going back to the BKs to discuss them would be evidence of sincerity or intention.
I recently saw the BKs offering panipuri during their 7 days bhatti program. It reminds me the day when I was taught that eating PANI PURI is like the slavery of your tongue ... the newer generation is doing the same which was prohibited 10-15 years back.

That is very true. The BKs were far more sincere in their efforts to be yogis and renunciates 10 - 20 - 30 years ago ... but I guess part of the change is just down to wealth. They have more money now so they indulge more. They want to attract more wealthy followers, so they offer more comforts to attract them. It's all evidence of decline.

And then the Seniors were usually fed different and better dishes than the followers or BK servants. They had all kinds of luxuries during the Om Mandli period and now they have all kinds of luxuries thanks to wealthy followers and never worked a day in their lives.
moreclearnow wrote:The ranking system is replicated on BKInfo - a person saying anything positive of BKs is of the "lowest" rank here :-).

The problem is not with people "saying positive things" about the BKs, the problem is with the lack of hard fact, logic and overview, and acceptance of the problems. Respect has to be earned.

The trouble with most BKs or BK apologists who come on here is that they want to defend the BKWSU to an irrational degree. Essentially, if they could, they want to suppress any critical talk about the BKWSU. I can only think of one BK who has actually said, "my goodness, this is serious, we have to stop/change/correct this". None of the rest of them have been able to accept the seriousness of what we have discovered, considered the ethical aspect of it, or even ... as with the Open Murli project ... offered to assist and even benefit other BKs.

The words "positivity" and "negativity" have taken on a different definition within the BK movement (at least in the West, I don't know Hindi/India); positing meaning 'what conforms to our leaders marketing spin', and negativity meaning 'anything questions our claims, ethics and marketing or deviates from the marketing spin'.

Therefore "saying positive things", and most BKs' conduct, boils down to a sort of facade of desperate promotional advertising in denial of a tidal wave of crap looming up behind it. They come on unwilling to start to face reality and, instead, attempting to cover up or attack us.

I find reality and realism to be very positive. Looking at and accepting the way things as a springboard to change is a very positive step; living in denial, or with your head in the clouds being doolally, is highly negative ... as is giving over your entire body, soul and wealthy to the insane and dishonest Brahma Kumari leaders.

Back on topic, I remember listening to some BKs telling me how BKs "purify" their bathwater with their vibrations and how all that bathwater every morning, going down the drains, must be "purifying the elements" (world) around them. Honestly. 100% as reported.

I accept this is not an "official" opinion but it is evidence of the kind of mind and talk that goes on within the BK movement.

Logically, the same arguments must apply to BKs pee and poo. Surely all that BKs pee and poop must be *full* of positive, pure vibrations. Consider it ... 1,000,000 BKs producing 2 ltrs of pee and 1 kg of poop full of positive vibrations going out into the elements every day.

It's a wonder they don't try and sell Dadi Jankis to put it on one's roses.

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Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

MCnow wrote: ... your example of athlete is pertinent in that context

Well, actually it was tongue in cheek and meant a little sardonically.

The caste-born Brahmins worried if a dalit's shadow passed over the food. It's what you believe and who you believe. And I don't discount the psychosomatic response. If you eat something believing it has something bad in it that will make you throw up, you set up a self-fulfilling prophecy, and you will likely throw up.

I do not believe for a minute that any human being ever reaches a stage, nor are the circumstances that surround them and all their genetic inheritance and biological occurrences and so on, are ever overcome to to a point where any "thought vibration" hypothetically added to food would make any difference.

Therefore, due to the power of my beliefs I am immune to vibrations in food!


Re: BK hypocrisies and paradoxes: Food issues

Post16 Jun 2013

That is great PPP (Powerful Pink Panther).

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