Utopia BK leaders or a new world?

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Utopia BK leaders or a new world?

Post14 Jun 2013

One has come to realise in deep thinking, that Destruction will never actually happen. This is my opinion. Quite possibility you see I think that Utopia is being created by and for Brahma Kumaris like Janki Kripalani, Jayanti and other Seniors.

Utopia is a community or society possessing highly desirable or perfect qualities.

It like an attempt to create the perfect society or the ideal society, so while this is a theory, while thousands and thousands of BKs flock to the Murli class to perfect themselves for the new world. It's quite possible, the end result will be to create and build and empire of Utopia for the Seniors, while the rest of us keep believing that Destruction will happen.

May be just the Seniors don't believe in Destruction but the idea of prefect society on earth was created so that individuals can place false hopes, spend valuable time, help and support the Seniors, when in reality it's all been a big very nasty joke.

Very sad.
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Re: Utopia BK leaders or a new world?

Post14 Jun 2013

Very interesting. Yes, you are right, it could be possible.

The Seniors attention is so much on people's behaviour around them that they may just be creating the world they want for themselves ... full of pleasant, attractive, submissive individuals. Their "court" in other worlds.

I suspect this is not much different from the wealthy Sind society they left behind in the 1930s either.

Their attention on who is "family" and who are servants fits into that.

I have long thought that the visions Lekhraj Kirpalani had, and I can believe he did have vivid dreams and visions, were all confused ... and many of the visions were not of a future Golden Age but of the future BKWSU and all the luxuries the Seniors have surrounded themselves with now; palaces, gardens and business class flying machines.

This fits into your proposal ... and the question you are asking is, how consciously is it being done, or adherents being manipulated?

Certainly the evidence we have about the 1976 Destruction date, with which they pillaged BK bank accounts widely, was not believed by the main Dadis Janki or Prakashmani at all ... both of whom were involved in long term or freehold property business.


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Re: Utopia BK leaders or a new world?

Post15 Jun 2013

The Seniors, in my opinion have always paid attention to people's behaviour around them. Whilst many BKs have spend decades in service, with the view of Destruction, in reality there could be the argument and theory that all we were doing at the time, and now new students, was building a perfect world for the Seniors.

Many of the Seniors live to the view that this is all one world, we are one family and one family united. But in reality one gets the feeling and observation, there is much secrecy that many of the new BKs are aware of.

Utopia is very much real, but not as we know it. All the effort, and more effort has led to create a perfect society for the Kripalani clan. It's quite possible that Destruction may not happen, but are Janki and Jayanti and the Seniors brave enough to clear up any past misunderstanding that they were not just wrong, but very misleading in their predictions.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Utopia BK leaders or a new world?

Post16 Jun 2013

As I was exiting the BK mindset, I had a small epiphany (realisation). It comes to down to a definition, child-like versus childish.

I was finding myself irritated by puerile and narcissistic behaviour of supposedly experienced, deep, evolved "spiritual" people - both within and outside the BKs (eg many in the New Age demographic).

I considered that many teachings talk of the virtue of being like a child. So I considered the terms 'child-like' versus 'childish', asking myself, when is an adult childish and when mature? Having fathered a child by this stage, and often working with children, I had considerable first hand examples (including mature kids and childish parents!!).

I now define childish (at any age) as someone who thinks the world revolves around them and thinks that the universe is there for their benefit. Somehow the world owes them a living. (I have a 25 year old non-BK nephew who is in that mode of thinking).

This also seems to apply very much to the way the BKWSU sees itself (and were conditioned to) and aligns with Oliver's interpretation.

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