BKWSU's brainwashing texts

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BKWSU's brainwashing texts

Post11 Jun 2013

BKWSU's dedicated staff, send these kind of brainwashing material via text/email messages to BKs. This brainwashing ensures BKs get their minds tuned to their teachings/philosophy and do not slip out back into reality. The more time they can keep BKs going through material, the better they get brainwashed. Once a BK spends a couple of years or more with this kind of brainwashing, either they are stuck for rest of their life OR they good for nothing else.
Be with Baba forever and you rotate around Baba ... your appearance in front of Baba ... means ... Baba hugging you ... and telling always ... wah wah wah, my long lost child ... Baba I am waiting for you 5000 years ... again I received you ... such a ever pure my child ... Baba is saying and hug you ... such Father you received ... you all ways think of Baba and be proud of your self ... such a Father gifted you all wealth and power and purity ... and 21 birth heavenly birth in palace ... so so much wah wah child you are ... you are ... wah wah Baba so much of praising ... you ... you hearing now you hearing now ... wah wah wah.
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Re: BKWSUs Brain washing texts

Post11 Jun 2013

TRUE !!! But what to do ??? If they simply go asking for money and donation for their luxurious lifestyle who will give them a penny ...

You know what the CHIT FUND FRAUDS do ?? They first trap innocent people with their sweet talks, then they make believe that they are the only who can help, then promise huge amount of returns on their investments and what is the result, need not to tell.

So brainwashing is necessary to cheat peoples and they are cheaters because on one hand they are claiming World Destruction on other hand they are purchasing freehold properties.

On one hand they reject food from a person saying that - you are impure but the same person donates some money they heartily accept that from that impure soul.

The only aim of BKs is MONEY !!!!
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Re: BKWSU's brainwashing texts

Post11 Jun 2013

Sure, do a search for "how advertising works" ... followers are bombarded with text and emails. In the past, the religion was fairly pure ... there was nothing to buy, "everything was free". Now they have so many products to sell on top of encouraging donations and superstitiously magic rewards (give now, get multimillions in heaven).

The BKs are what is called a captive audience, an ad man dream. Destructions is coming, now is the time ... give, give, give, buy, buy, buy. They even control where and when they go on holiday to Abu.

How many times do you hear the word "remember" in the BK world
Successful advertising rarely succeeds through argument or calls to action. Instead, it creates positive memories and feelings that influence our behavior over time to encourage us to buy something at a later date. No one likes to think that they are easily influenced. In fact, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that we respond negatively to naked attempts at persuasion.

Instead, the best advertisements are ingenious at leaving impressions.

The BKs call "impressions" sanskars.


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Re: BKWSU's brainwashing texts

Post11 Jun 2013

How to scare people:
BKWSU wrote:"How does God teach Raja Yoga? Only you Brahmins now understand this. There are very few among you who maintain the intoxication of this knowledge. Today, they have this intoxication and tomorrow, it is forgotten. When the Father is forgotten, knowledge is also forgotten. If you divorce the Father, everything comes to an end. If, after belonging to the Father, you indulge in vice, your throat chokes, you would not be able to say anything.

Those who used to spread knowledge very well are no longer here. They had some conflict with a Brahma Kumar or Kumari, then they became upset with Baba, saying that Baba didn’t tell that person or didn’t do this and finally, they sulked and left the study. This is why the Father says: If you want to see a great fool, you can see one here. Some even write: Baba, I am Yours; I will always claim the inheritance of imperishable happiness from You. However, they then divorce Baba!

There were some very good daughters, but they are not here today. It is a wonder ! They have gone into the stomach of Maya, the alligator, and are not able speak any knowledge. They cannot speak imperishable knowledge. Then they begin to comment on the advice that BapDada gives.

A lot is explained to them: Now reform yourself. Only in that is there benefit. However, they do not reform themselves. Many good children have left and gone away. Even now, there are many children who are just standing on the side. Even after writing a promise in blood, they leave. Children should follow the Father’s Shrimat completely and claim your full inheritance from the Father.

The Father continues to explain: No matter what happens – praise or defamation, happiness or sorrow – don’t stop studying. If some defame others, it is because they don’t have knowledge in their intellects. They don’t even understand whether this one is a junior Brother or a senior Brother. Only the Father knows this. You mustn’t consider yourself to be so clever and simply praise yourself. Maya is very mischievous. She scalps those who are body conscious. Baba continues to caution you children: If you don’t follow Shrimat, Maya can attack you from all sides".


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Re: BKWSU's brainwashing texts

Post11 Jun 2013

BKWSU wrote:The Father doesn’t tell you to just sit here. Here husband and wife give sorrow to each other, because they lead a vicious life after marriage. You are becoming worthy to go to Golden Age where vice never exists. Lust is the greatest enemy. The next is the anger. Lust makes you vicious. Here you have to win over your enemy - the vices. Until you have faith, you cannot overcome vices.

Death is just over your head. Therefore, remove your attachment to everyone. A Kumari is pure but, after marriage, she becomes a worshipper, impure. She considers her husband to be her god and bows her head to him and lives like his slave. Therefore, Baba comes and frees you from slavery.

You inspire them to make a promise of purity. The unlimited Father says: Become pure and you will become the masters of the pure world. You can remember Him even while sitting at home. Baba says: All of you have to come home to Me. Everyone has to die. All the human beings of hell will be destroyed. Everyone has to die, so why not claim your inheritance while you are alive? Otherwise, you will cry in distress.

Question: How and when do children divorce the Father and the Teacher?
Answer: When you forget the Father and the Teacher, when you miss the Murli. When you don’t study or listen to it, it means you divorce the Father. Baba says: Children, never divorce Me!

... etc etc etc. But we discussed it before. Every time I see it, it makes me sick.


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Re: BKWSU's brainwashing texts

Post11 Jun 2013

Just today ...

"There are no friends or relations etc. here. However, when they go back to their Shudra clan Maya drags them away".
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Re: BKWSU's brainwashing texts

Post11 Jun 2013

Question : Who will get entry in the Satiyug ?
Answer : Those children who will fight with their families, publicize my fake knowledge, serve the Dadis Dadas and Didis and donate their property will get my VARSA to rule the Satiyug. But sweet children always remember only 9 lacs seats are available so there is tough competition. So my sweet children only listen to me and always keep in touch with my booking agents. The Shudra's clan will try to drag you out from my grip, do not listen to them, just surrender your brain to your beloved Father.

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