Don't know if i could help my BK friend

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Post22 Nov 2006

bansy, thanks a lot. You're definitely right.


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Post22 Nov 2006

I hope though you guys can answer the questions I raised in my 3rd to the last post.

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reforming BK

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Post22 Nov 2006

invited_to_be_a_bk wrote:hope though u guys can answer the questions I raised in my 3rd to the last post.thanks ... I am curious who conducted this test and how credible the info is. Are there really perfect human beings in this world as my BK teacher told me? Because, I always believe that Nobody is perfect. I am sorry for being too curious, but I believe you guys can help enlighten me.

No nobody is perfect (yet).

In fact, if Dadis have altered the scriptures, then they have done the worst of worst sins.

The EEG (brainwave) tests were done at the Medical and science Research Institute at the University of Texas.U.S.A. In 1978, they proclaimed D Janki to have the most stable mind in the world.
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Mr Green


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Post22 Nov 2006

Hi again

the reason your friend is not being completely truthful with you is not because he is unhappy inside, it is because he doesn't want to tell you everything. It is normal practice for BKs to be secretive, he has an agenda to serve you and will tell you anything he feels he has to.

It is normal for new potential members to be reeled in slowly and carefully. You will never receive straight answers to all your questions, I cannot stress enough 'this is normal BK behaviour' ... Try not to panic about this, I have heard enough to be sure he is in quite deep and there is no point trying to help him. As far he is concerned, he is enlightened and you are the one who needs his help ...

All I am saying is don't panic, and as Bansy said, just stay a good friend to him and his children. This is where he wants to be right now in his life ... if you try and convince him otherwise you could well push him further away.

All the best.
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Post23 Nov 2006

John wrote:The EEG (brainwave) tests were done at the Medical and science Research Institute at the University of Texas.U.S.A. In 1978, they proclaimed D Janki to have the most stable mind in the world.

That seems to be a very old data. Was the test repeated on her in recent years? If so, what were the results?

jim brady


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Post23 Nov 2006

Push your friend further on the population issue.

Check out the following forum on this site: “Now just a minute there” and you’ll find a link to a picture provided by ex-l ( a sterling contributor to this site ).

Enlarge it and you will see the 5 billion max figure.

This picture was designed and put together by none other than god himself (according to the BK’s)!!!!!! He was actively involved in every element of the picture and rubber-stamped it for mass circulation decades ago.

Jeremy Paxman is regarded in the British media as an interviewer with a dogged determination to extract simple answers to simple questions from interviewees and has persisted with the same question over and over if the victim continues to avoid and evade. If you want to get to the truth with the BK’s you have be ruthless in your interrogation as they will love-bomb and obfuscate and twist and turn their way out of any probing approach.

Any honest BK who has been in the organisation for a number of years will tell you that the max. population was always believed to be and stated to be 5 – 5.5 billion. That’s what the teachers taught and that’s what they were told to teach years ago, certainly back in the 1980’s. There is no dispute on this issue. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying through their teeth or acting plain stupid.
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Post23 Nov 2006

I am wondering how related the 1976 destruction date and the world population figure of 5.5 billion is, e.g. If it was stated that world population was say 7 million in Murlis, then some clever BK would have no doubt realised 1976 destruction date could not possibly mean world destruction, as that number had not been reached and was way off in the future.

Does Shiva play subtle games with us or is it Brahma Baba just getting it all wrong?

Does anyone know what the world population was in 1976, has someone posted these figures already?
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Post23 Nov 2006

arjun wrote:
John wrote:The EEG (brainwave) tests were done at the Medical and science Research Institute at the University of Texas.U.S.A. In 1978, they proclaimed D Janki to have the most stable mind in the world.

That seems to be a very old data. Was the test repeated on her in recent years? If so, what were the results?

Yes it is, maybe she peaked early and has now gone off.

jim brady


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Post23 Nov 2006

1976 - 4.266 billion

2006 - 6.666 billion

According to the BK's we should be well into the Golden Age at this stage, nuclear oblivion a distant memory, and all the Dadis and Didis should be poncing up and down the catwalks of Bharat flaunting exquisite sparkling outfits bedecked with the finest of jewels.
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Post23 Nov 2006

John wrote:The EEG (brainwave) tests were done at the Medical and science Research Institute at the University of Texas.U.S.A. In 1978, they proclaimed D Janki to have the most stable mind in the world.

Yes, until the United Nations thing came through, it was the most touted credibility factor for the BK practise. Its was impressive but weak in that there is not exactly a competition between "most stable minds" to see who is the most stable.

What does it mean? Most stable whilst deluding others ... most stable whilst not following Shrimat ... most stable whilst re-writing Gyan ... it is a bit of an open claim.

Hey, sorry "invited_to_be" I want to answer your question in detail but have not the time. One thing for sure, YES, all the claims re Destruction, population, re-writing "scriptures" etc are true. You can see copies of the posters here; or here, ... :Newimages

and can download them and print them out. He is quite a new BK and so joined after the main period of re-writing. He might be unaware but, yes, also BKs and their teachers WILL be dishonest to non-BKs about these things. There is a difference between "coming to the center" ... to be 'served' as the BKs say ... and believing. The BKs have a strong habit of seeking "status by association" by having their picture taken with famous people or VIPs and then using it to impress others. Do the VIPs know the truth, e.g. Destruction, celibacy, BK superiority, God entering into Lekhraj Kirpalani and Sister Gulzar etc ... no way!

Has he told oyu about God coming down and possessing the BK Sister to speak through her?

In brief repsonse, I do think that the children's grandmother should be told what is going on in as a detached, detailed manner as is possible. Some non-BK wants to be there to monitor the children's development/upbringing.

Did you say the parents were living together or apart now? Something seems not quite right there.

As far as

Good luck.


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Post23 Nov 2006

Hey guys,

i've got a feeling that my friend has come across my post and maybe has read his email being posted here, that he no longer accepts my call and even avoided me in my yahoo messenger. I've already decided not to go back to the BK center anymore. I just wish to help my friend. But now that he's making me feel unwelcomed, i think it's about time for me to lay low and give him space. I believe, i have tried enough. I read on the internet that the BK's target are the VIPs and the media. I am with the media guys and i do not know their real intention why they, until now, have been consistently inviting me to join the cult.

I really wish i can help others who are being brainwashed. I don't know if there's anyway this organization can be featured on tv/radio to create people's awareness but, so far in our country. I havent heard of any damage done by them. At least, not yet. An organization that takes advantage of people's vulnerability has no place in this world. I am sorry, if I am being mean here, but i almost became their victim.

I have other questions raised in my 4th to the last post which are not answered yet, like my BK teacher telling me that Catholic Sisters and priest often come to their center and request for meditation. i find it hard to believe reallly. Plus their constant mentioning of celebrities and politicians who according to them, came attend their sessions. Are they just tactics, to attract more students?

As much as i want to concentrate on my own spirituality, i feel the need to help others.
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Mr Green


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Post23 Nov 2006

The Catholic priest thing will be almost definitely untrue. The BKs have a very strong practice of manipulating the truth for their own PR purposes. It is possible a priest came to the centre for an interfaith meeting or something of the like and the BKs will see that as a service victory, to be boasted about and exaggerated

And the celebrity thing is what you suspect, the BKs will go out of their way to have contact with famous people and will have their photo taken together and then use those images in their PR.

The BKs call famous people 'mikes' as in microphones. This means they will use celebrities to further the exposure of the BKs whilst not really telling the celebrities what they are really about. In fact, they will shower gifts and attention on the famous people to try and create a nice reputation.


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Post23 Nov 2006

Did you say the parents were living together or apart now? Something seems not quite right there.

No. they do not live together anymore. Like i said, my friend and his kids just moved in my area. As far as he is concerned, his kids are being raised well. Sent to the best university, enrolled in a music school. But at home, no children to play with, no music, censorship in everything ... Mr. Bean is a no-no. :) And i was amazed, the kids told me their dad is an angel :).
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Post23 Nov 2006

I really wish I can help others who are being brainwashed. I don't know if there's anyway this organization can be featured on tv/radio to create people's awareness but, so far in our country. I havent heard of any damage done by them. At least, not yet. An organization that takes advantage of people's vulnerability has no place in this world. I am sorry, if I am being mean here, but I almost became their victim.

That is a controversial thing to say.

Words like Brainwashing and cult are always brought up when someone doesn't believe in the particular spiritual path, they are loaded words for which your average person on the street will see in a negative manner.

It's very easy to jump on the bandwagon of criticisms, but do you really know what you are saying?

I think it is acceptable for a person who has been through the experience to now say, "I think it's a load of rubbish and BKs are bad" etc. But for someone with relatively no experience to be saying the world must be rid of the evil ones is maybe just being reactionary born out of your own personnal feelings connected with the BK.

I totally agree though that the BKs should not mislead and be upfront about their agenda.
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Post23 Nov 2006

John wrote:Words like Brainwashing and cult are always brought up when someone doesn't believe in the particular spiritual path, they are loaded words for which your average person on the street will see in a negative manner.

I agree with both points of view.

In religious circles, the word Cult has been given a negative value; whereas elsewhere from music, sport, fashion and sociology, it has an impartial to positive meaning, e.g. "cult following". Blame the whole Moonie/Scientologist debate within the tabloid news papers for that.

On the other hand, its a subtle point but I think most of us on this forum would say that the Brahma Kumaris themselves have developed a cult following and that is separate from the "spiritual path" (... what ever that might be ... discuss elsewhere).

With regards to "brainwashing", again there is split opinion. On one hand the sociologists working in this area consider it to be a discredited theory born out of Cold War politics; on the other the advertising companies spend Billions of Dollars each year impressing on our sub-consciousness aware that the most clever, subtle and repetitive campaigns that appeal to the customers most obvious needs are the most successful. As a balance, the psychologists looking at minority religions have developed new concepts of psychological coersion.

Whether the path within Raja Yoga is THE path and whether the god within Raja Yoga is THE GOD, I am passing no judgement; BUT most of the psychological mechanisms identified by those professionals exits within the BKWSU.

I agree 100% with John about the BKWSU using VIPs or famous people for their PR ends and especially, from my own experience, with using interfaith meetings as a service avenue. Along with the spiritualist meetings, interface meetings were the BKs first area of service.

There is a video, click here, with one such "famous person". One of the "BeeGees" of all people. If a celebrity jumped off a cliff, would you follow them? If you were promoting purity and egoless, would you promote industries that worship sex lust and ego? I would watch it through and decide for yourself if you think Robin Gibb really knows what is going on and is comfortable with it. Its strange for me because it is not about spiritual values at all, it is "status by association" in my book. Why God's obsession with status?

One other thing to remember, is that the BKs are burying their real teachings more and more and so it is harder for those folks to discover what the BKWSU is really all about.

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