Shiva's entrance into bodies

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Post20 May 2006

Dear John,
Omshanti. In response to my post ("Baba has said that whenever knowledge is being narrated, it can be considered that ShivBaba is speaking. I do not have the exact words of the Murli with me, but if required it can be quoted") you had written:
"For me I have seen the Murli quote, but if you want to post it for others."

For everybody's kind information the exact Murli point is like this:
"How do we come to know that God Father is in him? It is when He narrates Murlis, when He narrates knowledge"(mu-16.10.84,Pg.2 and 26.10.99, pg.2)
"Pataa kaisey chaltaa hai ki inmay Baap Bhagwaan hai? Jab Murli sunaatey hain, gyaan sunaatey hain." (Mu-16.10.84, Pg.2, and 26.10.99, pg.2)

With regards,
On Godly service,
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Post20 May 2006

arjun wrote:For everybody's kind information the exact Murli point is like this:
"How do we come to know that God Father is in him? It is when He narrates Murlis, when He narrates knowledge"(mu-16.10.84,Pg.2 and 26.10.99, pg.2)
"Pataa kaisey chaltaa hai ki inmay Baap Bhagwaan hai? Jab Murli sunaatey hain, gyaan sunaatey hain." (Mu-16.10.84, Pg.2, and 26.10.99, pg.2)

Dear Arjun,

Om Shanti. Please clarify - is this a PBK Murli? I remember a similar quote being mentioned on XBKChat but I am not sure whether it was a PBK Murli or BK Murli.
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Post20 May 2006

Dear Uddhava,
Omshanti. The quotation in Hindi is taken from the revised Sakar Murli published by BKs on that date. The English version is a translation rendered by a PBK. If anyone has the record of English Murlis they can verify with the official English translation of that Murli.
With regards,
On Godly service
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Post20 May 2006

arjun wrote:Omshanti. The quotation in Hindi is taken from the revised Sakar Murli published by BKs on that date. The English version is a translation rendered by a PBK. If anyone has the record of English Murlis they can verify with the official English translation of that Murli.

Dear Arjun and all,

Om Shanti. Thank you and I think it would be helpful if everyone when quoting a Murli could clarify 'this is a BK Murli / PBK Murli' etc.

Anyway I am wondering about the meaning of ‘Chariot’. In my understanding, it means one who Shiva enters in order to speak ie Dada Lekhraj and then in the PBK view Virendra Dev Dik?it. I think that in this sense, Dadi Gulzar would be considered a Chariot by BK’s but not by PBK’s ie the difference being whether it is believed that Shiva enters her body. So I am wondering in this strict sense of ‘Chariot’ are there now or there have been in the past other chariots than those mentioned above? In a loose sense of ‘Chariot’ of course we can say that anyone that does service or gives knowledge is God’s Chariot, so in this loose sense there could be hundreds or thousands of chariots.

According to PBK website when Dada Lekhraj first had his visions, he could not understand them and Shiva entered the body of his business partner Sevak Ram in order to explain the visions to Dada Lekhraj. So Sevak Ram was another Chariot?

I think Sevak Ram departed in 1947 and was reborn as Virendra Dev Dik?it. So when did Shiva first enter the body of Virendra Dev Dik?it - was it before or after the departure of Dada Lekhraj in 1969?
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Post21 May 2006

Dear John,

I think that - as an example - when a soul who has not a body (of the Advance Party, the inspiration souls) enters a body of a PBK to get Advanced Knowledge, this embodied soul can feel sleepy, or a change of mood etc. It is as if there are two currents of thoughts as far as I understand.

When God himself enter the Chariot, then because the Chariot is willing to let the mind space (his thoughts are aligned as much as possible with God's thoughts), God can just take over the controlling space of the mind, then the organs of speech obey the mind in a spontaneous way. This is my way of seeing it, I don't know if it is helpful. There is no Murli or Vani that would explain in a practical way what happens, we just can try to figure it out.
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Post21 May 2006

Uddhava, it was after 1969. Shiva left the stage and then returned. It is very fascinating indeed.

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Post26 Dec 2006

I mean that if one person is impure he cannot become pure by coming in the company of another impure one. In this world The Purifier - the ever pure one - comes in only one. He does not come in everyone. I mean that intellect of human beings is degraded and it can become elevated only if it has connection with the highest on high ShivBaba. I mean that in gatherings where there is no Supreme Soul, there is no benefit. And he is present in only one soul's body. He does not enter, inspire etc. Yes, he can even do these, as it is said in the Murli, he enters children narrates Murli, gives drishti etc ... but we can never know ... and he also has his one chosen Chariot ... so we remember him there ... and we know if there is good service done ... it is his miracle.

No, I don't believe he comes there and makes miracles. It was sarcasm. It was to describe the difference between the world of Ram and the world of Ravan. The one king, the one controller when he is elevated, he does not need to consult anyone.
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Post27 Dec 2006

Andrey wrote:he is present in only one soul's body. He does not enter, inspire etc. Yes, he can even do these, as it is said in the Murli, he enters children narrates Murli, gives drishti etc.

OK. Small clarification here, please ...
    a) can Shiv be on two places at the one time, e.g. to be in Virendra Dev Dixit and in child giving Murli or doing service etc? Is that called "just visiting" instead of "enters"?
    b) Murlis says he keeps the key to divine inspirations/visions (was that during Copper-Copper Age or Confluence-Copper Age?)
It would be good if you and the PBKs were to objectively document The Knowledge contained within the 7 Days bhatti. I appreciate that The Knowledge is not enough and the meeting and experience is the greater part of it but it would help others decode what it being said. The Encyclopedia would be a good place to start.

World of Ram = PBKs ... World of Ravan = BKs?
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Post27 Dec 2006

Dear Brother,

It can be known he is present only by The Knowledge that he gives. When he comes and goes, what he does are only his mysteries, is not it? He does not reside in the Chariot all day long. It is said he enters numberwise the beads of the 108 but it is not to make one perplexed as to where is God or who God is. He has its one personality - a chosen Chariot who is is also an unlimited Father - Prajapita - Adam - to the whole world. Otherwise, who is who is not clear. So, we have two unlimited fathers; one Father of the soul - Shiv a point of light; and one Father of the human beings. One is ever pure and one is ever impure, meaning one is 'abogta' - beyong experienceing peasures and one is the one to experience the most pleasures in the world cycle. One is beyond cycle of birth and dead and one comes in The Cycle for the most time. All other souls leave for sometime - so it is said about him that he is the only all round part player. One does not have any defects and and has the best of best and the worst of worst in him - because he is Father to both the good and the bad, and where do the bad qualities in the bad comes - they should be there in the seed, is not it? So the Father is the seed.

The world of Ravan - the world of Ram. It has already been discussed under the matter deities vs. demons. No, it is not like this that BKs are the world of Ravan and PBKs are the world of Ram. The whole world is the world of Ravan now. It is not the world of Ram even in the PBK world because there is no unity, there is no end of suffering, there is no constant happiness, the souls that belong to many different religions have not shed their body-consciousness and there is not only duality but many, many different directions, souls continue to give and take sorrow between themselves. There is not one direction, souls are not liberated in life yet.

And it is said that Ram himself becomes Ravan in his last birth. When the dieties (ones in soul-consciousness) degrade they become human beings (the ones who think) and when they degrade even more they become devils (the ones who give sorrow) now the whole world is full of devils. No one can say in his life through mind, words, actions I have not given sorrow to anyone ... so, in this world first one two souls will get liberated (1976) then some more few etc. and eventually a heavenly gathering will gather and kingdom of Ram will become practical.

In the bhatti there is explanation of the pictures of knowledge. But to these non-living picture there is some corresponding living personalities and actions performed in corporeal form. So we need to explain and understand these.

We can give the badge of knowledge - with the Trimurti on the one side and Laksmi and Narayan on the other. It is such a badge - a non-physical one - a badge to enter the intellect then one can know who are these - the Trimurti and who are to become Lakshmi and Narayan. Have you received badge in your intellect ... clearly ... who is Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar - as living personalities here, now present on this world - not in the Subtle Region. Subtle Region means subtle stage of thinking and who are to become Lakshmi and Narayan.
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Post15 Apr 2007

Because he is Father to both the good and the bad, and where do the bad qualities in the bad comes - they should be there in the seed, is not it? So the Father is the seed.

Maybe it is not that way. If the soul becomes pure then in this soul no bad qualities are there even in merged form. Then they may get added later on due to external influence. It is said these sanskaras does not belong to me. They belong to Ravan. Ravan comes after CA. [/quote]

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