Don't know if i could help my BK friend

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Don't know if i could help my BK friend

Post21 Nov 2006

hello guys,

I am new here. I want you to know how relieved i am to have found this site. The information i gathered here made me decide not to continue the seven day course i started in BK. i don't know if you interested to hear my story.

I got to know a guy, who happens to be a BK. Actually it was his housemaid, who introduced me to him. His housemaid thought her boss has a problem and needed a friend. At first i was hesitant because i know that he's married, although his maid told me that he and his wife are separated already, for reasons i did not know at the start. He's really a nice guy. He always smiles. I did not see him mad even though his kids could be difficult at times. It was my first time seeing a very responsible single hands-on dad. He eventually became my bestfriend, a confidante, the very person who made me see things in a different way. I became vergetarian because of him and it was also him who introduced BK to me.

He accompanied me to the center and introduced other BK members to me. I found them very friendly, accomodating and i was really impressed by their warmth welcome. I got attracted to their disposition, so that i was then encouraged to take the seven day course. At first, i was uncomfortable seeing a huge picture of their founder in their altar. I asked the BK teacher why and he told me that i should not be stuck by that because they don't worship that image. Just like the Catholic Church, we have pictures of our saints in our altar. i wasn't convinced but because i wanted to be as happy as they apppeared to me i did not bother to ask more questions.

The are also other things that i cant accept like the soul is in the forehead, their idea of attachment as a vice or our skin color, race. Looks are because of karma. i believe that its more of a genetic make up and not karma at all. Nevertheless, i tried to absorb their teachings because like i said, i want transformation. It does not mean, that I am really a bad girl. Even before i decided to take the course, my friend introduced to me, there were things i was able to resist that people my age find it hard to stay away from. I don't drink, do not smoke, don't do drugs and never had premarital sex.

The transformation that i really want is being able to forgive the people who hurt me, the capacity to manage my anger, to get rid of my emotional baggages without getting detached from my religion. I was born Catholic and i always considered God as the Father. Its a stuggle for my part to treat him as a mother, beloved, Sister or Brother because my teacher insisted that God does not have gender at all. I also asked the teacher, "is it bad to get attracted", and he said, yes. I said, "why?" And he said, "because its greed. When youre attracted, you want to own that person". I was battling inside, I believed that there is nothing wrong with attraction as long as you know how to deal with it. I did not argue with them because i was like hypnotized that even i find most of their teachings contradictory to what i believed in. I felt like i had no capacity to disagree with them.

With my frequent visit at the guy's house, I learned to like him. Other people who see us even thought that my friend has feelings for me. They even thought that we were having an affair. At first I thought, it was a feeling that is soo good to keep because I knew from the start that he's married. But i was bothered by their teachings that attraction is a sin and I am an advocate of letting your feelings out. I felt that i cant move on to the next lesson without telling the guy what i felt for him. I want to be honest, for the truth will always set you free. It took a lot of courage for me to call my friend and told him about how i felt and how guilty i was for feeling that way since i was taught not to entertain such idea because it's a bad thought.

I was glad, he too was nice to appreciate my honesty. He told me not to feel dirty about myself that that is part of my spiritual growth. Well, believe me after that, my feelings for him lost. It was a relief reallly but i strated to notice other things from my friend. He sent his kids to the music school but he did not give them the chance to listen to music at home. His kids always complain of the censorship. They couldnt understand why its not good for them to watch Mr. Bean. He isolated his utensils and when i asked him why he said, "its part of his spiritual growth". I said to myself, if Raja Yoga encourages awareness then why would you be bothered by that idea? If Raja Yoga makes you a strong person/soul, then why do you always have to avoid a lot of things? When you're strong, you cannot easily be affected.

It's then when i started to get curious about BK. So i surfed the net and came across this site. I was amazed about the celibacy issue. My gosh, I could not just accept it. I also want to get married one day and have a family I can call my own. So I began to analyze that probably the reason why his marriage failed was because of the celibacy thing. How can his non-bk wife understant that? I emailed him some posts I got from here, hoping to get some reflections from him but he asked me for my reflections instead. I am pasting here the email that i sent to him and his reply. I did not get any permission from him to post his email to me but i havnt found any way to relay to you his message. My apologies if he comes across this.

The email that i sent to him:


was just curious about the organization that i started to browse more on it. Honestly, i was a bit shocked of the stuff i came across with in my surfing. First of all, i found almost all of the BK's teachings helpful in my decision to change, yet there are things that I don't agree with. It's not that i don't want to, its just that I cannot. And i don't think, my disagreement would make me less of a positive thinking person (soul).

Even before i decided to take the lessons, there are certain things that i was able to resist. Things, people my age find hard stay away from. I don't drink, i don't smoke, i don't do drugs, never had premarital sex.

Being able to manage my anger, having the courage to accept, let go and move on with life are more than enough for me. Actually i have reached farther than what i have expected of my transformation. I don't feel the need to experience a higher level of awareness. My attachment to things and people became less, but i don't think i should totally detach myself from them (maybe some). I still believe that attraction is not something i should avoid, i just have to learn to deal with it instead.

About celibacy? I celebate all these years hehehehe. But, I don't think i still will in the coming days. I also want to get married and hoping to have a healthy sex life ngek! and let my kids experience like what other kids in school go through.

I still want to shop, get up, and maybe look sexy. I still want material things without getting frustrated over not having them. I am still a vegetarian, and can still eat with my family and friends who are not grass eaters without isolating my utensils. I still meditate and i believe, I have a good connection with God even by not following some of the teachings of BK.

Actually, I am not in the right position to judge anyone as regards their choices. I respect them. And my choice is? The 3 lessons i have learned from BK, are enough already and I'll use them to serve myself and others.

His reply:
Hehehe ... I appreciate your honesty. Your course in life will always be decided by you, and none other. Nothing is imposed here. The Brahma Kumaris teachings are based on universal principles (which are also found in most, if not all, major religions; but are just explained in simple and understandable manner) which are shared to you for reflection and study. You only take additional lessons according to your readiness. I cannot speak for those who negatively talked about the university for they had their own circumstances (isolated, I pressume) and degree of efforts and understanding of the teachings. They even have different personalities and needs.

Your effort and intention to pursue the ultimate good will be according to your discernment. I feel it will help you a lot (as it did to me) if you focus on your progress and your standard, and not compare with others; whoever they are. Yes, we have models to follow, but at the end of the day, it is always yourself that needs to be served first before others. As I've been sharing, "you cannot share what you do not have." If service is done out of compliance, then it is no service at all. Regardless of the magnitude, if you do things for others in happiness, then I should say it's the best service of all. "According to feelings" ba. Or, in Tagalog, "ayon Silver Age kalooban." I will still stick to the guiding principle I shared with you previously that, "True greatness is doing even the most ordinary task with excellence and happiness." You do not have to be President of the country to accumulate your "indulgence" (in the Catholic parlance). It's always what's inside that counts.

For the past five years in my BK life, I cannot recall any single circumstance where service and observance of routines and disciplines were imposed. Nor I can remember a time when I did meditation out of compliance. I feel, kasi, that this new life that I have now (and if you allow, may I also say, yours too; after taking knowledge) should always be done in the spirit of freedom, volunteerism, and love. Without love while doing tasks (no matter how trivial), life will just be a burden and punishment. I wouldnt wish you to experience what those who failed had. Honesty had been very helpful to me when I dealt with my teachers (who served as my guides and elder Sisters when I was down in my personal life) regarding my spiritual progress. I have never felt love so unconditional (other than my mother's) but from my mentors in this institution. I feel that I've always gained all along in all activities I have participated and done -- there is always benefit to me whenever something is going on.

In fact, the more I churn on the many details of my life, I can now say that everything that happens is always beneficial, no matter how unattractive and uneasy they may seem. Thus, everything that I do now, will just be a gesture to return this goodness to the organization. When my friends came here, they were not actually told by the national coordinating office but those were out of their own volition based on their specific circumstance. They did it voluntarily the same way as you freely encouraged your friends to attend the Positive Thinking and Food & Soul sessions.. All because we have experienced the same benefit ourselves in prior circumstances, which we want to see enjoyed by others also.

When I went to India, I have seen how this system of volunteerism worked to perfection, not found in any other organization worldwide. I have experienced how people doing spiritual efforts help in materializing all slated activities without any fuzz or any trace of heaviness and unwillingness in their hearts. Everything was orderly, smooth, and even quiet in spite of the delegation count from 2000 to 20,000 people at one time. An ordinary rotary club convention with about 500 participants is already a nightmare to manage (meals, instruction dissimination, etc..) but I've never felt/seen that in Madhuban. That was actually just a confirmation on my part, because the system is also practiced throughout my stints in different centers all over our country. I would like to pressume, it's also universal in all the other centers abroad. Hehehe.... you should have seen and experienced these things before you should have read those literatures in the wikipedia and others..

But ... it's not yet late ... I am glad at least I feel that you are still determined to pursue your interest in spirituality. It's our gift to ourselves we should never pass by unwrapped.

Before I end, let me touch a bit about your lesson on Karma. It seems to be where you are stuck right now. It just simply teaches us that everything involving action in this world has its corresponding effects; from the simplest headache early in the morning (caused by getting drunk the night before) to the flooding of unusually flooded areas (due to man's neglect of the rainforest by illegal logging, etc.). But I think, what you have not yet taken with your teacher was on the deepening discussion on the impact of the Law of Karma to our relationships. Hehe ... this is actually exciting because this is where we will understand about soulmates, and other things ...

I surfed more about the BK controversies, and i was so shocked to learned about the rape and child abuse issues, ex-bks who experienced mental problems, the politics in the center, the offering of properties to the organization and other bigger issues. And I am so bothered by the thought that my honesty to him about my feelings was a waste thought. How can an organization that promotes good values, regards my honesty as a waste thought. geeeez. I really want to help my friend before it's too late. I learned to love his kids, and I am very much concerned on his manner of raising them. I do not have illusions anymore that he'l like me, even though the people around him think he is just suppressing his feelings because of his involvement with the organization. He once told me, i shouldn't based my judgement on what i got from you guys. But i do not think i have made an impartial judgement after all, i have already heard from both parties, the current BKs and you guys here.

The organization have conducted 2 seminars already in my area and it was me who gathered 98 percent of the participants in both. I already dissimanated all the info i got from here to those who attended, even it would mean a failure in my part. But i believe it was what we called humility. Accepting that i was wrong introducing to them a cult that might destroy our lives. I really do not know how much my friend knows about the ex-bks sentiments. Please, tell me what to do next. i really want to help him. Shall i inform his family about this? I am looking forward to reading your replies.

Very truly yours,

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Mr Green


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Post21 Nov 2006

Just be thankful you have woken up in time. You can probably do nothing for your friend except be a friend. He is in deep by the sounds of things. Did you ever go to morning class and hear/read the Sakar Murlis? ... if you haven't then I am afraid you haven't been exposed to what he really believes in.

I am an ex-surrendered teacher and was only awoken by the dualistic consciousness I developed after being abused by a senior member.

Just be thankful you have your life still.
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Post21 Nov 2006

I really do believe it's 'horses for courses'. What is natural and easy for one person may be awkward and uncomfortable for another and that goes for different aspects of the BK path and knowledge.

I think the hardest parts for beginners to get to grips with are the ideas of celibacy and attachment, as these are considered good and beneficial in our current society, yet BKs teach that these qualities/activities are very harmful to the true nature and happiness of the soul. Whilst qualities like greed, anger, jealousy are easy for most people to see as harmful and leading to sorrow.

Maybe the hardest aspect people find believing in is the 5000 year repeating cycle of time, again this goes against modern views of science, who have the upper hand when it comes to respect and acceptance of ideas. The other tricky thing is the 'playing with the mind' aspects of BK knowledge and meditation.

Souls at the top called Didis and Dadis are very influencial and some believe they are manipulative to their own ends, rather than being in line with the truth as spoken in the original scriptures called 'Murlis', even to the point of changing the scriptures.

From what you describe of your beliefs, it doesn't sound like you are a potential BK.

The BK path is not easy by a long shot and takes a lot of faith and effort to maintain.
Personally I can vouch for the benefits of the style of meditation they teach. I have reached sublime states of mind in meditation, which I have not yet found any other way to achieve.

Having said that I am now outside the loop of the BK organisation and study Murlis independently, in other words an ex-BK.
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Re: don't know if I could help my BK friend

Post21 Nov 2006

invited_to_be_a_bk wrote:He's really a nice guy. He always smiles. I did not see him mad even though his kids could be difficult at times. It was my first time seeing a very responsible single hands-on dad.

Just a couple of questions first, how old are his children and where is the wife? It is unusual that a Father gets custody/control of the children in a divorce.

Yes, I'd be cautious on promoting Raja Yoga without knowing what it really is all about. You don't want to be responsible for introducing others in case it goes wrong for them and for their families - because they will come back and blame you. The BKWSU has very good PR and looks very attractive but the inside is not the same as the outside.

Did he tell you about God coming into the body of the Indian man/lady and speaking at their headquarters? It would be interesting to ask him a few questions that only BKs or ex-BK would know and then see his reaction - unless, of course, he has already started to read this forum!

The big difference between us and them is that we will tell you everything straight away without all the mystery and indoctrination. They think we are ex- or anti- ... we might just be the express route to understanding Raja Yoga and the BKWSU ;-).

But, no, we are not into making subjects or followers!



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Post21 Nov 2006

hello ex-I

first of all bear, with my English because i never had time to review and edit what i wrote. But, its the thought that counts right? Well, my friend never mentioned to me about the Murlis. I even wondered why he encouraged me to take the course when from the start i already told him that i really want to get married in the future. i even suggested that the 'positive thinking' seminar might be enough for me, yet he insisted that i should take the intro because he noticed my fast spiritual development. And i remember that everytime i would jokingly tell him that i might end up with a BK guy because of my active participation in their seminars, especially in inviting participants, he would never react.

With regard to his kids being with him, it surprised me also. His kids are 4 and 6 and they just moved to my area. His housemaid, openly told me about his failed marriage, that although they still live in the same house they treated each other like strangers but my friend made everything sound normal. The only thing he told me was his wife did not have that much patience with kids and so he took them with him. And guess what, he even left his very lucrative job for reasons i am not sure of. What really disturbed me was when he said that there is no one who showed him unconditional love, aside from her mother, but the BKs. But what about me? My friendship i offered him was unconditional.

i accepted him for what he is and i never expected anything from him. That lead me to the assumption that he is not comfortable telling his lokik friends about his failed marriage for fear of rejection. Is it not pride? Is that what he got from the teachings of the organization that he proudly introduced to me, that its UN affiliated, the only univeristy of life, an organization that he always associates with Big time personalities? I think, most of the info he got from the organization was merely from the BKs because every time i asked him, "why did others leave?", he would just say that maybe there was no pure intention in the first place. Maybe they just like the thought of being associated with a big organization like the BKs, maybe they were attracted to the teacher and not to the teachings, or maybe their efforts to spiritually grow fluctutated. Oh, how little does he know.

Since his internet connection in his home is new, i think he was not that informed at all. I wish though, he would continue to explore this site so he'll be awakened. I want to get in touched with his mom who is based outside the country now for I am sure she doesn't know what is going on with his one and only child. What she only knows is that he is a vegetarian and he belongs to a group who loves him.

My friend is a very talented person. He used to be a great dancer, a love poet, but i noticed that he limits himself in almost everything he does because of the teachings of BK. His poems are all about Baba, the Dadis, when he used to do love poems before. Its been a while since my last visit in his place. I tried to stay away from him even if it would mean missing the kids, who kept on calling me, because I cannot accept the idea of being a sinful woman who tried to take this guy away from God. There"s just one thing i am proud of, I've always been honest with my feelings. I do not know if he is, if he's not, then that is something he has to deal with himself. I believe that in our pursuit to peace, happiness and contentment, we should not punish ourselves.

You probably notice that in my friend's email to me, he failed to answer the celibacy issue and the idea about the kids not being raised the normal way. The reason probably why his kids are so attached with me is, i treat them the way they should be. I don't know if my efforts to help him were good enough. I am not even sure if he needs my help in the first place because i noticed most of the BK members sound as if they know better than us non-bks ...
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Mr Green


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Post22 Nov 2006

hi again

it is very hard to understand his behaviour as there is a whole culture inside the BKs that you thankfully haven't been exposed to. They have a lot of secrecy surrounding their true beliefs. The BKs as a whole go to great lengths to hide what the really believe. You can read some of that material for yourself on this website.

Most BKs will only answer your questions in a secretive cryptic manner until they feel 'your intellect has opened' this means they feel you are ready to understand the bigger picture or the whole truth as they see it.

The Brahma Kumaris philosophy is a complete way of life for its devoted followers. They feel they have absolute understanding and all the answers to the mysteries of existence, and anything they don't have the answer to is simply because god feels they don't need to know that. Or he will reveal that information to them at the time that they need it.

Members will also very often take advice from their teachers about how to proceed with their relations including family and friends. The deeper in they are the more guidance, or direction, they will take from their teacher or 'senior' ... You see they think that the people they are in contact with are there only to be served and that is their task. BKs are generally accepted deeper into the fold or family the more they are seen to be renouncing their old life and relationships and adopting the new BK customs, especially serving, to serve at every step is held in great regard.

Your personal pursuit and interest in your own spirituality is all that matters, I think you know that anyway. Do not be too alarmed for your friend, this will drive him away from you, try and be natural with him and remain someone he can have fun with. This will help him as we all need fun, and there is less and less the deeper you enter into Gyan.

jim brady


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Post22 Nov 2006

Ask your friend the following question:

Why does the BKWS UNIVERSITY (no less) state that the maximum world population is 5 billion souls (as stated by none other than God himself in numerous Murlis) which is in stark contradiction with present estimates of 6.2 / 6.3 billions. This one startling and crude anomaly alone is enough to collapse the entire BK edifice.

They don't advertise and promote openly this ludicrous fact, I guess for fear of being labelled just another wacky and deluded cult. More than likely they prefer not to talk about it.

If you get an answer off him that makes any kind of sense please let us know.
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Post22 Nov 2006

And while you're at it ask about the 1976 destruction date and how lots of BKs gathered at Madhuban waiting for it.

But please bear in mind that he may be perfectly happy and suited to being a BK. I think it depends on how it fits in with a persons belief system they already have.

It doesn't fit your internal template, so you may be happy to say it is a 'cult' or some bad group, because yes it is radical compared to Western society values. But if it fits with your friends internal belief system template, then he may see it as a joy and pleasure to involved in.

The crux of the matter is whether BKness is lies and falsehood or the 'truth' and that is still open to belief and debate and one's own opinion. Personally, I think it contains both.
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Mr Green


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Post22 Nov 2006

jim brady wrote:Ask your friend the following question:

Why does the BKWS UNIVERSITY (no less) state that the maximum world population is 5 billion souls (as stated by none other than God himself in numerous Murlis) which is in stark contradiction with present estimates of 6.2 / 6.3 billions. This one startling and crude anomaly alone is enough to collapse the entire BK edifice.

hi jim

to my knowledge the Murlis have now been edited and the incorrect figures have been doctored to 6 billion, as if by magic lol.
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Post22 Nov 2006

to my knowledge the Murlis have now been edited and the incorrect figures have been doctored to 6 billion, as if by magic lol

That is a fantastic peice of information if correct. Does anyone have any of the updated Murlis?


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Post22 Nov 2006

hello again guys,

I want you all to know that i acknowledged your interaction. Mr. Green, the very reason why my visits to my friend's house became rare lately is that I cannot take the idea of being a Shudra. Although, he did not make me feel that way, I cannot be sure of what he really feels inside. Like what i read in most of the posts here, the BKs project good outside but when you scratch the surface, its entirely a different thing. His 4 year old kid called me last night, but i've got a feeling it was him who dialed my numer because i know the kid doesn't know how to dial anybody else's number yet. I want to presume, that he's curious why i neither visit nor call him and the kids anymore. He had always wanted me to continue the course, so that according to him the happiness i experience, of my newly awakened spirituality, will radiate. Even i insisted i cannot easily give up things like dressing up simply or not wearing my jewelry. Or that i find it hard to wake up at 4am to meditate and even i've been very open about my principle that attraction is not a thing that we should avoid. I really cannot understand why, given all those reason already, he still want me to finish the seven day course.

Jimmy, i already raised that issue to him immediately after i came across that in the net. But he simply said ... there's no such thing as that in the BK teachings. He had been with the BK for 5 years and i am not convinced that he's innocent about such teaching. Do you think, he is tring to deceive me so that i'll finish the course?

He also asked, why am i so worried about what i learned from the net, when my teacher did not tell me YET to do/avoid such things as far as the BK lifestyle is concern? And that i can have my own pace. Or i can either follow it or not. But then, why do i have to wait for my teacher to tell me such when i know I am also not willing to adopt that certain lifestyle?But just how futile it is to teach them when its okay if the students will not follow them. Am i making sense here? :)

There is no BK center in our area. I had to go to another island/city to take the course. And my friend with another BK (they are only 2 in our city) meet everyday at 6:30 am at his house to have classes. And sometimes in the afternoon, if the other BK's workshift would not allow him to have it in the morning. I really don't know what they are discussing, i asked him though how do they go about their morning class, he would simply tell me ... they are having fun discussing ... not the serious type. But i doubt that because their discussion is always behind closed doors and they would always ask for silence.

I really don't know what's going on ... one thing i am certain of ... theyre hiding something from me. Why cannot they at least be open and honest to me as i am to them. :)

I hope you guys will continue to interact since i want to learn more from it. I might be able to help disseminate the information. I'll try my best.

God bless us all.
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Mr Green


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Post22 Nov 2006

You can read for yourself the thing they are hiding and what it is they discuss in the mornings
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reforming BK

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Post22 Nov 2006

jimmy, I already raised that issue to him immediately after I came across that in the net. but he simply said...there's no such thing as that in the BK teachings. he had been with the BK for 5 years, and I am not convinced that he's innocent about such you think, he is tring to deceive me so that I'll finish the course?

5 years is not long as a BK, so he may not even know himself, especially as he is a 'remote' BK.

The most important way to get information is or should be the 'Murlis', God's direct scriptures to the BKs. There is proof of the things we say in the Murlis. In morning class, what he most likely will be doing is reading and studying a Murli.


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Post22 Nov 2006

Welcome to the forum invited_to_be_a_bk.

The others here have given good advice.

From my viewpoint, his own self-transformation should not affect yours, at least in a negative way. Maybe he's not aware of it but you are aware of yourself. So if it does (make you feel negative, which your emails imply), then you've got caught into it and so should try to maintain a space between his self-transformation (whatever that is is his own doing). You should only be concerned with your own "transformation", which is a simply better understanding of your own life and goals, and not of his. It does not mean not to showing care and affection for him or for his children, that can be also done at a distance and with time.

The best way for is to go at your own pace and have your own freedom. Find your own path into spirituality, BK or other. Finding your way into this forum is already a decent step. If you are to become a BK, you will therefore do so at your own wish. If not, it is also your own wish.


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Post22 Nov 2006

Hey guys,

although my friend did not tell me about the Destruction thing happened in 1976, he often told me, though that the wars and other disasters now are the signs of times ... that the world has almost come to an end. He did not mention figures though. I've got the feeling too that my friend is not at all honest to me because when i asked him why we should avoid onions in our diet he said, its because they are designed for meat and if you do not eat meat, then there's no need to have them. Later I found out from the speaker of the "Food and Soul" workshop that the reason why they don't consider onions and garlic as part of their diet because they make you feel hot. I cannot validate my friend's reason for such but why did not he tell me their teaching about onions and garlic. I noticed that he changes clothes often and i learned from the net that one of their practices is to change clothes after bowel movement. I asked him if he's doing that and he said, he is not. But I know that he is. Even his former housemaid could attest to that. Another thing i noticed, he kept on ignoring my questions on celibacy.

I want to ask you guys about this. Is it true that there are a lot of religious Catholic Sisters and even priests who often come to BK centers and request for meditation? Or is this their way of making us Catholics comfortable with the organization? They also told me that there are a lot of celebrities who visit the center and even the president of our country, which i have not see on TV. (Activities of the president are always televised). My friend also told me that there are plenty of Hollywood people who joined in the launching of JAM ... just how true it is?

And about Dadi Janki, being proclaimed as a person who has "the most stable mind in the world", I am curious who conducted this test and how credible the info is. Are there really perfect human beings in this world as my BK teacher told me? Because, I always believe that Nobody is perfect. I am sorry for being too curious, but i believe you guys can help enlighten me.

As regards the other BK member in our area, I also learned that he is no longer practicing his profession as a physical therapist. Maybe because the anatomy of the human body when he learned from his field contradicts the soul anatomy as taught by the organization. Are the BK members discouraged to practice their profession? Because, like i said, previously my friend left his job too...

By the way, John, I didnt discard the idea that the BKs' life suits my friend, that probably he's happy with it. But considering all the dishonesty and half-truth that he told me, he probably is not. I know, i don't have the right to dictate him what to do or force the issue but, who knows, he's battling inside and i might be able to help him. I know that if his mom will find this out, she will surely freak out. I don't also want to cause his mom any worry but don't you think my friend's situation is already alarming and that as mother, she has every right to know? Let me know your insights


By the way, I am from an Asian country.

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