BK concept of "Destruction"

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Post19 May 2006

ex-l wrote:I think that for the sake of your own - and the forum's - credibility that you ought to qualify what you write with , " allegedly ", or "some people believe ", " they say " or something. You report it as if it is known to be true, but you do not know at all. You had best raise your BS filters to the highest if you are going to stray into David Icke's-ville and Conspiracy Theory. I think we need a " Way off topic " forum really badly. On topic went that way --->

Woah, hold on to the horses. I only reported what I read about the planting of nuclear bombs, to give an alternative stance on how nuclear destruction could come about for the less informed reader. What is true or not is up for grabs. Like everything else. I am very aware this is not a thread on secret societies, but added the name in for completion of this point.
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Post19 May 2006

Dear ex-l,

Hello. Thanks for the detailed response. I cannot specify any date for the forthcoming Destruction or its various phases as Baba has not done that. But of course we can say for sure that the destruction and establishment should be completed by 2036. As regards the mention of 50 years for destruction and 50 years for establishment, I have not come across any such mention in the Murlis or Avyakt Vanis.

As regards your questions about the cleaning of the millions of corpses from the face of earth, I would like to say that the atomic bombs will generate such great heat that would automatically destroy most of the corpses. I do not have the scientific knowledge as to which level of temperature is required to destroy even the skeletons of living beings that will be destroyed in the atomic wars. Even if any bones remain the Earthquakes and floods would help in cleaning them. The Tsunami that caused widespread destruction can be taken as an example. It wiped out many villages/towns from the face of the coastline of many countries. Thosands of corpses must have been washed away by the Tsunami waves. Was there any need to cremate them?

I do not have the time to research the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that took place more than 60 years ago. Otherwise, I would have presented a comparison about the level of destruction that a few nuclear bombs of small capacity caused and the level of destruction that can be caused by much more advanced nuclear bombs in the present world. I think we cannot imagine the extent to which destruction can be caused either by the nuclear bombs or by the combined wrath of all the elements of nature. Anyways, I don't think that the theory of destruction described above is not a story of blind faith but something that is very much possible. Just yesterday, I was going through a newspaper report that talked about floods in England that has not been witnessed in the past 70 years.

Since I am very busy with my lokik and aloukik commitments, I hope that other members would excuse me for the lack of prompt responses to their queries.
With regards,
On Godly service,
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refinement of knowledge

Post19 May 2006

john wrote:"If this is the PBK view can you explain to me who's theory it is? Is Shiva refining his own theory or is it the churnings of PBKs that are being refined?"

The views about destruction expressed by me was based on The Knowledge received from ShivBaba. As regarding refinement of knowledge, ShivBaba does it from time to time based on the level of understanding of the children at various points of time.

At the beginning of the Yagya, children used to remember Him in the form of a Shivling, then in the shape of a thumb and then as a point of light present in the body of the human Chariot. Similarly, the declaration about the year 1976 was done 10 years earlier in 1966 when Brahma Baba was alive, but he too could not understand the meaning of the declaration and took it in literal sense, while it was only meant in subtle sense.
john wrote:Also there was a discussion on ex-BK chat about destruction dates and it was noted by one member that PBKs gave destruction dates that are now in the past. It was also noted that the same website had different mirror sites with different destruction and event dates. Can this be explained?

It has already been explained in the xbkchat forum about the dates of destruction in one of the PBK sites. It was explained that the website that was quoted is not an official website of the PBKs. Even otherwise, ShivBaba never gives any exact date of destruction. It has been mentioned in one of the Avyakt Vanis that if anyone wants dates of destruction, they can contact the astrologers.
With regards,
On Godly service,
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Post20 May 2006

Arjun. Thanks for the considered replies.

I am very interested in how Gyan came about from the early days to the present time and found the different forms of remembrance practised to be of great interest. I shall take further questioning on the matter to the PBK forum.
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Post20 May 2006

John wrote:I am very interested in how Gyan came about from the early days to the present time and found the different forms of remembrance practised to be of great interest. I shall take further questioning on the matter to the PBK forum

Yes, I second that. Please publish your sources and any references.
arjun wrote:As regards the mention of 50 years for destruction and 50 years for establishment, I have not come across any such mention in the Murlis or Avyakt Vanis.

The 50 years: 50 years equation was definitely taught by the BKWSU. Whether or not it was in the original Murlis, I have no idea because we were receiving English translations but also direct classes from the top Senior Sisters and Brothers. It was also taught to teachers to teach new students. This was then later modified to be 60 years for Destruction and 40 years for creation but we are now in the 70 th year. I note this for newcomers who many not be aware of the history and the editing and re-editing of the institution.
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Post20 May 2006

In the early days, Young girls went into trance living for periods in the "New Age". The time period for this is assumed. The true time period for these experiences may be more like 80 years time or so than any time now sort of thing.

Perhaps there is a generation or two to come before things get interest ... well, boring, as the Golden Age sounds. Fortunately, I have faith that we have more to find out in reality and that there is much to look forward to. As for corpses littering the earth, I thought we had moved on from all that infantile baby's building brick stuff.
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Post20 May 2006

sparkal wrote:As for corpses littering the earth, I thought we had moved on from all that infantile baby's building brick stuff

Who do you mean " we "? Perhaps you could qualify your comments better. Do you speak personally or on behalf of the BKWSU? It is best to state clearly when a comment is " in my own opinion " or " IMHO " as they say.

You must remember that a public forum like this will attract many newcomers to Brahma Kumari-ism that are unaware of The Knowledge [tm], history and position of the Institution on such matters. I have no idea of what the BKWSU's current " party policy " is but, yes, these are the building blocks on which it has and is still built and, yes, is still being taught. I am interested in the effect of such to individuals minds

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Post13 Aug 2006

Could you do us a great favour and tell us ;
    Exactly what are the current teachings within the BKWSU regarding "Destruction"? [What are students being taught in the 7 day course?]
    How and when is it going to happen? [What have been the latest related predictions?]
"Destruction" has always had a specific meaning within the Brahmin Family. Its means the death of 6 Billion humans, the end of Kali Yuga and the start of Sat Yuga. I am happy with that meaning of the word.


Post13 Aug 2006

Following with the line of paradoxes. There is destruction ... but there is not.

There is destruction in the sense that billions of humans will "die" However, the soul is inmortal. Thus, there is no death. It is a matter of awareness. The Cycle will continue. It is eternal. (meaning no beginning nor end)

There cannot be "Destruction" since "matter cannot be created neither destroyed it can only transform." ( First law of thermodynamics) Thus, matter will transform into something different... from "Tamopradhan" into "Satopradhan" as God puts it or from "high entropy" to "low entropy" using the terms of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

God has never disclosed a date for "Destruction." Thus, any date which many have thought about is just their own "creation." Consciousness is the key to understand this game.
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Post13 Aug 2006

avyakt7 wrote:Following with the line of paradoxes. There is destruction ... but there is not ... God has never disclosed a date for "destruction." Thus, any date which many have thought about is just their own "creation."

OK. just before we progress, let's try again. Those are your own particular thoughts, now please ;
    What is being taught in the 7 days course?
    What is being said in the Murli?
Do you go to morning class? In my time, the course and Murlis used to say 50 for Destruction and 50 years for Creation. Then they were changed to 50 to 60 years. Now it is 70 years later.

I just wondered what they are teaching folks. Do they still teach that there is going to be a Nuclear War between Russia and America? Then perhaps we can work out a way in which the changes will happen.

Would appreciate knowing.


Post13 Aug 2006

I go to Murli class every day. I don't know "what is being taught in the 7 day course" about destruction. I can tell you what "I" teach, which is what "I" wrote. You mentioned : "50 for Destruction and 50 years for Creation. Then they were changed to 50 to 60 years. Now it is 70 years later."

Perhaps they used to teach the course different in your time?. I don't know.. or the "instrument" or "instruments" used their own thoughts on this topic in your particular country? As I said before, God has never disclosed a date for Destruction ... that holds true for your time or for my time.
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Post13 Aug 2006

avyakt7 wrote:I go to Murli class every day. I don't know "what is being taught in the 7 day course" about destruction. I can tell you what "I" teach, which is what "I" wrote. You mentioned : "50 for Destruction and 50 years for Creation. Then they were changed to 50 to 60 years. Now it is 70 years later."

Perhaps they used to teach the course different in your time?. I don't know.. or the "instrument" or "instruments" used their own thoughts on this topic in your particular country?... As I said before, God has never disclosed a date for destruction....that holds true for your time or for my time.

I am sorry if I am being precise here but I was hoping to find out what the current Shrimat on this was.

You must know then what is being taught in the Murlis and you could ask for us what is being taught in the courses. Destruction and Creation [ albeit meaning "transformation"] were constantly being mentioned in the Murlis and teaching aids. These were Murlis direct from Madhuban read by the Dadis and Didis not some local centre-in-charge's churnings. I have read the print myself.

Is the Confluence Age still 100 years or have they changed that too? If the Confluence Age has gotten longer, then perhaps The Cycle has become longer too?

Is the Nuclear war between Russia and America still being taught?

Simple questions really.


Post13 Aug 2006

In allusion to the "100 years" that you are mentioning, I recall reading one Avyakt Murli (1969) where 100 years is mentioned, as when in Bhakti it is remembered that "Brahma lived 100 years." I don't recall exactly what it said. However, it is "believed" that the Confluence Age lasts 100 years. The question is: when did it start? Here comes the speculation which is not knowledge. Some "believe" it started in 1876 (when Dada Lekhraj was born) thus, they thought the end of the Confluence in 1976.

Some believe that the Confluence starts in 1936-37 when the Supreme Soul enters Dada Lekhraj at that time. Thus, adding 100 years to it, you come up with 2036-2037 to end the confluence. "But" in Bhakti they talk about "Brahma." When Dada Lekhraj becomes "Brahma"? or when "Brahma becomes Vishnu?" there is no specific date for that. There is no specific date as to when God entered him. There is no specific date as to when Dada becomes Brahma. It is obvious to me that a student does not become a medical doctor the first day of classes...and as everything in this drama, changes happen as subtly as when night time turns into daylight.

As far as the duration of The Cycle. It is 5000 years.

As far as the war between USA and Russia, take a look at the links below. It is worthwhile to mention that Russia became as such just in recent times. Before it was known as USSR (up to 1991). To be specific.: No, I haven't heard any Murli when both countries are mentioned.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_co ... ar_weapons
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? ... cleId=2156

Simple answers to simple questions. Now, let me ask you a question: What is your relationship with God? Have you experienced Him? Just a simple question.



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Post13 Aug 2006

hiya ex-l

I've only ever heard a literal number for the length of the Confluence Age been given in one Murli. that was the first ever Avaykt Murli where Baba said the Bhakti notion of 100 years of Brahma was definitely correct. by my reckoning that takes the Confluence Age up to 2036.

In the Sakar Murlis all references seem to be symbolic eg the Golden Age will be tomorrow. I started listening to the Murlis in the early 90s maybe things had been edited out by then! :?

At our centre we have never taught exactly how Destruction will happen except for the usual vague natural calamaties, disease, civil war, and nuclear war. Nor do we teach when it will happen. most people seem to accept this.
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Post14 Aug 2006

I think that your language, such as "allusion ... believed" etc is a little bit misleading and cant believe that they have edited out every reference in the Murlis ... well, OK, I take that back. I DO believe that the BKWSU would edit out any references but am really disappointed to discover that they do re-write the Murlis.
    Could you check in with your centre-in-charge to find out what the institutional policy is and what they teach in the course please?
    Likewise over the Russia versus America Nuclear War. Is it or is it not still being taught that Russia and America will cause a lot of destruction via a Nuclear War any more? Simple yes or no please.
It is not personal, just interested in what the offical BKWSU policy. You don't have to believe it. Then I would like to move on to the rest of our points.

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