Brahmakumaris full of negative thoughts

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Brahmakumaris full of negative thoughts

Post25 May 2013

I am reading BKs' books, listening their Murlis and what I have found is that BK Dadis and Sisters have very negative perceptions about our World. According to them the World is full of sin, hatred, greed and violence. Therefore GOD himself chose them to give message to the humanity for World Destruction. Why cannot they see happiness, love, co-operation among families and societies. There is a very popular saying from a saint :-
    जैसे अन्धे के लिए जगत अंधकारमय है
    और आँख वाले के लिए प्रकाशमय है
    वैसे ही अज्ञानी के लिए जगत दुखदायक है
    और ज्ञानी के लिए आनंदमय है
The simple meaning is :
    For the blind person the world is full of dark,
    and for the person having sight the world is full of light.
    For The Knowledge less the world is full of sorrows,
    and for The Knowledge full the world is full of joys.

Another example given by old people is ...
If you give someone a half-full glass of water the person with negative approach will always cry that it is half-empty.

Why do the Brahmakumaris always cry and complaining about the negative aspects?

The Brahma Kumaris were awarded contract from the GOD himself to bring peace in the world 75 years ago, are they complaining for their failure ? Are they unable to complete the contract ? Then why don't they ask GOD to cancel their contract and give it to any other spiritual institution?
    I think they should quit this project and let other complete the task for the WORLD'S SAKE.
:sad: :sad: :sad:


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Re: Brahmakumaris full of negative thoughts

Post25 May 2013

Why Brahmakumaris always cry and complaining about the negative aspects ? Brahamakumaris were awarded contract from the GOD himself to bring peace in the world 75 years ago, are they complaining for their failure ? Are they unable to complete the contract ?

The contract is self taken, but the contract is of making fool to the people with all authority. They know that the naive and common people can be easily trapped in their web and their show continues with about 70% of newcomers in every meeting in BAAP Dada's season. And, during the off season time, there are non-bks shudras who visits their holy places along with in-charge Sisters, and donates handsome amount and feel lucky that they have made it before the "TOO LATE" sign goes up.

Do they keep any record or information about the older ones who were once chosen by their almighty authority? Do they bother for their lives, their rehabilitation ? NO ... According to them they were weak souls and deserve slavery in their Golden Age.

But what about present life? Do they think of their misery life, they are spending in the bitter isolation of loneliness, separation from the society, they lose respect from the normal world too as normal world has no respects for the idiots.

It is now 75 years there is still no sign of peaceful world according to BKs. What they are going to say in 2036?
BKWSU wrote:"I think we should gather together and commit self destruction to prove the ocean of truth, as TRUTH, as after all we were also his sikiladhe children and should not let him down".
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Re: Brahmakumaris full of negative thoughts

Post26 May 2013

pawan_kr wrote:I am reading BKs' books, listening their Murlis and what I have found is that BK Dadis and Sisters have very negative perceptions about our World.

Yes, I think you are right ... and from a very narrow perspective of their own ... which is amazing considering how much free money, free servants, free stuff, free worldwide business class air travel, free properties and hob nobbing with the rich and famous they get.

It's nihilistic in the extreme ... (nihilism; the belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement or a delusion, experienced in some mental disorders, that the world or one's mind, body, or self does not exist).

If they, of all people, cannot be happy with this world, what hope have the rest of ordinary people in India? And they're not. Still still want everyone else and this world pulverised with nuclear bombs and all other nations except holy Indian sunk beneath the oceans.

Another contributor, bkti-pit point out a while ago statistics/video to prove that the world is actually becoming a far more peaceful, less cruel place and more equal place.

I think for the reason why we will have to explore Lekhraj Kirpalani's mind and what he and they went through in the 1930s. The world was, for them, the 4 walls of the Om Mandli outside which "everyone" appeared to be against them. Pressuming that "Destruction" is not going to happen ... as it did not happen in WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s to 1990s or Year 2000 ... Lekhraj Kirpalani appears to have been having some kind of massive delusion of grandeur and infantile rage at the rest of the world trying to spoil his little heaven on earth playing Krishna to the young Hyderabadi women.
The Brahma Kumaris were awarded contract from the GOD himself to bring peace in the world 75 years ago, are they complaining for their failure ? Are they unable to complete the contract ? Then why don't they ask GOD to cancel their contract and give it to any other spiritual institution?

Good point and suggest ... Yes, last year the BKs had the audacity to "celebrate" their 75 Anniversary. What bullshitters!

To the rest of the world, 75 years of existence may well be a great achievement. Cynically, the BKs knew and used it to pull strings and milk the media value of it.
    In truth, it should have been marked as a 25 or 35 year FAILURE.

    According to their own philosophy, they have failed to make sufficient efforts ... failed to bring about Destruction (1976 ... 1986 ... 1996) and their are failing to build the foundations of the Golden Age which will FAIL to happen in 2036 again.
Their Baba said, Destruction in 1976 ... it never happened. The Murlis were then edited to say 50 years for Destruction, 50 years for Creation. They Murlis where then re-edited to say 50 to 60 years for Destruction ... it FAILED to happen.
    But do you know what else FAILED to happen?
Their Baba Lekhraj Kirpalani said "If Destruction failed to happen he or they should give all their money and property back to the Government of India".

Destruction FAILED to happen and the BKs FAILED to give their money and property to the Government!!! They probably don't tell this to new BKs.

Look, it's simple ... "why kill a goose who lays golden eggs?" The old hags have learned a good trick to live off in increasing comfort and have initiated a second and third generation to do so too. They've become the gypsies of Rajasthan ... a band of holy beggars, performers and thieves roaming the world, spinning the same old crap, getting fat emptying other people's wallets and picking up properties from old widows.

You're right. If they were honest and had integrity they would admit ... THEY FAILED ... and call it a day but then what would they do? Become real beggars? Go and sit in the widows' temples in Varanasi?

Arguably, the PBKs would probably say they are that other spiritual organization picking up and reviving the tradition where the BKs FAILED to riches and indulgences ... but even the PBKs appear to be heading to their own little Destruction too.

End of the World religions are a game which has gone on for at least 2 or 3 thousands and every generation there is a certain percentage of suckers born who fall for it. The more people on earth there are, the more suckers there are ... and the more money they can be exploited for.

It's a capitalist's dream ... a growth industry whose potential increases the worse things become!


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Re: Brahmakumaris full of negative thoughts

Post26 May 2013

ex-l wrote:Their Baba Lekhraj Kirpalani said "If Destruction failed to happen he or they should give all their money and property back to the Government of India".

I was interested to know please where this Baba said such thing ... and timing. Thank you.
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Re: Brahmakumaris full of negative thoughts

Post26 May 2013

Personally, I cannot tell you specifically right now but I am pretty sure it was in the Murlis.

It was common knowledge/discussion when I was a BK in the early 1980s ... but not why they did not give it back.

Obviously, it was before he died!

It's funny, this issue betrays another element of BKism which is, in my opinion, a slightly mocking or condescending attitude towards Lekhraj Kirpalani ... it's rather if they treat/treated him as a silly old uncle towards the end of his life and after.

On hand, I am pretty sure references of it were in the old Murlis as was the 1976 date ... give me a few days and I will find out, unless anyone else can help. It's strange, as with the "no pictures" or even "no movies" rules, they say "follow the Father: but yet they do not follow and treat him as stupid for having suggested the idea.

I dare say they have edited it out now.


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Re: Brahmakumaris full of negative thoughts

Post15 Jun 2013

This is quite interesting. There was a period of doom brought by Janki and the Seniors, that in the build up to the new millennium, we were all told, and BKs were told that Destruction will happened. There was the theory of Y2K panic, and we were all advised to stock up on rice and food and more stock.

The main focus was also on being soul conscious and forget the old world. How many of you reading this would now feel cheated, that destruction did not happened, and all that panic was a waste of valuable time?

so Sad.

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