A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

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A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post05 May 2013

A review of the non-active members and regular visitors to this forum highlight a pattern of regular visitors from North West London that set in motion an investigation which led to an interesting finding. For a long time we have realised that the BKs access this website and the information on it and respond to it by either including elements or by modify their corporate PR (internal and external) to suit. It's clear our existence has changed the game a little for them.

However, it's come to light that the BKs really do have a dedicated monitors of this forum reporting back to their Übermeisters. Just who or what they do with the information is anyone guess but years of experience dealing with the BK IT team on the Wikipedia shows that they will order and document information assiduously if it is to their benefit, circulate it quickly around their "secure" official grapevines and gossip networks, and use it for personal attacks if required.

Anyway, a quick message to the BK Media Team who lurking on the forum ... please don't be shy and say hello ... but if you do, please don't be an idiot please and, instead, be nice and honest and speak to us like equals and human beings.

In any classroom there are going to be a few individuals with the sanskars of being sneaks or teachers' pets but who are you and why are you doing what you are doing?
    What motivates you?
    Is it voluntary or have you been instructed to do it?
    Are you a "surrendered" BK on the BKWSU's payroll, or are you paying to do so out of your own pocket?
    Who do you report to and what do they do with the information ... apart from try to quickly concoct defences to limit damage?

    Have you learned anything and what do you think of what we have achieved to far?
Turning the tables on the BKs ... we only just read that BK Simon, so who played a leading role in the BK IT Team's attempt to whitewash the topic on their cult and suppress critical comments, apparently got married in 2010 ... and then retired from BK Wikipedia service soon afterwards. Presumably that means married to a human being rather than to the BK god spirit.

On the other hand, it seems one of our favorite BK cougars, Marneta Viegas, has now split up with the toy boy Prince Charming she left Baba for (he left her) and is back closer to the BK fold again, living in Oxford Nuneham Courtenay and still running her RK business as a business. Perhaps going to 'Amrit Vela' on one's wedding day is not the best blessing to a wedding? More details please ...

No doubt the BK IT team will efficiently forward our mention of them to them, it's just a shame that the BK service is a one way service ... their way and nothing back. Simon must have forgotten to send us an invitation to the wedding reception ... or perhaps it just got lost in the post? ... and Marneta has not Facebooked us as a friend.
    What's on earth is going on inside Global Co-operation House?
    Are no BKs a bit disappointed at the way the BKWSU has turned who are willing to dish the dirt on the Kirpalani Klan?Can the BKs just not keep as many 'serviceable celibates' and so have to prop up their empire with those who indulge in the vices and pull out their "swords of lust" too?
It would have been unthinkable and against the Maryadas (principles) in the old days ... these folks obviously never paid attention to what their Baba said in the Murlis.

It seems the BKs are most worried about those outside their camp and control but that it is those inside who are eroding the very pillars the BKWSU was built on the most.

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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post05 May 2013

And while we are at it, can you please teach your cult adherents to ******* spell? Unless you want to come across as disrespectful retards ... have a little regard for the English language, or stick to Hindi as you evangelise.

The plural of BK is "BKs" ... not "BK's" as you appear to have institutionalise.
    One BK
    Two BKs
    The BKs (collectively)
BK's means "belonging to BK".
    BK's hat
    BK's shoes ... it means the hat and shoes belong to BK
And if is belongs to more than one BK, it's BKs' ... "belonging to BKs"
    The BKs' centre ... means the centre which belongs to the BKs, not BK's centre.
and BKs is a countable noun, so it's "The BKs are ...". The BKWSU is ... the BKs are ... Whew, glad I got that off my chest.

Honestly, a typo is a typo and we all do it from time to time ... and English language may very well be a second language for many of you ... but official media ... especially if you are pretending to be a university ... really should be accurate.

I read "BK's" a thousands time over and it is like a duff note in the middle of a piano concerto.

Now, as a test for all you happy smiling and media savvy BK IT folk ... what is wrong in this picture? (clue: and, no, it's not because you are still targeting children).

Not safe for teaching kids ...
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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post06 May 2013

Is it that there are no kids at Kids Corner .


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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post06 May 2013

It is the kidding corner. They kid, and because there is more than one kid it is kid's. ;)


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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post06 May 2013

A message(questions) to BK Media Team

They are kidding people? or they think people are kids? for them kids are like snakes and scorpions in today's world?

Where is destruction..? where are kids Krishna and Radhe? How they will grow up to Shree Narayan and Shree Lakshmi to become emperors in remaining 23 years of SANGAM YUGA? Where are the flying angles which are supposed to be seen by world by now?

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Pink Panther

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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post06 May 2013

we only just read that BK Simon.... apparently got married in 2010 ... . Presumably that means married to a human being rather than to the BK god spirit.

Congratulations Simon! May you and your wife enjoy every (and I mean every) happiness for many years to come. May your loins be fruitful with many children and grandchildren!

Masel tov!!
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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post06 May 2013

Yes, well done Simon ... but you're just a ***** for not telling us because you knew how much we would enjoy reading of it. Can anyone else confirm what went on ... is it to another BK? I'll pay an 'unholy' sweetie and send some really good impure visions to anyone who can tell us the details of what happened.

I think the sad thing is that for every one or two BKs who do, there are 100s or even 1,000s more Brahma Kumaris sitting there in morning class, or all alone in some small center or bhavan, deeply conflicted up inside and longing to leave in order to just be a normal human being ... but who are trapped inside the mental prison that the old crones have created out of Lekhraj Kirpalani's and their tiny caste psychodrama of 75 years ago.

A false prison because we now know that what was really going on 75 years ago was a real swinging party in comparison to what it is like now.
Pink Panther wrote:Congratulations Simon! May you and your wife enjoy every (and I mean every) happiness for many years to come. May your loins be fruitful with many children and grandchildren!

I remember one true story which I will re-tell in approximation as I cannot remember the actual years ...
    A Western BK travelling in India strikes up conversation with convivial Indian BK who tell them they have been in Gyan for 8 years and have three children ... aged 15, 12 and 6 years old. Western BK raises eyebrow ... Gyan for 8 years and 6 years old child. How did that happen, the power of Yoga? Indian BK replies with a tinkle in their eye ...

    "Ah, Baba 'touched me' to produce another BK child!"
Now I don't remember reading that in any Murli either.

What I cannot get over is how ungrateful and unfriendly these divine folk are. After all these years of us serving them ... and we do not receive a single wedding invitation, nor are we even invited to any leaving parties. They can hang around with and accept blessings from those who think they are "drinking poison ... committing spiritual suicide ... blackening their face ... committing murder ... gutting their cycle for eternity" but we're still not good enough for them. The "lowest of the low", as Baba used to say.

And how can those who remain given them their "blessings" for something they have taught for so long is so wrong? It is another exercise in BK two faced hypocrisy or BK schizophrenia?

Is this an option the BKWSU makes clear is open to all BKs ... or only White BKs? Is it there for all the young Indian girls Janki Kripalani still encults into denying themselves the simple security of?

I suppose they do say, "oh, any one can leave at any time ... (on top of the condition of a load of guilt and fear not to)" ... but do they offer to repay their dowry as they go? Western BKs don't pay one in, so they are not great loss.

I am just confused what happened to all that maintaining the "purity" of the BK community in the old days. Have they worked out it is better for business if they look more "normal" and accepting now and damn the spiritual vibrations?

Is showering off your sins of the night before and dressing up in white good enough now to belong?

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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post06 May 2013

It really underlines how irrational and inconsistent they are ...

On one hand, one individual is sent blessings or congratulations for breaking all their rules, BKs even turning up to the weddings their Lekhraj Kirpalani god man called "slaughter" (their Baba called temples which performed weddings slaughter houses); on the other hand, another BK might be guilt tripped, stigmatized, punished, their status reduction or even outcaste ... suffering the humiliation of having to confess to their impure act in order to have their "bad karma" reduced 50% (that was the deal they offered ... confess and have your bad karma reduced in half).

Perhaps we should all send them letters or phone up confessing all the "impurity" we have done, on a regular basis, in order to have our karma reduced too?
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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post07 May 2013

ex-l wrote:On one hand, one individual is sent blessings or congratulations for breaking all their rules, BKs even turning up to the weddings ... on the other hand, another BK might be guilt tripped, stigmatized, punished, their status reduction or even outcaste ...

... to the point of suicide.

One thing I have noticed amongst BKs is that if someone acts assertively, they can do what they like really; if someone is submissive, they are coerced (because they are inviting coercion) by their peers and Seniors.

The assertive ones contribute what they like when they like, the BKs take what they can get and don't risk future contributions by challenging them.

The submissive ones contribute whatever is asked of them but always feel (and are made to feel) they could be doing more (because time is short and there is karma to be cleared and some "realisation" or "stage" that is just out of reach).

This may partly go to your point ex-l about different expectations and treatment for surrendered Indian girls and women etc.
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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post08 May 2013

That is all very true and ought to be told to every individual embarking on a BK career.

Something else I find interesting is how, to quote BK Simon B (should we still call him a BK if he is "married"?), they believe "we know what we're about and cannot be fooled" ... and what they are is a constantly moving conveyor belt.

Not just a constantly moving conveyor belt but a series of different constantly moving conveyor belts moving at different speeds in different places, e.g. rural India versus liberal Western headquarters. What precisely is "BK" today and for whom?

No wonder such BKs want to re-write what BK is for the general public externally when what they are doing internally is apparently re-writing what BKs is for them in order to do what they want ... what we and Baba would have called "following their own manmat" or, even worse, "defaming the Father by breaking the Maryadas" (disciplines).

Is BKism really becoming whatever anyone wants it to be for them now and where do the senior draw the line these days?

I'll have more salacious news to come soon involving another BK marriage and the story of a leading BK figure and a topless sauna ... perhaps what we ought to do is set up a dating website for BKs and recoup some of our donations back selling memberships?

Now that's a proposal an accountant would certainly appreciate.
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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post11 May 2013

ex-l wrote: ... perhaps what we ought to do is set up a dating website for BKs and recoup some of our donations back selling memberships?

You could take a leaf out of Murdoch's book, and follow the trend in online media - charge for access to certain content.

We know that BK life can be dry, and many only get any emotional/psychosexual stimulus through gossip (hence the need for regular admonitions from Murlis and Seniors) - so, there is obviously a BK gossip-rag market waiting to be tapped.

The forum here stays as is, but "wall off" certain "popular appeal" reports and charge to access. Any non-members/non-contributors who want to read certain topics (BK Who did what to BK Whom? OMG!!!) they can pay per view! (- $1 per read - and donate all takings to the yugya for ADDED IRONy).


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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post23 May 2013

Quite alarming, why in the first place are the BK Media Team monitoring the site, shows they are feeling the pressure? What kind of pressure would it be.


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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post23 May 2013

Pink Panther wrote: we only just read that BK Simon....

One would think marriage is forbidden in the BK world, any how congratulations BK Simon.
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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post23 May 2013

Especially a 'marriage by choice' rather than marriage to trick parents or the visa department of the USA etc.

I wonder if he still considers himself to be a "BK"? I wonder if they have so expanded the definition of what BK is now that you can even become married and have sex and still be a BK. That would have been unthinkable in my time and for most of the BK world even now. It is certainly contrary to the teachings of Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Murlis.

I've heard that there is a small clique around the BK HQ in London who do such things, dropping in and out of BKism (celibacy and so on) and yet remain useful or "serviceable" to the BKs. Again in the old days that would not have accepted as their impure vibrations would have been seen as a negative influence and they would not have been trusted around the Sisters.

Personally, I see it as just another way in which the BKWSU has realised it can get more out of more people if it accepts blurred borders and luke warm adherence ... something is better than nothing ... it they have realised that to appear tolerant and accepting of such "impurity" is beneficial in the West because it makes them appear more normal and less cult-like.

If anyone has a more uptodate opinion on what is going on, why the Seniors are allowing it and what influence it is having, I'd be interested to read it.

As usual we have to have this crazy one way discussion because the BKs won't just tell us themselves and won't enter into dialogues.


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Re: A message to the BK Media Team and more marriage news

Post23 May 2013

It's difficult to understand the real definition of a BK. It does seem that the rules get changed but this may be kept secret from new students.

I have also heard a small clique of BKs are allowed to drop In and out as they are considered valuable for service.

There were also stories of some BK female students who find it suitable to read 'Fifteen Shades of Grey' and watch countless Youtube clips and movies, yet sit on the chair and read the Murli. Can anyone tell me if this is true?

As usual we will never be told anything up front and in an honest manner.

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