Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

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Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post28 Oct 2010

Before you get sucked in by all the Brahma Kumaris' slick publicity ... this is what you can expect once you are 'in'.

I am a Ruhani Doctor and Professor.

You might have come across many types of Doctors who are professional in curing different parts of body. However I am specialized in curing souls from vices and mental tension, frustration, depression ... I would like to introduce you to an International Hospital wherein you would get rid of all the diseases of both Body and Soul for 21 births just by paying Rs. Zero. Sounds strange, but it's true.

This unique organization is also a Godly University. Unlike other universities where you would get degree that of MBBS, MD, Engg, PhD, IAS, MBA, LLB, CA ... etc only for one birth. This university will grant you the degree that of Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayana, degree of Devi-Devtas, Deities for 21 births, before whom the people of entire world put down their head in respect and worship. is not that Interesting to know???

So would you like to get free from all Diseases and get the Highest position of World Emperor and thereby become 100% HEALTHY, 100% WEALTHY and thereby 100% HAPPY ????

Then visit this special and unique HOSPITAL cum UNIVERCITY which has its Head Office at Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India.

To get the addresses of FREE Hospital CUM University near your house, click the following link:

To know more about this Hospital Cum University, do visit or You may also go through my orkut album carefully to familiarize with the basic concepts taught by this university. I have also embedded various audiovisual videos in my orkut videos section which could benefit you a lot.

If you have any further doubts or need any clarification, feel free to mail your Ruhani Dr. & Prof. at: Cell no. 09881302565.

All the Best.


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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post28 Oct 2010

Well, he is happy. He finally found some "people" willing to listen to his music. This is :D really funny.
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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post28 Oct 2010

jann wrote:Well, he is happy. He finally found some "people" willing to listen to his music. This is :D really funny.

Yes, funny in a pathetic sort of way because they're not really listening are they? Listening is not exactly one of their virtues. They're actually thinking about their beloved ghost. It's a "nice" way to pretend to be interested and keep the carrot dangling ...
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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post28 Oct 2010

He has got the hang of the G cord but he's struggling with C and should learn D.
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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post28 Oct 2010

Mr Green wrote:He has got the hang of the g cord but he's struggling with C and should leard D
rayoflight wrote:Well, he is happy. He finally found some "people" willing to listen to his music. This is :D really funny. Yes, funny in a pathetic sort of way because they're not really listening are they? Listening is not exactly one of their virtues. They're actually thinking about their beloved ghost. It's a "nice" way to pretend to be interested and keep the carrot dangling...

lol, I agree it's mostly just one chord, this song nearly made me fall asleep hehehe very funny :).

I agree, they did not seem very interested in the song.
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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post28 Oct 2010

Performances at the BKWSO seem like they go on for eternity ... is it possible that they do? And is this why they are so boring?
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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post28 Oct 2010

rayoflight wrote:Performances at the BKWSO seem like they go on for eternity ... is it possible that they do? And is this why they are so boring?

I wish there were a "like" button I would like your comment.

I think maybe that they are meant to be boring so the BKs and other people fall asleep during them making them easier to pursuade and manipulate?????
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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post28 Oct 2010

cfile6 wrote:I wish there were a "like" button I would like your comment.

I have been thinking the very same thing :D . Note to Admin: any chance of adding a "like" button?

I think maybe that they are meant to be boring so the BKs and other people fall asleep during them making them easier to pursuade and manipulate?????

Yes! The music is so boring that the person falls asleep and the brainwash sneaks in and does its subtle work while the person is defenseless.

A sign that you've sold your soul to the devil is when you can actually put up with this crap and call it "good." Some of the shows I've seen were like amateur performances put on by your local church, except with the BKWSO it's always on a grand "show-off" scale. Used to make me cringe.
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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post09 Nov 2010

rayoflight wrote:A sign that you've sold your soul to the devil is when you can actually put up with this crap and call it "good." Some of the shows I've seen were like amateur performances put on by your local church, except with the BKWSO it's always on a grand "show-off" scale. Used to make me cringe.

Hehehe I agree ... what do you mean that its on a grand "show-off" scale?

What is there to show off? hehehe.
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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post12 Nov 2010

cfile6 wrote:Hehehe I agree ... what do you mean that its on a grand "show-off" scale? What is there to show off? hehehe.

You are correct. There is nothing to show-off. But they sure do make a lot of noise for a group that sells silence.
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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post18 Nov 2010

i think this song sounds sorta like another song i've heard, i think they have ripped the melody of another song, which is not that surprising. :shock: :D


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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post06 Jun 2012

LOL, I had to share that one ... :).
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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post16 May 2013

One of the pitiful excuse the BKs often use for *not* listening to criticisms ... whether those criticisms are fair, truthful, accurate or overdue or not ... is that the criticisms are said in what they find to be an unacceptable manner.

I've heard this is personally from BKs right up to the top, including members of the inner circle 'Kriplani Klan', and I've read it more than once in emails or forum posts from the ass kissing minions who ape them ...
10,000 BKs wrote:
"It's not what you say", they bleat.

"It's the way you said it".

... often it is shortly followed by the very BK admonishment of being "not royal" and general patronising guff.
    Basically, what they are saying is it is OK to lie, cheat and steal etc (*) ... as long as you do it in a "royal" manner.

    However, it's not OK to accuse them of lying, cheating and stealing etc (*) in plain English ... because to do so is "not royal".
For some reason one is supposed to show them respect at all times, especially their oldest and most practised cheats, and, if one does not, one 'loses their game' and they won't listen to you ... even if they have cheated you. Perhaps ESPECIALLY if they have cheated you, and you've just woken up to it.

Just in case anyone else is fooled by this ... please do not be. It's all bullsh** and just another diversion or deflection putting the onus back on you. According to them, if you have a problem with the BKWSU, it's just your karma according the BKs. It's nothing to do with them because they were remembering Baba when they did it to you!
    Listen ... FACT ... the bottomline is they were never going to listen, change or do anything they could avoid anyway. They were just looking for an excuse not to, or play the whole thing back at you and make it your fault.
Mind you, it's is true that if you do have have a habit of lying, cheating and stealing(*) it probably is best to do it in a very polite and "royal" manner as 9 times of 10 you'll probably fool most people ... if you want to live that kind of life.

You'll may even find that appealing to a certain other sorts of individuals amongst the haute and petite bourgeoisies and discrediting a critic on the basis of their alleged rudeness, impoliteness or lack of "royal behaviour", whether it is true or not, will probably work to a certain extent too ... again, if you want to live that kind of life and be surrounded by those kind of people.

Personally, I don't and I could not give a damn ... To me, it is the BKs and their behaviour which is "not royal". It's just all about attempting to climb the greasy pole by aping what you believe to be upper class behaviour and at times pretentious. A truly "royal" person would value criticisms especially those which were fair, truthful, accurate the most and never assassinate others on the basis of superficial cultural or class differences for voicing them. Many of their cultural values are absolute garbage ... and they are really not as classy as they think.

I may be wrong but, in my opinion, the best thing to do with BKs is not to dance to their tune. It's a waste of time which is unlikely to achieve anything and is just another control mechanism they can make up as they go along. Be yourself and dance to your own rhythm. You may still achieve nothing but at least at the end you will not feel like they suckered you and you dirtied yourself crawling to them once again.

(* For the sakes of this post, I am defining "lying, cheating and stealing" to include bullshitting, indoctrinating individuals to believe in numerous false predictions of the End of the World and exploiting their religious sensibilities or personal vulnerabilities to extort money and property from them on the basis of said predictions, or any other superstitious beliefs such as your god or leaders' magical abilities to multiple the value of any donations many times ... and then hiding and covering things up when those predictions and promises fail).


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Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

Post19 May 2013

... and then hiding and covering things up when those predictions and promises fail

and certainly all their predictions and promises fail every time in future too.... that is for sure....

But they don't bother at all about any thing about any body, they are always right because they say that they are right. You are questioning, so you are doubtful soul who always carries "?" in your thoughts. "?" is the sign of slavery while "." is the sign of king. So you ought to learn to put "." for any thing that happens...

if they say destruction should happen in 2-3 years then you should apply a "." and cannot put "?" asking them, "how is it possible....? world is so big....? and there are no signs of any destruction coming so soon....?" etc then according to them you will be a slave.

After 2-3 years, the destruction won't come, then also you should apply "." because you want to become king. And even after you polished their furniture, you painted their house, you done all brooming, vip chasing and done what ever they said to you to do, and then if you ask them, "you said 2-3 but now it has become 20-30 still their is no signs of destruction?", you will be called again a doubt full soul always putting "?" and deserve slavery in their royal kingdom.

So you should learn to put "." and should learn to eat "HALVA" in every situation according to BKWSU. You should be able to learn how to cheat others as one day you were cheated by others. No questions.. No questions


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You can learn herehow to prepare halva

so Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ... please note the above point in your mind

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