Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

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Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post30 Apr 2013

Have you ever wanted to ask Dadi Janki a question - or give a friend that opportunity? Now is your chance!

For the first time ever, Janki Kripalani will be doing a special online Q&A, answering questions sent in by YOU.
Deadline for submission of questions is 4th May.

Of course when the BKWSU says, "answering questions sent in by YOU" they probably don't mean questions sent in by ex-BKs. Generally such questions are heavily censored before Janki gets them.

The Q&A will be broadcast live at 7pm on Tuesday 7th May 2013 at
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki

Post30 Apr 2013

the questions are chosen from a list by janki before the event
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki

Post05 May 2013

Needless to say all the interesting questions were censored and removed from the discussion.

It's enlightening though, when an ad hoc public survey such as this is made, what it exposes about the general level of the 'acceptable' and 'allowable' BK mindset, and what it reflect of the reasons people are attracted to a guru figure.

Now you see it ...


Now you do not ...


It's funny, Nandakishore Bhat asks, "what is the way to channelize mind so as to have good feelings for all irrespective?"

Well, after 97 years Janki Kirpalani has found out that the answer is, as every teenager on the internet knows, ... block the trolls from your Facebook page!
BK adherents wrote:How do you suggest dealing with politics in the workplace. In most places I've been everyone is talking about each other. It's hard to trust anyone but we spend most of our lives there.

What is Life ?

How should we utilize our time to live REAL life ?

How & Where, we should Devote our time & Specially with WHOM ?

How we make others to be happy without money ?

I have only one thing to ask and that is how to get rid of expectations of others.

Even if Murli often suggest to avoid questions to others by using words like Why or When, it's very hard for me avoid them and being detached and bodiless. I know that Yoga, Knowledge and Service are a good method to go on but I continue to feel sadness.I started to adopt BK cues ( since 1 year), my life is getting better but I still don't feel costantly content. Can you tell me how could I improve my state that is the same of lots of people? Thank you, Namaste

What is all of this (life etc..) and why?

How do I control my anger?

I want to take power from your divine drishti! Can you come to our center or meet me in this month?

I wish to have spiritual power to evolve a religious movement. Can I acquire this through the BK Spirituality? Terfa from Nigeria

insecurity and how to deal with it? fear of unknown and fear of helpless ness ,pls tell me how to overcome that. Thank you & God blessings are always with you.

what is that service that is needed most by mankind today?

Since last 1year I try to wakeup in Amrutha vela ,faild. How wake with energetic.

i want to know how can we sinful human beings attain salvation or eternal life and be sure that we have obtained eternal life? I also want to know what is the meaning of salvation and eternal life. Does GOD forgive our sins? How to live a sinless life? What is sin? How can we define sin? Is there life after death?

compared to others in BK though i joined late,by grace of god i got oppurtunity to expose with prominent people lecture like urs, Dadi guljar,Sister jayanti,Sister shivani,Sister radhika,Sister manda,Sister maureen in 2010. here is the summary of message i got from BK. slowly remove bad virtues, slowly follow good virtues like a baby good to others,be happy,learn and share with others.answered many queries.

now i am bit confused between good and bad.i am doing good things but the world is not accepting and getting problems and becoming a challenge for the existance.i am not greedy but we need to some thing income source to live and take care of the family with basic things like food,shelter,cloths,health.i thought to post to you so that it will help to many people.some times feel from Murli that we need to be deattached and ready to connect with supersoul.if we deattach from the family,world,body how we will feel that with out a body there is no existence.please clarify and show the path to me to lead the life with all basic values of the BK person till we join the supersoul.taking suicide to join the supersoul and running away from the responsibilities is not the message from BK to all people,i believe.

how do i stop worrying and live my life as i am wasting it through worry. Om Shanti

how we can live when we lose the purpose and the motivation...? and we don´t have love...?

I came to know a lot about the inner meaning of our old mythological tales. But what is the significance of 14 YEARS of Shri Ramchandra's Banabas? Why 14 YEARS?

my question is: I cannot see the suffering of people, animals & nature. It makes me sad. I want to know how long will it continue?

What the? Wow I am confused. I am trying to keep it simple. Get connected, stay connected and all will be well. I am trying to let go of situations.

I want to ask how to forgive someone who lives with you and keeps screaming, shouting, manipulating and abusing you and your family all the time. We cannot ignore or avoid that person as we stay in the same house. The moment we try to let go of her past bad behaviour and forgive her and move on, she again does something wrong or speaks rubbish about you and family. How can we deal with such a situation?

what is the way to channelize mind so as to have good feelings for all irrespective?

i have been in Godly Gyan for last 2 years,i imbibe knowledge,follow it,i do service,i m determined also about the Baba Shiv but Dadi despite these qualities i m unable to overcome my personal indulgence,i cant avoid what i should not indulge myself.please help me Dadi

how i improve my power of discriminate ?

I work in a company were i return late around 12am-1am and unable to get up at amruthvela, is there any alternative for this and also i get distracted easily though i try to control myself on this, pls suggest.

how I control myself when somebody always abused me without any reason? She has cursed me in every moment, at that situation how can I give her good wishes?!!! Please help me Dadi ji, Om Shanti

how would i know that all my cakras are open...Om Shanti
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post06 May 2013

Q. I wish to have spiritual power to evolve a religious movement. Can I acquire this through the BK Spirituality? Terfa from Nigeria

Opportunity for Franchises open now!!
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post06 May 2013

Carefully censored as usual to hide any resemblance of truth.
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post15 May 2013

The world wide web is an amazing thing. It opens up many horizon. It's ability to reach billions quickly tempts even the most secretive of people and groups who'd otherwise want to keep themselves aloof & exclusive.

I was not interested in this thread, but felt it my duty to add this link to the thread when I came across it. It is a publicly available Youtube video of the selection of questions from that Facebook PR campaign.

This is not "Meet the Press". None of the hard questions get asked.

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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post15 May 2013

It's such a shame. They are squandering the real value of Janki Kripalani who knows much more than she says.

Do you think it is her who controls this, as in she says, "Let's ban and censor any difficult question and no allow anything that puts me on the spot in order to make me look good", or is it those around her?

It's a bad thing when someone that is so influential within the community is allowed to be so unaccountable and imperious.
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post15 May 2013

To ask "hard questions" as have been asked on this forum may be bad manners when one is dealing with someone as old a she is (she says she is 97 or similar in the video - is that right? I thought there was some dispute over that?) Even if she is in her 70s or 80s, no matter, she is older and frailer.

However there is no reason that "important" (rather than "hard") questions cannot be put in a polite way. A polite request, for example, for her to record to video or audio, over a number of sessions, her biography in as much detail as possible. It would be an invaluable history - for the BKs at least - and would be interesting cross-check against other memories and records. It is well known that different people will remember the same event in different ways.

In the telling, many other memories can come up, filling in more than is already known, and any researcher can then look for confirming or contradictory versions which can then be further researched ... One should never fear to measure one's own truth against others'.
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post15 May 2013

Janki Kripalani and the BKWSU have been playing on the frailties of her health for at least 30 years ... is she not "one of The Eight" (the "top" eight souls in the world)? Would one of the eight not have the strength to just tell the truth?

Janki Kripalani and the BKWSU have also been playing on both this "showing respect to elders" number and their filtering of questions via translators who deflect and discard inconvenient questions and polish refined non-answers.

I agree with you. To have Janki Kripalani questions would be of benefit to all ... but it would be a waste of time to a BK to do so, or an uninformed non-BK. The first is far to far under their control and the second far too far easy to dupe.

And Janki Kripalani has spent her life developing a skillset of duping others.

Will the BK middlemen or upper echelons every allow Janki Kripalani to be truly questioned? Would she lower herself to do so? Could she cope with being held to the truth ... I doubt it all.

It strikes me the BK middlemen or upper echelons see their future as being invested in maintaining the polished myth of Janki Kripalani and the early days and all out questions are highly inconvenient to them.

The BKs are not about the truth. They don't want the truth to come out. What they want to do is doctor and manipulate the truth in order to sustain their money making and money consuming machine ... and to feed and house themselves until they day.

As with Dadi Janki Kripalani ... they are far more interested in spinning on the web of lie until they die.


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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post15 May 2013

And why should we care about Janki telling her "Memoire"...?!

She never intended to tell the truth before, so why would she do this now ...?!
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post16 May 2013

I made my point a little subtly.

I am talking about not invoking a prescribed answer by asking specific questions. Let her talk - just record. Almost like lying on Freud's couch and spouting forth.... don't get in the way of the guard being lowered by reacting. Listen.

Usually this is where discrepancies will come out. Later review will show, "but here this was said, there the other was said". That's one thing I noticed in London when on occasion I challenged her about some contradiction she'd made to something else she'd said. She had the yuktis to avoid such approaches and people were romanced into her POV. (eg a kind of anti-intellectualism when it suits, avoiding logic by appealing to motherhood statements of harmony, peace, etc).

If you "j'accuse" someone with "but you have changed dates of destruction many times" for example, the defensiveness and obfuscation comes in.

If she is allowed to speak to almost "stream of consciousness' type memories, it may emerge something like "in 1939 we thought this...." then a few days later, "in 1949 we thought this..." and so on till "in 1999 we thought this" .. The prejudiced (positively or negatively) will hear what they want to hear anyway. No need for questions or accusations, any intelligent person can come to their own conclusion

A historian lets the participant in the events put their side of the story, then measures it against other sides. What the participants believed happened sometimes reveals a lot more about the personalities & motives etc involved than challenging them with what objectively happened (as seen by an outsider) - to which they inevitably 'react'. It's an approach I learnt in History studies.

The objective truths are obvious, no need to go there.

A less generous way of saying it is to let her be "hoisted on her own petard"


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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post16 May 2013

Actually there is one book out by BK and chapter is there very full from Janki Dadi. I will find and report. Also Brahma Baba gave eight by name in 1940s time, it is written (but where ?) and Janki Dadi was not a part of the number.


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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post16 May 2013

The BK Seniors would never allow Janki to appear live on T.V. or uncensored interview with a neutral interviewer. This would result in receiving heavy guage questions, which would squeeze Janki in a narrow corner, thus embarrassing the whole BK organization and its followers ...!!
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post16 May 2013

I heard a while ago that people going to at least some public programmes were being frisked for cameras etc so they could not record the proceedings either. They don't want you remember what was said 5, 10, 15 years ago because they keep changing it in order to capture more people. The internet will suit them because they can control what is seen and what impression is made.

From many people's experiences, Janki can actually become quite irate or angry, unstable or emotional. They're doing all they can to keep up the facade of her "top 8 souls" supreme divinity and trying to ensure any embarrassing "brain farts" don't getting out.

Have their stopped the nonsense of the top 8, top 108 and top 16,108 souls ... ideas which they stole from Hinduism and then modified for their own ends?

Look, here's how it works.
    2 can capture 1 ... 3 can capture 2 ... 5 can capture 3 ... 8 can capture 5 ... 13 can capture 8 ... and so on.
When you deal with Janki either in Hindi, English or even Sindi, it's generally '2 minds on 1' which gives the advantage ... except to the most confidence, well grounded, informed and sincere ... to them. And the two minds to your one are a very well practised and very experienced double act. It might even be three, e.g. Janki, Jayanti (or another translator) and a submissive inferior who job it is to serve sweeties etc and "meditate" or stare (dristhi) to create an atmosphere. That's considerable social pressure.

It's the way tribal expansion happened amongst those tribes who took slaves to expand quickly back in history. Once you get to a certain size of critical mass, one then has an army which can conquer and have other small tribes surrender to it merely by its size ... even attract others to it out of self-interest, e.g. for its comforts, opportunities, entertainment or security.

If one challenges it, one generally experiences its hidden nasty, devious or scheme side, it's "shadow", like we did with the Karuna Shetty/Hans Raval/BK Media Team and legal action.
    It's not actually very high minded or enlightened behavior. Not all of us are ambitious imperialist slavers wanting other civilizations annihilated. Some of us just want to be left in peace and harmony with nature and others, to respect boundaries and respect others as equals.
Such knowledge, both of being abusive and being victimised, is written into human DNA or our deepest sub-consciousness. All the BKs are doing is replaying history, albeit in a more subtle way. Exploiters have refined strategies of how to exploit (you see the BKWSU experimenting with new form of enculting all the time). Weaker individuals refine strategies of survival based on being "successfully" submissive (we see this now with all the BK going off and marrying but yet hanging on within the BK circle ... they get their "cakes", and eats them too).

The BK still conquer other lands and 'take slaves' (any unpaid worker without rights and freedom is essentially a slave whether they are in chains on a plantation or doing housework in a BK center[/]). Only now they are mental slaves and it is done "subtly".

The arch-marketeers of the BK leadership have managed to re-marketed slavery as one's "original religion" and "freedom". What's interesting is that even if you break all the rules, capture one of their slaves and then go off and start having sex and turning "BK seva" (service/evangelism) into your own business ... as long as you bow to them they appear to accept you. However, even if you follow all the rules yet question them and their status ... they will outcast and attempt to assassinate you ([i]generally character assassination first but BKs have been known to resort to threats and violence

Their god actually used to mentioned this, although I suppose they have removed such references from their messages now. He, they or Lekhraj Kirpalani used to call it, "conquering the world 3 square feet at a time". 3 square feet being the space required for someone to sit down and do their meditation. They enter into nations, they enter into town and villages, they even enter right into your family home and land ... and start to conqueror it one person (or 3 square feet) at a time. And, of course, like all imperialists tend to, they use "divide and rule".

Janki has been elected by the high priests as their tribal god queen to whom all the people's of BK must bow and whose status must not be questioned. And it is in the interest of those who are lining up to take her place after she dies to maintain, protect and even exaggerate that status.

It's all evidence of their lack of real divinity and enlightenment.


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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post16 May 2013

In the English book is "A Unique Experience. Autobiography of Dada Vishwa Ratan, ("Ek Anokha Anubhav" in Hindi) it is explained how Dada Vishwa Ratan was assigned to draw the 4 pictures - Kalpa Tree, Timurti, Wheel Drama, Ladder.
The Kalpa Tree : This was the first to be done.

Brahma Baba instructed Dada to draw the faces of Gandhi, Jinna in the leaves of The Tree, and Stalin and Harry S. Truman at the top of The Tree. Brahma Baba instructed Dada to draw Brahma Baba at the roots, and when Dada completed it and returned to show Brahma Baba, Baba replied "Yes, it is correct".

Brahma Baba then told Dada to draw the following 8 next to Brahma Baba and Mama : Didi Man Mohini, Dadi Prakashmani, Dada BrijIndra, Dadi Dhyani, Dadi Shantamani, Dadi Brijshanta, Dada Vishwa Kishore, and Dada Vishwa Ratan. 3 Dadis and 1 Dada on each side.

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