'We Will Forget' (End of the World movie)

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'We Will Forget' (End of the World movie)

Post21 Apr 2013

I am not out for people's public disgrace but is the BKWSO not a bit like Robert Fitzpatrick, but in a more mean way, with hypnotising and deluding people and all the stuff that goes on there. I have added a documentary on him. Summit is around the 10 th minute.

We Will Forget by Garret Harkawik

Fueled by his religious beliefs, Robert Fitzpatrick spent over one hundred thousand dollars of his life savings on subway ads warning that the world would end on May 21st, 2011. 'We Will Forget' follows Robert in the weeks leading up to the 21st, and ultimately to Times Square where he awaits the rapture with fellow believers, onlookers, and naysayers.
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Re: 'We Will Forget' movie

Post22 Apr 2013

What a touchingly intimate yet saddeningly tragic portrait of an ordinary man undergoing a terrible slow motion melt down of his life ... in real time. Possessed by a millenarianistic ego trip, his God desert him in the middle of Time Square and in front of all the television cameras.

endofworld.jpg (48.02 KiB) Viewed 7928 times

Again symmetrical to the Brahma Kumaris, at the end it tells us he first believed he got the wrong date and changed it, then retrospectively re-interpreted it to mean something more spiritual or metaphorical, and then revised that again to believe he was doing something wrong, engaging in hubris, to try and predict God's final act.

And, as a reflection on the sake of the way of the world today, he is first heckled by a crass mob out to ridicule him as he waits for his God to come and then, after the End of the World fails, is he gets hit on by human carrion wanting money off him for it not happening ... rather than someone calling for the medical assistance (therapy) he probably needed.

I guess Lekhraj Kirpalani and the BKs must have been a little bit like that, "What now Lekhraj? We gave up everything to follow you. We sold our homes and gave you the money, we have no jobs, who is going to look after us now? You promised us" ... or were they so mentally controlled that they could not question and challenge even back then? WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986 - 96, Year 2000.

Lekhraj Kirpalani must have been a lot different from this frail, vulnerable and lonely man. The advertizing people who took his money off him must have thought him to be a fool and really should not. Or perhaps they were just Jewish and did not believe in Christian End of the World!?! (No, that's not intended to be racist. It's New York we're talking about and that's a religious joke about the Judaism refuting Jesus as the Messiah.).

Lekhraj Kirpalani was handsome, in his prime (not 60 as they say), massively wealthy and lived in what was almost a palace. He spoilt the first generation of Om Mandlites with comforts and played Krishna to their 'Gopis' bathing in the same pool with them, lying around in beds with them, even feed them morsels of food mouth to mouth. He must have been more like a movie star than this man.

It's strange how, even when confronting absolute surety of absolute failure (and this poor, retired man just threw away $140,000 of his life's savings), the human mind refuses or is unable to accept it and struggles to make any other sense of the events than the obvious ... "You were wrong, you've just thrown away all of your money on a madness, and the rest of your life is going to be far tougher because of it".

Thank you. I really appreciated that link. Would the BKs produce or allow produced something so sincere rather than their usual happy-smiley deceptive PR facade.
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Re: 'We Will Forget' (End of the World movie)

Post23 Apr 2013

So sad.

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