Spiritist mediumship & dissociative identity disorder

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: Spiritist mediumship & dissociative identity disorder

Post18 Apr 2013

Yes Ex-I, i was diectly sexually abused by a number of members of the Brahma Kumaris and in more ways than one as well as verbally and mentally.
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Re: Spiritist mediumship & dissociative identity disorder

Post18 Apr 2013

enlightened wrote:Sexual abuse not only entails sexual intercourse, but the act of inappropriate touching, the act of attempting to have sexual intercourse as well as rape.

So what are you saying happened to you within the BKWSU?

Touching... groping ... or someone trying it on with you (unwanted attempt to seduce you)?

Or was it just mental, e.g. on one hand being pressurised as a young person to be 100% "pure" against everything your mind, body and emotions were telling you was natural and wanted and, on the other hand, someone in the BKs flirting with you or encouraging you.

I can understand that would be very confusing.

I am sorry to ask directly but I believe in a "better out than in" policy when it comes to discussing problems. It's better to say it and have it clarified. A large part of abuse happens in silencing victims.

Through 'naming and shaming' the BKs so others can be protected from their abuse, and abusers within them.

You can always answer 'off forum' if you wish.
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Re: Spiritist mediumship & dissociative identity disorder

Post18 Apr 2013

Yes, Ex-I

Sexual abuse in all the ways you mention and by different members of the Brahma Kumaris in different countries and it all happened from the age of about 10 years onwards.

The mental and verbal abuse was in addition to the sexual abuse and all the horrific brainwashing which not only cut my emotional connection with myself but ties with my family, and every other aspect of my life and development from childhood to adulthood. And, yes, there was a lot of flirtation and encouraging by much older members as well as members of a similar age group.

I think you're finally getting the picture! It's hard for me to explain because a part of me is still that child which wasn't allowed to develop or express itself only now I am in a body which is in its late 40's.

I surpressed everything until I had a breakdown at the age of 39 and it's only then that I started to see a therapist!
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Pink Panther

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Re: Spiritist mediumship & dissociative identity disorder

Post19 Apr 2013


You replied to one part of my post below, saying "Spot On!". But what about my suggestion to let us know where you are and what kind of support you could really use in real life. Someone here may have the wherewithal to be a real-time, present friend and support. Whether just phone chats (Skype?), or over coffee, going to support groups with you, do other activities together, or D&M talks into the night ... any of this sound desirable?

You might (understandably) feel wary of 'exploitative predators", so you can state someone of your own gender (if you are straight) or opposite gender (if you are gay) - and I'd suggest at least around your own age (life experience).

I am just concerned that online forums, and even therapists, are no substitutes for real friends. Breathe deeply, be brave.
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Re: Spiritist mediumship & dissociative identity disorder

Post19 Apr 2013

enlightened wrote:Sexual abuse in all the ways you mention and by different members of the Brahma Kumaris in different countries and it all happened from the age of about 10 years onwards.

I surpressed everything until I had a breakdown at the age of 39 and it's only then that I started to see a therapist!

You'll probably hate me for saying this ... but a heartfelt congratulations on having a breakdown and letting it all out rather than bottling it all in and dying.

I am not joking about that and I am afraid I am going to have to be even more serious about it. I had a girlfriend who followed the archetypal pathway of child sex abuse ... to an abusive adult rape ... to a 'nigh' suicide (I'll spare your the details but she was saved (not by me), we know many do not make it through). I think most ex-BKs who were young BKs know a little bit about how it feels like to be developmentally retarded ... although in many case I cannot claim to know how it feels to be a child of the BKWSU.

How do you feel now about speaking out about the truth of your BK experience ... not in the spirit of revenge but to enlighten some and hopefully protect others?

Did you know the individuals in the other cases we have documented here? (You don't have to say 'online').

I think it's really important people like you do speak out however hard and conflicting you feel it is. No one really knows what it is like for BK kids and they are still pushing 1,000s of young girls through their center-in-charge sausage machine.

You can reply to me here on via PM if you wish. I am also happy to meet in person if we are near.


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Re: Spiritist mediumship & dissociative identity disorder

Post21 Apr 2013

Supporting you enlightened. And reading carefully posts by members above. And if I can assist in any way I am here also.

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