Learn Meditation Online.Org

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post30 Mar 2013

BKWSU wrote:New Learn Meditation Website

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Om Shanti. You may be interested to know that some 250,000 people search for ‘Meditation’ on Google each month. Thus there is a great deal of potential to do service through the Internet and an international team has been working to produce a website on meditation for the past two years.

We are pleased to inform you that the site is now ready for use and can be accessed at: http://www.learnmeditationonline.org

The website is designed to be experiential and thus there are guided commentaries on most pages. The lessons follow the practice of meditation as taught by the Brahma Kumaris. We have paid attention to making the site suitable for people of all backgrounds and faiths.

There are 7 lessons; Introduction, Meditation and Soul Awareness, Energising the Soul, Meditation and Self Respect, More About Meditation, Eight Powers of the Soul and Lifestyle.

Participants are encouraged to keep a journal of their experiences and can email their questions to us. At the end of the course they can contact their local centre if they wish to do so.

Please feel free to have a look at the site and if you feel to do so, inform your family, friends and colleagues of the site. Lessons need to be accessed in sequential order.

If you have any queries, you are welcome to contact us: info@learnmeditationonline.org

On Baba’s unlimited service,

The Learn Meditation Team
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Re: BKs told not to Google Brahma Kumaris Info forum.

Post30 Mar 2013

Interesting, Jann. Thank you as ever.

It seems that they are downgrading the use of "World Spiritual University", for "Organisation", and re-marketing "Raja Yoga" as non-Indian "BK Meditation".

They're also downgrading the public use of the term "Shiva" and changing "Sanskars" to "The Subconscious Mind".

I think it's a little unethical to initiate individuals into a relationship with their spirit guides Shiva/BapDada without telling them first what it is all about.
Brahma Kumaris wrote:By now, you may be wondering why we are using the name Supreme Soul and not traditional names like God or Allah or the Divine. BK Meditation is a simple practice of connecting with a very pure energy source. It does not require any particular religious belief or understanding.

To draw upon the energy of the Supreme Soul, a belief in God is not essential. An openness to the idea that there may be a greater source of energy than yourself is of most use. With an open mind, you can experiment with personal direct communication with the Supreme Soul and draw upon the unlimited energy available to all.

Simply remain open to the idea that there may be a greater source of energy than yourself.

What matters is your own experience.

It might be worth analysing this site later. Rather than "open your mind", i.e. being gullible, and wallowing in subjective experiences, I would suggest keeping one's head on and one's feet on the ground and remaining rational and objective.
Do I have to belong to a religion to meditate?

No, you do not need to belong to a religion to meditate. Meditation can be practised by anyone of any religion and also by those who do not belong to any religion. Everyone can benefit from meditation.

Do I have to believe in God to meditate?

To meditate, you do not have to believe in anything. It all depends on your specific aim and needs. Some people meditate to relax or find inner peace or develop positivity, while others want a connection with God or a Supreme Being. Keeping your aim in mind, simply remain open to experimenting with the ideas presented in this course. Focus on what is useful for you, what works for you.

Does this meditation course involve spirituality?

This depends on what you mean by spirituality. If spirituality means to use your positive resources more fully and practically, then yes, it does involve spirituality. Spirituality is not a creed or a closed belief system, but more a way of living, a way of relating to life that is non-violent and respectful, generating peace and harmony.

I am not religious. Is this course for me?

You can derive benefit from BK Meditation whether you are religious or not.


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Re: Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post30 Mar 2013

Lets all sign up for the on line course! Incognito! :D



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Re: Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post31 Mar 2013

Will I be asked to join a group?

Do I have to belong to a group to use this course?

No, you are free to do this course without joining any group.
Congratulations on completing the Learn Meditation course! We do hope that you have enjoyed participating and that it has been beneficial to you. Of course you can continue to use the website as you wish to review lessons, listen to meditation commentaries and watch videos. You can now download the whole course in PDF format, including audio commentaries and videos. may choose to continue the practice of meditation at home or you may like to take the opportunity to join others in group meditation sessions.

Joining a group meditation is very helpful in developing one's own practice.

The information on this site was provided by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, an organisation committed to self transformation through meditation and positive thinking.

If you would like to join a group meditation session or further your study of spiritual knowledge, you may choose to visit one of the centres of the Brahma Kumaris. There are more than 8,500 centres of the organisation located in 110 countries. Please see the following website for more details: http://www.BKWSU.org. It is recommended that you contact your local centre by phone before visiting as it may only be open in the evenings and at weekends. If you find that there is no centre near you, please send a message to us via the 'Contact Us' button on this site. Books, CDs and DVDs are available to purchase at many centres as well as on the following websites:
World Meditation Hour is an great opportunity to join a collective meditation. It is held on the third Sunday of each month from 6.30pm to 7.30 pm (local time). You may choose to meditate at home or join others at your local Brahma Kumaris centre. Everyone is welcome, so it is a chance to bring your friends and family. See http://www.BKWSU.org//whatwedo/meditati ... tation.htm for more details.

The Brahma Kumaris is an international non–governmental organisation (NGO) in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and in consultative status with UNICEF.

Will I be asked to join a group?

No, you are free to do this course without joining any group".
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Re: Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post31 Mar 2013

Joining will be a good way to offer the BKs some direct feedback about their deceptive activities!

It's interesting ... have stuck their guru Lekhraj Kirpalani's face on top of every major Hindu deity; Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva and Shankar, they are not attempt to stuck their spirit guide on top of even the most vague Western conception of God as being some "higher power".

It's probably true that most Westerners have an abstract idea of "God" as being some vague, higher power. With this new course, the BKs are putting aside all of their old Hinduistic ideas and trying to super-impose their god spirit on top of Westerners idea of God.

What they are trying to do here is merely capture a certain percentage of as as widely and roughly theistical people as possible ... hooking them to the BKWSU and their god *before* dropping all the rest of the teachings on them.

It benefits the Brahma Kumaris in two way; a) it will gain them a very small percentage of individuals who will become sucked into being 100% BKs, and b) it will create for them a buffer of confused and uninformed but supportive individuals who will support them financially, i.e. buying books and CDs and donating at retreat centers, and on a personal level, e.g. doing free PR for them.

It actually benefits the BKWSO more if these supporters are confused and uninformed because the Brahma Kumaris can hide their real intentions behind that buffer of confusion and misinformation.

Many of these individuals will be in denial about what the BKs are really all about and just think they are "good people" or peaceful.

In the old days, and probably still in India and so on, the BKs were far more divisive; you were either in or out and they made a big issue of only accepting "100% pure money" (probably because they had had so much trouble with accusations of taking money and property before). Now they have realised that a little bit from a lot of people is a better deal and they have compromised on their demands of "purity" ... in essence, the BKs have become more impure.


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Re: Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post01 Apr 2013

Beware of BK meditation. This is a trap!!!! not meditation. Starts with meditation then to Raja Yoga then Give up your properties to BK Org.

This is the same thing BK Org told one of my family member (MFM) to do meditation but, in fact, it is a kind hipnotism/Raja Yoga. And then brain washing.

Ultimately after few months or years when they get new people (victims) fully hypnotised (self hypnotized). New victims are told to renounce own family and treat other BKs only as the family, and then fight with original family and take what ever property they can get and donate to BK org. (Slow process ... same tactics used by terror orgs).

This is exactly is what they have done to MFM. We have spoon fed (food, education and everything) MFM for over 3 decades and or MFM took no family or self responsibility. MFM spends all the time to recruit and engage and entertain BKs and new victims. Even now MFM does not want contribute to responsibilities finantially(Cant do it, because does not work/job) but wants property share. Not for own use, because we still provide every thing MFM needs.

MFM wants to legally fight with own family and thinks whatever MFM gets will give to BK org people,so they can live free luxury life. If MFM contributes to finantial responsibilities and pays up past expenses, then after using up MFM's own share, will still be in huge debt. So in this situation, will the BK org contribute and clear the MFM's debt. I bet ... No way.

When we made the MFM realize this situation, now MFM is bargaining and black mailing us. Saying will sell whatever in MFMs control and give it to BK org, if we do not give a more bigger share. The other BKs provoking (via Raja Yoga and meditation sessions) MFM are hidden from our view OR reach. Because they have control on MFMs mind/soul through their special meditation/Raja Yoga.

I am not saying any thing wrong with Yoga or meditation. In fact, I believe in meditation and Yoga. By all means do it.

Just I warn every body about BKs meditation and Raja Yoga. If you do not want to ruin your relation ship with your own family members, and do not want to live in virtual world, STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY from BKs and BK org.

The minute you realize this cult behind the BK Org, Do NOT Stay silent. Please SPREAD the awareness and BKs cult to others, so there will be less victims out there.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post01 Apr 2013

ex-l wrote:It actually benefits the BKWSO more if these supporters are confused and uninformed because the Brahma Kumaris can hide their real intentions behind that buffer of confusion and misinformation.

I believe their real intentions - as in conscious intentions - aren't malevolent, but they are quite different to what may be subliminally (subconsciously) driving them - and more importantly - the outcome of those intentions on those who take it on board.

It's like people who always look to a doctor or therapist for their condition. I know someone who has been going regularly to a naturopath for over 25 years now, firstly for one condition, then for checks and refills of medications, then the problem slowly changes to something else (I suspect because of the ongoing use of the herbs or ointments) then something else. There has not been a month without her being on something for something (none of them life-threatening).

I said to her - if you had a car mechanic like that, who seems to fix a problem but there's always another, would you keep going back? Her response is that she is worried about changing what is at least working well enough so that she can get on with the rest of her life. This is a simple dependency mentality

There is a certain consciousness that develops as people get older especially, of being daunted by life to the point where they happily take small supports (Mother's little helpers), even allow small dependencies which are "acceptable" within their peer group, e.g. in the past regular alcohol intake did not even have a name of "alcoholic", it was much more acceptable than it is now. It has been deemed an addiction, and now the "-aholic" suffix is linked to many behaviours like "workaholic" - and "addiction is used to mean anything I don't want to live without - "I am addicted to watching reality TV" i.e. not real addictions but chosen routines, or at worst, psychological habits. Of course, in extremis, they can be very problematic, but nothing is done until it's peer-group "unacceptable".

What I am saying is that "consumers" have now been conditioned into "consumerism". Those "selling" or providing what consumers want are themselves usually "well-intentioned", but mostly deny or avoid responsibility when things affect a consumer adversely. Few want to know that what they do causes harm. They tend to blame the victims.

Manufacturers of dangerous toys do not intend harm. They thought they had a good idea ... Even poppy growers in Afghanistan do not intend for westerners to become addicts, they just want to grow a crop to make a living.

BK meditation does not intend harm, they think its the best idea ever! ... but it is a very dangerous "product" indeed.


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Re: Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post01 Apr 2013

By the way, they (BK Org) captured mind/soul (brain washed) of MFM via Yoga/meditation/Raja Yoga when MFM was minor by age. Not sure what the law says in this matter, I say this is damned Illegal.

Why do they go after minors and vulnerables? I challenge the BK organisation to try recruiting adults and poor people only, and spare minors, mentally or situationally vulnerables, and economically middle/upper class people. I know, the last one is tough for them because, no organization likes losing financial source.
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Re: Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post01 Apr 2013

I agree, it is unethical to target children ... but the BKs have made most sorts of unethical compromises to promote their religion. Ethics are not their strong point.
Pink Panther wrote:I believe their real intentions - as in conscious intentions - aren't malevolent, but they are quite different to what may be subliminally (subconsciously) driving them ... BK meditation does not intend harm, they think its the best idea ever! ... but it is a very dangerous "product" indeed.

I struggle with the word "real", but I understand what you mean is what they think they doing ... which is part of the answer to your question, "why do they go after minors and vulnerables?", BK_Victim.

A BK would perhaps answer that what they are doing to them is saving them from the "evil" world and doing the best thing they can to them.

However, on the other hand, they are just preying on the weak, individuals when they are a weak point in their life, or weakening individuals (by separating them from their family and society) to make them more vulnerable.

I am sorry to be absolutely blunt but I consider the spirit of the BKs to be a parasite (which you can understand as their group spirit or their god spirit) and the Brahma Kumaris to be parasitical that is to say, they feed off others and society.

For me, it is like some kind of subtle leech-like predator which sticks on to another living being, 'intoxicating it' with some kind of drug that make the victim sleepy or high for a while, and then just gradually sucks its life; not killing the victim but keeping it alive so it can keep leeching off it for life. The BKs become rich and fat and their properties swell, the followers' bank balances, properties and lives diminish until they have nothing. Even when BKs do good, it is really just a disguise or a cunning deception to hide their 'real intention' ... the subconscious one.

Note, my inversion of your proposal, Pink Panther.

I accept it is true that the adherents think that is what they are doing, or rather are told to think that is what they are doing repetitively, but I think to consider the mind of the adherent is to miss the real, underlying current or 'spirit of the BKs' whether you think the 'spirit of the BKs' is the group spirit or their god spirit, or the ghost of Lekhraj Kirpalani.

LearnMeditationOnline.Org is just a further indication of how far they will keep going to hide what they are really doing.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post02 Apr 2013

ex-l wrote:I am sorry to be absolutely blunt but I consider the spirit of the BKs to be a parasite (which you can understand as their group spirit or their god spirit) and the Brahma Kumaris to be parasitical that is to say, they feed off others and society.

Indeed! Well said. All groups have a group "spirit" or a group identity and culture. All 'feed' from their members and society at large.

We can tell which are the good ones, however, because they give back more than they take, they achieve more for the society than for themselves, and as a group achieve a "total" which is greater than what the sum of efforts of all those individuals could. If they disappeared, the world is worse off. Examples would be the International Red Cross, or Medicins Sans Frontiers, or local soup kitchens.

The BKSWU could disappear tomorrow and hardly anyone one would be worse off. Those who needed to would gravitate to other "churches".
Even when BKs do good, it is really just a disguise or a cunning deception to hide their 'real intention' ... the subconscious one. Note, my inversion of your proposal, Pink Panther.

Yes, indeed, again! I was wary of repeating the word 'real' with "intention" but I was quoting you and thought it a good point to explore. I think we can say "apparent", "superficial" or 'stated" intention is often quite different to "unconscious ulterior" or "real" intentions.

Individuals explore the difference between their "surface thought" manifestations and their underlying psycho-dynamics intentionally,through reflection, creative pursuits, D&M discussions etc - to stay on an even keel, otherwise it usually only happens when there's distress, anxiety, breakdown and they need therapy of some sort.

The social-political equivalent in a civil society, or in any group dynamic is the "open society" concept. Transparency, checks and balances, separation of powers, constitutions and amendments thereof, review and reform.

But the group spirit is like an individual's ego. It never wants to die. How many people accept their demise graciously and prepare accordingly when the time has come?

Very few organisations "dissolve" themselves when their work is done or their original "mission", they usually seek to "stay relevant", to "adapt and survive," to keep on well past their raison d'etre (their reason for coming into existence) usually to protect the benefits of of its constituents, the incomes of the stakeholders.
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Re: Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post02 Apr 2013

Pink Panther wrote:The BKSWU could disappear tomorrow and hardly anyone one would be worse off. Those who needed to would gravitate to other "churches" ...

Famous last words ...!

The BKSWU could disappear tomorrow and the world would be better off. Families would not be split apart, individuals would learn to stand up on their own two feet and something more positive would be done with all that money they spend on publicity.

Who would suffer? The Seniors and their privileged slave class would be just about the only ones as they would have no one to live off any more.

This is probably a good topic subject for separate discussions. Do you have any comments about the nature of LearnMeditationOnline.Org?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Learn Meditation Online.Org

Post03 Apr 2013

ex-l wrote:Do you have any comments about the nature of LearnMeditationOnline.Org?

Had a quick look. Fits their MO.

Pretend to be a vague, New Age spirituality, a loose group of free thinking positivists. A few hints that there is more for those who are "genuine" in going deeper.

BKs are mentioned as in "BK meditation" with no description of who or what that is. Links back to the BKWSU site are there - for those who hunt through the FAQ section.

You'd expect more on the "About" page but no, only a small popup window saying the site is run by the BKs without further elaboration.

The video has Carmen Warrington (an actress whose career was, likely, sidetracked by BKs before getting properly established - although that's hard to prove, given a majority don't make a full-time living). She has had most success professionally through meditation commentary CDs, sold through "lokik" as well as "alokik" outlets. There are audio tracks from her and Mike George - who's had a similar professional pathway, but who was quite successful before BKs in PR and marketing)

I note the following on the Intro page
"If you have a mental health condition, please consult your doctor, as to whether meditation is appropriate for you, before commencing this course."

There's another medical warning about back pain later when they get people to do a basic hatha exercise of tensing and releasing muscles as a precursor to relaxation.

My basic impression - it's a PR tool via the give-away of the free course and commentaries- possibly as a counter (a salve the conscience?) to criticism of profiteering from what was once freely given (possibly in reaction to critiques from here and elsewhere?).

One other reason to do it is to gain world-wide (web) brownie points in the BK service scene, I reckon. Or through "service", reinforce one's sense of purpose?

Given that the media involved (books and CDs) can be bought or accessed elsewhere at any time via online shopping, that the order and timing in which what is heard or downloaded is tightly controlled on this site indicates there is a plan to "hook" people through the tried and true sequencing of simple and palatable "universals" opening them up for more defined dogmas and prescriptions, as per the Gyan, later.

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