Birth of Krishna / Reproduction in Heaven

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Post26 Oct 2006

sex-organs are considered 'bhrashta' for full 5000

In Golden Age and Silver Age there are no "brashta" organs. All organs are pure.
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Post27 Oct 2006

Shivsena wrote:I always thought that the mind, which we cannot see is always more powerful and hence difficult to control than the sex organs which can be easily seen; but now I will have to think otherwise.

Dear Shivsena Bhai,
Omshanti. You need not think otherwise. It is mind only which is more powerful than all the sense organs and bodily organs, and definitely more powerful than the sex-organs. But intellect is more powerful than the mind. Mind is like a minister, but the intellect is the king.

I am quoting an extract from the draft of the clarification Murli narrated by Father Shiv (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) in the VCD* no.398.

"Baba has said in hints itself that if one commits any sin through the mind, then it does not create such a burden of sins, but if any sin is committed thought the bodily organs, then we have to suffer hundred times punishment (dand). It is certain that any matter of sin emerges first in the mind, in thoughts. Later on it comes in the vision. Then it comes in the words and then? Then it comes in the actions also. If it is not stopped in between, if the reigns of mind are not tightened then it would forcibly take you ahead. That is why it has been said – we are definitely masters of the treasures that we have received from Father in the Confluence Age, but one must also see that how far have we become the masters of the self-soveriegnty (swarajya)? Masters over these ten organs and the mind-like eleventh organ; this is also non-living (jadatwamayi or inert). If the reigns of mind, reigns of intellect are not held tightly then this mind-like horse will certainly lead you to a pit.....In becoming swarajya adhikaari (one who has a right to self-sovereignty) maalik (master), it is especially the mind that causes obstacles. What? There are ten organs, but who controls these ten organs? Mind. This mind creates a lot of obstacles. Become a master of the mind; never be influenced by the mind. Check - does this mind contols us as it wishes?" (Ref. No.VCD*.)

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Post28 Oct 2006

arjun wrote:Dear Shivsena Bhai,
Omshanti. You need not think otherwise. It is mind only which is more powerful than all the sense organs and bodily organs, and definitely more powerful than the sex-organs. But intellect is more powerful than the mind. Mind is like a minister, but the intellect is the king.

Dear arjun Bhai.

I am amazed to see how you have changed the definition of 'soul' by defining mind and intellect seperately; we were taught in basic knowledge that "atma hai man-buddhi" (soul is nothing but mind-intellect); when mind and intellect run in opposite directions we identify ourselves as bodies(after Copper Age) and when mind and intellect become one we become souls(in Satyug); (soul is not a point of light but mind-intellect become a point)

When you look at things in the wrong perspective(against the basic fundamental teaching) then the end result also becomes wrong; that is why it is said that "jhooti Gita se jhoot khand sthapan hota hai''(jhooti kaya, jhooti Maya, jhoota sab sansar); that is what is happening in the BK and PBK family.(the shooting of broad drama has to take place in Sangamyug)

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Re: Procreation in Satyug.

Post20 Nov 2006

shivsena wrote:If the readers have seen the chinese symbol of the Yin-Yang (which I feel represents the world cycle depicted as two halves : white and black ), it would be worth noticing that there are 2 dots in the symbol too : black dot in the white portion and white dot in the black portion. Now what does this signify???

Yin/Yang represents duality, it was created by the Copper Age gurus. Satyug is an age of unity based on purity. Duality means the various teachings and opinions of the heretical religious founders that brought the world into degradation. It is a symbol of life and death (of the intellect). Satyug is an era of longevity, peace and prosperity. The Yin/Yang symbol cannot be assigned to Satyug. Baba has mentioned actions in Satyug are neutral so there cannot be any positive or negative actions, whether merged or emerged. 100% purity peace and happiness, not even 0.001% not even a dot of impurity exists in Satyug.

Allow me to bring you up to date, memorials of the path of Bhakti represent the Confluence Age and the actions of ShivBaba ie, the incorporeal in the corporeal. Some find the role of ShivBaba to be very sweet, some find Him very bitter. Is that Yin/Yang enough for you?
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Post14 Dec 2006

Omshanti. Today, while reading a BK Sakar Murli while travelling in a bus I came across the following line which points to the method of reproduction in heaven (Golden and Silver Age). It says:

"Is hee srishti par jab swarg hai toh eternal aatmik love rahtaa hai kyonki dukh hai blood connection may. Sanyaasiyon may bhi blood connection nahee rahtaa. Isliye unmay bhi dukh kee koi baat nahee rahtee hai.....Vaisey yahaan bhi tumhara koi blood connection nahee hai. Yahaan ham sabka aatmik love hai, jo Parmatma sikhlaatey hain."

"When there is heaven in this world itself, there is eternal spiritual love because sorrow is caused in blood connection. There is no blood connection even among Sanyasis (monks)....Here you do not have any blood connection. Here all of us have spiritual love which the Supreme Soul teaches." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 11.10.06, pg.2 published by BKs and narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba)

One could infer from the above Murli point that the process of reproduction in heaven would not involve the use of sex-organs as Shivsena Bhai has pointed out in his posts. Use of sex-organs in the process of reproduction would mean blood connection and hence sorrows, which cannot possible in heaven.
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abrahma kumar

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Post19 Feb 2007

Mitra wrote:We have all experienced lust for the past 2500 years. Now at this moment why cannot we experience pure Spiritual, Unconditional, non-selfish LOVE from the LORD? :?

Thank you Mitra I understand your answer. Mitra, if I may ask a few more question:

Based on your understanding of the BKWSU teachings, will the Radha/Krishna souls be born via their parents participation in the act of physical love? If so, how are we to imagine that organisations such as the BKWSU, who foster a celibate lifestyle 'respond'? Are we to imagine that those 2 souls (Radhe/Krisha) before the coronation ceremony, will swear some sort of allegiance to the BK principles? Will their parents 'handover/entrust' those two childredn from birth to the BKWSU for upbringing according to Godly Student lifestyle? Will there be some way in which all of humanity will recognise the inherent 'undiluted' purity of those 2 souls? Or will it be just a matter of BKWSU Godly students awakening to that consciousness while the remainder of the world proceeds about its business 'as normal' till such time as they (the entire world) will get Godly message?

I remember one BKWSU Murli point in which our attention was drawn to the fact that Krishna's Father does not have much of a 'memorial' compared to that of his his son. Are we to imagine that it is the act of physical love with another human or some other gross impurity of character that gives rise to this 'lesser status'? Or will these 2 souls be born via some sort of 'immaculate conception' to borrow a Christian phenomena?

Will there emerge from within the BKWSU an 'authority' on these issues whose pronouncement on these matters will serve as full and final proof that the Golden Age has commenced?

If this way of trying to envisage future BKdom is worthy of any thought energy at all can we imagine a day when organisation's whose 'roots' bear the hallmarks of BKWSU's Shiva teachings will sanction 'physical love between consenting adults' for the sole purpose of conceiving souls who will fullfil the drama as foretold by the BKWSU?

Will the BKWSU have to play an active role in instigating the 'Destruction' that is destined in the drama according to God Shiva's teachings?

If the Radhe/Krisha soul's are to be born via the act of physical love between 2 human beings is there any possibility that their parents life-stories could be played out just as we are observing in this thread initiated by jannisder?

In my final question I have tried - poorly perhaps - to tie all the questions back to Jannisder's thread. Maybe the soul has not yet progressed to a point in her BKWSU study whereby matters such as this would have been presented to her in the Murli or BK student chit chat so I hope that no-one minds the temporary 'diversion'.

Jannisder, I hope that you are not offended by my questions on your thread as I think that there is a line of churing BKWSU Godly knowlegde that brings all of the questions I asked back to the "I get in or pull him out" line of discussion.

Om Shanti all.
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Post21 Feb 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Based on your understanding of the BKWSU teachings, will the Radha/Krishna souls be born via their parents participation in the act of physical love?

To the shower of questions, i would like to say that Krishna's and Radhe's birth will be a PURE birth. That is said in many Murlis. The birth through the power of Yoga. But how is it done ... that is not mentioned.

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abrahma kumar

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Post21 Feb 2007

Mitra wrote:To the shower of questions, I would like to say that Krishna's and radhe's birth will be a PURE birth. That is said in many Murlis. The birth through the power of Yoga. But how is it done ... that is not mentioned.

Yes Mitra Bhai a shower of questions and I suppose that any Godly Student ought to know that Yoga power will do it. However at the time I posted I seemed not to remember ever having heard that expressly declared in the Murli that Yoga power will be the method of birth PRIOR to the Golden Age. So, that Godly reminder of yours puts paid to many of my follow-up questions except for the one in which I was was trying to get an idea on how this Yoga concieved birth will be verified? Who will authenticate it?

But anyway I guess it is not important, neither in reality nor in the context of this thread so maybe the Admin can shift this post and the post that spawned the response over to my little corner of the forum instead. I will continue my conversation over there. Thank you again Mitra Bhai.

Om Shanti all.
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Post15 Apr 2007


A front page article in the newspaper Times of India, dated Saturday, 14th April, 2007 titled "Women can procreate without men: Scientists" says:

"A transplant technique has been devised that could effectively remove men from the process of creating life. Scientists said on Thursday they have grown human sperm cells from the bone marrow.

They said this may lead to groundbreaking treatment for thousands of men, including cancer patients left sterile by chemotherapy.

......Creating sperm from women would mean they would only be able to produce daughters because the Y chromosome of male sperm would still be needed to produce sons."

I could not find a mention of the above article in the webpage of the above newspaper ( and hence I have quoted a few lines from the same.


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