Notice to BKs

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Notice to BKs

Post28 Jan 2013

In response to recent increasing tensions between BK members and non-BKs, BK members will now be required to prove some kind of commitment to the website's purposes;
    Documenting the BKWSU and its original teachings, or
    Providing evidence of being actively involved in the reform of the BKWSU.
Faith-based evangelism on behalf the religion on its own will no longer be accepted.

From the beginning of this forum, BKs, PBKs and the members of other BK splinter groups have been welcomed to discuss and explore issues relating to the BKWSU. It is understandable that for many the information and views presenting on this forum are challenging but our interests lie in helping those who wishing to leave the BKWSU, not support it.

BrahmaKumaris.Iinfo remains a unique, independent resource documenting the BKWSU. Unlike the BKWSU, we have very limited resources and prioritise helping ex- and non-BKs.
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Re: Notice to BKs

Post28 Jan 2013

Clearernow's response was typical one such excuse doing the rounds of the BKWSU ... one that we have heard before ... the belittlement of any criticism or exposure as being the problem of the victim not the religion, of merely a personally motivated clash.

In my case, that is not true. Sadly, I've experience this too many times now and am tired of it.

The Brahma Kumaris are a secretive 'End of the World' based on spirit mediumship whose teachings tell them they will bring about the Destruction of civilisation as we know it and the death of 7 billion people. In my opinion, it acts deceptively, like a criminal conspiracy, hiding its real teachings and pursuing its goals internationally. To do so, it has compromised on many levels from the spiritual to the legal and financial.

I'll never fail to be amazed at how much control over its adherents and supporters minds it has.

To my mind, there is very little to nothing to recommend it as whatever good it does is basically designed to serve its ulterior motive ... Destruction and then ruling the world, believe it or not. Laughably ... I hope ... it even teaches that it will rule India before that Destruction happens. It breaks apart families and communities in order to establish its "empire".

I respect people's anonymity as far as they respect the value of this website to those who need it most. If BKs selfishly seek to damage this website by targeting me, I lose that respect very quickly. If BKs seek to twist the truth of their religion, and represent it falsely, then I lose even more quickly.



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Re: Notice to BKs

Post28 Jan 2013

Great, Admin!!


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Re: Notice to BKs

Post29 Jan 2013

Thanks Admin.
because.parmeshwar wrote:
If i am asked, should BKs be banned from this forum ... My answer will be a big YES. Why not they should be banned? They have spread enough confusion in the society and they are trying to do the same here.

Please let this forum be clean, bug free and open to express the inner voice of BK victims.

The above comment I posted on 23.01.2013, perhaps I noticed the way, and the forum is going on. It happens everywhere. The BKs presence spoils all atmospheres. I am sorry to know that ex-I is also hurt by the illogical justifications, BKs (especially clearernow) are making on the forum.

I request Admin to be firm on the BKs' involvement on the forum, and prepare a questionnaire for them before proceeding to any discussions, and unless they answer them logically, they should not be allowed to proceed further.

The BK have made many life miserable and is now become a sacred place for many and the dignity of which has to be maintained at all cost.


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Re: Notice to BKs

Post29 Jan 2013

Long overdue action ..!!



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Re: Notice to BKs

Post29 Jan 2013

The BKs' presence spoils all atmospheres. I am sorry to know that ex-I is also hurt by the illogical justifications, BKs(especially clearernow) are making on the forum.

I request Admin to be firm on the BKs involvement on the forum, and prepare a questionnaire for them before proceeding to any discussions, and unless they answer them logically, they should not be allowed to proceed further.

The BK have made many life miserable and is now become a sacred place for many and the dignity of which has to be maintained at all cost.

I completely agree with because.parmeshwar.


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Re: Notice to BKs

Post29 Jan 2013

My full support to what parmeshwar Bhai wrote. Admin please be very strict with BKs on this forum.
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Re: Notice to BKs

Post30 Jan 2013

I too am in agreement with all of the views expressed above, and fully back Admin's stance on BK involvement in this forum. The last things we need on here are BK propoganda or BK trolls. They have their own forums - let them go there.
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Re: Notice to BKs

Post30 Jan 2013

It's a shame but probably for the best.

They don't seem able to respect the fact most of have extensively studied Gyan in the past and have chosen to reject it as codswallop.
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Re: Notice to BKs

Post30 Jan 2013

I found clearernow's logic and last attack illuminating.

I can believe that he's and Patzcuaro are no longer 'regular BKs', and that we should give them time to decide on which side they stand, but their way of thinking is still so riddled with BKism.

It's weird, even if they're not a part of inner workings they still come out with exactly the same stuff. It's all so much the same, I am convince the BKs are spinning it out. They're clearly defensive of the BKWSU beyond the point of objectivity. I found their defence of the BKs, in comparison to their disregard of all the victims, offensive.

Clearernow's logic was if you take away my comments, and the response to them, then there is very little criticism of the BKWSU; therefore there is very little to criticise the BKWSU. It is only 'my fault' and must just be down to a personality clash on my behalf ... or "clash of sanskars" in BKspeak.

There was no questioning, discussion or appreciation of the *objective* value or the weight of findings we have exposed ... e.g. no God Shiva until after 1950, multiple failures of Destruction et al ... just denial and a desperate reduction of all the issues down to the one person. There's no comprehension of it being a matter of ethics ... right and wrong.
    It's basically "shoot the messenger" and that's what the Brahma Kumaris leaders do; separate off individuals and turn it on them.
Perhaps there is also a cultural element to it and it's not just 'BK cultural' but also Indian thing, e.g. I was reading one of Julia Howell's papers on the BKWSU and she documents the BK culture of 'not questioning the Seniors' which, in my opinion, has become been even more exaggerated to deifying them, hence BKs are very uncomfortable with my/our disrespect of them. It becomes very personal for them, because of their personal investment into the organization. The thing of "showing respect to elders" (... whether they deserve it or not).

Well, I no longer accept their culture is superior to my own, nor "royal" or "divine". In my culture, it's more productive and respectable to "call a spade a spade", and I refuse to be dominated by them any more. What I don't like is when they start making entirely misleading statements and damaging the forum with false ones ... and I've run out of time dealing with it diplomatically any more.
to shoot the messenger

To blame a problem on whoever reported it; to hold somebody accountable a problem because he/she brought attention to it.

to blame or punish the person who tells you about something bad that has happened instead of the person who is responsible for it.
To call a spade a spade

To speak honestly and directly about a topic, specifically topics that others may avoid speaking about due to their sensitivity or embarrassing nature.


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Re: Notice to BKs

Post30 Jan 2013

My friend dragged me to the Brahmakumaris center situated in my native (Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, India). There the Sister in the class - was making fun of the people who were going to temple. I became very angry on hearing this. Before coming to the BK class, I went to temple. I just tolerated because of my friend.

The second thing is - I think the Sister is suffering from cold. Throughout the Vani/Murli class (for about one hour) she was firing sambirani (incenses in tamil) and that place was full of smoke. I could not sit there. But adjusted for my friend.

Third one is - she said Queen Elizabeth's Diamond crown was made by Baba Lekhraj (I definitely knew this thing is a lie). I cant control my laugh but acted as if I am serious.

Yesterday, my friend said he saw a snake in the bathroom in the center. In the backside of the BK center there seems to be lot of shrubs. I think they do not have time to clean.

These few incidents are making me to hate them although I like some of their good things what I say in the regular class.
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Re: Notice to BKs

Post31 Jan 2013

mail2sundareee wrote:Third one is - she said Queen Elizabeth's Diamond crown was made by Baba Lekhraj (I definitely knew this thing is a lie). I cant control my laugh but acted as if I am serious.

You see ... and where are the voices of the BK supporters condemning this tendency and going off to correct this? It impresses the little old ladies or impressionable towns people and is repeated 10,000s to create the myth. You can be sure the center-in-charge also boasts about their (extremely minor) connection with the United Nations Organization too.

It's typical BK ... lies, exaggerations and 'delusions of grandeur' ... and also illogical too because what's so great about the English Monarchy? The British Empire was just as bloody and immoral as any, and they did more than their fair share of looting and thieving, especially in India (including the Koh-i-Noor diamond).

Oh, perhaps that is why the BKs look up to them!?!

Historically, Lekhraj Kirpalani sided with the British in the 1930s and called Gandhi and Congress "traitors".

The British Crowns were made by Garrard & Co in London, a long term manufacturer of British royal crowns, who were appointed Crown Jeweller in 1843, 41 years before Lekhraj Kirpalani was born. The 'Imperial State Crown', to which she probably refers to, as the Monarchy has many crowns, was made in 1937 ... after Lekhraj Kirpalani had already retired and was running Om Mandli.

From memory, the real story she is probably referring to is some tale the BKs used to tell about how Lekhraj Kirpalani, during his time in jewellery trade, gave some item to some minor member of the British aristocracy, like a belt clasp or tiara or something ... I cannot remember exactly. He was trying to get more business out of them.

It any BK or BK supporter cares, perhaps they could find out the details ...
delusions of grandeur

A mental delusion (common in paranoia) that one is much greater and more powerful and influential than one really is.


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Re: Notice to BKs

Post02 Feb 2013

HI All.

Been out for a few days, and with a bit of distance I have clearly seen that now, and after the inclusion of the "different opinions" of the last weeks, the general level has raised and it's a better tool for people willing to know more about BK, so it becomes a real contribution.

As an ex-BK I would be happy to fill the questionnaire, but I think that it should be filled by all ex-BK's, supportive or non-supportive and in both cases it would be productive to express what we consider positive of BK and what we think is negative and should change. I could be done briefly and become an interesting sintex exercise.


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Re: Notice to BKs

Post03 Feb 2013


I am new to the site, I think I don't understand 100% what's your aim with the site, could you make it clearer?

I am going to give 3 alternatives which I think deal with all the possibilities:
    1- You want to destroy BKWSU?

    2- You want to change BKWSU? (and that would be for the best, otherwise it goes into number 1)

    3- You want to create a new splinter group using the BKWSU philosophy?
Please, make it clear, which one of the 3 is the actual aim of the site? Note that only one of them must be the right answer, unless you are hiding your true intentions ... Please be clear, which one? 1, 2 or 3?


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Re: Notice to BKs

Post03 Feb 2013

I think the role of this site resembles the role of an "EXORCIST", as it strives to expel the evil BK spirit from the inhibited souls, and heal them from its influence.

It is also an "eye opener" for those who have not been sucked in, so they become aware where they are heading ..!

Reforming BKWSU...??!! How could an ideology based on mere myth and fiction be reformed or corrected .. ?? It will be like trying to reinforce a shaky upper structure built on loose soil ..??

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