Banning BKs from this forum

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Banning BKs from this forum

Post22 Jan 2013

Ex-I wrote:If you are not interested in one of those three, please leave now."
howiemac wrote:If I was in charge of this forum you would be banned by now, but the administrator here has been always very lenient in that respect. I guess he likes to give people enough rope to hang themselves. Please go away and bug some other forum with your delusions.

Lenient ... HA.
Enough rope ... funny.. ;).
please leave now

This is typical policy. When they see the BKs started to dominate the forum, they ban them. It happened with me in the past (see the posts from nischaybuddhi), but the recent posts compelled me to log in with some different name. The intention is not to participate in your time wasting discussions, but to save innocent god seeker, god lover, polite, faithful, humble BKs being distracted from the so called scientific, so called intellectual and so called logical points.
Smonika wrote:if you are a true reformer, my presence should not bother you.

Well said. I do not understand why and for what ex-I is afraid of the BKs participating in the forum. Why he ban and stop them from putting their points. I guarantee you all founders of this website, EVEN AFTER SO MUCH OF DEFAMING THE ORGANISATION, EVEN IF TODAY YOU DECIDE TO REJOIN BKs YOU WILL BE WHOLE HEARETEDLY WELCOMED BY THE BK ORGANISATION. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU AND US.
ex-I wrote:Therefore, if you want to be taken serious, you need to understand that the first way you show respect, is to write in the best English you can manage.

This is not fair ... language should not be the criteria to express the views. Smonika's English is good and easily understandable. You are insulting us too.

There is a saying in Hindi. I will try to do the best translation in English
The Elephant walks carelessly and freely, while dogs barks at him

Please do not think that i am trying to insult you. But it is fact that no matter what evidences, proofs, research, scientific justifications you put over this forum, the BKs will remain unshaken and will enjoy bliss, power and canopy of their Father, their Gyan, their family.

ex-I wrote:"The purpose of this forum is for protecting non-BKs by exposing the true teachings of the BKWSU, helping individuals leave the BKWSU, or promoting the reform of the BKWSU.

Even if we agree that, I am interested to know apart from distracting BKs from this path, in what way the forum is helping people in rehabilitating and re-establishing them in outside world. It does not require any proof to see the degradation of society in todays world. BK is the safest and cleanest place in the whole world including today's religious organization. So, I fail to understand, where the person could go after leaving the BK?

I take this opportunity to warn all BKs reading this forum not to get distracted by this and leave the path of freedom.

Good buy for now and forever
Suganto Banerjee
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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post22 Jan 2013

BKs are not specifically banned from this forum until their personal conduct warrants it, however, the purpose of this forum is clearly stated during registration. An alternative forum for discussing BK knowledge, for those who wish to follow the religion, it is suggested.
n-b wrote:This is typical policy. When they see the BKs started to dominate the forum, they ban them. It happened with me in the past (see the posts from nischaybuddhi), but the recent posts compelled me to log in with some different name.

User 'n-b' last logged in as 'nischaybuddhi' on 21 Jan 2013, yesterday (see below), his account is still active.

Nischaybuddhi's posts are, here.

When members register, they accept the following clause wrote:affinity to the BKWSU: *

This a support forum for ex-BKs, exiting-BKs and the friends and family of BKs only. If you are an active BK or PBK follower, please rejoin at;

n-b/nischaybuddh responded
n-b wrote:description of interest in joining forum:

To save innocent god seeker, god lover, polite, faithful, humble BKs being distracted from the so called scientific, so called intellectual and so called logical points.
nischaybuddhi lost log on 21 Jan 2013
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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post22 Jan 2013

n-b wrote:It does not require any proof to see the degradation of society in todays world. BK is the safest and cleanest place in the whole world including today's religious organization. So, I fail to understand, where the person could go after leaving the BK?

Dear Brother,

Baba says that it is better to die than to renounce our Dharma. I found BKWSU lacks integrity, is greedy and selfish whilst my Dharma is seeking truth, common good and having a simple life. Therefore I stepped out from BK and made my life according to my principles and it has brought contentment in my life. My home is very simple, clean and peaceful.

Some BK told me the world outside is very negative. BKs say only BKs are good and everyone else is bad but Baba says we are all Brothers and Sisters and this is how I feel. No one is perfect but I find most people around me to be good people with good values and I feel very safe. Therefore life outside BK has been very good for me.
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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post22 Jan 2013

n-b wrote:I fail to understand, where the person could go after leaving the BK.

In my case ...
    America, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden and Taiwan ...
Some more than once and I might have missed a few but, to be honest, I did not try very hard nor spend very much money doing so because I don't like creating too much pollution. Often I did so for a good cause or to help a friend, and I planted some trees to make up for my carbon foot print. Then there is travelling *within* society meeting people from the underworlds to the upper classes.

Each one of them was a pleasure and an education in a different way, and inspiring, and it was very interesting to meet people and see other different cultures. It opened my eyes and my mind.

For a world that is supposed to be "the fag end of hell", it really does not look so bad ... and for people who are meant to be "untouchable demons", they are a whole lot nicer and more interesting than most BKs and doing much more for others.

I encourage you to get out more and see the world. If you do, you might not hate it so much.

I remember when I was a BK, "holidays" were impossible to think of. You could not take a break from Amrit Vela every day and the only things "permitted" by the Senior Sisters were to go on BK meditation retreats. How on earth did I allow my world to become so small and my life so controlled!?! I was not even allowed to choose the city I lived in or where I wanted to live within that city. I had to stick near one center so I could work for them for free whenever they wanted me to.

God ... try as much as I could to pretend ... I was so unhappy at what I was missing out on. The things I have seen and done and the people I have met ... I would never give them up and should have done so much more when I was young rather than lose my health sitting on my bum and serving the BKs. They really don't know how to live.

Does that answer you question?

Oh, I even went to other spiritual groups and had very interesting to great experiences with them too ... and I have had *so* many laughs. We were told in the Brahma Kumaris "laughing" was not royal and body conscious ... all you were allowed to do was smile politely!!! Of course, still there is so much more that I should have done ... diversity and variety are strength.

As for you nischaybaba, I cannot even remember your posts. BKs just keep saying the same things and sounding the same. Dealing with them is like dealing with an army of robot zombies.


Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post22 Jan 2013

BKs just keep saying the same things and sounding the same. Dealing with them is like dealing with an army of robot zombies.

How are you different - you keep repeating same old accusations, ridicule, insult people from getting into positive discusssions about BKs, asking them to leave, revolving around Destruction for so many years ...


Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post22 Jan 2013

Admin Wrote:
User 'n-b' last logged in as 'nischaybuddhi' on 21 Jan 2013, yesterday (see below), his account is still active.

No, I tried to login with the original username “nischaybuddi” and got the following message.


I again created a new user name "nishaybuddhi" and tried to login again on 21.1.2013, but It did not worked.
I finally created yet another user name "n-b" and succeeded.

So, in total I have three usernames 1) nischaybuddi 2) nishaybuddhi 3) n-b

If the website believes on right to speak, or express views, Admin is requested to freeze 1 and 2 and allow me to be on the forum with user name no. 3
Bkti-pit wrote:
Baba says that it is better to die than to renounce our Dharma. I found BKWSU lacks integrity, is greedy and selfish whilst my Dharma is seeking truth, common good and having a simple life. Therefore I stepped out from BK and made my life according to my principles and it has brought contentment in my life. My home is very simple, clean and peaceful.

Some BK told me the world outside is very negative. BKs say only BKs are good and everyone else is bad but Baba says we are all Brothers and Sisters and this is how I feel. No one is perfect but I find most people around me to be good people with good values and I feel very safe. Therefore life outside BK has been very good for me.

Good… tailor-made the knowledge to fit to yourself and your home. I am sure knowledge must be helping you to lead a contented life. But one should not stop. Your candle is lightened.. .now move on to lit other people. It is your responsibility. BK have given very big platform for seva and I request you not to be selfish. Work to cherish other people lives.
Ex-I wrote:
In my case ...
America, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden and Taiwan ..

Funny.. really… if you would have been Hindi speaker i would have been elaborated it better.. still one line i would like to say for this type of mindset.

Charo taraf lagaye phere phir bhi hardam door rahe.

I did not expect this response from soul like ex-I, to whom, it is not required to say that physically person can go anywhere, but his mind remain in the same state. I am surprised after receiving knowledge one can be so materialistic.

It happened to many souls who focused on destruction. Destruction did not happen and they thrown away the baby with bathwater.

BK knowledge is for soul, and it requires tremendous sacrifice, belief, faith, determination, courage, patience, to nourish the soul. It requires hard effort and really not as easy as to travel to the countries, buying a ticket by throwing money, sitting in airplane.
Ex-I wrote:
I encourage you to get out more and see the world. If you do, you might not hate it so much.

I do not hate the world. All I want it to be purified and come in the original form as it was in Satyug. God is here for the same reason.

I am afraid, ex-I’s posts indicates a total frustration and anger as they have become bigger and cheap, unlike the earlier ones which were very brief and containing valid questions. He is a good soul, thinking good for welfare of society, as he talks about many aspects of the contaminated society.

We too are working for the welfare of society. If you allow me I would like to upload the photographs of the service we are doing for cancer patients, orphan homes, old age homes, poverty and even HIV patients.

Can I ask you a simple question? Why are you giving in so much time and energy just to defame the organization you don’t believe in? Why not you work, as you say practical, for the welfare of society?

Ex-I, I beg you…. awake… you are good thinker and philosopher, use your energy creatively.., otherwise all we can say is DRAMA.


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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post22 Jan 2013

What really surprises me, is how the BK cult transforms and twists the personality of its followers , and deprive them of any self respect or esteem ..!!

I have noticed in this Forum BKs, saying a very clear ... ADIEU , to the site and its members, and in the very next morning, they are back and the first to write and comment ..!!


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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post22 Jan 2013

You do not seem to understand dear n-b.

I left BKWSU because it was too materialistic.

I did not learn simple living from them. It has been my Dharma long before and I am delighted I came back to it. Lots of people in the world living much simpler lifestyles than the BKs.

BK is preaching brotherhood but its practice is very narrow. BKism is the philosophy of "we BKs are best and everyone else is ignorant, impure, corrupt, devilish, vicious..." This is not brotherhood but elitism, separation, exclusion. Even within the BK movement it is not true brotherhood but like a caste system: the ruling class and the sevadhari class (servants - "slave-adhari").

Many BKs are kind hearted and sincere truth seekers but the system is corrupt and abusive. I am sorry to disappoint you but I consider that my seva is to support people stepping away from BKWSU.


Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post22 Jan 2013

bkti-pit: Yes, there are many people making true spiritual progress within and without BKs and so is the opposite where it's only preaching and no practice.

The fact remains that for some BKism works ideally and for others it doesn't and something else works like your independent journey - you bring a balanced view in that sense - thanks.

Probably you have seen the large places and centres in BKs world but there are hundreds of small centres, particularly in India, which run in very small places lacking much facility where I have seen total selflessness, sacrifice and simplicity of the Sisters running them and truthfulness and sincerity of those following the path which number in thousands. Similarly a lot of simplicity is also there outside of the BK world, of course, which I agree. In essence, we have our own journeys which we consciously choose and have full freedom to do so.


Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post23 Jan 2013

Ex.Brahma wrote:I have noticed in this Forum BKs, saying a very clear ... ADIEU , to the site and its members, and in the very next morning, they are back and the first to write and comment ..!!

We have to comment as our silence is assumed as our acceptance, as many key members have started claiming that they are winners. See the below quote from ex-I in here.
Ex-I wrote:I think we are on a winner here, guys. We'll start a cult where everyone can do whatever they want and feel as long as they keep giving us donations, then spend them flying around the world business class going to exotic retreat centers where we will be treated like royalty, and meeting VIPs. How does that sound?
    How does that sound to you ex.Brahma?
    How does that sound to you bkti-pit?
Of course, you start it and you will know what is to be done to achieve this. Blaming and criticizing others are the easiest things in the world. But the strong people move on their way.
Bkti-pit wrote:Even within the BK movement it is not true brotherhood but like a caste system: the ruling class and the sevadhari class (servants - "slave-adhari").

All are doing seva for GOD and all are equal. The hierarchy is automatically build up in human minds, while actually it is not so. The important is not what seva you are doing, but how much committed you are for that seva. As seva is given by Baba so we are just an instrument.
Many BKs are kind hearted and sincere truth seekers but the system is corrupt and abusive. I am sorry to disappoint you but I consider that my seva is to support people stepping away from BKWSU.

It is a kind of escapism. Outside BKWSU you are finding yourself in comfort zone and your ego is satisfied that you are doing seva of supporting people. The BK system is good, but it is some souls which are difficult and like papers for all of us. We need to be strong and have faith on BK system.

I am sorry that this forum is acting like a curtain behind which many good souls are hiding. But I am sure they still have Baba's Gyan in their minds and applying it in their lives.


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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post23 Jan 2013

We obviously have opposing views on many subjects and I do not think they can be reconciled,

Good luck!
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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post23 Jan 2013

My actual quote is here. It was a joke pointing out exactly what the Brahma Kumaris leaders have done.

The purpose of this forum is clear. We prioritise and give a voice to the victims of the BKWSU, those crushed under the wheels of the BKWSU juggernath.

Why should such a place not be allowed?

The Brahma Kumaris are primarily exploiting the social system established by the caste born Brahmins for the sake of their own benefit managing to moving up the caste system themselves. All you are doing is seeking to defend such a system

What are you doing for the victims or to stop there being victims in the future?

It's a simple matter ... having someone like you here puts off those who have been hurt or badly effected by the Brahma Kumaris, it makes then feel sick and upset because it reminds them of the hell they lived in as BKs and the closed minded and ridiculous world it is.

The BKs have the rest of the internet to spread their propaganda, why come here if it offends you?

BTW, have you read that they have been teaching a false history and making false predictions of Destruction?


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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post23 Jan 2013

If i am asked, should BKs be banned from this forum... My answer will be a big YES. Why not they should be banned? They have spread enough confusion in the society and they are trying to do the same here by their sweet talks and illogical justifications.

Please let this forum be clean, BK bug free and open to express the inner voice of BK victims.

In fact the whole BK organization was to be banned at the first place, they were allowed to grow in the name of GOD. I joined them because i thought that i found parmeshwar(GOD). Later on i realized that it must NOT be a GOD's work and then discovered this forum which answered my unanswered questions inside the BK organization.

Their teachings are spreading confusion and they are proven to be false many times. They trap innocent people to carry on their business, They are totally opposite to all the traditions and religions. Moreover they contradicts their own teachings followed by coverups.

They reject all religions and pretend to be over and above all, inspite of so many failure.
They discourage their adherents to go to temples and follow their original religion.
They break up families,
They encourage their followers to call his/her spouse as Sister / Brother.

Their teachings are totally upside down. And as a result their transformation is also upside down.

One can notice..

Dadi/Didi with mustache and Bhais clean shaven,
Dadi/Didi handling the administration and Bhai cooking food,
Dadi/Didi with aggressiveness and anger and Bhai very polite and obedient.

I will not be surprised if in future Bhais will give birth to children, because according to them, in future the children will be born through YOGSHAKTI and Dadi and Didis are more powerful YOGI than Bhais

Of course they should be banned atleast on this forum.


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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post23 Jan 2013

because.parmeshwar wrote:If i am asked, should BKs be banned from this forum... My answer will be a big YES. Why not they should be banned? They have spread enough confusion in the society and they are trying to do the same here by their sweet talks and illogical justifications.

Well, more radicalism, it´s a shame.

If you only want to give away your anger and show your personal opinion or other similar opinions about BK, then what are you doing in an open blog in internet? You should write a book and publish it, no one will bother you or you could create a new religion.

You are wasting the fantastic oportunity given by this globalized, full conected world to learn to share your thoughts with respect and avoiding radical, blind, selfish, non fertile opinions and insults.


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Re: Banning BKs from this forum

Post23 Jan 2013

You had a good ride with the BKs. Fine!

But please show some respect for those who were harmed by the BKs.
This forum is a place for their voices to be heard. Do not try to suppress them.
Blaming the victims of BKWSU is not an appropriate behavior here.

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