Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post21 Jan 2013

I wud like to agree with patzuero. Humiliation(or even this acceptance that it IS a virtue worth inculcating in oneself) is a prerequisite for dis spiritual knowledge to do its work. Moreover had one experienced true soul-consciousness, he would not have gone so far in making such sacrelegious comments about BKs & the like 'because if there's something called "soul" there has to b a Supreme Soul. :)
Nevermind you souls are playing your role well!! :D
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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post21 Jan 2013

Typical, a BK joins the forum and the first thing they do is lie about their connection to the BKWSU. This one claimed
affinity to the BKWSU: media or academic

despite being education subnormal by the quality of their writing, and logic.

No, just because we might be "souls", there is no logic to state there might be one Supreme Soul. That is a BKism (as is "souls playing a role"). There could no no Supreme Soul, there could be a hierarchy of many supreme souls, as we are discussing elsewhere, god could be something entirely different from how the Brahma Kumaris conceive it.

The subject of this topic is "Dadi Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?" Please stay on topic.

The purpose of this forum is for protecting non-BKs by exposing the true teachings of the BKWSU, helping individuals leave the BKWSU, or promoting the reform of the BKWSU. If you are not interested in one of those three, please leave now.


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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post21 Jan 2013

ex-l wrote:A clip of Dadi Bhakti by Marie is here or here.

I watched the first one and it sent shivers down my spine!

Dadi worshippers will likely enjoy such clips whilst most outsiders would probably see it as cult PR and would not fall for it but for me it was a painful flashback to the time when still a faithful BK I had become allergic to their deceptive behaviour and constant PR lies, not to mention the lies fed to the adherents.

I had given all my wealth (which was not much but all I had) and my whole life to this organization thinking that it was the best I could do to fulfil my ideals of serving humanity but as the years went by it became increasingly difficult for me to witness how much was wasted on futilities, how deceitful the organization was, how much harm it was creating all along and how little hope there was for reform within it.

I had been believing that the whole organization was operating under God's guidance and I had been trained to not pay attention to the corruption and the deceptions but rather to think that the leaders had been chosen by God and to trust that He would somehow fix their wrongs. I faithfully tried my best to close my eyes but I could not shut off my conscience and for years I painfully struggled with it until it became clear to me that in order to fulfil my ideals and not fail my life I had to step away and follow my conscience.

I am glad I chose my conscience. It has been a huge relief and a source of serenity and bliss in my life ever since.
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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post21 Jan 2013

By the way, to respond to those who thinks that sometimes my comments or jokes are just too risqué ...

May I just remind you that, according to Hinduism, the phallic god Shiva was masturbated by Agni, the male god of fire, who swallowed his semen and then gave birth to Skanda, the god of male beauty. Hanuman was formed from the masturbation of Shiva whilst he looking upon the most beautiful form of women, Mohanee, who was actually Krishna's female aspect. His sperm was then given as a potion to Mata Angani, who went on to conceive Hanuman from it and Brahma created his beautiful daughter Saraswati on his own by collecting his semen in a pot whenever he masturbated whilst starring at the celestial beauty Urvasi ... the pot gave birth to Saraswati, thus Saraswati had no mother.

Now ... if Hinduism was directly inspired by the events of the BKs in the Confluence Age like they say ... can anyone please tell me what all that is a memorial of? And don't start me on the stories of Krishna ...

Brahma Kumarism in the West, under Emperor Janak's (Dadi Janki) rule, has become strangely infected with Victorian Christian morality brought in by the British.

ex-l wrote:
"Oh baby, baby, baby... harder, harder". I mean "Baba, Baba, Baba ...".


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post22 Jan 2013

Sorry, but this shows the level you can get to and nothing short of a poor joke - this is where all seriouness and reliability goes away of this forum's views on BKs - Gross misrepresentation and skewed views to defame as you have cleverly designed this forum to magnify the flaws and trying to suppress positive facts about BKs.

Hinduism is thousands of years of civillization plagued with many wrong and false ideas about it over many generations - it's more of a civilization and not really a religion compared to the definition of other religions. There have been many purports over centuries who, with an objective of defaming Hinduism and justifying their sins, have written these stories and have no true value to be even brought in to this context that you are trying to with such degraded views - this is what defamation is.

BK path is not a sanyasi path wherein you stop enjoying all the festivals and the above is just a Holi play that is a tradition of India - It's a message to BK adherrants that you have not taken on a dry path and you continue to enjoy your traditions. Nothing more than that. It's now no longer about BKism - you actually ridicule Indians of their festivals above and anyone who loves the great country and its traditions will really not take you seriously anymore.

Going by your logic then - probably these stories were a memorial of the above defamation that some on this forum are attempting against BKs ...
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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post22 Jan 2013

clearernow wrote:Hinduism is thousands of years of civillization

Less than 2,500 years of course. lol.


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post22 Jan 2013

Mr Green wrote:Hinduism is thousands of years of civillization
Less than 2'500 years of course lol

2,500 is also thousands - two thousands and half :-).
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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post22 Jan 2013

Come on, admit I got ya ... hahahah.


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post22 Jan 2013

OK Mr Green, from whatever interaction I have had earlier with you, I carry a lot of respect for you so doesnt matter if you got me :-) but for the people who use such cheap ways as used above for defamation - they should be ashamed - probably they won't realize it yet but I wish they do at some point.
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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post22 Jan 2013

Mr Green wrote:Come on, admit I got ya ... hahahah.

That made me laugh too ... Clearernow's veil dropped for just a moment.

The earliest evidence for religious activity in India dates back to the Harappan period 5,500 years Before Christ and the Vedic era to 1,500 Before Christ. However, I would agree that "Hinduism" is not a single religion and did not exist until the British invented it as one in order to differentiate Indians.

I'd also say that the image of the Dadis, or the ghost of Lekhraj Kirpalani, holding a huge 'golden penis' and spraying the audience is opens itself up more to Jungian analysis then mere Freudian. The symbolism of what is going on fits even a BK model.

That is not traditional Hindu Holi.

I also think you have the concept of "Defamation" wrong. You using the corrupted, inverted form from what the god of the BKs originally intended. "Defamation of the Father" is not an ex- or non-BK having a good joke at the BK leaders' expense, it is a BK or BK center-in-charge doing something that would bring a bad reputation by association to the BKWSU ... like having a secret affair, fiddling visas, money trouble, bad attitudes and so on.

What you are reflecting are changes in the BKWSU which have elected the BK gurus to the status of untouchable and unquestionable Holy Cows.

One advantage I have on you, clearernow, is that I saw the BKs in a relative pure condition and knew most of the originals ... and how corrupt and materialistic and snobbish and insecure it has become. I saw the start of this decline, from whom and how many of these escapdes start to creep and become rituals within their congregations.

Most neo-BKs have no idea what it was like and how it has changed ... and it is not for the better.

Rather than "being normal" it is just about broadening the attraction of the religion and pandering to the mainly Hindu masses to make more money and gain more power. Why they need political power ... who knows. The BKs' social climbing is something to discuss on another topic ... *that* is why they don't like jokes to spread about their big uddered Holy Cows ... their naked Emperors' fat asses.

We're the kid shouting out ... The BK Emperors Have No Clothes On and you are their courtesan with your snobbish remarks about "don't defame the Dadis".

Don't defame the Dadis? Why not. They may be sweet and act holy as best they can, so does the Pope, but they encourage ignorance and have allowed a corrupt and manipulative bureaucracy to build up around them.


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post23 Jan 2013

Appears as self-delusion to me while you totally miss the big picture. no one can stop you from continuing defamation in the cheapest possible way but this is neither reform nor it is anyway close to being constructive..you are not earning any respect through such..you seem to have researched internet for learning about Hinduism and Traditions of India which is half knowledge and dangerous as you need to live those traditions to really understand the values behind them - If you had really understood what Holi tradition is then you would have stayed away from such defamation which is not really about Dadis or BKs but shows the level of degradation because of some sort of inner rage against specific BK leaders and probably some religions! I once again feel that you need to heal yourself. There are better ways for constructive reformists but alas you have chosen a totally destructive way of propaganda which is not close to any sort of spirituality - all the best


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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post23 Jan 2013

If the old women at Mount Abu were so keen about their fame and reputation, they had better watch what they do, and what they "hold" as a symbolic, but " ëxplosive" toy ... or alternatively, make sure no cameras are around ..!!


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post23 Jan 2013

They are not afraid of what they do and believe in therefore they are not afraid of being on cameras. For example there is lot of ridicule about Dadi's education levels on this forum but they do not take that as limitation and have actually overcome such limitations through complete faith in their cause. I have been personally there attending such events where thousands celebrate festivities as a group harmoniously and could never imagine twisting and misrepresentation at this level. You only see what you want to see.


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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post23 Jan 2013

No wonder India is witnessing such unprecedented boom in its population, which could be attributed to "large crowds" attending such festivities ..!!


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

Post23 Jan 2013

Shows how little you know about BKs - anyways such arguments make no sense to me and only strengthens what I have said earlier about defamation and misrepresentation. And while this has no sense to your argument, get your facts right - India is a very populated country but its population growth rate is declining over the last consecutive 6 years.

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