Questions from kumar53

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Questions from kumar53

Post19 Jan 2013

Hello, Om Shanti!

I have one confusion:-
    Whether God is above us as seprate entity OR within us (even in all things & beings) in some state (may be a balanced/equanimious state like centrline in a wave)?
    Whether HE is an entity or concept (state)?
    Can GOD be at basic level and at gross/current level to cover need of the time (as so indicated 10 Avatars)?
    How any of above can be justified?
Best wishes.

To illustrate better, I present below one link to an image for your comments expressing my feelings in it:


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Re: Is God speaking through Brahma Kumaris?

Post19 Jan 2013

How do I believe that God is speaking through anybody?

If He/she tell about how to come into balanced/harmonious/equanimious state which ultimately lead to it.
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Re: GOD?

Post19 Jan 2013

Hi there.

I cannot answer your question, why does it matter to you? You can have a perfectly good life without any god. I'd say, "leave god to worry about his business and you worry about your business". If there is a god, and they need you, the better a person you are, the better assistance you will give ... so focus your attention on becoming a better, more effective person instead. The last thing you want to do is give yourself over to other people running "god businesses" and looking for your time, money and energy.

By "10 Avatars", you mean the various legendary incarnations of Vishnu:
    1. Matsya (the fish)
    2. Koorma (the tortoise)
    3. Varaha (the boar)
    4. Narasimha (the half-human/half-lion)
    5. Vamana (the dwarf)
    6. Parasurama (the angry man)
    7. Lord Rama (the perfect man)
    8. Lord Krishna (the divine statesman)
    9. Balarama (elder Brother of Krishna)
    10. Kalki (the mighty worrior)
The BKs will tell you that none of these existed, Hinduism is impure, degraded and spiritually unhelpful at this time; only their god does and so they want you to follow him, and give your time and money to them instead.

We here are not in the god business, we are only here to help people out of the Brahma Kumaris and to tell the rest of the world what they really teach.

Be good and forget about religion, find your own way in life.


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Re: GOD?

Post20 Jan 2013

Thanks. Yes these 10 Avtaras. I cannot say whether these really existed in the form as they are shown or our learned old learned rishis have shown the realities & upcoming events by incorporating them for our easy & better understandings. I think we should go into the real meaning & goal hidden behind the mythologies & epics instead of doubting their existance & acts.

When one do not percieve that God do not exist then he should not talk about any GOD, Parmatma, God's son, enlightments, Soul, Siprituals etc. because all these are not yet accepted by science. We do get benefits from keeping faith & spritual practices eventhough these are called placebo effects or proven benefits due to reward expectations.

To me, GOD is central point of all things & being just like ABC of English language and unless we will know ABCs(basic entity) we may not able to understand the language(sprituals). Hence understanding the GOD is first & foremost aspects and should be the most easiest & simplest to everyone in view of Omniscience, Omnipotence & Omnipotence. I just indicated my feelings/calculation be giving an example of a wave but I don't know where the link has gone? I consider that truth or origionality lie in balance as whole universe is based on a delicate balance among its constituents and a slightest imbalance may end it. A balance state in between a wave i.e centrline is considered as GODs State whereas ups/creast is Deva's/angels/positive/hotter side & downs(throughs) as Danav's/Devils/negative/colder side. These two are balancing mechanism to nature bringing excess on either side towards balance, Deviation from this centerline/balance/God is Sin/Paap Whereas moving towards this centerling/balance/God is good act/Punya. Hence balance/equanimity is right whereas excess on either side whether positive or negalive is wrong. However due to change in time/yuga this centerling is slightly deviated or become thicker then origional one to adjust need of the time--and so still valid on gross level. Origional centerline represent basic level. Pls comment or correct me. Sorry if I am bit odd. Regards.


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Re: What meditate?

Post20 Jan 2013

I have a question about meditation:-

Whether it is better just to mediate without any desire/goal/specific purpose or to mediate with a feeling for any specific desire/goal/purpose?


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Positive Energy?

Post22 Jan 2013

Om Shanti!!

We talk & prefer getting positive energy. Is it not one way approach?

One can either have excess of positive energy or excess of negative energy. Since excess of everything is said to be bad--whether of positive or of negative, how can we base only on positive energy? Logic suggest that we should base on "Balance of Energy" instead of excess or low of any energy--whether of positive or negative. cannot say, if excess of positive energy can be balanced by negative energy & vice versa.

For example: Sugar & fats are positive nutrients which make our body but their excess cause Diabetes & Obesity which is unhealthful for our body. Astrology also suggest remedial measures by two sided calculation -- one based on Sun side people (positive) other Saturn Side (negative). To one group, balancing positive side is valid but to other group balancing negative side is recomended.

How can you comment on it?

Best Wishes.


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Re: Questions from kumar53

Post22 Jan 2013

I do not think there can be excess of positive.

Do you think it is bad to be always honest and therefore one should lie and deceive a little bit every day to keep balance? Or is it bad to be kind always and thus one should be mean also?

I think it is good not to get lost in artificial philosophical concepts but keep common sense. I think it is good to exercise common sense and there can not be excess of that.



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Re: Questions from kumar53

Post22 Jan 2013

Why there cannot be excess of positive? When one can become obess due to excess of fats which is positive nutrient to our body, it shoulsd be true also in other cases. I think truth shouls lie in balance not in excess of either side--positive or negative. An honest person can starve due to it which may appear to be good but irrational.


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Re: Questions from kumar53

Post22 Jan 2013

I think you are applying the concept of balance out of context.

Yes too much food is out of balance because eating should be balanced with work, physical exercise, dance, etc. Also proper food is needed, clean water, fresh air, enough rest, good relationships, etc. All those are part of a balanced life.

But being truthful sometimes and then being deceitful at other times is not having balance. It is having confusion in life.


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Re: Questions from kumar53

Post22 Jan 2013

Balance & equanimity (Sam bhav)should be similar consideration. Flexibility should be sign of life whereas stiffness is of dead body. Flexibility suggest both side movements. In our body we have Sympathetic involuntary autonomic nervous system which suggest "fight or flight" response on its stimulation by some danger exposure. Eg. suppose a lion come in front of a man, If he is too positive he will not fear & will fight and can be killed by lion. But if he is in right health he will understand that lion is much more powerful then him and so will flight and can save his life. Truth is in actuality not in ego/emotions. Similarily if one develop too much positivity he may not fear of eating sugar, fats etc. and can die due to diabetes, obesity etc. Equanimity is the right term in all religions which should be based on balance not in imbalance on either side. Best wishes.

P.S. however there can be on caveat to above i.e. we got too much negative energy that watever quantity of positive energy may be but it can not bring the nagative energy to balance. As such, there cannot be excess of postive energy.
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Re: Questions from kumar53

Post22 Jan 2013

Why are you here Kumar? What do you want? What is your connection with the Brahma Kumaris?

Have you left the BKWSU, or are you thinking of doing so?

Do you understand what the purpose of this forum is?

If you are a BK and want to chat without other BKs, there is a BK run forum, here.

If you want to discuss deeper more metaphorical meaning of The Knowledge, there is another forum for BKs and PBKs, here.

I do not know much about alternative health ... but I am sure that having a lion jump out in front of you also acts as a pretty good laxative to get rid of all those fatty foods quickly. Darwin says, "survival of the fittest" ... only the skinny will survive!

Have you had any luck trying to make BKs do exercises, lose weight and stop eating such food?


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Re: Questions from kumar53

Post23 Jan 2013

Thanks. I shall check other forums. My basic interest is better, basic & logical understandings acceptable to my inner mind ... from whatever source it may be. My relatives are related to the BKs & I have also started taking 7 Days Course.

Best regards.
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Re: Questions from kumar53

Post24 Jan 2013

kumar53 wrote:My basic interest is better, basic & logical understandings acceptable to my inner mind ... I have also started taking 7 Days Course.

The 7 Day's Course, and Brahma Kumarism in general, are more about conforming to a simple mental model and surrendering your mind, body and wealth to the will of the leaders of the organization. Sadly, I don't think you will find they help you develop intellectually, nor that their logic is very good. Quite the opposite actually.

They are pretty fundamentalist and believe in a lot of crazy things, like dinosaurs existing 2,500 years ago.

If you are interested, we have a copy of the teachers manual for the 7 Days Course in the Library section. You can read it in advance and prepare yourself and questions. We also have copies of their final teachings from their god called "Murlis". You can read then and see if you like them, you had better get used to them because it the best they have.

In essence, they believe they are initiating you into a relationships with a bodiless spirit being they believe in the God of all religions. They belive the End of the World is coming any minute now and that following them is the only way to gain moksha and a high status in a future birth. You might get quite high or space out from the meditation, if or when you do, that is when they capture you and start to control your mind.

I was once like you ... searching for deeper spiritual teachings and practises. I believe the Brahma Kumaris *were* a spiritual university and studied such things. Sadly they are not. It took me a few years to work out that they only go to a certain level then start holding you back.

Whatever you do, don't give up your education or career for them, take their predictions of the End of the World with a pinch of salt ... they have been telling people it is going to end in two to three years for decades. Since WWII. It's part of the way they trap people.

Be very careful of the way they use language. You think they mean one thing when actually they are saying something different.


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Re: Questions from kumar53

Post26 Jan 2013


Thanks for guiding me. However, I feel myself as not to get easily hyponised. I do understand a low - but may be in undiciplined manner. It is God gifted in me that I can understand basics (mool aarth) of all tellings quite easily as I belong to mool nakshtra. It is also indicated in spritual literatures. I liked the teachings of Chankaya, the most intelligent person even accepted today - "do not accept and agree on whatever is shown, taught or told to you even in holy books, but accept, agree & follow that whatever your inner mind accepts and whatever looks logical to you". I thing many many things are mentioned in holy & old books - I do not consider those as wrong but everything may not be suitable to all at a time. We have many different type of status, signs etc in astrology, so unless absolute truth, nothing may be valid for everyone in common. So I am able to differentiate. I try to find something from all, "na jane kis mod pe Narayan mil jaye", but it does not mean I follow blindly. When one hammers you by indicating the basics which your logical understanding power & your inner mind accept due to Omniscience & Omnipresence, it is normal that you are attract towards that - somewhat like hypnitised. Best.

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