BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagonism

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BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagonism

Post09 Jan 2013

The BKs never seem to learn ... that if you treat people with disrespect, such individuals will invariably disrespect you back. Doesn't that sounds like "Karma coming back" to you?

The latest report on the BKWSU's 'historical revision project' is that the inner circle of BKs are withholding their latest research and response to recent revelations of their historical revision and cover ups ...

in order to be able to make us look "antagonistic"
instead of having a sincere desire to learn truth.

Apparently, inner circle discussions involved BK **** of Florida ... who appears to still involved in monitoring this website ... and a written response to our exposure of the false history of the BKWSU conceived by the Western BKWSU PR supremo ... author and journalist Neville Hodgkinson.

"Believe in what I say ...", BK Neville Hodgkinson
BK_Hodgkinson.jpg (27.23 KiB) Viewed 17339 times

The suave and intelligent, long term BK cult adherent Neville Hodgkinson has been involved in steering people away from the real truth of the BKWSU since his then wife (or ex-wife) author Liz Hodgkinson wrote "Peace and Purity: The Story of a Spiritual Revolution". 'Peace and Purity' was yet another romantic and populist whitewashed version of their history from a BK supporter. He has worked very closely with the Sindhi elite of the Kirplani Klan for decades, adding English middle class polish to the uneducated BK leaders, and helping them handle Western VIPs.

Apparently, the publication of the Om Mandli committee book here, and distributed elsewhere by BK Robin Ramsay, has apparently created some waves for BKs, raising many questions among BKs because it contradicts the fake history the Brahma Kumaris having been using to encult individuals in the West since the late 1970s. Especially, it contradicts the version of events the BKs have been teaching that God (Shiva) incarnated into their leaders in 1936. There was no mention of God Shiva in their religion until some time after 1950.

This begs the questions,
    "Can an Age of Truth be built on lies?" and,
    "Can such BK leaders, who have lied so consistently and for decades to 1,000s of people, be truly spiritual or as elevated as they like to say they are?"
Hodgkinson has apparently has gone through the Bhaibund committee book and written refutations and explanations about each accusation, partly using some source material from the time which the BKs are also withholding. It appears they even considered allowing their response to be published here ... but then it was decided that was not such a good idea to have BKs comings here to learn even more truth. Nor have their critical and intellectual faculties re-enaged.

As we were told, one argument ***** used was that ...
    "By not refusing to allow us to publish the official BKWSU responses, and leaving us to only publishing the Bhaibund Committee book, it made this website look as if it was merely antagonistic towards the Brahma Kumaris ... rather than having desire for historical truth".
"I'll believe anything..."
BK_Waddy.jpg (50.11 KiB) Viewed 17335 times

Interesting as it is to have a glimpse of the inner machinations of the BKWSU, and how they seek to manipulate public opinion against us by withholding information, may I officially cry "bullsh**" ... especially as all the official websites and media continue to peddle an entire false version of events.

For the record, we publish here the Om Mandli's own book (falsely written in the "Mother of Humanity" Om Radhe's name), the Bhaibund Committees response AND a half written, unsigned BKWSU response we originally thought was prepared by BK academic Tamasin Ramsay who is working on the current revision, but perhaps was an early version of Hodgkinson's version.

As the BKWSU well knows, we have not only shown a commitment to uncovering the whole truth of the BKWSU, we have provide both original materials and the inspiration for them to have to start researching it ... as the majority of BKs have had their eyes blinded by the leadership.

It concerns us that someone as intelligent and skillful at manipulating public opinion as Neville Hodgkinson puts that intelligence to such use. But then, we saw how involved he was in the background during the correspondence with Sister Jayanti at the time of the legal case when they were trying to close down this website ... legal action started by another American BK center-in-charge and associate of *****'s who would was later discovered to have not just left her husband and infant child to join the BKWSU, but to have married and carried on a relationship with a BK Brother, and been involved in number false immigration scams documented here.
Neville Hodgkinson wrote:Your website contains a variety of viewpoints, all deeply felt, and some of them constructive, but others a modern equivalent of poisoned pen letters. In these circumstances I do not wish to enter into correspondence on the site.

Our organization is constantly changing in response to changing needs and times. I would be happy to meet you, or a group, to explain more about our perspectives and current approaches, and in the hope of improving mutual understanding.

The whole truth, anomalies and contradictions of the Brahma Kumaris are being exposed not just by ourselves in the West, but also by independent PBK researchers in India who are also uncovering many unreported facts and ambiguities in the BK history and teachings. Members of the BKWSU have been involved in a long-term and concerted effort to suppress and intimidate the PBKs in India through threats, false accusations and even violence. It is not surprising to discover a polished version of that going on in the West against ourselves.

It appears to me that they are adopting a high-handed "never explain, never apologise" tactic ... keeping silent and suppressing the whole truth for as long as they can manipulate the situation to their benefit, and only leaking out information to certain individuals when they really have to.

It seems that they continue to monitor this website merely in order to device plugs to keep their adherents' minds close and asleep ... rather than because they have a sincere desire to discover and tell the truth.
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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post09 Jan 2013

Neville Hodgkinson wrote:I would be happy to meet you, or a group, to explain more about our perspectives and current approaches, and in the hope of improving mutual understanding.

I remember this website spurning an offer by Sister Jayenti to meet and talk, back around the court case days, and I was concerned then, as I am now by the above post, that a confrontational stance is being adopted against the BKs

My original post, in 2007:


howiemac wrote:I feel Jayanti is to be commended for showing willingness to participate in a dialog, even to the limited extent we have already seen. I can also understand that sysop does not want to act as (or be seen as) representative of the membership of this forum and site, and I commend sysop for that.

Now, Jayanti is making it clear that she is prepared to meet a group but that does not seem practical, given the geographic distribution of members all around the planet.

I can also understand, given her administrative workload (AFAIK she operates effectively as CEO of the BKWSU outside of India, deals with mountains of paperwork, and does not enjoy this aspect of her role), that she will not have the mental energy or time to get involved in detailed discussions on this forum.

But surely the email dialog can be continued, and made public on this forum. To push things along in this direction, perhaps sysop could explain the difficulties of a group meeting, our desire for openness and accountability and ask her what agenda does she wish to pursue by a meeting?

The email could also state the primary agenda of the members of the forum, which appears to me to be the open publication of Murlis, and the establishment of an open public dialog between the BKWSU and the members of this site.

I feel that Jayanti should be welcomed and that dialog should be fostered, rather than taking a confrontational or 'take it or leave it' stance.

Substitute "Neville" for "Jayanti", and my feelings remain unchanged. I do realise that this site has become more of a one-man show (and I am not that one man) since its early days of active group participation, but I do feel that it is always a mistake to deny any avenue for arbitration and conciliation. Perhaps the BKs do want to respond positively to criticism (there is certainly no shortage of ammunition to hit them with!). I can fully understand why they don't want to engage on this forum directly, as, lets face it, it is unlikely that a meaningful conciliatory dialog would ensue, whereas intellectual arguments, and continued mud-flinging will not achieve anything from their perspective.

I also must say that I deplore any form of personal attack, without strong evidence to back up the claims made. From my own experience you can castigate Janki, Waddy, and Hansa with my blessing - their records disgrace them - but I object when Jayanti (in the past) and Neville (in the past and now) are put down for the vaguest of reasons. Maybe you know things about these people that I don't - I dare say you do! - but from my perspective these (Jayanti, Neville, and many other BKs) are basically good honourable people, however misguided others may perceive them to be, and to show them such disrespect demeans both you, ex-l, and this site.

Okay, I will get off my soapbox now ;)
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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post09 Jan 2013

You're allowed to soapbox, but who is worse ... those how make the poison, or those who apply the candy coating?
howiemac wrote:I remember this website spurning an offer by Sister Jayanti to meet and talk, back around the court case days, and I was concerned then, as I am now by the above post, that a confrontational stance is being adopted against the BKs

Brief point of information ...
    We never "spurned an offer from Jayanti to meet and talk".

    What actually happened was that the BKWSU refused to withdraw their legal action in order for us to do so.
We were perfectly happy to meet and talk *if and once* they removed the metaphorical gun from our head.

Unfortunately, the BKs were so supremely confident that they would win, or their threats would work, that they would not do so.

It is hard for me to see how asking for a costly and time consuming threat to be removed is being "confrontational".

Despite that, communication *was* attempted via a third party, Ray Bhatt of the Janki Foundation who then went on to betrayed our confidences ... leaking confidential information which we address and was agree was for Dadi Janki only, directly to the BK, Dr Hansa Raval, I mentioned above.

The BKWSU made it clear they had no intention to withdraw the legal action, what solution would you have proposed, or what do you think would have been gained by discussing the issue with them?
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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post09 Jan 2013

I stand corrected. But, I am more interested in the current scenario, rather than raking over very old ground.
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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post09 Jan 2013

That's perfectly understandable.

If you or anyone has any connections at the BKWSU, please ask them for a copy of their latest historical revision.

For the record, I'd be perfect willing to have a direct and open discussion with the BKWSU ... preferably in public. (I would not thank you for an all BK audience not listening but 'meditating' at me).

Mostly, though, I think discussion with the BKWSU is a waste of time because they are not going to listen, therefore one may as well just ridicule them for their lack of ethics and hypocrisies.


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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post12 Jan 2013

howiemac wrote: I object when Jayanti (in the past) and Neville (in the past and now) are put down for the vaguest of reasons.

I first stumbled on this website when I was looking for E Romain's report on the child abuse at the BK headquarters. Have you read it?

I was shocked to learn that the young victim was basically offered no help or support other than being told that it was her karma! How inhumane!

Even more shocking for me however was the response of the BK leadership to E Romain's request for a proper child protection policy.

I had been a BK for 20 years or so at that time, including 5 years as a fully surrendered center niwasi. I had often been exposed to the leadership's lies and deceptive tactics but their response to E Romain blew me away. I was shaken to the core. Behind the diplomatic facade it was all lies, hypocrisy and arrogance. I was totally disgusted.

I am sorry to say that Jayanti was at the forefront on the BK side on this. I had always considered that the lack of integrity amongst the leadership was accidental and simply a matter of some individuals' weaknesses but this report opened my eyes to the evidence that it was rather an integral part of the BK business model.

So far, whether it has been Jayanti, Neville or anyone else, all dealings of the BKWSU with this website has proven to be inherently dishonest. Neville's note posted above by ex-l is to me another demonstration that they are not willing to acknowledge that they have been lying consistently for decades nor willing to be straightforward, honest, open and transparent. It is all about damage control and having a nice facade. I see no sign of them being worthy of trust.

How deep one has to be in denial in order to be willing to contribute to the latest historical revision attempts! cannot they see that they are fabricating lies? Whether they succeed in making it more palatable remains to be seen but it won't be anything more than a dressed up lie.
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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post12 Jan 2013

E Romain's report on the child abuse at the BK headquarters. Have you read it?

Yes, I read it years ago. I was shocked too. I was further shocked by subsequent revelations from other sources, not all of which are yet in the public domain. And I agree that the most shocking aspect was the BK response (or rather, lack of response). Those responsible were not even disciplined, it appears, far less hounded out of the organisation. They protect their own. They lie and cheat. They re-write their own history. They are as corrupt as any mundane organisation out there. They are strictly hierarchical, and so the buck stops firmly with those at the top of the pyramid - whether this means Dadi Janki or BapDada, those in charge are responsible for the disgraceful hypocrisy and abuses that they condone and that are perpetrated by their charges. I would not blame the foot soldiers (other than those directly engaged in abuse or corruption themselves), many of whom are well-meaning and honourable individuals. They are caught in a trap, and they are compromised by that. Should we blame the "sucker" for the deeds of the "grifter"?

I accept what you are saying about Jayanti - if the evidence is that she is implicated, then I will no longer defend her, as she is certainly more than a "foot-soldier", and presumably carries real influence within the BKWSU. However, she is undoubtedly overruled by top dog Herr Janki, and, for me, all blame and responsibility in such a control structure ultimately rests with the top dog.


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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post12 Jan 2013

I agree with you that ultimately the responsibility lies with BapDada. For the longest time I faithfully followed his advice not to be bothered by the wrongs I noticed within his organization and trust him that he would fix it all, until it became impossible for me to not hear the distress calls of my conscience, at which point I began to pull out, happy to let BapDada deal with his creation when he will feel appropriate.
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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post14 Jan 2013

I feel that BapDada long since lost his grip on the controls! The lunatics took over the asylum. BapDada tells them what to do, but they ignore him. None of this is any surprise, as the basic premise and design of the BKWSU is so flawed: a traditional control-based fear-based hierarchical religious structure, based on worship of the founder, who (initially) believed himself to be God incarnate, and still claims to be their only and essential link with God. Not a good recipe for peace, love, and understanding! Not an obvious method to create heaven on Earth!

However, there still remains a very powerful spiritual/psychic aspect to the BKWSU. It is an enigma, that alternately baffles, fascinates, and horrifies me.
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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post14 Jan 2013

bkti-pit wrote:I agree with you that ultimately the responsibility lies with BapDada. For the longest time I faithfully followed his advice not to be bothered by the wrongs I noticed within his organization and trust him that he would fix it all, until it became impossible for me to not hear the distress calls of my conscience ...

By doing so, we are encouraged to accept, become acclimatised to the wrongdoings, and then start to commit them ourselves.

It's the same gradual process by which the honest, hardworking and perfectly decent German people were turned into Nazis.
howiemac wrote:However, there still remains a very powerful spiritual/psychic aspect to the BKWSU. It is an enigma, that alternately baffles, fascinates, and horrifies me.

I also agree with this ... but, for me, I came to accept that higher spiritual or psychic elements are actually more subtle and refined not more "powerful".

There is psychicism going on within the BKWSU (... how, why and what it is we do not know), people are impressed by it, but it is actually of a lower level.

Quite evil or self-centered people can be very charismatic. Quite evil or self-centered people can get very, very far in this world ... and presumably in the next if you believe it. But it does not make them good ... and all these politics within the BKWSU, the power play and intentional mental manipulation of others proves that.

Lekhraj Kirpalani and the original BKs appear to have sold their soul for worldly power and influence. Lekhraj Kirpalani wanted to be a Krishna, paid his saddhu handsomely to learn some dark art or siddhi, and had his wishes indulged. Now his soul is bound by it ... hopefully to fix it but apparent still enjoying it in the next life.

A truly good and wise person would not do so ... could not even be bothered to do so ... would find them repulsive and antithetic (diametrical opposite) to their being.

I believe this is why many people leave the BKWSU and struggle with an internal conflict before doing so. If you truly spiritually evolve, and refuse to become part of their game, you become allergic to to it ... and have to run.

For many individuals, the BKs will actually be at a higher level than them and a few might even want to aspire to become them ... but not for all, or even most.

It might be worth studying the archetypal model which the Sephirot/Tree of Life offers us and looking closer at the different 'Paths of Connection' it theorises. BKism, to do what is wants to do, has to portray itself as "the only path" in order to work ... but this is, of course, utterly false underline its false nature.

Note "kingdom" or "victory", the very language of the BKs, is very low on The Tree.

What is false, or promotes falsehood, cannot be "high" (elevated) however "powerful" it is.



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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post14 Jan 2013

ex-l wrote:If you truly spiritually evolve, and refuse to become part of their game, you become allergic to to it ... and have to run.

I do not know if it is a matter of being spiritually evolved. I'd say it is a matter of integrity.
What is false, or promotes falsehood, cannot be "high" (elevated) however "powerful" it is.

So true!
By doing so, we are encouraged to accept, become acclimatised to the wrongdoings, and then start to commit them ourselves. It's the same gradual process by which the honest, hardworking and perfectly decent German people were turned into Nazis.

I agree. I myself got trapped in it. Although I did not follow blindly and there were things I'd never do, I was so firmly convinced that we were guided by God that I kept supporting it. My conscience kept pulling on me, however, and after years of struggle I finally decided to follow my conscience and step away, leaving it to God to run his business in his own way. I had not yet fully realized that it wasn't God and that I had been conned. I had only chosen sanity over insanity.


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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post14 Jan 2013

howiemac wrote:However, there still remains a very powerful spiritual/psychic aspect to the BKWSU. It is an enigma, that alternately baffles, fascinates, and horrifies me.

Contemplative, mystical, spiritual and psychic experiences are not unique to the BKs. They abound in many different traditions, cultures and beliefs. Even people who do not believe in God have them.

On the other hand, not all BKs have them. I often heard BKs expressing their frustration about strictly following all the disciplines of the "pure" BK life and yet not feeling anything in meditation, no matter how much they tried to be soul conscious and remember Baba, whilst "vicious" non BKs would easily get entranced in heavenly bliss on every occasion.

I think it is worth noting also that there is a variety of so-called spiritual experiences and I think they are not all of the same nature and certainly do not all produce the same effect. Many develop serious mental disorders following spiritual practices. I remember a BK who would lose his bearings once in a while during or after meditation and we ended up having to take him to the psychiatric ward. Similar cases are numerous.

On the other hand, spiritual experiences can be very sweet and enjoyable and therefore very addictive, just like sugar, but not necessarily good for you. Some use it to escape reality. Others get blindfolded by it. It is not all innocent and good, certainly not inherently holy.
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Re: BKWSU withholds history research to accuse us of antagon

Post15 Jan 2013

ex-l wrote:What is false, or promotes falsehood, cannot be "high" (elevated) however "powerful" it is.

Very true. The power that I experience in BK circles is there despite their vicious behaviours, and not because of them, I am sure. I assume that there are a great many BKs who are actually being virtuous and are generating this energy, and these BKs will generally be incognito, and not corrupt like so many of those in the public eye are. And, yes, such power can be found in other contexts - I have found it in some Christian contexts - but it is not common, and so is remarkable.
ex-l wrote:Note "kingdom" or "victory", the very language of the BKs, is very low on The Tree.

This is a very good example of the defects of the BK "knowledge". Kings, kingdoms, victory: all of this is the language of authoritarianism and control. I understand the Golden Age as the garden of Eden: a kingdom of nature, not of mankind. Kingdoms and conflict (therefore victory), come much later in the descent of mankind. So, even using their own model, the BK teachings are urging the adherents to aspire to late-silver-age or copper-age values. The Tree of life, which is from the inner teachings of Judaism, goes deeper than BapDada does, as does the tarot, and many other esoteric sources. To get real value from the BK teachings you have to throw a great deal of it away, and reinterpret it on the basis of understanding that comes from other sources.
bkti-pit wrote:On the other hand, not all BKs have (mystical, spiritual, and psychic experiences). I often heard BKs expressing their frustration about strictly following all the disciplines of the "pure" BK life and yet not feeling anything in meditation, no matter how much they tried to be soul conscious and remember Baba, whilst "vicious" non BKs would easily get entranced in heavenly bliss on every occasion.

Yes, this is my experience also. It seemed that most BKs did not have such experiences. And they did not like others talking about such experiences. And when they did, they put them down as a distraction from the spiritual path: there may be some truth in that but, for me, had I not had a plethora of such experiences, both before and during BK life. I would not have had anything to do with the BKs in the first place.
bkti-pit wrote:I think it is worth noting also that there is a variety of so-called spiritual experiences and I think they are not all of the same nature and certainly do not all produce the same effect. Many develop serious mental disorders following spiritual practices. I remember a BK who would lose his bearings once in a while during or after meditation and we ended up having to take him to the psychiatric ward. Similar cases are numerous.

Yes, indeed. I encountered several cases both in my local centre, and in Madhuban, of people going completely off the rails, and ending up in psychiatric care and heavily medicated. This does not surprise me in the least, due to the intense power of the spiritual energy and experiences I encountered which, at times, I felt took me to the edge of madness myself. Had I not had considerable experience of such experiences of altered states before entering BK life, I think I might have been one of the casualties too. I don't think they understand the fire they are playing with, and so there is considerable collateral damage. All of the experiences I am referring to here were to do with unravelling past sanskars, much as a professional analyst would do but, in a much more intense and occult fashion, with NO professional help on hand to help you to understand what is happening or to deal with the consequences.

Oh, and I did, on several occasions while a BK, have intense experiences of other beings trying to possess me. I have not had such experiences before or since. I was able to resist these attempts, but these were scary scary experiences.

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