7 years

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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friends or family of a BK

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7 years

Post21 Nov 2012

7 years of my life thinking I had a friend, unfortunately he is a BK. Most of you know my story and it all might seen childish.

From time to time I think what would be the most appropriate way to step out of it all and I am really thinking of a scenario, I have to clean up my writings ... delete everything personal that is on paper and laptop ... How to get pills or anything to just go to sleep and never wake up ...

Don't mind me, I am just in this mood. I had many before and now it scares me.
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Re: 7 years

Post21 Nov 2012

What's happened now, Jann?

I don't think you can be friends with a pukka BK. At best, they will either be 'using you' or 'serving you', neither is real friendship. A BK cannot have friends even within the cult as it involved sharing, bonding, attachment and so on.

In your case, it seems that the relationship with your friend has always been ambiguous because he was "having his cake and eating it", i.e. enjoying the benefits of your friendship/your heart but giving his heart to the BKs rather than you.

If so, no wonder you feel empty; you have given but not received back.

There are other fish in sea, other battles to fight, other lives to live. The BKs will just keep on being the BKs and doing what the BKs do, which we have studied well.

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