2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fears

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2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fears

Post17 Nov 2012

A website has been set up to de-bunk 2012 "End of the World" predictions, 2012 Hoax.org.

Sad stories are emerging in the media about young girls, similar to those the BKs target, committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fears linked to the many December 21st 2012 "End of the World" predictions circulating around the media and New Age. Even the BKs are promoting the idea of 2012 (as usual) as it confirms their faith and desire for "Destruction" (the 'End of the World').

In the UK, a teenager was seemingly one of the many who believed the world would come an end on December 21, and had even begun to remark on it to her family committing suicide before she could have known that archaeologists would discover an extension to the Mayan calendar, proving that the Mayans intended their calendar to stretch many thousands of years beyond December 21. The coroner ruled cause of death suicide while Isabel Taylor's mind was in a state of imbalance.
Girl, 16, kills herself after researching doomsday disasters and becoming convinced the world was about to end

Isabel Taylor, 16, thought civilisation would end in 2012 after researching nuclear meltdowns.

A teenager hanged herself after becoming convinced the world would end in 2012 after researching doomsday scenarios on the internet, an inquest heard. Schoolgirl Isabel Taylor, 16, turned to Buddhism after becoming fed up with the 'complications and injustice' of the modern world. But while searching for answers she began researching doomsday scenarios - becoming convinced a nuclear reactor meltdown would end civilisation in the coming months.

Similarly, from The Daily Telegraph, in India another teenage girl killed herself after being traumatised by media reports that the activation of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland could spark a "Big Bang" that would destroy the world, her Father said. The 16-year old girl from the central state of Madhya Pradesh drank pesticide and was rushed to the hospital but later died, police said. Her Father, identified on local television as Biharilal, said that his daughter, Chayya, killed herself after watching doomsday predictions made on Indian news programmes.
"In the past two days, Chayya had asked me and other relatives about the world coming to an end on Sept. 10," Biharilal was quoted as saying. "We tried to divert her attention and told her she should not worry about such things, but to no avail," he said.

These stories are proven facts, there are doubtless more in other languages I am unaware of.

One question ... if other predictions of the 'End of the World' creates such a sense of futility and nihilism within individuals, even young individuals with everything to live for ... young, vulnerable individuals ... how can we assume that the BK's relentless drumming on about Destruction does not have a similar effect on other young individuals within their organization?

Even if it does not push them over the top to suicide ... how much of a negative effect has it upon them and how much does it change their behaviour, and in what manner?

The BKs are not mental health practitioners. They are not even qualified psychologists or therapists. Indeed, most of them have absolutely no training in such fields whatsoever ... and yet they are left and allow to dabble with young and vulnerable people's minds and direct their lives.

Something has to be wrong about that.

The Brahma Kumari response? Such people are just "weak bricks" than explode in the "furnace" of their religions unable to bear the pressure.

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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post17 Nov 2012

Very true. I was always just told to sit in Baba's room, which only intensified my feelings.
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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post09 Dec 2012

Did the Brahma Kumaris ever take an audit of how children within their ranks and BK families were made to feel by their constant doom mongering about the End of the World (Destruction)?
From: Mayan apocalypse: panic spreads as December 21 nears

Fears that the end of the world is nigh have spread across the world with only days until the end of the Mayan calendar, with doomsday-mongers predicting a cataclysmic end to the history of Earth.

David Morrison, an astronomer at Nasa, said: "At least once a week I get a message from a young person, as young as 11, who says they are ill and/or contemplating suicide because of the coming doomsday.

I think it's evil for people to propagate rumours on the internet to frighten children."

Unfortunately, I doubt the BKs themselves could carry out such a review as their adherents are so programmed to give "right" answers rather than think for themselves and be honest about what are seen as "negative" thoughts ... like independent thinking, honesty, voicing doubts and questioning past organizational failures.


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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post09 Dec 2012

How easy it has become for frustrated persons to commit suicide, and some times for very simple and worthless reasons !

It jumped to my mind the case of the Indian nurse working in the London hospital where the Duchess was taken for treatment. She was the victim of a telephone hoax. No harm was done, but she felt saddened and apparently took her own life.

I believe a suicide is an accumulation of frustrating issues, and the last would be just be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post09 Dec 2012

I am sure you must be correct in most cases but it can also be caused by simple body/brain chemistry, or even by simple parasites passed on by pets, and the BKs would be wrong and fools to think that such weaknesses or biology can be "cured" by sitting going, "Baba, Baba, Baba ...".

In some service programmes, the BKs have actually targeted people with depression which I think it dangerous and possibly exploitative. Sure, if one of them takes the bait, they might go into the "intoxication phase" and feel wonderfully high for a while, but in every BKs' experience one comes down from that as well ... then what? Back to depression and slavery for the BKs whilst waiting for the End of the World? Or being left even blaming oneself for it being one's "karma", instead of simple genes or an infection.

Correct me if I am wrong but the BK high is just a hook that wears off. I mean, when you look at all those photos of glum Indians on service meetings they love printing, or huge halls full of BKs, most of them look pretty sad and unhealthy in my opinion. Passivity seems to be the most highly valued quality.

I am thinking too of the problems with kid's growing up in the BKWSU ... how can they become "normal" when on one hand they have to prepare for the future, e.g. study, start a career etc, and yet on the other the future holds only "Destruction".

If you are not schizophrenic before hand, you'd have to become successfully split into parts to grow up in such a world.


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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post11 Jan 2013

Om Shanti

the earth keeps rotating, and time keeps running, these things never stop. the world cycle completes one circle in 5000 years, but completion does not mean "end", it keeps rotating to reveal the next part. wen they say the world is coming to an end, it means The Cycle of time has completed one rotation or 5000 years is complete now...but the rotation will not come to a standstill....new creation is starting with transformation in thought patterns...both destruction n creation has already started, n yet to b completed...we will not feel the jolt do not worry, just like summer changes to winter and vice versa, n night changes to day....night is not forever, it will definitely change to day...so no the world will never come to n end, it will continue to move....but yes transformation will take place.
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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post11 Jan 2013

arzu_468 wrote:... we will not feel the jolt do not worry, just like summer changes to winter ...

What about the 7,000,000,000 who will die in "natural disasters, civil wars and nuclear Destruction", those who will "cry river of blood" and "grind their teeth like mustard seeds", and the sinking of continents?

Look, we know that the word used for "transformation" within the BKWSU is "Destruction" and how it will happen. We know what the BKWSU has been teaching since the 1930s.

Please read and respond to my questions, here. Thank you.
When did you come into BK Gyan, how long have you been a BK?

In the old days, the Sakar Murlis used to clearly say, "50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation" which meant Destruction would have ended in 1986. Are the leaders changing the Murlis to create a false story?

Please don't act like a brainwashed cultist who refuses to read and answer questions.


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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post11 Jan 2013

Hi again.

I have te feeling that 80% of everything posted in this blog (specially by 2 or 3 people) talks about those 2 or 3 things that, for westerners, are not important at all, basically everything related to The Cycle and BK´s idea of God.

Is obvious tha these two concepts, as proposed by BK, belong and are based on oriental cosmogonies, and that means that, by westerners, they should be only treated as collateral considerations, because if you don´t , you are under the high risk of missing the essence of what Brahma Kumaris is trying to say. And believe me, after seven years of full inmersion and months in Madhuban assistig to Avyakt Murlis I know what I am talking about

I met hundreds of Brahmins from all over the world, and the most experienced ones never mentioned anything about destruction or Golden Age or Gulzar Dadi´s experience on Avyakt Murlis. They were focused on silence experiences and on how these transformed their lives and people around them, and you could see that being real by just looking at their eyes or feeling their intense peacefull energy. This is the main point, this is what really matters and what should be discussed about.

We are westerns and we should accept it, that includes being able to assume our cultural roots and respecting others´s in order not to put obstacles in front of our selves botherin our own process of self transformation.

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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post11 Jan 2013


What you are saying is news ... Are we talking here about Western BK, Oriental BK, and may be next time South American, followed by Chinese, and then possibly Japanese BKs. In other words, each culture or nation would modify BK teachings to suite local conditions and its people conception and acceptance of certain faith ..??

BK god and cycle including destruction are two major pillars of BK cult faith. BKs are reluctant to mention them because they know they are hard to swallow and digest by westerners ...!!

In this very website there is video recording of Gulzar (under mediumship), pretending to be obssesed with BK god spirit and conveying his messages to the audience ..!!

Your statements gave me the impression that you were misled in Madhuban, and have wasted seven precious years of your life ...!!
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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post11 Jan 2013

ex-brahma: I agree more or less with what you are saying (although I do not think "Gulzar" is pretending, though I cannot prove otherwise).

Patzcuaro, it is not possible to remain closely involved with the BKWSU without becoming immersed in the BKWSU worldview. The fundamental basis of the BKWSU beliefs are that God (in the form of "Shiv Baba") has come to teach the world spiritual knowledge through Brahma Baba. This is backed up by a small and definite set of dogmatic assertions: 5000 year identical repeating cycle being a prime example, without which much of the rest of the teachings fall to pieces. I simply do not believe that you or anyone else can remain within the BKWSU without becoming brainwashed by their worldview. I was there for 5 years, and I was fully brainwashed after only a few months. It took me years, after leaving, to unravel the brainwashing, and to de-program myself. That process is still (7 years later) not finished.

I agree that spiritual progress does not depend on belief in God or the BK Cycle. But to avoid these two, you have to leave the BKWSU, and then do considerable work on yourself, to separate the "baby" from the "bathwater". To suggest that the dirty "bathwater" can be simply ignored, and the clean "baby" focussed on is delusion at best.

I am sure you are well-meaning, but your argument is weak. If you want to discuss something other than God and The Cycle, then nobody on this forum will stop you from doing so. But expect any brainwashed platitudes to be questioned, and probably ridiculed. Most of the regular posters on this site have been intensely involved with the BKWSU themselves, for many years, and cannot be easily fooled again.

Back to the topic in hand:
ex-l wrote: look at all those photos of glum Indians on service meetings they love printing, or huge halls full of BKs, most of them look pretty sad and unhealthy in my opinion.

On my last visit to Madhuban (2004) I was horrified (yes, horrified, I am not exaggerating) at the massed ranks of utterly miserable dejected BKs that I encountered. These were not glum Indians however, but double foreigners. I would say at least 90% of the double foreigners there were misery incarnate, for most of their stay. The only time most of them looked happy was when they were leaving. This astonished me, as I always found Pandav Bhavan had a very elevated energy, and my own experiences in Madhuban were primarily of joy and lightness. I realised that they are simply not following their own path, which states very clearly that if you are not happy, then you are not living a Brahmin life. This was one of various factors which encouraged me to leave.

As for the Indians, I found the rank and file Indians to be a breath of fresh air by comparison - on the whole, real people thoroughly enjoying their visit. The glumness was to be found only on the faces of the Seniors - those wearing white saris - and in particular, some of the Dadis. Again, their demeanour and energy totally gave the lie to their preachings about being happy, light, etc. Not everyone was like this, but the vast majority were. They formed a congregation of white-clad wretches. Their religion is suppressing and oppressing them. It was a sad sight indeed, and a very strong warning to me about the realities of that organisation.

I feel sorry for anyone that is nowadays sucked into this misery machine. They had better make the most of any Honeymoon Period, because the subsequent crash is, for most, clearly hard and brutal.
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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post11 Jan 2013

Thank you ex.Brahma, you made me smile ... and Howiemac for a far more reasonable response that I am capable of.
Patzcuaro wrote:... these two concepts, as proposed by BK, belong and are based on oriental cosmogonies, and that means that, by westerners, they should be only treated as collateral considerations ...

I know what my short answer is, I'll offer you my longer, polite answer.

Are you mistaken, deluded or lying? If you have been a full BK for 7 years, you know fine what the BKWSU teachings are. If not, can I show you an example of a BK teaching manual?
    "Silence" ... is a short hand for mental immersion in their god spirit Baba
    "Transformation" ... is the code word for their god spirit internally calls Destruction

    The Cycle and the BKs' concept of God are not "based on oriental cosmogonies". They were uttered by the Brahma Kumaris god spirit through the mouths of its psychic medium and are utterly key to its teachings, practise and reason for being ... how on earth can anyone say they are "collateral considerations"
Really what we are reading here is what we read often ... not what the BKs *actually* believe but how the BKs *want to be seen* in the West. How they gradually encult individuals into their religion by misleading them.

The want to be seen in this manner because otherwise they just look like another whacky 'whispering ghost' End of the World cult.

We need to recognise three aspects ...
    The foundations on which the BKWSU has been built - which are exactly as we have reported (our history of the BKWSU is more accurate than theirs).
    The beliefs of the majority of BKs - which are exactly as we have reported,
    The PR whitewashing attempt by the Western BKs out of embarrassment of the above
Now, on the other hand, if we were to examine what you are saying from the point of view of the BKs' own knowledge, we would also see it is false.

BKs and their god do not teach "practising silence", which would be interpreted as projecting the self in the Soul World (Paramdham), they project themselves in the Soul World ... to *then* immerse themselves in "Yoga" with their god spirit ShivBaba who lives there (allegedly).

If you were *just* having Yoga in or with silence of their Soul World, there would be no benefit because by the BK teachings. The only benefit (burning bad karmas) is had by having Yoga with their god spirit (which they called Raja Yoga, ripping off the traditional term for a different practise). To experience the Soul World, which they claim is the same as the Buddhist Nirvana, you would basically be following a lower religion which they called sanyasis.

Now, the BKs have spent 98% of their existence telling their followers that Bhakti (other religions/philosophies) is "impure" and of no benefit ... and an incomplete memorial of their religion from 5,000 years ago.

How can you now come on and claim some high minded waffle about being based on "Oriental cosmogonies".

That is going to be news to BKWSU because it contradicts everything that have taught. Are the BKs truly based on other "oriental" religions!?! Let me just revise the lesson called "The Tree".

Perhaps you are just a demi-BK from a small center who does not know what they really teach, and are full of your own manmat? It's hard for me to say without you being honest.
    Question: do you go to morning class every day?
I can quote you from some of the most recent Murlis about Destruction, importance of remembering Baba etc if you want.

Look, if you are a demi-BK and have been misled by older BKs, I am not going to be hard on you.

But if you know perfectly well what the BKs teach, you had better admit it quickly and change your tune.


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Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

Post12 Jan 2013


Are you serious?

To pretend that the BK concepts of God and the 5000 years cycle are not core beliefs of BKism is either ignorance, self delusion or plain deceitful.

if you do not practice "Remember Baba and remember your kingdom" you are not practicing BKism.

I agree however that it is not necessary to believe in BKism to have beautiful spiritual experiences.

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