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Post08 Apr 2006

I have carried this over from the XBKchat forum:
uddhava wrote:Does anyone here not believe in evolution?

I don't - not as science has it. I see it like this:

We evolve physically while devolving spiritually. We start out with hologram-like subtle bodies, naturally soul conscious, and devolve into body conscious corporeal creatures. It is only at the half way point in The Cycle that we take our physical "skins" - these physical bodies will have evolved, much as science indicates, becoming more complex as they become more material and less spiritual (there is always a balance of spirit and matter in everything - it is like Yin/Yang - over time the balance moves to more matter less spirit).

There will (obviously) be no fossil record of subtle bodies - so science only gets half the picture (as always)

Then, once we have our physical bodies, the process reverses, in the natural way of any cycle, and we evolve spiritually (as we are doing now), while our bodies devolve. At a certain point in our spiritual evolution (could be very soon - but probably not quite as soon as the BKs claim!) we will cast off our skins and become once again soul-conscious angelic beings.

It is like breathing in and out - the endless rythm of life, of cycles - not the straight-line upward trend hypothesised by the scientists.

This philosophy is in line with all ancient wisdom on the subject - pre-Hindu Vedic, Buddhist, Hermes, Plato, occultists, you name it. Science operates with a blindfold on by denying the spiritual dimension - the life force.

What do others think?
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Post30 Apr 2006

Hi Howie,

I was "eddicated" as a scientist and it is surreal to me that a theory can keep going for so long without any evidence. Usually theories are either moved forward or shown to be false in a much shorter time. Unfortunately for many science is the new religion. The spirit of science is openess to new ideas.

The all too often taken view is that inconvenient evidence (or lack of it) should not be allowed to inconvenience a "good" theory (=belief). A lot of humbug!

There is lots of literature which is highly scientific but totally against the whole Darwinian theory. I will write at length more about this, have to go off and do some research and write down my ideas. I found your post illuminating, also got a copy of your Orange world post from the ex-BK site before it was too late. Lot of wisdom there.

Love, proy
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Post04 May 2006

It is easy to dis-believe a Scientific theory but much harder to come up with an alternative. Wherever we came from I am sure God never made us either physically or Spiritually (ie created Souls). The BK explantion is that we have always existed and always will. The Murlis were a bit shaky about how re-newal would actually take place. All the physical bodies on Earth would have to die and somewhere in a promised land Krisna would be born to somebody in the Advance Party? How can a Deity be born from an impure body and from sex-lust? The mother would have to be artificially made pregnant.
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Post05 May 2006

Omshanti. I agree with Howiemac that the theory of evolution is not correct although it is possible that some species of animals would have emerged due to breeding between two different kinds of species. For e.g. evolution of mule through the crossbreeding of a horse and a donkey. There may be many such examples. Some have been forced by man and some might have taken place in the natural course of time during the Copper and Iron Age.

But the theory put forward by Howiemac that there won't be any physical bodies in the Golden and Iron Age needs to be substantiated, because it is very difficult to imagine that 10 crore deities at the end of the Silver Age would have suddenly changed to physical bodies and then started multiplying rapidly.

Celtiggyan, I agree with you that God neither gave birth to our physical bodies nor our spirits. They were always there, but the physical atmosphere on the Earth keeps changing as per the 5000 years drama. But I wish to disagree with you regarding the world renewal. It is not necessary that the Earth becomes totally devoid of human beings after destruction. No Murli point out to this fact. Instead there are many Murlis which say that the world will not become empty, i.e. devoid of human beings. The references of Advance Party and the parents of Krishna in the Murlis are a pointer to this fact. Now the only question is as to where is the Advance Party? And how many souls with physical bodies constitute the Advance Party?

According to The Knowledge being given by ShivBaba to the PBKs, approximately four and a half lakh souls (i.e. 2.25 lakh couples) will survive the forthcoming destruction and will undergo rejuvenation of their physical bodies numberwise. The first couple to undergo rejuvenation will be the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi Narayan (who are present with their ordinary physical bodies now) and will give birth to the Golden Aged Radha and Krishna (i.e. the souls of Mama Saraswati and Dada Lekhraj Brahma). Similarly other deity children of the Golden Age would be born. By the time when the Golden Aged Radha and Krishna get coronated as the first Golden Aged Lakshmi Narayan, the population of the deities would have reached approximately 9 lakhs. It means that 2.25 lakh couples who survived destruction will give birth to nearly 4.5 lakh children.

And how exactly these children would be born is a matter, which cannot be proved through science immediately, but will definitely be through the power of Yoga and not through the communion of the sex-organs. The PBKs have been told by ShivBaba that the first generation of deities to take birth as described above will be through the contact of vibrations, the next few generations through the exchange of glances (i.e. drishti Yoga) and then the remaining generations of deities would be born through the contact of mouth. It is only from the Copper Age that the contact of sex-organs would take place for the purpose of reproduction.

If anyone wishes, I can quote a few Murli points in this regard from the latest Murlis published by the BKs.

With regards,
On Godly service,
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Post05 May 2006

Lakshmi Narayan:

I thought Radha and Krisna BECAME Lakshmi and Narayan but one of the posters (a PBK) has just said that they are born from them. Do you have PBK Murli points on this?




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Post19 May 2006

celtiggyan wrote:I thought Radha and Krisna BECAME Lakshmi and Narayan but one of the posters (a PBK) has just said that they are born from them.

I believe Arjun was implying that two members of the Advance Party will hold the roles of Confluence-Aged Lakshmi and Narayan, where the names are intended as titles like Empress and Emperor.

In other words, the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi and Narayan give birth to Krishna, another two souls give birth to Radhe and then Radhe and Krishna become the first Golden Aged Lakshmi and Narayan.

Regards, Kurosh
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Radha and Krishna

Post19 May 2006

Dear Celtigyan and Khormozian,

Omshanti. Actually, I have been very busy with my lokik and aloukik commitments and could not keep track of all the posts on this forum. So I am sorry for the delay in response. Actually, as per the Advanced Knowledge, the Golden Aged Radha and Krishna will not be born to different set of parents but to the same parents i.e. the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi and Narayan.

Someone may call this a perverted idea, but it is only when one is body conscious. Since there is no physical relationship between deity couples and no body -onsciousness at all, there is nothing perverted in Radha and Krishna, the siblings growing up to become Lakshmi Narayan.

I will try to quote relevant Murli points. There are many Murlis points which ask about the relationship between Radha and Krishna. Further, if Radha and Krishna are born to different parents, then it will mean multiple relationships, multiple kingdoms etc. while Baba talks about one kingdom, one language and one religion.

There are Murli points which talk about Radha and Krishna belonging to different kingdoms, but that is applicable to the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi and Narayan and not to the Golden Aged Radha and Krishna.
With regards,
On Godly service,
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Re: Radha and Krishna

Post19 May 2006

arjun wrote:Actually, as per the Advanced Knowledge, the Golden Aged Radha and Krishna will not be born to different set of parents but to the same parents i.e. the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi and Narayan. Someone may call this a perverted idea, but it is only when one is body conscious. Since there is no physical relationship between deity couples and no body consciousness at all, there is nothing perverted in Radha and Krishna, the siblings growing up to become Lakshmi Narayan.

If one accepts it, it also means that there are also no genetic components or mutations to consider and if you wanted to argue the toss it would also act as a precedent for Copper Aged practises that the Egyptians and Romans did of " keeping it within the [ ruling ] family ". If you accept the Egyptians Dynasties were Copper Aged rather than Silver Aged. Obviously BK Knowledge [tm] and real world dating contradict each other here.

Howiemac raised related questions of the relationship between soul and matter and the nature of Golden Aged bodies/existence in other posts.

Who are we to know what the truth is?
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If the evolution theory were true...

Post02 Dec 2006

If the Evolution theory were true where will we end up. If the survival of the fittest was the law, such a species will come up that it will consist only of an armored reproductive organ with a fearsome mouth.

Why are there hospitals, when the sick and the old deserve not live. Should we not better kill them and eat them. Why is there charity? Is it not like helping your competitor and reducing your chances? Why do we sing, dance, create poetry, draw, sculpture. What is the benefit to keep us alive?

It is only when the world has become such a jungle where rеally these laws are predominant that God comes to protect the weak and help them, to make the unhappy ones happy again and there is a powerful revolution.
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Post02 Dec 2006

The ideal of evolution does definitely exist on some levels but not in view of the species which is how it was intended ... it is important not to mix the two.

Society has without any doubt in my mind improved as has humanity as a whole. Well, it has in this country anyway. Science and medicine are also much better than they used to be. But as for the missing link between man and ape that's a differrent thing :lol:
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Post03 Dec 2006

Why should a monkey become a man??? It lives well enough as it is. Why not tiger becomes a man?

The meaning of a monkey becoming a man is that now we are monkeys in behaviour (having all the vices) and become human beings again, means the ones who think. And then we become deities the ones who are in soul concious stage.

A soul from one species cannot move to another species. A seed of a mango will bring a mango three. Information of the whole three (of the part) is recorded in the seed (soul) Evolution is only external, medicine is better because there are better illnesses. Society may be more organised but the soul has become more unhappy and peaceless. There is more external influence. In fact there is constant degradation, because the power of the soul reduces day by day and there is no way to turn this process the other way. We fall for 5000 years and rise for 1 sec.

The theory of evolution is proved false long time ago even by scientists, but what will the children study at school. Once a lie is told one has to tell many more to support it. There is no benefit in the lokik study at all. These universities become places for corruption only - where boys and girls have eyes for one another. They teach knowledge only for this birth and they never tell we are souls. They don't care about the future births. But with the Godly knowledge the benefit is eternal.

And i have observed that people from Great Britan has some kind of a sense of their society being high. What is it high in? That it has gone to conquer other lands and make people slaves. We have to go beyond the nationality also. Although the country where i has been born is very good, i have never felt it is my own. People here are not the people. India is the mother land for all.
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Re: If the evolution theory were true...

Post07 Dec 2006

Andrey wrote:If the Evolution theory were true where will we end up. If the survival of the fittest was the law, such a species will come up that it will consist only of an armored reproductive organ with a fearsome mouth.

Oi ... whaddya mean "if"! :lol: but that aside ;) ...

The theory of "survival of the fittest" is really what I call 'end-stage capitalism' writ large ... which is full swing right now ... in other words people must be encouraged to become ever more selfish and non-communally/community-minded in order to produce the greatest profits ... scramble over those weaker than yourself for the bite at that lucrative cherry ... achieve that dream home-makeover! ... and is not that what Western society teaches us life is all about? :roll: :!: :P

However, evolution theory is not really as simplistic as Darwin may have thought ... In fact, over human history co-operation and communal sharing etc have been instrumental in the survival of the species as a whole. We wouldn't have been here at all without a distinct altruistic impulse. (Only of more recent decades - post consumer-society - has this been so denigrated in favour of the individual over ALL).
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Post07 Dec 2006

Andrey wrote:And I have observed that people from Great Britan has some kind of a sense of their society being high. What is it high in? That it has gone to conquer other lands and make people slaves.

It was also the first to democractically vote to ban all slave trading in 1833 paying £20,000,000 for the freedom of those slaves; slavery, which still goes on today to the value of half a trillion dollars. Particularly the sex slaving of young girls. It is estimated that from Eastern Europe alone there could be more half a million. You can pick up children for $50 in Czechoslovakia.

And there you reveal the quality of your vision Andrey. Which is Great Britain ... the pirates and capitalists that exploited African slave trading? Or the democracts and humanists that banned it? Or the pirates and capitalists that accepted that ban?

I don't stick up for the Great Britain, or its younger Brother Pax American today. Neither have anything to do with me. But one's vision as a Brahmin soul has and applies itself where ever one looks and you are always having to look bad-bad-bad to make Gyan good-good-good. Life is not so black and white.

Ooops, off topic. Evolution ... not so black and white either. If you don't know why not "tiger to human" take a biology class quick.

So according to Baba, explain to us how the dinosaurs mutate so quickly from being T Rex to being geckos ...
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Post07 Dec 2006

Any society that develops the quaint art of quaffing whilst drinking tea can only be held in high esteem.
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Post16 Dec 2006

Darwin also used to be British. The point was to see the future through the eyes of this theory. What kind of qualities are encouraged? "If" means it is not true.

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