BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post11 Nov 2012

I appreciate that this discussion has moved on, but I would like to comment on clearernow's original points

clearernow said
I have taken tremendous benefit in all aspects of my life from them and have seen thousands getting benefitted - I have seen miracles happening through the power of spirituality and Yoga in life threatening situations. I have seen a lot of positivity and purity as well amidst some of the imperfections. If they were perfect, they would all be sitting in Subtle Region as per their own course!

This is a fair point: it is not all bad, and we should not expect perfection from the BKs any more than we expect it in our own behaviour. But we should also not accept being brainwashed, or preached to, or hoodwinked, by those who are demonstrably flawed themselves. And why should we keep quiet in the face of their hypocrisy? And, surely it is not possible to become "self-sovereign" or "master almighty authority" through obeying orders!
the Avyakt Murlis are subtle, sweet, deep yet simple, personal and contain an ocean of knowledge on all aspects of spirituality, with practical advise on how one can implement it in their practical life.

I agree, but they also are misleading at times, encouraging the pursuit of selfish ends: a "high status", a kingdom or empire, with a legion of worshippers, and untold material wealth. An angel would not seek status, name, fame, or wealth. This is revealing: these teachings can be helpful for dharna, but they are not immaculate! Accordingly they should be consumed only with careful discrimination, if at all.

Yes, the core is pure. My core is pure, a pure soul. Your core is pure, a pure soul. A mass murderer is pure at the core. A child rapist is pure at the core.

It is not nearly enough to be pure at the core.
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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post13 Nov 2012

clearernow wrote:I have taken tremendous benefit in all aspects of my life from them and have seen thousands getting benefitted ..
howiemac wrote:This is a fair point: it is not all bad ...

I'd like to see some empirical evidence of this ... but I know it will never happen because no one in heaven or on earth will be able to get BKs to be objective and honest.

My take on it all remains that plenty of the individual elements of it is all are "beneficial", e.g. getting up early, regularity, keeping clean, periods of quiet reflection, giving up addictive substances and activities, avoid conflict etc ... but that the core purpose it is all put to is not.

I suspect that if one was to compare results taken from BKs to results taken from members of other cult religions, or groups with a similar esprit de corps (group spirit), the result would be pretty identical. Indeed, were there was more of a physical element, e.g. marines or ballet dancers, I'd expect even more positive results.

One could set up a control group doing exactly what the BKs do but without the God Lekhraj Kirpalani or the BK leadership and see how they scored, i.e. 4 am, daily inspirational class, healthy diet, doing some voluntary activity ... and I'd bet you they too would get better results. I have a feeling you'd agree with me on the positive effect of removing the Kripalani Klan off BKs' backs!?!

(What I'd really like to see are BKs put through polygraph lie detector tests about their actually beliefs and states of mind. I wonder if their "faith" could overcome them.)

I know some for whom the community is a useful support without which they would and did fall to pieces ... but that still really is not the purpose of it all, is it? What is the purpose of it all? To bring about Destruction/Heaven on earth, or keep the leadership in rotis and dahl, new saris and big badges?
But we should also not accept being brainwashed, or preached to, or hoodwinked, by those who are demonstrably flawed themselves. And why should we keep quiet in the face of their hypocrisy? And, surely it is not possible to become "self-sovereign" or "master almighty authority" through obeying orders! ... It is not nearly enough to be pure at the core.

Nor, as I have experienced just recently, does one become "pure" by sitting on one's bum going, "I am a pure and complete soul ... I am a pure and complete soul ... I am a pure and complete soul ...".

"Purity" seems a highly overvalued virtue to me ... what does it really mean? I'd rather be wise or experienced. I suspect the BKs re-intepret it as thoughtlessness and submissiveness to the Seniors.

Questioning this now, the only immediately value I can see to it is as a kind of "gotcha" designed by the BKs to keep their virgins and crones in positions of power or the basis of having kept their underwear on, and that it's good marketing power for India.

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