Visions, I witnessed an important one

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Visions, I witnessed an important one

Post07 Nov 2012

Contrary to what BKWSU claim, visions could come to any person, irrespective of his religion, cult, belief or disbellief.

Following is a true story, I was a witness to its happenings ...
Date : 2/5/ 2007, Time : Early morning hours

The Indian Catholic priest, who is looking after the local church affairs, woke up from his sleep horrified from seeing an unusual dream. The whole city he is living in was completely sunk in a lake of water, and bodies of people floating on top. He also saw in his dream a calender hanging on a wall with a date of : 6/5/ 2007.

From the power and impact of the dream, the priest immediately knew it was a VISION, a message that he should warn people to take precautions.

He took the severe flood for a Tsunami, as cyclones were not common in this country. Immediately after dawn he took off and started knocking doors of beach front houses to warn residents of the imminent danger to arrive and requesting them to evacuate their homes to a higher ground, as only few days were left for the catastrophy to strike.

He devoted all his time and energy for warning people to leave their homes to the mountain areas to escape death, he even approached local press to support him in warning people.

Authorities got alarmed by the priest campaign, so they booked him in and sent him for mental treatment .

In the night of 6/5/2007 (the predicted catastrophy day) the streets of the city were almost empty from cars and pedestrians. After that and since nothing happened, city residents took the priest story for a joke and forgot all about it ... On 5/6/2007, a very powerful cyclone hit the city, turning it into a huge lake, with hundreds of casualties and very severe damages!
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Re: Visions, I witnessed an important one

Post08 Nov 2012

Perhaps prior to but more than likely during WWII, Lekhraj Kirpalani had some dreams or visions of the war, which had not reached India, and misunderstood them to mean the imminent End of the World (... perhaps he saw some British movie reel news show or something, we don't know exactly when he had his "visions"). Whatever it was, he or the god of the BKs got it wrong; revised it for 1950, got it wrong; revised it for 1976, got it wrong; revised it for mid-1980, got it wrong ... and by this time the BKs had become used to the visions or predictions failure and adopted a strategy of outwardly believing but inwardly disbelieving and carry on with life.

The BKs would accept that other religious follower do have visions but claim that their god "holds the key" to their divine visions. And in this case, their god got it wrong again.

Why go to the extent to "giving someone a vision" if you get the date wrong and loads of people die? Perhaps "god" uses the American calendar which goes month-day-year instead of the British calendar which goes day-month-year? Of course, perhaps he was not "given" a vision at all and just intuitively tapped in to what was going to happen in some way.

When you say, "you witnessed" you mean you witnessed the cyclone rather than the vision? Or do you mean read of the story?

To me, the story sounds a bit like a modern adoption of the biblical story of Jonah and the city of Nineveh. I cannot find any record of it. It's recording is design to confirm the apparent miraculousness of priests ... but how many failed visions and predictions do we not hear about? That we do hear about and remember the ones that were apparently correct ... and don't hear about or forget the many, many which were wrong ... is typical of our tendency to "confirmation bias". Our need or want to believe and the comfort believing in such things bring us.

It's a tendency, the Brahma Kumaris show us, that leaves us open to being manipulated and exploited. We want to believe in miraculous things whether they do or do not exist. Speaking personally, I came into Gyan at the end of the Cold War. Many people in the West were afraid of and discussing a Nuclear War between Russia and the West. I suppose it set me up to be caught by the BKWSU ... and when we look at the evolution of the BK's knowledge we can see how they incorporated into their teachings.

On the basis of evidence, I would say it is 99.9999% safe to ignore anything dream, vision or prediction someone tells you. I have lost count of the number of visions and predictions that have been made, both big and small, and not happened. Going looking for them, e.g. going to psychics, mediums or astrologers etc, appears to be the very worst thing to do ... almost guaranteed to make sure whatever is said does not happen (and money to leave your wallet).

What is other people's experience in this area?

Oh, remember ... 21st December 2012 is supposed to be the End of the World according to those who believe in the Maya Calendar theory. I'll see you on the 22nd as usual. Don't go emptying your bank accounts or cancelling dates.


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Re: Visions, I witnessed an important one

Post08 Nov 2012

As resident of the struck city, I lived and witnessed all events and happenings mentioned in the story, including the strike of "Gonu" cyclone, but definitely was not part of the priest vision, although I was closely following all its developments at that time. Actually this story was "Talk of the town".

I searched the net and managed to find a blogger who, at that time, talked about the cyclone (Gonu) and also made reference in the last paragraph to the priest vision, but the predicted strike date given by him was wrongly stated as 9th of May and should be 6th May ... Following is the link: ... 06/10.aspx

I believe any vision should prove itself to be true, otherwise the vision beholder will loose credibility, similer to what happened to Lekhraj Kirpalani and his women fan club in Mount Abu, who kept giving false and falling predictions, one after the other.

However, in the priest vision case, the poor guy was not aware that whoever manages and control visions ... followed the American calendar!
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Re: Visions, I witnessed an important one

Post08 Nov 2012

OK, I see more talk of it here: GONUOMAN.

Well, if you want a miracle ... the miracle is the BKs have never been "booked for spreading rumours" and taken for mental checkups as well!

There are many skeptic who just dismiss visionary or psychic activity as a total fraud ... I don't count myself amongst them. There are truths to it, however, in almost ever case they are mixed up, scrambled and wrong in some way, so much so as to be worthless.

I think the lesson to be gain from psychicism is never to be reliant on it and find your own faith, intuition or guidance in life. Take responsibility for yourself and your own life and never allow others to take it over whether a human being or a spook. Learn from your own mistakes, if needs be, but do not follow others.

Out of curiosity, I've been to see a few non-BK channellers, psychics and a couple of astrologers in my life. I think the danger in them is that you are reaching outside of yourself for answers and doing so, as with the BKs, can become addictive. Once you get over the weird and wonderful element of an alleged spook speaking to you from another realm, listen to their advice is just the same as listening to any other human beings advice; some is right, some is wrong, some are sincere others are completely deluded. Most are vague.

I've always had the most vivid real dreams in which I can apparently move around in, act, make decisions and so on. During my BK period I had a few which related to BK philosophy, like imagine Destruction scenes. They seemed real at the time but were completely wrong, e.g. I live 100s of miles away from where they happened now and will never go back.


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Re: Visions, I witnessed an important one

Post08 Nov 2012

Yes, you are right, the women at Mount Abu should be taken for mental check up, but yet even this one they have previously falsified, claimed to have gone to (non existing) intl institute, and declared to the world that Janki was found to have the clearest and most stable mind in the world !

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