A comparison of child sex abuse punishments

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A comparison of child sex abuse punishments

Post05 Nov 2012

Recently, in the "impure, godless and unselfrealized" California, USA, a 69-year-old priest called Oscar Perez was sentenced to 330 years to life for sexual assaulting 5 children and mandatory lifetime sex offender registration. He met his victims through his religious congregation. He had gained their trust by befriending their families and having the boys assist with church services. The boys were 9 to 15 years old.

Meanwhile, in the "pure" and "god conscious" BKWSU from "divine" mother India, Brahma Kumari leaders such as Jayanti and Janki Kripalani, BK Maureen Goodman and others, acted to cover up child sex abuse of Western girls at two of their Indian headquarters. The BKs had their trust by befriending their families and having them assist with Brahma Kumari service.

The offenders were never reported nor brought to justice. Why? The BKWSU leaders did not want the bad reputation to damage their religion. They went on to dragged their heels for a number of years before bring in a child protection policy. Most BKs knew nothing about it.

The only reason we know of this is because the children were from the West and their case was taken up by an concerned ex-BK. We know nothing of the experiences of children from India where such experiences are a taboo to speak about and the BKWSU leadership has even more censorial power and control over their followers.

What happens in the "impure" world when a cover up or neglect by leaders is discovered?

Again in the USA, Bishop Robert Finn was recently found guilty of failing to report suspected child sexual abuse to authorities, prompting calls for him to step down or be booted out from office. Another, Cardinal Bernard Law, personally chose to resign as head of the Archdiocese of Boston as punishment for his own failures.

What happened in the "pure" "soul conscious" BKWSU ... nothing. It is business as usual.

All the senior BKs have to do is "remember Baba" and none of the abuses carried out within the BKWSU are their responsibility. According to them, "Baba" conveniently takes care of all of the bad karma. The Kirpalani Klan leaders are still thought of as members of the top 8 or 108 souls in the world.

Bishop Finn was sentenced to two years of supervised probation in relationship to the hushing up of suspicious activities by Reverend Shawn Ratigan. The bishop failed to respond to warnings the diocese received from a parish elementary school principal detailing suspicious behaviour by Ratigan around children

In the BKWSU, leaders at Madhuban were said to be aware of one of the individuals but tolerated his existence and allowed him unfettered access to area were children. The leaders were never questioned nor brought to justice either.

The BKs say, "past is passed" ... nothing can be done about it.

And yet, back in the United Kingdom, 43 cases of child sex abuse are currently being investigated relating to Sir Jimmy Saville, a famous personality and charity worker, even though he is already dead and the impure "Kali Yuga" British government is investigating allegations of child abuse in the UK relating to an alleged abuse ring in north Wales in the 1970s and 1980s which involved senior Conservative politicians close to the prime minister Lady Thatcher.

Social status is no protection.

Victims will be able to claim damages against the government or the individuals' estates.

Over to you, BKWSU.
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Re: A comparison of child sex abuse punishments

Post19 Nov 2012

A former Christian vicar was convicted of a series of child sex offences dating back almost 30 years has been jailed for four years.

Meanwhile ... what is happening the spiritually superior BKWSU? Nothing. No mention since. It's bad for business so it got covered up without even the need for the usual payoffs.

The BKs obviously get a better deal off their god.
Ex-canon of Carlisle Cathedral Ronald Johns jailed

A former canon of Carlisle Cathedral convicted of a series of child sex offences dating back almost 30 years has been jailed for four years. Ronald Johns, who was later a vicar in Caldbeck, Cumbria, was found guilty of sexual offences committed against three boys between 1983 and 1991.He admitted 10 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency.The 75-year-old, of Kings Road, Coltishall, Norwich, was sentenced at Carlisle Crown Court on Monday
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Mr Green


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Re: A comparison of child sex abuse punishments

Post19 Nov 2012

yes it stinks, I asked Jayanti about it once. She looked at me shocked (shocked that I dared mention it) but chose to say nothing

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