BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post01 Nov 2012

Well said, Because and, yes Jann, what the public sees of the BKWSU is 99% marketing and not the real stuff.
clearernow wrote:... move on as I said ... get out of the Destruction loop.

The BKs are 99% about Destruction. They do everything they can to distract from that. Clearer, can I ask you honestly, are you a real BK, as in you've done all the courses, go to morning class each morning, do service etc ... or are you one of those fringe, demi-BKs living a dream of what the BKWSU is about?
There seem to be a lot of personal hurt that you have taken from them which I really feel for - sorry ... you are also exaggerating and continue to magnify few imperfections you saw many years ago at their end

Let us address this yet again. It seems to be the rumour the BK leadership has spread throughout the Yugya because many BKs come up with it.

I did not leave or quit the BKWSU because of any "personal hurt". I left because I got sick of their unenlightened self-advertising and VIP chasing, and because wanted to go and do things that really made a practical difference in this world. And at that time, I did not know just how much they had lied to us. How many suicides, broken families, and decades of lies and financial shenanigans would you call a "few imperfections"?

After I left, I continued to speak well of the BKs and consider them to be one of the best of religions and said or did nothing against them for 20 years. I even encouraged people to take the course. I was not even particularly bitter about all the years and life decisions I made under the stupidity of their false predictions of Destruction (which the Murlis then said were in the mid-1980s).

I did nothing until I started to hear about all the corruption ... at the very core of the BKWSU. Corruption, like you, I never even stop to question when I was a starry-eyed adherent.

Funnily enough, that "core corruption" was not the suicides of BKs I knew. Nor was it the covered up child sex abuse of children within the BKWSU that I again knew. No, it was when I heard the Kripalani Klan had finally sold out Gyan and others had turned "Seva" into corporate consulting for cash; or corporate consulting for cash into seva if you wish. What really disgusted me was when I heard that the pyramid which had built up over decades by ordinary individuals on the basis of love, kindness and charity ... was creamed off by the business class BKs with the permission of the Seniors.
clearernow wrote:I see no point in knowing their accounts. They are not a state like Vatican and it doesnt help me.

I used "Vatican" as a shorthand for Catholic Church. If I want to see the account for either they are in the public. What are the BKs hiding? Actually, I think the BKs are an international theocratic (and undemocratic) state. A state within states.
you will see a great deal happening in next few years.

So they have been saying since the 1930s ... when's your cut off point? 2036? The Murlis used to teach us "50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation" and that by now Heaven would be half built and deities would be being born. How is it all going to magic up in time for 2036?
If you cant appreciate the beauty of the Avyakt Murlis

No, I cannot. For me, in comparison to, say, the Tao Te Ching or TS Eliot's poetry ... the works of many Sufi ... the thoughts of many real feminists and intellectuals ... the lyrics of any number of contemporary songwriters ... even great comedians like Bill Maher, Ricky Gervais or George Carlin ... the Avyakt Murlis are flaccid and inane. There is almost nothing to them. I am so glad I start reading and listening again after shutting everything off in the BKWSU.

You might be able to pick out one or two deep sentences out of each of them and that is all ... if you were lucky. For me, the BKWSU seems to revert people back to the same mental stage the senior Sisters were in when Lekhraj Kirpalani was alive. Love letters for uneducated old ladies and young girls may be.
Not sure of your experiences but it works like magic - there are thousands of individual stories on the experiences of meditation, its super positive effects on mind, body and life ... and thats what I am going for now.

I tend to think of it a bit like drugs and the BKs like drug pushers ... only it is hypnotism and psychism that is bringing on the highs rather than chemicals.

Of course, the hypnotism *does* bring on chemical reactions in the brains that effects emotions but, unlike other critics, I accept there is some psychic element too. I just don't accept it is the "God" of all and silly stuff like Lekhraj Kirpalani is Adam. Sure, there is all sorts of weird and wonderful psychic experiences going on, just like drug users have their weird and wonderful experiences too.

Soft and psychedelic drug users often come out with they same kind of feelings and claims as BKs and both their pushers, the drug dealers and BKWSU leaders, like to deal in cash-cash.

The problem with depending on "miracle stories" is that for every "miracle" that happened, for example, for BK saved from accident, there is a BK who died a terrible death in accident; and for every BK who claims a vision or miracle, there are 10,000 non-BKs ... including atheists ... who also claim to have experienced a vision or miracle.

One has to be aware of the effect of the human tendency towards "confirmation biases", i.e. the tendency to favour information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses, or remember information selectively interpreting it in a biased manner.


Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post01 Nov 2012

Let's wait and watch - neither you can prove anything to me through arguments nor I can to you ... crux of the matter is that it doesn't and did not work for you whilst it works very well for me and so for many and will continue ... no amount of propaganda can shake my beliefs and my choice is very clear and supported by profound experiences that can not be described in words ... you will always only see that you want to see and not anything else which is proven time and again through your obsession with Destruction ...

I have also seen that in the past and it just doesnt matter to me anymore what matters is the beauty of the connection with supreme ... even if I describe those experiences to you, you will equate it with drugs and so on ... such arguments can probably appeal to ... (some drug addicts may be!) but not to me ... and whilst you may want to believe that we are all deluded and you are the enlightened ones ... you are free to believe that and wish you all the best with that.

It will always be difficult to separate illusion from reality ... one's reality is other's illusion and vice versa that's why it was called all "Lila" in the Indian scriptures because there is no definition of reality in the world.

Just wanted to express my opinions here and now rather than wasting further time, let me get back to that beautiful experience.

Good bye for now.
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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post01 Nov 2012

clearernow wrote:Good bye for now... rather than wasting further time ... let me get back to that beautiful experience.

Typical ... you ask them a straight question like "how much of a BK are you actually?", and they refuse to answer then runaway back to their drug experience and drug dealers.

I am sorry but we been through this time and time again with BK apologists. Usually it turns out that they are not full BKs at all, just on the fringes, and are defensive about anything that challenges their self image, or reminds them they are a failure or have low spiritual status from a BK point of view. They refuse to answer any questions which places them in the BK pecking order. BKism leads people to feel more special but they don't like it when you turn the BK mirror back on them.

Yes, it is very nice and comfortable on the BK fringes, and mostly free or very cheap too, however, it is not what the BKWSU is all about. Inside it's all one big manic rush because the End of the World is coming ... WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s, Y2K, "two to three years" etc. Yes, "it's not Destruction, it's "Transformation" now!" believe that if you want.
you will always only see that you want to see and not anything else which is proven time and again through your obsession with Destruction ...

My obsession? Are you denying that? No, my obsession is with their cover up and lies about it, and the hypocrisies like "celebrating" 75 years, when it should be a 25 year failure ... just as 1976 or mid-1980s was a failure. God doesn't make false predictions.

Do you see how the BKs teach people to argue? They always turn things back on you as 'your problem', 'your failure', 'your lack of effort', 'your lack of faith' ... they have never have any real faults. If doubts and questions creep in ... you're not doing enough meditation. Start to see what is going wrong ... do more meditation. Keep asking questions ... they runaway, block and banish you and push you aside. Time is money and it is better to invest it in the next sucker who comes along.

How many people thrown away their lives, given away their money and properties because they believed "god's instruments" were telling the truth? Repay them for what they lost and I'll have some respect for you and your organization. Don't repay them and I'll just think you are fraudulent thieves.

Why don't they take responsibility and repay them? I would do if I misled someone so badly. Why won't they? Oh, it's because they live off that money, and in those big properties now. It's a money earner for them.

This is why I ask you if you go to Morning Class every day and listen to the Murlis or whether you are just on the New Agey fringes, addicted to the "floating" trance-like experiences. The outside is very nice and sweet and free, but it is just bait. Inside the bait is a hook and if you swallow it, they will reel you in and skin you. They will even allow you to nibble the bait for free because may be you will bring in a big fish for them, or do free advertising for them, and defend them as you are doing now.

Although they hide it from newcomers during the "soft sell", all the abuse in the BKWSU is justified by Destruction ... "clear your account and earn your inheritance before the too late sign goes up". No problems with cutting corners, all you need to do is remember Baba or follow the Seniors' Shrimat and the bad karma or lying and manipulating goes away like magic!
I have also seen that in the past and it just doesnt matter to me anymore what matters is the beauty of the connection with supreme

Supreme what? It's not the supreme anything. It might be some semi-enlightened entity or some level of consciousness but it is not "god". That's just the marketing.
and whilst you may want to believe that we are all deluded and you are the enlightened ones.

Hold on ... that's a Brahma Kumarism if ever there was one, except they repeat time and time again that it is the BKs who are enlightened and everyone else who is an ignorant Shudra.

Me? No, I am "lower than the lowest of the low" according to the BKWSU ... and proud of it.


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post02 Nov 2012

Ex-I wrote:Usually it turns out that they are not full BKs at all, just on the fringes, and are defensive about anything that challenges their self image, or reminds them they are a failure or have low spiritual status from a BK point of view. They refuse to answer any questions which places them in the BK pecking order. BKism leads people to feel more special but they don't like it when you turn the BK mirror back on them.

It is really a bitter truth.. Even for the BKs It is very hard to swallow it, as ex-l said it will crush their image.

I sincerely wish that an honest, committed and sincere BK should come on this forum and admits that, "yes ... we are being fooled for so many years ... But we cannot help it, this is our life now ... we really do not know the reality and the authenticity of this Gyan, we take back the claims we been making for so many years .. we feel deeply sorry for the individuals who wasted their lives believing this in the name of GOD’s words .. We don’t see heaven coming soon on this planet ...

But, yes, we are trying hard to bring harmony in the relationships, stop corruption, stop casteism, the old age problems, the sex trafficking problems, the hunger, poverty, illness, loneliness, child labour problems and many more which are prevailing in the society. And for that we are using this method of soul consciousness, One GOD one FAMILY ... etc etc

I am sure more and more “sensible” people will join them.
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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post02 Nov 2012

It was 'right' for all of us until it went wrong, we were all deluded the same way clearernow is.


Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post02 Nov 2012

How easy it is to pass a judgement and think others are deluded. Inner insecurity and hidden fear of not being right brings up the tendency for the ego to judge others and somehow label them which I see a lot in this forum whenever there is anyone trying to highlight anything positive about BKs. Truth doesnt require to prove itself - it gets proven with time - I have said before - let's wait and watch .. your propaganda or the BKs - I am not even claiming that everything BKs say is truth like you enlightened beings are from your statements of wisdom :-).

People like me who are not on the fringes like you think .. very much following the principles .. and merged in unparalleled peace, love and joy - not given up family, very succesful in professional career, experienced depth of soul consciouness and amazing power thereof, benefitted by practical aspects of spirituality in all aspects of life, used Yoga power to overcome life threatening diseases and bringing good health, beautiful family life, great relationships and so on .. If I keep counting the benefits of what I have gained through the application of BK Raja Yoga in practical life - I can fill pages and pages ... but the end of it you will come and say, "it's a delusion or a drug" ... Ha ha ha, all I can do then is smile and pass a loving vibration to you ... may be one day you will realize all was not wrong and we missed out on the true beauty of it ... please don't coerce me to write more as I would rather spend time in the company of the most beautiful being of light - my Father and mother who lives with me and is my true companion - I can only conclude by the below 2 lines (which can not really be translated in English properly).
    Tera voh pyaar hai Baba jo samjhaya nahi jata (O Baba, your love can not be expressed in words!)
    Baras jaata hai jo naino se vo dikhlaya nahi jata (Even a rain of tears of Joy wont be able to show it (prove it?) to the world what it means)
As they would call it Delusion or a drug :-).

I am up for it and I am sorry - it's time for my evening "date with my love".

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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post03 Nov 2012

clearernow wrote:People like me who are not on the fringes like you think ..

"Like I asked ...", actually. Good. I am glad you are a real BK. I am interested to know when you "took The Course" or became a BK.

Obviously, someone who took the Course in the 1970s or 80s is going to have a different view of the BKWSU and its leaders than someone who took it in the last few years.

The only reason I am asking is that I am interested in the different generations of BKs and how they and the organization have changed over the years. Think of me like a wine connisseur considering and appreciating different vintages of wine.

But, please be careful with the use of a like "propaganda". As you know very well, we have a very high degree of informational accuracy here and are transforming the BKWSU from the outside. We deal in truth and facts, albeit inconvenient and hard ones; they have spent 70 + years pumping out propaganda, errors, and outright lies.

Unfortunately, however good the high is, it's now impossible to deny that. We've proven it.

I hope you can discuss this is a mature and objective fashion, without trying to goad us. We are perfectly capable of having a reasonable discussion with a respectful BK but if someone is going to be an idiot, they are likely to be treated like one.

"Brahmakumaris.info is not as easy as going to your aunty's house".
How easy it is to pass a judgement and think others are deluded. Inner insecurity and hidden fear of not being right brings up the tendency for the ego to judge others and somehow label them which I see a lot in this forum whenever there is anyone trying to highlight anything positive about BKs.

Well, after we ditched the impossibility of a mature, objective 'round table' discussion involving all the various stakeholders in the BK movement (we called it "ecumenical"; everyone from BKs to the PBKs or even Vishnu Party, from ex's to friends and family of) the purpose and priority of this website and forum is to serve individuals exiting the BKWSU and 'friends and family of' BKs ... and to rebalance the PR and propaganda of the BKWSU. If you were not around, you would have no idea at how crazy some of the conflicts with "the family" are.

If you want to praise or advertise the BKWSU, there are other places to go. If you want to discuss it independently and objective, then here is a good place but be prepared for honest feedback and to defend your claims with evidence. We will encourage you to be better and make the BKWSU a better place.

During the years we have also attracted a number of individuals who were really seeking a "virtual BKWSU" to indulge a BK fantasy life. Individuals who were not following the principles or had even been banished from the BKWSU because of their mental instability or "eccentricity". We are not here to offer that either. If someone want support leaving we will help them but we cannot accept individuals who want their BKness propping up and who will aggressively defend the BKs, even though the BKs have rejected them.

Personally, I cannot think of anything positive about the BKWSU and I have seen far too much entirely objective "bad" which the BKWSU does nothing about. Others disagree and see more good maintaining some degree of faith or practise.

For me, the problem is that anything I would think is good that individuals within the BKWSU do, e.g. Vinay Lakshmi's Village Outreach Program, the solar power, the organic farming, is that it is being put to the services of something really bad. And we know too much about what the leadership are like.

Then there is the ethical problem of how the BKs got to where they are today, and it is not ... nor has it ever been ... because of a "core" of magical "purity". It is by cheating, stealing and lying at a philosophical, historical and organizational level.

You admit there have been faults, mistakes or errors ... well, has the BKWSU made good for them by helping those they are broken or damaged; the families they have split up, the lives they allowed their teachers to ruin, the mental breakdowns?

No, almost never (... I can only think of one occasion). They fight tooth and nail to keep their purses and bank accounts closed and act with total indifference, like Brahmins looking down at shudras.

Let's talk about realities and make positive changes happen, nor just wish them to happen.


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post03 Nov 2012

ex-I wrote:I am glad you are a real BK. I am interested to know when you "took The Course" or became a BK.

I am not sure clearernow is a real BK. I think he visits this forum to see what is going on here, and at the same time he do "some" BK practice and tests his faith by giving some posts and when forum's reply shakes his faith he says "good buy"..

He visited the forum before also.here
clearernow wrote:17.10.2010

I was following BK life for 5 years and not following for last 5 years. So my balance of BK and non-BK belief is equal - I was waiting for a day when I will be able to evaluate this knowledge from unbiased view and, in my entire life, this is the time wherein I have a clearer view and start sharing with others.

He has exiting experience also
Exiting BK life was not easy - its painful, I went through similar experiences that many of you have highlighted.


I have extracted what works for me from the overall set of principles and apply/experiment it in my practical life post/outside BK - Connection with God - Meditation, Karma, Soul Consciousness, Purification etc, I have decided to experiment even more with my relationship with God and increase my faith in him to seek truth directly from him rather than arguments, logic etc ... I have complete faith that if BKs are true, God will pull me there ... If they are not and another institute is better than them, he will pull me there ...

I think he is sailing on two boats which will be more dangerous for him.


Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post03 Nov 2012

For those who are not good with numbers - 2012-2010=2 :-) and only getting more and more clearer - what a lovely time this was. No danger - you cannot prove anything - go ahead and assume and delude yourself more about how others are treading .. but I need to save my time for that lovely experience and not to put efforts in removing your mental programming of seeing only negative ... if you want to question my faith - let me tell you one thing very clearly "because.p" - even a million websites like this or millions of negative opinions will NOT BE ABLE TO SHAKE even an IOTA of my FAITH because that resides safely in divine protection :-) ... that's the power of faith in the relationship with God ... I wish one day you experience that depth of sweetness and then comment ... all the best ..



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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post03 Nov 2012


If you are so sure of your faith now, why are you posting here? What is the need?
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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post03 Nov 2012

Excuse me interrupting your question and conversation Maria, I suspect it is to prove their power of faith and repay the debt to the BKWSU that they wander into our "lion's den".

So, Clearer, are you saying you were in for 5 years, out for 5 years, back in for 2 years?

It really bores me that these BKs are just not simply clear, honest and straightforward. They are all bilious and cloudy with their exaggerated claims and statements but when you just want a clear and simple answer out of them, and to have a real conversation, it is either such hard work or they run away.
clearernow wrote:I was following BK life for 5 years and not following for last 5 years ... I blamed BKs for my state of depression ... What did they do? They ran few nights of group meditation specifically for my welfare. I came out of depression in 5 days time of this experiment. It was a torturous state ...

Well spotted Because. I forgot about this.

It sounds like you might suffer from manic depression Clearer. I am not accusing or criticising you. It is not something to be ashamed of. But you should be responsible for recognising your mood swings up and down. If you are just in a high period, then that is all it is and you should be careful about your behaviour.

12 years takes you back to coming into Gyan around the Year 2000, just after the leaders had the follower running around and taking money out of the bank (again) because the End of the World was going to happen. Yes, this is true. By the time you came into Gyan, many changes, many revisions, much historical revision had already happened that you probably know nothing about. Many 10,000s of people had been hurt or had their lives and families damaged by the BKs which you should be aware off and considerate towards.

Thank you.

Realism is not "negativity" and if you tend towards manic depressive cycles then you should be really careful about keep your feet on the ground. The BKs use the term "negativity" to mean, 'different opinions to what they teach their followers to think and which challenge their control of them'.

If this assessment is fair and true, then I will not respond to you as if you were being disrespectful; I will just consider you are ... as I suspected ... a little unstable and a periphery BK. It is very dangerous to depend on BKism for "treatments" when what you might need is proper professional help. If the BKWSU in your country are claim to be able to treat medical conditions, then that is dangerous and illegal.

Mental illnesses are nothing to be ashamed of, they are just illness of an organ like any other. But they need proper treatment, not escaping from into a cult. It is wrong for the BKWSU to encult vulnerable people in this way.


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post03 Nov 2012

clearnow ....I have been following your input on this subject . Excuse me for being bold in my reply, but in these last comments you wrote, you clearly demonstrated and confirmed what I have doubted earler, a chronic case of emotional instability and confusion !


Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post03 Nov 2012

I have said earlier whatever you want to imagine, you can ... I know my state of wellbeing - it has never been so good in my entire life the way it is now - I have moved on but you haven't ... I was honest in what I expressed earlier and so am I now - I don't look at the past, only thing I know is that my today's state of well being is the best ever was and I am deeply contented with that ---- all the reactions from the extreme view holders were expected and no matter however hard you try, you can not prove anything. It's a pity what ex-I has written above - in fact a shame really because the views some people take here are nothing sort of extremism ... as you simply fail to see things in totality and as they are ... You can live in your dream of labelling the people insane or whatever - but it just doesn't matter as I am only getting enriched more and more - and getting alround progress in life ... only makes my love deeper for my companion :-). If that's insane - then yes I am madly in love with supreme being and proud of it ...

What a contradiction from your own forum members - This is where you guys seem more confused (I wouldn't say instable, depressed, insane as I still have some respect) - Maria says people with faith need not write on this forum (probably because it can hurt your propaganda and gives readers some positive views that challenge you ..) while others keep looking and hoping for some BK to come here and defend (or get trapped) - so it proves time and again that only people with negative biases/vulnerable or broken faith are to be encouraged by you - only those who you could delude/brainwash with your false propaganda from what otherwise could possibly have been a great benefit for their lives- you call this service !! ... I am not personally against you challenging the BKs on various aspects but it needs to have the right balance. It's incredible to see to the extremes that you can go and that you will do anything to magnify and exaggerate even a slight trace of hint you get that you can use against BKs totally overlooking how much positivity is around ... and the "pure core" .. BKs has moved on but you are still trapped from what 70s/80s! And I do not think you are doing all this on purpose, this is just a deep need of the ego to justify how you feel internally and project it to others to convince yourself about yourself - it has really nothing to do with others. Continue to look for negativity - you will find what you want to see and focus on ... my focus is very clear and doesn't change.

Thanks again to Maria for reminding me that it is not the forum for people with faith - says it all really and will save my precious time.

Just a little anecdote my friend shared with me today before I leave.

There were a lot of people watching sun moving down the horizon at the sunset and feeling very serene and calm - there was also a pub right next to the sight where people were partying and crying out loud that sunset is the biggest illusion as it's the earth which rotates and Sun doesn't move so you are wasting your time - come booze with us - this is the way to happiness - who is right and who is wrong - One's illusion is other's reality!

So let's just wait and watch till the truth unfolds ... till than its our beliefs that we are posing as truth to others .. we just don't have the authority to call our personal opinions the truth - only God has that authority ... because he is the truth.

Its again time for me to spend the evening with my true friend so one last time - all the best and Good bye (Finale) Cheers


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post03 Nov 2012

It is again poetic and misinterpretation of the posts made by you clearernow.

Maria's intention was to ask you that why at all you are needed to justify your faith on this forum. While I was wishing that any full fledged BK honestly come on the forum and admits and shows his honesty by accepting that The Knowledge being given for so many years has misguided many people who badly affected their lives ...

You rightly said that there is no point prolonging this never ending discussion. As ex-I said you should come with realistic evidences protecting your justifications. Good night it is now 12:15 night and according to Baba's Shrimat you should be asleep by 10:00 to perform good amrutvela :D.


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Re: BKWSU expands because "core is pure"

Post03 Nov 2012

Dear Clearernow,

I deeply hope I am wrong about this, but there is something about the language in your posts which is triggering alarm bells for me. It sounds almost as if you are trying to reach a state of extreme bliss before taking your life. You talk of leaving and saying goodbye for one last time to spend time with God. I hope I am misinterpreting this and it only relates to this forum and not your life.

This is not a trick to bring a response from you on this forum again, nor to question your faith or state of mind or to judge you in any way. Neither is it a reflection of me. It is only one human being reaching out to another in compassion to offer support if you need it. If your are considering doing anything to end your life, I urge you to re-consider and to seek independent professional help or even the support of this forum, if you are comfortable doing this.

If your talk is only that of leaving this forum then please consider very carefully the types of service that you do in the future for the BKs. If you are asked or choose to recruit for the BKs then think about the damage and harm done by the BKs to those you would be recruiting and their friends and families and do not recruit.


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