BKWSU Latest Historical Revision (Oct 2012)

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BKWSU Latest Historical Revision (Oct 2012)

Post03 Oct 2012

For those that are interested, some BKs have released a "work in progress version" of their latest historical revision. I attach a copy as a reference for people when they have to re-write it again!

This is the latest version of the BKWSU version of their history. Interestingly, it mentions BK Pushpa as "Piyu" and the Piyu Vanis, and Lekhraj Kirpalani's reliance on other spirit mediums and ... for the very first time ... it admits the "Shivoham, Shivoham" episode did not happen in 1936 and did until 1948 ... 12 years later.

Of course, it could well be yet another fabrication ...

As usually, the version is very clearly factually and assumptively wrong in important places, and exaggerated. Their vision or fantasy may be becoming clearer. One can only presume due to the pressure of outside influences here and with the PBKs. In my opinion, the BK leadership is still struggling to manage the release of information in order to save face and protect their own political positions within the Yugya. And the quality of the work suffers from it.

Dada Anand Kishore is credited with understanding there is indeed the personality of God present and in 1948 "some" BKs but not all finally get it that "no human being can be God".
BKWSU wrote:1942 - 43 A young Sister, Pushpa, goes into trance, and then a whispering voice (that we now understand to be the influence of Shiv Baba) speaks through her ... Brahma Baba though, believes in the distinct personality of Piyu. However, that does little to convince others.
BKWSU wrote:1943 During this period Brahma Baba relies heavily on a series of trance messengers to facilitate his own understanding and churning. Knowledge is still clearly ... Aham Brahma Asmi or Aham Chaturbhuj.
BKWSU wrote:1948 Shiv Baba speaks through Brahma Baba directly (not through Pushpa) saying “Shivohum” in the same whispering voice that had been associated with Piyu five to six years earlier.

The BKs are now saying what we have been saying for years ...
1949 - 1952 Around 1950 is when the understanding of the personality of Shiv Baba as a distinct incorporeal God emerges clearly. Murlis begin to be spoken by Brahma Baba with Shiv Baba also speaking.

Baba directs all records from Pakistan to be destroyed or buried, to prevent the dissemination of misunderstanding. Many are reluctant to leave their precious diaries, so Baba tells them to bury their books and that these would then be discovered on the path of Bhakti and form the basis of the scriptures in the next Kalpa.

Between 1952 and 1958, Shiv Baba is still thought of as thumb shaped. By end of the 1950s, the apprehension of Shiv Baba as a point of light becomes clear. Therefore, The Knowledge of the soul as a point of light is also clear. In posters drawn after the 1950s a distinct difference is that Infinite Divine light is replaced by the presence of Incorporeal God Shiva.

The document is unsigned. I am guessing that Tamasin Ramsay is involved in it (she was here as Mr Orange). Although it has some merit in comparison to previous versions ... it is sloppy, inaccurate and falsely exaggerated.

At the end of it, it says ...
BKWSU wrote:The early documents and pictures are available at: (website ?) If you have any questions about the information here, please address them to (?) and cc (?). References can be provided.

What a joke. They are all here already. She took many from here. And yet we are still so taboo they cannot mention us and BKs are kept away from us. I have literally read that things published are consider "tainted" (impure) and the BKs go out of their way to discredit the Murlis and so on we share freely.


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Re: BKWSU Latest Historical Revision (Oct 2012)

Post07 Oct 2012

ex-l wrote:Of course, it could well be yet another fabrication ...

What else could it be?


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Re: BKWSU Latest Historical Revision (Oct 2012)

Post07 Oct 2012

so Baba tells them to bury their books and that these would then be discovered on the path of Bhakti and form the basis of the scriptures in the next Kalpa.

Gyan says that it is identical repetition of events every Kalpa. Then how would the Bhakti people find those books in Dwapar yuga to base their scriptures, when they were burried in sangam yuga?


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Re: BKWSU Latest Historical Revision (Oct 2012)

Post07 Oct 2012

We were really ultimate stupids not to have understood these simple rubbish things at that time. This is called perfect BRAINWASHING parmeshwar Bhai . :(
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Re: BKWSU Latest Historical Revision (Oct 2012)

Post08 Oct 2012

because.parmeshwar wrote:Gyan says that it is identical repetition of events every Kalpa. Then how would the Bhakti people find those books in Dwapar yuga to base their scriptures, when they were burried in sangam yuga?

And think about it .. those books were buried a few feet deep in a garden. 10, 20 feet deep are all the drain pipes, power cables, building foundations, prehistoric remains etc ... what about when the builders built the house?

Did they really believe their "Golden Age" was all building on top of all that and the soil never be disrupted for 2,500 years?

They may well be dear, sweet old ladies who were once sweet, silly, little girls in love with Uncle Lekhraj ... but how on earth did we allow ourselves to be sucked in and brainwashed enough to switch off our mental faculties so much and even give it one minute's of our attention? How could all the depth and complexity of the India's religions be contained in kids' note books?

We have seen some of the 1930s documents now ... there is nothing in them. There really is no depth in BKism. Yes, I can accept there are weird and wonderful psychic experiences to be had, for some, but as far as the intellectual and philosophical side goes ... zilch. Such insane egotism.

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