Beware Destruction AGAIN!

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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exiting BK

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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post25 Sep 2012

now pls do some maths and calculate this stuff for me. Waiting !!!!!!!!!

This is again all irrelevant and totally misleading calculation BK used, again usual misinterpretations of today's science (maths) and calculations. This calculation i only posted to show the total airy information BKs are providing to the world without having any concrete base and evidence. i did not wasted even a single minute thinking and calculating over this mathematics.

I don't know from where they are bringing the figures and most importantly this is not any official calculation given by BKs so please don't waste your time thinking over it.

Simply to answer you, in this particular they have completely mixed up today's calender and the Brahma day/night.....bla bla bla... there is no mention of Brahma day/ night in terms of today's calender anywhere. Who knows about the calenders used in those days...

Pl ignore.


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post29 Sep 2012

cant simply ignore at my end as i see the outcome of this doing some wonders possibly for few. this equation needs to be solved with a proper answer. thx


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post29 Sep 2012

Hi saveyourlife,

As ex-l and others have said before the numbers are arbitrary values, so place no reliance on them whatsoever. However, to help you move forward with this so you can focus your energies elsewhere I'll provide a mathematical answer to your question.

The calculation is actually quite easy. All it is saying is that instead of 5,000 human years Destruction should occur after 5,000 Brahma years, where 1 Brahma Day has been defined by the young BK as 5,000 human years.
    So 1 Brahma Year = 365 x 1 Brahma Day
    So 1 Brahma Year = 365 x 5,000 human years = 1,825,000 human years = 1.825 million human years.
    So 5,000 Brahma Years = 5,000 x 1 Brahma Year
    So 5,000 Brahma Years = 5,000 x 1.825 million human years = 9,125,000,000 human years = 9.125 billion human years.
I deliberately excluded leap years in the calculation to make things easier.

The calculation by a young BK has two mathematical errors in it. I don't know if the mistakes are deliberate, designed to mislead and confuse, or are simply that of someone with limited mathematical ability. Also there is a mix up in terminology several times that helps in the confusion, but I'll try to be as clear as possible.

First error - each age is multiplied by 12 incorrectly (highlighted):
    Satyug = 1,250 Brahma years = 1,250 x 12 x 365 = 5,475,000 Brahma Days
    Tretayug = 1,250 Brahma years = 1,250 x 12 x 365 = 5,475,000 Brahma Days
    Dwapar = 1,250 Brahma years = 1,250 x 12 x 365 = 5,475,000 Brahma nights
    Kalyug = 1,250 Brahma years = 1,250 x 12 x 365 = 5,475,000 Brahma nights
I think this was supposed to represent the number of months in a year.

Number of days over Z years should be 365 days x Z years, not 365 days x 12 months x Z years.

So each age should be:
    1250 years = 1250 x 365 days = 456,250 days.
So Satyug + Tretayug = 2 x 456,250 days = 912,500 days = Dwapar + Kalyug

Second error - this is more subtle, each part has been multiplied by 2,500 incorrectly (highlighted):

From Equation (1)
    10,950,000 Brahma Days = 10,950,000 x 2,500 = 27,375,000,000 Human years
From Equation (2)
    10,950,000 Brahma nights = 10,950,000 x 2,500 = 27,375,000,000 Human years
1 Brahma Day has been arbitrarily defined as 5,000 human years. So the calculation in each part should be Y Brahma days x 5,000 human years, not Y Brahma days x 2,500 human years.

The correct calculation, for each part would be, using the corrected value for the number of days:
    Satyug + Tretayug = 912,500 days x 5,000 = 4,562,5000,000 human years = Dwapar + Kalyug
So Kalpa = 2 x 4,562,500,000 human years = 9.125 billion human years.

Again these numbers are arbitrary values and does not prove that Destruction will happen on any particular date. Hope this helps and clears things up so you can move on to other things outside of the BK.


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post30 Sep 2012

Now thats what I always intended / wanted to understand. Thanks a lot for your post. I understood at first place itself that the calculation was wrong by that young BK. Now this will help me to make some people understand quite easily. They were pestering me to prove it mathematically. So I also wanted to understand the maths behind it. Firstly one should know his own stuff before putting that up in front of someone other. Thanks a lot. Hope it helps many in the forum as well.

1 Brahma Day has been defined by the young BK as 5,000 human years. Well I understood the point myself but this is also an error because 1 Brahma day is = 2,500 years (Satyug + treta yug) and 1 Brahma night is = 2,500 years (dwapar+Kaliyug) so needs a fresh calculation again I guess :) but anyways I got my answer so no more queries from my side :).

Mathematical corrections if any should be posted by other members.
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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post30 Sep 2012

Thank you learningspirit. I could not face the pain of having to do the arithmetics. God forbid that I ask if "Brahma Years" have Brahma-sized leap days every 4 Brahma Years, or whether the earthly orbit has always been 365.25 days ling ... and how that might confuse your satisfaction over the results. However ...
saveyourlife wrote:1 Brahma Day has been defined by the young BK as 5,000 human years.

This is not a BK way of thinking, it has nothing to do with BKWSU Knowledge. Is this classical Vedanta? I hope it is not Vishnu Party stuff again.

Save ... all you need to know, whether you go on science or mysticism, is that you will be dead by several billion years before the material universe ends and so you do not need to worry about it, and certainly not make life decisions based and plans upon it. And if that is not true, you may come back and sue me for the following advice ...

    Just get on with normal life, apply yourself to education and developing what ever business or service most suits your personality, become comfortable and secure without indulging in luxury, help reduce the suffering of other living beings and protect the environment as best you can.

    Don't think too much about immaterial things.
Or as Max Ehrmann wrote back in the 1920s ...

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post01 Oct 2012

When you are badly injured and wounded the healing also takes its own course of time. I am getting normal slowly ex-l and this mathematical part was a routine brain exercise. Nothing to go too deep into this as far as I am concerned.
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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post01 Oct 2012

saveyourlife wrote:When you are badly injured and wounded the healing also takes its own course of time.

That's a good point. It takes its own course *and* its own time and can some time seem quite irrational and illogical.

Needlessly to say by which time you have become a BK, you've probably lost all of your old friends to talk about normal stuff. Or you are too embarrassed to go back to them and admit you were a hypnotised to be a real schmuck during your BKs phases.

Usually old friends are accepting but you might need to go off and make new ones with new interests. Easy if you are in a big city but not so easy if you are in a small town.

Personally, I lost large amounts of personal freedom when I allowed myself to be under the influence and control of the BKs, even to the point of where I was "allowed" to live (... of course, the control go *far* deeper than that). They pretend their control is in your deepest spiritual interests ... but, retrospectively, it seems to be it is in the interest of their business or local center first.

And there's nothing worse they hare than BKs leaving local centers as it is a sign of their failure or problems the leadership do not want to address. It takes a lot of BK suffering and loss before the leadership is ready to admit that they and their centers can and do fail.

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