Beware Destruction AGAIN!

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Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post26 Jun 2011

Avyakt Murli - 26-06-2011 (Revised AM - 18-01-1973)

"Those who have love to a percentage can never become perfect. Those with percentage, that is, those with a defect, can never become perfect. Therefore, in this year, finish the percentage and become perfect. Then, this year will bring about the shower of Destruction. You are being giving one year so that you do not then complain that you did not know".

Now next year it will probably say,
"Sweet children if someone asks you, why did destruction not take place, tell them because of you".

No one is perfect and can never be, many so called God people have proven that over and over again. So how can a BK ever become perfect? And how guilty and lost most they feel not to be able to become perfect to bring about Destruction. So, next year BKs will be even more under control.

Funny thing is the new "Madhuban schedule for double foreigners is published, so they even know Destruction will not happen.
Madhuban Schedule for Double Foreigners Season 2011-12.pdf
(14.62 KiB) Downloaded 858 times
E - 26-06-2011 (AM Rewised - 18-01-1973.pdf
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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post26 Jun 2011

The funny thing is Jann, if you notice, that the mediumistic message is originally dated 1973.

If we then look at the list of natural disasters for 1974 what do we find? Was it really outstanding from any other year. The psychic predictions are so vague as to mean nothing or apply to anything (... and probably the PBKs would argue that they have a metaphoric meaning to some events happening within the BK movement).

If we then look at a list published by 'The Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters', we then find that proportion of large disasters has actually been decreasing since the 1970s.
Screen shot 2011-06-26 at 18.47.29.jpg


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post26 Jun 2011

So it is a failed prediction, but it can not be a failed prediction if BKs have it in their own hand by failing to become perfect. And so they will never see as that their God made a false prediction.
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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post02 Jul 2011

It seems like a catch 22

    1. If a person is excused from becoming perfect, that must be because he is both insane, and has doubts about what is true;
    2. If a person is insane, he should not realize that he is, and would have no reason to have doubts about what is true;
    3. Since an insane person would not have doubts, it follows that all people must either not be insane, or not have doubts;
    4. Since all people must either not be insane, or not having doubts, it follows that no person is both insane and has doubts;
    5. Since a person may be excused from becoming perfect if he is both insane and has doubts, but no person can be both insane and have doubts, it follows that no person can be excused from being perfect.


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post26 Sep 2011

I had an argument on the teachings of Destruction last week with a devoted BK.

He suggested not to think about the Destruction, it will never going to happen. Baba is here to transform our souls from tamopradhan to satopradhan. Give importance on adopting the values rather than thinking about the Gyan.

Lastly, he concluded time is very less ... :).


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post26 Sep 2011

Than he admits that "god" is wrong? And all old publicity is wrong? Or did he never see any of that.
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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post27 Sep 2011

Yes, when we were young the Brahma Kumari leadership was able to hide all the teachings and DECEIVE their followers. Now, thank God, they cannot. It is all out in the open. Strangely, it takes some BKs longer than others to accepted that they have been duped. Until they do, they are like a drug addict in denial, addicted to their drug. It will wear off eventually ...
because.parmeshwar wrote:He suggested not to think about the Destruction ... Lastly, he concluded time is very less ... :).

"Less" for what ... ha ha ha. Well done, you got him. The bozo BK tripped over himself.

It is nothing new. It is what the Western BKs have been saying since Destruction failed in the 1980s ... and now they have exported it to India.
All BKs have been brainwashed to say and wrote:It's not Destruction, its Transformation!!!

Yah, the "Transformation" of 6 billion people into ashes via a whole load of screaming, crying and tears of blood. They come out with stuff like, "Don't be Destruction conscious, be Baba conscious ... Don't have Yoga with Destruction, have Yoga with their god."

Basically they are brainwashing their flock not to think and not ask the logical question why of God makes false predictions.

God does not. The spirit of the BKs is not God.


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post01 Oct 2011

See the recent views of one young BK Follower

TOTAL CYCLE = 5000 years
Here 5000 years is not Human years, it is Brahama's year

Satyug + Treta Yug = 1 Brahma Day
i.e 1250 + 1250 = 2500 Human years
1 Brahma Day = 2500 Human Years…...... Equation (1)

Dwapar + Kalyug = 1 Brahma Night
i.e 1250 + 1250 = 2500 Human years
1 Brahma Night = 2500 Human years…... Equation (2)

Satyug=1250 Brahama years = 1250 X 12 X 365=5475000 Brahma Days
Tretayug=1250 Brahama years = 1250 X 12 X 365=5475000 Brahma Days
Dwapar = 1250 Brahama years = 1250 X 12 X 365=5475000 Brahma nights
Kalyug = 1250 Brahama years = 1250 X 12 X 365=5475000 Brahma nights

Total Brahma Days = 5475000+5475000 = 10950000
Total Brahma Nights = 5475000+5475000 = 10950000

From Equation (1)
10950000 Brahma Days = 10950000 x 2500 =27375000000 Human years
From Equation (2)
10950000 Brahma nights = 10950000 x 2500 =27375000000 Human years

Therefore total Kalpa is of 27375000000 x 2 = 54750000000 Human Years

Only then destruction will happen.


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post19 Sep 2012

This is giving a horrible picture and a slap / punch on BK's face. Can this really be challenged.


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post20 Sep 2012

Today I look at this again and i feel there is something wrong with the presented calculation. I think 2,500 years have been wrongly multiplied twice. Look here;

From Equation (1)
10,950,000 Brahma Days = 10,950,000 x 2,500 =27,375,000,000 Human years
From Equation (2)
10,950,000 Brahma nights = 10,950,000 x 2,500 =27,375,000,000 Human years

i think it was already multiplied in 2 stages of 1,250 each above

I think 10,950,000 should be added again with 10,950,000 and then divided by 365 to get the human years which also makes it 60,000 years. then also the BK calculation is wrong

Someone please throw light on it.


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post23 Sep 2012

Should be replied back by someone. still waiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post23 Sep 2012

I think the BKs got the 5,000 year figure from Vedantism and the belief that the Mahabharata War, and Krishna's last incarnation, took place 5,000 years ago. They believe Lekhraj Kirpalani was Krishna and so they took 1 + 1 (BK-ism + Hinduism) and made 5,000 out of it. Lekhraj Kirpalani knew little of Hinduism and less about the sciences. Where the authors of the Vedas got their figures from, I have no idea. Possibly they have some kind of symbolic figure; possibly, like the BKs, they just made up a figure to plug people's minds with ad hoc answers.

I think it futile for us to speculate about such big figures whether offered by astrophysicists or Vedantist. Scientific dating systems are becoming more and more refined but I think we are on safer grounds with written and human made histories, e.g. Ancient Chinese, Egyptian or Babylonian writings and artefacts which clearly disprove the BKs theories. Even the fossil record (dinosaurs et al), is deeply problematic for the BKs and I think the only reason BKism took root was that it took root in an ignorant and uneducated community which probably had no awareness whatsoever of such things.

I read a BK the other day theorise that dinosaurs might have existed during the Golden and Silver Age (500 BC to 3000 BC) on another continent from the BK gods and goddess ...well, we know that is wrong too because we find dinosaurs all over the world. Have you seen any large dinosaur skeletons? They're huge and they have huge teeth and claws ... we even know what they ate and some of them ate smaller dinosaurs ... during the Golden and Silver Age? Please ...

Forget such theoretical fantasies, focus on what you can influence for good or profit from. Part of the con trick of BKism is that it encourages you invest your time and energy into matter over which you can have no real knowledge and no real influence over ... and only they profit from by the way of donations to support their fake priest or guru status.


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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post24 Sep 2012

Thanx ex-l for replying back to my post after a long time. Well i understood what u wrote but even then pls look into the equation and if at all we want to apply simple maths into this equation then what is the final figure ? I want to understand the mathematical point what parmeshwar hinted out of this Brahma day and Brahma night story ? is the Kalpa age derived by the equation correct ? i.e. 54750000000

I think the calculation is somewhat wrong and needs to be calculated again. If answered correctly can help me for sure if not anybody else. I know how this equation if solved accurately, gonna pave way for me to pull out people. So please help me and get the correct figure out of this calculation !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post24 Sep 2012

Would it really make any real and practical difference to your life if it is was:
    547500000, or even
    5475 years old?
The answer is no. Nowadays, if we want to know the age of the earth or universe, we ask a geophysics or astronomer.

What would make a difference is not allowing your mind to be drawn into pointless theological arguments where it is tied up in knots. A friend called it "bubble gum for the mind" ... that is something to chew on incessantly but at the same time providing no nourishment. Every religion has a slightly different flavor but all their creation myths are all bubble gum.

I am suggesting you focus on the practical elements of your life, where you will create your happiness and security, and give up the habit of belief.

The first question to ask is,
    What relevance does any of this have on my life?
    If it has any, and I cannot see any, the second where is their evidence for such a proposal?
They have none, so avoid them and their way of thinking. Probably the sages were just smoking ganga, got sick of people asking them how old the world was, so they made up a number ... and each school made up a different[/] ... to shut people up.

If you want to play a religious figure in life, join some tradition that will at least feed you and house you when you get old. It really does not matter which one. The trouble with the Brahma Kumaris is that they are structured like an irresponsible and deceptive "pyramid scheme" whose collapse they hope will be prevented by mass war and destruction of society.
A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves promising participants payment or services, primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, rather than supplying any real investment or sale of products or services to the public.

Pyramid_scheme.svg.png (31.65 KiB) Viewed 23470 times

This is how it works, it's all down to charimsa or personal energy. One stronger person (Lekhraj Kirpalani), [i]or one person possessed by a spook
, has the power to convert a weaker person (Om Radhe). Two people can then work together to covert a 3rd person ... 3 people have the power to convert 2 weaker people ... 5 people can convert 4 people ... 9 people can convert 8 people ... 17 people have the power to convert 16 weaker people ... 33 people have the power to convert 32 weaker ones ... 65 people have the power to convert 64 weaker ones ... 129 people have the power to convert 128 weaker ones working in groups ... and so very quickly the numbers can build up until it hits a kind of critical mass we call the 100th Monkey Effect and all of society knows about it.

This dominance by personal power or charisma is typically seen when the false tower of belief of a BK follower starts to wobble and they question The Knowledge or the BKWSU system, and they are sent to a more powerful person or sometimes 'two' in interview, e.g. a Dadi and a Didi or a center-in-charg and their silent assistant, and dominated again to keep them in order. It's equally true of 'group energy' power, when a new or weak believer is sent to a bigger center, retreat or Madhuban to be tuned up to believe what they are being told.

Share beliefs are merely tools of group identity used by group leaders to control and separate their flocks. The Jews believe this, the Christians and BKs that ... it means nothing but "who do you want to be fleeced by?" ("fleeced means, "have your wealth and power taken by someone else"). Religious leaders 'farm' their followers like a farmer farms their sheep, chickens and cows.

Answer me this ... "what are you, a sheep, a chicken or a bullock, or a man?"

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Re: Beware Destruction AGAIN!

Post25 Sep 2012

Ur each word is correct and i am a man in senses now. I am a victim of this cult and i admit it with courage that yes i have been badly used and the later on abused . i have no charm to know the age of Kalpa . Now i live in today. i am not looking to go to the Golden Age anymore. i am willing to live a good normal life now and spread as much goodness as i can in this world. Anything hardly matters now because they have messed it all . Still i request you to prove the equation right or wrong. some kind of debate is on at my end over the equation and the result of it can be life changing for few individuals. Just concentrate on the equation part. Rest i got the true essence of ur last post and yeah u r absolutely correct ex-l. now pls do some maths and calculate this stuff for me. Waiting !!!!!!!!!

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