Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

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Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

Post03 Jul 2012

In the news is that actor Tom Cruise is splitting from his actress wife, over a controversy concerning their 6 year old daughter "Suri".

Cruise wants his daughter to join a cultic organization (he is key member in it), called "Scientology"", on a live in basis, while his wife is strongly opposing that.

While reading about "Scientology" in Wikipedia, the teachings and principles similarities with Brahma Kumaris are amazing, which also includes this passion to associate with and recruit celebrities, for whom Scientology have established special centers in the US.

The question is, how could a parent assume full control over this little child, and dictate for him/her an environment and a future, which he/she may never likes or wants ..??!
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Mr Green


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Re: "scientology", "The Amercan version of "BK"

Post03 Jul 2012

They believe in space-ships and re-incarnation.
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Re: Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

Post03 Jul 2012

dany wrote:The question is, how could a parent assume full control over this little child, and dictate for him/her an environment and a future, which he/she may never likes or wants ..??!

I thought about this the other way around ... of the BKs being the feminine version of Scientology.

In a way, Scientology have exaggerated the stigmas attached to cultic religions not particularly because they are that much different from others but because they are more American about it, that is to say, more intense, more materialistic or honestly money-orientated, and more aggressive.

The BKs are not quite the same but, playing on basic stereotypes, approach the same game but in a feminine manner. Yes, they are both into chasing VIPs, the Global Retreat Center in England, special properties in Mount Abu, special centers in wealthy boroughs and VIP service groups all do exactly the same as the Scientologists do.

They both have unprovable, crazy or extreme beliefs ... they are both extremely negative or prejudiced towards non-adherents, the Scientologists call them "wogs", the BKs called them "shudras" both of which have negative connotations ... they both claim the only way to clear negativity ... the BKs have the soul, the Scientologists have thetans ... the BKs Shiva, the STs Xenu. Dissident Scientologists or ex-Scientologists are treated just like the BK treats ex-BKs, their experiences are very similar to ours ... and you don't get to know the whole truth of the teachings until you get deep in.

Having spoken to ex-Scientologists, I am not surprised the wife is concerned.

Bit there was another case in the news recently that impressed me moreso, in Cologne a court banned circumcision of infants on the basis that it was "bodily harm" after a doctor caused damage to a 4-year-old boy, being circumcised according to Muslim faith.

Jewish and Muslim groups are up in arms about ... demanding the right to genitally mutilate their infant children because it is the "laws" of their ancient tribal religion.

The court ruled on that involuntary religious circumcision should be illegal, as it could inflict serious bodily harm on people who had not consented to it. In short, leading to point where a child should not be circumcised until they are old enough to choose a religion for themselves, e.g. 18 years old.

I think that is absolutely correct. If anyone has any doubts about this particular genital mutilation, try here, Misconceptions of circumcision. In Islam, it happens in late childhood or adolescence to fully conscious and unanesthetized boys. However, the traditional Jewish circumcision, it is even worse. The rabbi is supposed to drink some wine and hold it in his mouth then suck the boy's penis after having sliced its top off ... "any circumciser who does not carry out the sucking procedure is to be removed from his office".

What on earth is that all about?

I am sorry to say it but my BK experiences and realisations have left me feeling that the world would be better off without any religions. Children should not be subjected to religion, especially radical, intense religions like the BKs, Scientology and others, until they are old enough to have a good foundation in the real world and decide for themselves.
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Re: Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

Post03 Jul 2012

Every organized religion is just as bad as the next and it is funny to see how they all flock together when one is challenge ... the Catholic Bishop Heinrich Mussinghoff said, "To ban circumcision is a serious attack on religious freedom".

Yes, well what about the child's freedom to choose? Religion is not obligatory. Life without it is perfectly possible.

But then ... what would you expect from a religion full to the brim with homosexual pedophilia?


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Re: Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

Post03 Jul 2012

I wonder why the concept of re-incarnation fascinated many religions and cults, even some modern ones ..!!

Buddhism, Hinduism, and others have adopted this concept, even though there is no material proof or evidence to support this claim ..!!
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Re: Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

Post04 Jul 2012

It would be difficult to have "material proof" for something non-material or beyond the material, wouldn't it? How could it be proved or disproved?

There is lots of literature of remarkable or anomalous stories but, ultimately, even if the accounts of children coming back and knowing facts and individuals or having marks etc are true, we cannot know for sure. Possibly, there are other way they might pick up stories or influences ... but even that is theory beyond "material science". On the other hand, I find the skeptical approach equally unsatisfying, hard and empty. Who knows ...

Back to the BKs and Scientology ...

In Scientology there is a counter-movement of Scientologists who believe there is value in the techniques of auditing but reject the financial greed, political agenda and modus operandi of the main organization ... and its desire to control its adherents so totally. They call themselves the "Free Zone" and the main group consider them to be heretics.

In the BK world, you have the PBKs who have exactly the same criticisms of the BKWSU (corrupt, money orientated, political, controlling) who also want to practise BKism freely and according to the original principles in the Murlis. The BKWSU calls them heretics, bans and outcasts them, tries to keep people away from them, lies and libels them ... members have even kidnapped and beat them up.

Same again. The Brahma Kumaris are the "Scientology" of India.

Luckily, they are not quite so "American", i.e. into guns and money ... but the BKs are developing their own military and "security" wing and becoming like the politicians they court. To me, they seem to be moving into a position occupied by the Rajput of old.


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Re: Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

Post04 Jul 2012

I wonder if the "Supreme Soul" or BK god would recognize "Scientology" as equivilent to BK (since they have many things in common), and allow Scientology followers into "Heaven on earth", after the long awaited earth destruction ..??

However, there is one snag, Scientology have about 8 million followers world wide, and according to BK, Heaven on earth can accept and accommodate only 900,000.
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Re: Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

Post04 Jul 2012

Yes, the BKs are soon going to face the same problem as the Jehovah's Witnesses, with whom they also have similarities ... multiple failed predictions of the End of the World, re-written historically, limited seating in heaven, monopoly on salvation, forbiddance of critical thinking, outcasting etc. But you get 1,000 years more if you go with the JW's ... their history is 6,000 years.

As for the Scientologists, according to the god of the Brahma Kumaris the Scientologists are nothing more than a minor cult having its heaven on earth at the "fag end" of the 5,000 Year Cycle. L. Ron Hubbard would probably be considered their guru and nothing more than a "two birth soul" ... which is almost as low as it gets.

The funny thing is, all these religions all accuse each other of the same thing too.

I knew a Free Zone Scientologist, and he was fine. A lot of fun. I'd even go as far as to say there probably was some good in their basic talking therapy using an electrical meter to pick up brainwaves ... but I'd never trust speaking my heart out to them. Apparently L. Ron wrote that "The Tech" ... their version of the BKs "The Knowledge" ... should be given for free.

It seems that it is just part of human beings that when one sticks them all together they start emerging all sort of weird and nasty behaviours, and as soon as money becomes part of the equation they go ballistic.

Sometimes I wonder if there are a bunch of spooks hiding behind humanity dreaming up crazy religion to confuse, upset and destroy us.
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Re: Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

Post05 Jul 2012

From Wall Street Journal India ... Scientology is also making inroads in India. Both Scientology and Brahma Kumaris claim the same thing, "you can keep your original religion".

In the case of the BKs, this is not true. If you are a BK, you have to totally renounce your old religion (except the bits of Hinduism they like to keep and distort) which they call the "Path of Ignorance" and "stumbling in darkness" and Bhakti (devotion) is one of the worst put downs. BKism is seen as your religion.

Let's see if Scientology "helps the suffering and poverty" or whether, like the BKs, it will help itself to the money of the poor and middle classes.
Religion Journal: Scientology Makes Inroads in India

The official Scientology website claims that Mr. Hubbard, who founded the religion in 1954, spent time in India during his youth learning about Eastern religions. “Yet for all the wonders he witnessed, he could not help but conclude the legendary wisdom of the East did nothing to ease suffering and poverty in these overpopulated and underdeveloped lands,” it says.


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Re: Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

Post06 Jul 2012

The split between Tom Cruise and his wife is a clear example how "cults" and their teachings could ruin family relations and eventually dismantle them.

Members of the cults (Cruise is key member in scientology) become blinded by the cult faith and would go to any extreme, even if it is damaging or even destructive to other family or society members.

I recall sometime ago, seeing Tom Cruise jumping on the sofa out of joy, when Oprah wimfrey in her TV show mentioned his wife Kate's name ...!!

Would not we then salute The Greek Government when they classified "BKWSU" cult ... as ENEMY OF THE STATE.
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Re: "scientology", "The Amercan version of "BK"

Post06 Jul 2012

Mr Green wrote:They believe in space-ships and re-incarnation.

Apparently, they also believe in lots of souls getting stuck or trapped in the same body. A belief they are not entirely unique in believing but one which the BKs rarely consider ... except when they believe some adherent, usually Indian, is possessed by an evil spirit at which a big bossy Brahma Kumari comes along to frighten it out.

Or the BK Brothers throw the individual out.

If we accept we are spirit beings, and there are other spirit beings, is it far fetched to consider that such things *might* happen?

I don't know Scientology. Personally, I think the BKs keep away from any discussion of spiritualism because they don't want individuals to start considering that their "spirits" are also spooky/weird/evil.


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Re: Scientology, the American version of the BKWSU

Post13 Jul 2012

"Late this afternoon the FBI received a formal complaint against Scientology, citing several alleged crimes, including, but limited to exploitation of a handicap, interstate deceptive telemarketing, misleading marketing practices, fraud, and conspiracy to commit fraud. This complaint followed on the heels of a recent report filed with the Canada Competition Bureau for similar alleged crimes over a twelve year period.

A recent FBI investigation named Operation Disconnect was a huge success, leading to over 300 arrests in the USA".

Press Release: FBI and Canada Investigates Scientology Rehab

Looks like the same crimes BK practice according to all reports here.

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