Just Curious

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Just Curious

Post30 Jun 2012


This is my first post on this forum, and I am very glad to have found this website.

In 2005 I read in a newspaper that a group of police officers had gone to BK to learn how to deal with people on the street in a less aggressive way, having more control over their feelings. I thought that this was prove that BK was teaching something effective. So I went to an introductory meeting, and found it somewhat interesting -especially that the organization seemed to be run by woman- but did not pursue it any further.

Until a few weeks ago. I remembered having read a book about Raja Yoga decades ago, and my curiosity was piqued again to find out what BK taught about that. I send them an email, explaining about my personal experiences on the spiritual path, and received an invitation to get a series of one hour private teachings. I did not need to follow the beginners courses it said.

It turned out to be the same friendly lady whom I had seen giving that introductory meeting 7 years ago. She took me apart to the same hall -empty at that moment- and after a guided meditation began to explain the basic teachings with large back-lit panels on the wall as illustrations.

A few times I affirmed from my own experiences that I knew what she told me was true. But I also heard her say things I know are not so, and some that have only a symbolic meaning, not a literal one. But I said nothing not to upset her. "I'll tell her later" I thought. Until she told me she was only an instrument ... that's when I replied that Who we really are is not an instrument, although our bodies and minds can be called that. But she insisted "I am only an instrument." So I explained that looking only at the hammer a carpenter is using, he would be sorely mistaken to identify with that hammer. And that I preferred seeing her as the Carpenter -so to speak- and not as the hammer.

Then she told me that Father was incomparably above us, and that we were only His children. So I replied that if even good human parents want for their children that they be at least as happy as they are, and not less, would a God Who is all Love not desire that His children be as happy as He is? And being all powerful, could He not accomplish that? If not, His Love would be impotent. And that is far from the case.

So how could He make His children as perfectly happy as He is? By extending Himself as individualized spiritual beings, as whom at one time -when there would be billions of them- God would begin to remember as each one of them Who He is. That way all of them would know and enjoy that they are God, and realize that it was God remembering this now as them.

But to make sure they would know that the Love of Who they really are is indeed pure altruistic Love -without the least selfishness in It- God was willing to sacrifice all His joy and turn it into hell for Himself compared to His original Heavenly state. This was done by taking on the human experience. The experience of human "life" is a cross and constant dying in comparison to the real Self awareness of God. And it is He Who is experiencing being us now, in these human disguises.

She told me that I should see someone who was an incarnation of God on earth. Someone she could introduce me to. This incarnation was bringing divine messages to the world she said. This I was told yesterday.

Today I received what I thought was a newsletter, inviting one to go to some meeting in Oxford. Not seeing any reason for me to go there -it would be a few hour trip to get there- I discarded the email. Then about an hour later I received a phone call from that friendly lady, telling me that next week she could not give me the 4th private lesson, so it would have to be the week after that. And she told me about that meeting in Oxford Saturday next week, that she had send me that invitation because of me being spiritually experienced, and that there the person -I forgot the exotic sounding name- would bring a message. I told her going to Oxford was a bit difficult for me, so she suggested I think about it. She made it sound like it was a privilege to be invited to that event ...

Since I had already discarded the invitation e-mail with a photograph of a beautiful white building on it, I googled to find any info on it, hoping to see a channeling video or at least a picture of the person or -better- read a channeled text. Instead I found this website ... God does have humor: a foretaste of Heaven on earth.

To be frank, that lovely lady did not tell me anything I did not know, and many things I know are very different thank God. As God we have given our Life for these humans we seem to be, that one day also they would come to enjoy the actual knowledge that in truth they are the One Who was so Loving and Courageous to be willing to undergo this existence you are experiencing now, out of pure Altruistic Love for someone else, that someone else being you who are reading this now, God in your human disguise.

I am still a bit curious as to what exactly that channel is saying. I do know a hawk from a handsaw, and I don't want to hurt the feelings of that lady. But I would tell her what I think of any messages I know are not in accordance with the marvellous Truth about Who we really are if I went to Oxford.

If any of you would know where I can read at least one of those messages -preferably not a very old one- I would be much obliged.

Keeping my promise I will go see that dear lady in white one more time to hear what she has to say. But having browsed already a bit through some post on this forum, I am glad to know enough now not to get involved in what looks very much like a sect.

Thank you for having been willing to experience being BK's guinea pigs so others like me are saved from having to go through that to find out what is behind the front. One thing I agree with BK on though: you are angels indeed. Lovingly protecting ones to some like myself. And consoling to others.

Much Love Indeed.


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Re: Just Curious

Post30 Jun 2012

BK is more than a sect ... It is a cult, and a dangerous one .

Usually all it takes to hook a particuler person and turn him into a drug addict ... is a single trial shot ...!!

BK is similer in that respect, except they offer their destructive ideology with a smile and a piece of candy .


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Re: Just Curious

Post30 Jun 2012

Thank you.

Shortly after I posted the above the thought "cult" came up, and I opened my laptop again and returned here to add that word, but editing was not possible anymore, and a PS seemed superfluous ... :D.

I have the impression that somehow I was guided to see that lady, not so much to hear any teaching from her, but to share with her a bit of what I know from a series of experiences, and thus make her aware of something she knew not yet. Although she suggested I focus on God instead of anything in this world, which was a valuable reminder, which I thanked her for. After all, it still is God who is appearing as that lady, so some help is given through her. Even examples of what not to believe - and seeing their negative effects in others - are like roadsigns saying: "Warning! Danger Ahead!"

I know what I know - be it only intellectually now, as memories - with such certainty as you know you aware of these words right now. No one can change that or take that away from me, convincing me these words don't appear here now. Even God Himself wouldn't try, as He is not crazy. ;)

The idea also came up that if I would accept that invitation to go to Oxford, it would be to somehow share what I posted above about our true Nature being Love - God - be it in human appearance, and that as that Love we gave our Life for these humans we experience being, etc., speaking of not only of all of us in essence being completely innocent, but having a heroic Charity beyond anything even imaginable with the limited human mind.

It might seem that we have separated ourselves from God - and in the sense that this is being experienced that is true, and has rightly been called "hell" - but God did not separate Himself from us. It is God Who is experiencing heaven or hell as we, depending on His awakening in us. Although "in" is not meant as a locality. It is God awakening to Himself; We waking up to our Self. Like a huge divine Harvest, each one of us being an Extension or Effect of that pure Love, while simultaneously also being It's Core and the Cause of these Extensions. Like the whole is in each part of a holograph.

To quote it from an ancient text:
"If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, Thou art there."

~Psalm 139:8
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Re: Just Curious

Post30 Jun 2012

You can access copies of the Brahma Kumaris mediumistic messages, here, in the library (it seems it was hacked and offline for a while).

Look in the section called BK Murlis English.

There are two types, the older ones are "Sakar Murlis" and the newer ones are "Avyakt Murlis". We also have many in the Encyclopedia area, here (Avyakt Murlis) and here (Sakar Murlis). These are all accurate and untampered with, except in some cases where paragraph breaks have been added to make them easier to read.

The BKWSU is in ongoing process of re-writing the messages to removed failed predictions, politically incorrect utterances and shorten the lengthy 'stream of consciousness' ramble, so our versions are older and more authentic but not the oldest ones available.

I suspect the event to which you were invited was a "Mama's Day" celebration and the spiritualist message they were going to read out is here: Mama's Day Message 2012.

The BKs used to have regular mediumistic seances in London on Thursdays but I have heard they are downplaying that element of their religion now. "God" ... or rather their god spirits ... only make appearances at their Indian headquarters where they allegedly possess the main medium, take control of its bodily organs and speak and act through them. The reason they downplayed the practise was because too many so called "mediums" were clearly making things up and mixing in their own opinions or agendas.

You may find Sister Jayanti Kripalani is putting on such a show, as she is considered one of the only reliable ones, but I don't know. I suspect they will only be reading out the "official" trance messages to which I have linked.

Outside of India, the BKs only do "trance messages" where a spiritualist medium goes into a trance and allegedly flies off to another realm to meet their deceased founder, Lekhraj Kirpalani, and other spirits. The "trance messengers" then come back to earth and recount what visions and messages they have received. On Mama's Day, which will be celebrated with extra meditation and hagiographic stories, they claim to have visited the deceased "Om Radhe", aka Saraswati, Lekhraj Kirpalani primary consort. A woman who joined the religion as a teenager and was pronounced the Mother of Humanity and the future wife of Lekhraj Kirpalani and Empress of the World.

(It is not reported what Lekhraj Kirpalani old wife felt about him taking a gifted and attractive teenage girl as his partner for eternity. It all seems a bit vain and callous to me).

The longer you get to know the Brahma Kumaris, the more you will realise that they have are committed to using 'double talk' and their own very specific meanings of common terms to deceive newcomers or non-BKs. They will lead you on by allowing you to chat about your own thoughts in a motherly fashion whilst not accepting them at all but, in truth, they have no interest. To them and their god spirit, you are "impure", "asleep", "ignorant" and deluded (full of Maya). Your opinions are worth nothing (manmat), only the utterances of their god spirits are (Shrimat).

According to the BK there are no such things as "incarnations of God". "God" is one very specific being, their god spirit, and his only incarnation onto Earth is done via his possession of the Brahma Kumari mediums. The name they have given this spirit being is "Shiva", after the Hindu god, or Shiva Baba, or "Supreme Soul".

In additional, none of those are references to any common concept of a universal or infinite God. According to the BKs, God is a single spark of light, an individual personality like you or I. Therefore to the BKs, no, "God" would not be appearing as that lady, "God" only possesses a spirit medium called "Gulzar" in Rajasthan, or resides in a spiritual world of light. Their god is not your God.

Another term you will hear is "BapDada" which is reference to two possessing spirits; one this "Shiva Baba" and the other the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani. The BKs believe that their deceased founder and medium Lekhraj Kirpalani became perfect and equal to God, the only individual in history to do so, and now resides in a spiritual world along side him.

The BKs consider that they are the only true and complete religion and all other religions are merely partial and incomplete memorials of their own religion. Likewise, they believe they are the only religion to know God, to whom God speaks directly and in person, that their spirit guide is the God of all religions and all religions must come to them to re-learn their own religions.

The word they use for other religions are "Bhakti" and it is used almost with contempt. "Bhakti" is defined at "the path/s of ignorance" which their god has come to destroy. After that, only they will inherit the future paradise.

You may wonder at that ... especially after you read the quality and nature of the messages which are considered to be the highest of all spiritual knowledge and the inspiration for all other religions, even those that started 2,000 or more years ago.

If you have any other questions, or require other clarifications, please just ask. You are free to download copies of the Murlis and take them back to the BKs to ask for their confirmation of them ... but expect to be runaround if you do.

You are not supposed to access them until you have been fully conditioned to accept them.


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Re: Just Curious

Post30 Jun 2012

Thank you very much for that explanation.

Right now there is the feeling that the last contact with BK I'll have is posting some of the text about God being our true Identity etc. -copy/pasting some of what I posted above about that- on the unofficial BK forum. It looks like BK has no official forum. In light of what is made known on this forum, that is understandable; BK is a one way street; you accept the dogma's, or else... no discussion or new ideas or interpretations on that subject allowed.

Maybe I'll type some things on a sheet of paper and bring them with me to the next meeting week after next when I promised to see that old nice lady again. Already hearing her explanations I knew this was not for me -too many things are not so as I learned from experiences- and all I wanted was to learn their Raja Yoga technique. But I am finding out that what they teach is not really in accord with the Raja Yoga Sutras of Patanjali I remember having read a long time ago, and their believes are not mine and never will be.

Still all of them are God in human disguise, reason I am thinking of seeing that lady again for the last time because I promised, be it only to hand her the text. I already told her about all of us being God in human disguise, but it seemed to go one ear in, one ear out with her. She did not acknowledge it in the least. Maybe having it on paper has a bit more effect on her. Or rather, on God in her appearance. Besides that I have no further interest in Brama Kumaris, and certainly am not accepting the invitation to go to Oxford. And the more BK teachings I received -4 hours of private lessons- the more I realized it is not for me. Not only are the teachings to a large extend false, the are also for that same reason depressing in the long run. Especially ideas like going around again and again in a 5 thousand year cycle, constantly making more bad karma and having to purify oneself of it are like inspired by a demon who desires to keep us in hell and ignorant of the marvelous divine Truth of Who and What our real Identity is. And of course the fear of the end of the world in total disaster and suffering is always an ingredient in these and like "religions." As well as only a small group of devotees surviving it... like the 144.000 Jehovah witnesses.

It's all based on the idea of a cruel, selfish, unjust, impotent God. But it's all meaningless, as the Truth is still the Truth, and as has been said, the Truth only makes happy, because that is Its function.

I have been pressured a few times to go to group-meditation meetings, but did not accept that invitation either. It's not for me. We are all connected anyway on a level we might -or might not- be aware of.

This forum has saved me lots of wasting time on a movement that is like a typical cult; there is some truth in what they teach, but a lot that is not. What is not is the poison or hook, covered up with a bit of the true teachings as bait.

I'll report back here when I have anything new to add, maybe after the next time I see that lady again week after next.

In the mean time, thank you again.
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Re: Just Curious

Post30 Jun 2012

Never-Mind wrote:all I wanted was to learn their Raja Yoga technique. But I am finding out that what they teach is not really in accord with the Raja Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Ah, interesting ... that is the same point that I got involved with them and it is one of my biggest issues with them.

Their practise only started some after 1950, and yet they knowingly call it "Ancient Raja Yoga" and exploit people's interest in looking for it.

The same applies to pretty much every other name that have taken from elsewhere; God, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva etc. It would exhaust anyone who tried to understand into submission ... and by the time you try, you are enculted by them and take years to get it.

The practise blocks or interferes with any other spiritual practise or relationship with God.

Yes, I think you should politely take these issues up with your teacher because many of them are basically well meaning, innocent and reasonable individuals who have been sorely misled by their leadership ... and then pass that down to others unquestioningly. Not thinking too much and not questioning is a big part of it. Acceptance, submission and conformity is more important.
Especially ideas like going around again and again in a 5 thousand year cycle ... are like inspired by a demon who desires to keep us in hell and ignorant of the marvelous divine Truth of Who and What our real Identity is.

Wow. You know, I would not have said that myself ... but I think you are absolutely correct and it is liberating to read it. Their "god spirit" ... whatever it may be ...
    makes false predictions about the End of the World,
    makes false claims ("God" and the "Father of Humanity", as they claim Lekhraj Kirpalani is, did not know how many human there were or could prediction the final number ... they keep re-writing the messages and posters 4.5. 5, 5.5, 6 Billions as the population increases ...),
    permits the leaders to make false histories and hide the truth to their adherents, and
    encourages them to falsely and deviously present themselves, and carry on breaking minor laws where ever they go in the world.
Despite how "intoxicating" a psychic relationship with him ... which is what their practise is ... I cannot believe that a being of truth, never mind an "Ocean of Truth", would act in this way.
And of course the fear of the end of the world in total disaster and suffering is always an ingredient in these and like "religions." As well as only a small group of devotees surviving it... like the 144.000 Jehovah witnesses.

Yes, in the BKs it is 900,000 BKs only at the start of heaven on earth, and the highest status goes to those with the closest relationship to the leaders (... the donations box is on the way out as you leave).


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Re: Just Curious

Post30 Jun 2012

Of course not having gone through it makes it easier, but looking at it all from a little distance -like taking a small step back- the whole thing really is ridiculous, meaning that it is totally laughable. Not for those still in it, unfortunately. I am not playing down the suffering experienced by many. But otherwise one could laugh almost hysterically at all that "spiritual" madness. It's really absurd. :D


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Re: Just Curious

Post01 Jul 2012

Since it is still God expressing through His human disguise -no matter how distorted and even twisted the human form and mind might render it- I see this guided meditation -spoken by Jayanti- as very beautiful and moving. Ultimately it is the Supreme guiding Himself to Himself while still appearing in human form:

"Experience Truth":
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Re: Just Curious

Post01 Jul 2012

Perhaps you have just identified what attracts many individuals to the Brahma Kumaris, a sort of romantic attraction towards religion within which the BKs fulfil the ideal sufficiently enough to satisfy their expectations?

I have a problem with the idea of someones, or some religion, who have falsely represented themselves and manipulated others for so many decades having any claim on "truth" at all. Like everything else, "Truth" to the BKs takes on another meaning. It is not truth as you or I would understand it but "BK Truth®".

Can one "experience truth"? I don't think so. It's a very poetic idea, and alluring, but what we can offer you here is to take you to where they want to take you directly.

To the BKs your ideas are all wrong, just "seeking in darkness". You are in a state of sleep and only they are awake. You are deluded and only they are self-aware. You are impure and they and their knowledge is the only "spiritual hospital" and medicine which can cure you. Please understand these are not my opinion, they are truthful exact quotes.

If it could be true that the god of the BK is an expression of your God, then the mechanisms of the BKs would be to draw you into their machine and capitalise on your money and free labor to pay for their living costs and business and political endeavours ... the purpose of which is to inspire or "give courage to the scientists" to use the nuclear stockpiles to kill of all of the rest of humanity, destroy civilisations on this planet and bring about a series of natural disasters that will wipe it clean.

That quote, "give courage to" is 100% truthful. Does the end justify the means? That is the faith of Jayanti Kripalani, a relative of the founder who for 40 years has been encouraging generation of generation of Western BKs to surrender everything on the basis of this Destruction being 2 to 3 years away. And the BKs think she is one of the top 108, if not 8 spiritual beings the world has every known.*

(* Please be aware that in comparison to themselves, the BKs teach that Buddha and Christ come somewhere below the 50% mark and never experience enlightenment, liberation or release during their life.).

I'll be very interested to read of your experiences after you next speak to the BKs.


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Re: Just Curious

Post01 Jul 2012

Even if the devil says things that are true to lure you into trusting him, so after that you believe the lies he wanted you to believe from the beginning of his scheme, those things he says that are true are still true, and are helpful in that sense.

There is some truth in what BK teaches, but the errors -lies- are so mixed in with it that it is better not to get involved at all. This goes for the BK teachers as well. ;)

I ordered the Raja Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to read them again, and the idea is to let the lady week after next do the guided meditation with me once more, and let her continue to tell me what she wants about BKs beliefs, and at the end of that give her a package with the book as a gift of gratitude for her time and effort, just as I am at the door leaving quickly before she has time to open it. I'll add a note with it explaining in a nutshell what I know - be it in the form of memories - about God appearing here now as each one of us. If - after she opens the package - she doesn't want to read the book, she'll have to give it, stash it, or throw it away.

I am planning on not making another appointment after that. I'll let her know that if she would want to learn more about what know I I'll be glad to tell her, but I'll make it clear that I am definitely not interested in any more BK teachings.
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Re: Just Curious

Post01 Jul 2012

Yes, I always thought that if I was a devil and wanted to capture your soul, I would not come to you wearing horns and spitting fury ... I'd come as a healing angel of light, tell you 9 truths, to gain your trust and confident, and then on the 10, once you well and truly hooked on me, take you away.

What will tell is time ... and I think it is about time the BKs call time and stuck to their prediction of Destruction and the beginning of the Golden Aged "heaven on earth".

Originally, "Destruction" was to be WWII ... then 1950 ... then 1976 ... then mid-1980s ... then mid-1980s to mid-1990s ... then there was a flutter around the Year 2000 when the leadership had adherents emptying bank accounts, buying water bottles and storing food.

It used to be "50 years for Destruction and 50 years for (re)creation", hence the 1986-ish date ... now they are "celebrating" their 75 th anniversary. I find this very corrupt, it should be 25 years of failure because their have failed in their efforts to bring about Destruction. Now, especially in the West, they call it "Transformation" to outsiders. Ha. Sure. The "transformation" of 7 billion people into dead people by all sorts of atrocities. This is the BK vision ... the rest of the world wiped clear of "impure" non-BK human beings.

Let us know how it goes. Did you have a read of the Murlis? Most seekers find them pretty disappointing, especially once they discover that is it. I, myself, held on for a while because I thought if I did there would be some hidden secrets, some high minded library, deep spiritual knowledge ... but, no, that is it. Once you're in, your next job is to start chasing VIPs and trying to con them into acting as "microphones" to advertise the BKs.

Once realised that, I was out. At that time they did not even do any real charity.


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Re: Just Curious

Post02 Jul 2012

Yes, I read one of the messages, although it was a tedious task. I think my mind would turn into mush reading more of them ... :D

I picked the most recent one I saw: English Avyakt Murli 2012-04-03.

I particularly like the "Nod your heads" order given already in the first paragraph ... sets the stage for lots of freedom to consult with one's inner wisdom.

The funny thing is that well understood the message does have a legitimate meaning. For example, accepting that all is Gods - not from one's personal self - means that it is indeed God Who is experiencing all of this, be it in our form.

An example of this is again found in an ancient text, which states that our spirit -awareness- and body are the spirit and body God experiences having as we, and that as God -our true Being- it cost us our Life to take on these body-minds. And that because of this being so, we have the right to glorify God as our true Identity even in these body-mind appearances; it's our divine inheritance, as in a way as God we "died" for these humans we experience being, that also they would have this happy making knowledge one day, which would be our coming back to our real Life as and for these humans, also called "the resurrection.":
"What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you and which ye have from God, and that ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s."

- Corinthians 6:19-20

I don't belong to any so called "Christian" organization on earth, and to me the "Church" or "Temple - besides being the body-mind - is the community of spirits or awarenesses we all are in truth. The earthly forms of that are but symbols pointing towards it. On Michael Angelo's painting of God and Adam in the Vatican God is pointing at Adam - symbol for God in His human form, or all of us, the male symbolizing the intellect and initiating power, the female the soul and reciprocating power - and as Adam God is pointing towards Himself. So it symbolizes God pointing at Himself in His divinity and humanity.

In this virtual reality all things are pointers. And speaking of those of us who at least have an inkling of this truth, in that same Vatican this text can be found (second paragraph, Christ symbolizing God in human appearance):

"Saint Augustine rightly exclaimed: "Let us rejoice and give thanks: we have become not only Christians but Christ himself… Marvel and rejoice, for we have become Christ" (In Ioann. Evang. Tract. 21:8, CCL 36:216)."


So here we can see that BKs talk about our real Being as divine is correct. But so much misunderstanding and unawareness has come with those messages ... all filtered and colored by the subconscious and ego.
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Re: Just Curious

Post02 Jul 2012

Never-Mind wrote:Yes, I read one of the messages, although it was a tedious task. I think my mind would turn into mush reading more of them ... :D

For the real action, I would try a few Sakar Murlis.

The Sakar Murlis are the BKs' "Old Testament" to the Avyakt Murlis "New Testament" ... although they don't put it in those terms. The Avyakt Murlis tend to be "rallying of the troops" type messages with not a lot of spiritual anything in them. You'll find the ghost of Lekhraj Kirpalani or the god of the BKs likes to talk in kind of militaristic terms to his "Shiv Shakti Army".

I think you'll also find most folk here are, for the most part, over religion and just trying to pick up where their lives took off pre-BK.

Pretty much whatever religion you chose to mention is a certain percentage politics and a certain percentage business. It's not so much what they say as how they run their business and what their politics are that counts.

As an outsider I think you should be able to see with a clearer mind whatever level the BKs' spirit guides are at. Obviously, how ever one understands what is going on, a large part of both Avyakt and Sakar Murlis is the mind of Lekhraj Kirpalani. For me, it is worth remembering that during his lifetime he and they did basically no charity work at all.

He took 300 of them in and treated them like princess, they did not have to go out and work or deal with the poor like Mother Teresa etc. And then as soon as they could, they headed up to the top of a hill in Rajasthan to wait for the End of the World or Destruction to come.

They have later re-packaged this as a period of solitude and spiritual preparation but really all it was was thinking of themselves. Even though they believe the End of the World was about to come, they had not a clue or thought about how individuals in Europe, Africa or American might be saved.

Servicing to them was writing crazy letter to the kings and queens of the world tell them Destruction was about to happen and that they had to come to them to gain salvation. None did.


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Re: Just Curious

Post08 Jul 2012

For now I mostly follow this suggestion by just sitting for as long as I can stand it, enduring whatever thoughts, memories, imaginations, feelings and emotions come up, no matter how unpleasant:

"God values in you the inclination to dryness and suffering for love of him more than all the consolations, spiritual visions, and meditations you could possibly have."

Saying 14: http://www.karmel.at/ics/john/dichos.htm
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Re: Just Curious

Post09 Jul 2012

Why if you have an interest in mystical Christianity did you go anywhere near the Brahma Kumari heathen?

From a Christian point of view, they must be Luciferic ... mediumship, possession, "angels of light" and all that.

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