Hypnotized BKs

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Hypnotized BKs

Post25 Jun 2012

The power of "Hypnosis" is amazing ... I have watched my friend, who volunteered to go to stage and get hypnotized, bite his shoe with incredible appetite, because the hypnotist told him that was his favorite fruit ..!!

Contrary to a popular misconception, that hypnosis is a form of unconsciousness resembling sleep, the hypnotic subjects are fully awake and are focusing attention, with a corresponding decrease in their peripheral awareness. Subjects also show an increased response to suggestions.

In order to be hypnotized, you must be able to relax and clear your mind just the same as you would during meditation.

I am starting to get convinced that transmitting Brahma Kumaris ideology to persons is done through a combination of constant brain wash and hypnosis, which would eventually produce robotic type followers.

Hypnosis might also throw light and explain the trances which mediums go through, possibly as a result of self-hypnosis.


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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post27 Jun 2012

I don't think the BK hypnitized people, what they do is they apply on the part of the brain that likes to connect to God. Every brain has this. Some people use it by the iPod. They can been seen by scan. So we like to connect to God or anything we admire and when someone teach us to do that, we feel happy. In every philosophy, we get hurt of start to question or have a other reason to quit. Most BKs are happy with what they do and have a good life. Most BKs go away after they have been there a while, they are free. None will keep them against their wish. No one will be hypnotized, even on a platform they cannot do it for more than a short time. We get mostly hypnotized by our parents when we are too little to discriminate if what the tell us is real but most people by the BK are adult and very good in making a choice.


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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post27 Jun 2012

Age has no connection with Hypnosis. When a person is hypnotized, he is under complete command and control of the hypnotist, obeying his instructions without hesitation.

The meditation music and atmosphere provide ideal platform for hypnosis, which in BK centers could rather take the form of intimidation, and by repetition and constant brainwash would lead to the same influence and result of hypnosis.

You mentioned that BK made you feel stronger ... strength is usually an acquired power, which comes from knowledge, influence, self-confidence, even physical power. However, the strength acquired from BK experience comes from the frequent repetition that they are; elite, chosen, special .. etc, hence, it is superficial.
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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post27 Jun 2012

bin wrote:I don't think the BK hypnitized people ... they are free. None will keep them against their wish ... most people by the BK are adult and very good in making a choice.

In this case, I have to agree with Dany.

The issue of hypnosis came up sometime ago on this forum. You can search for it. I went and studied hypnosis and I discovered that there are many, many, many deep similarities between BK practise and hypnosis ... and once the individual is in a light trance, the BKs use many, many, many suggestions and auto-suggestions to brainwash people as Bin says.

Even the practised tone of the voice the Seniors use is so similar to what hypnotists and NLP practitioners use ... but I also think something else happens within the BK practise on the spiritual level. It is not just hypnosis. It is an initiation into a relationships with what the Shiva "spirit" is. And I think it is a little unethical that the BKs don't tell people this and are not honest about it and their true history and philosophy.

I am thinking that at this time Bin, perhaps you don't know enough about the truth of the BKs that we have discovered.

I don't mean to offend you but when I read your comments, like above, they sound exactly like the BKs programme people to say, and think that you are still deeply programmed by them. They are not true.

They may be true-ish for Western BKs but they are not true for the large number of Indian BKs, especially the young girls they trap and marry to their god spirit taking away their dowry so they can never marry a human. For them, they cannot leave. Their parents have to pay to have the BK take them away.

I also think it is unfair to say that once a person has been hypnotised and deeply programmed by them that they are "free to leave". They may be physically free ... but mentally they are trapped and incapable. I know from my own experience, and the experience of many who have come to this forum, that it can take years and years for them to finally break free from slavery to BK thoughts ... Destruction, the End of the World etc ... and that they find adoption to the real world very difficult.

By that time, they have lost years of their life, damaged their career and earning power, lost opportunity to marry and establish themselves, given away property etc ... they have lost a lot they can never get back.

Yes ... the music, the red light, the staring at a spot, the visualisations of going up and down, the suggestion and auto-suggestion are all IDENTICAL to practises hypnotists use to treat or programme patients ... and it works. Advertisers even use it ... because it works. And some people are more susceptible than others to hypnotic suggestion.

Even stage hypnotists have been sued because people cannot snap out of trances ... yet in the BKWSU there is NO discussion of this and. I even know of cases where individuals have flipped out and had psychotic episodes, become mental cases, because of the BK meditation ... and the BKs had no clue what to do nor how to treat them. I mean, went mentally ill.

I encourage people to study hypnosis and compare it ... but do not limit themselves to believing BKism is JUST hypnosis. It is not. There is more going on ... and the other stuff is even more dangerous.


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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post27 Jun 2012

I don't know why you are so mad about the BK but I think it is sad for the Indian girls that they have an upbringing that make them slaves to or men or Christianity or the BK or anything. Also a lot of Muslim girls are the same but specially in the West we can make a other choice if we want and I don't like you to tell me that I talk like a BK because I am not mad about them.


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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post27 Jun 2012


I am not sure you have met or heard Jayanti who is considered a top BK senior member ... Her soft voice tone is exactly the same like the hypnotist who made my friend bite his shoe imagining it was his favorite fruit ..!!!


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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post27 Jun 2012

I think it is very scaring to think that we live in a world that can hypnotized us and make us do things against us own wishes. Then we don't have any responsibility for our own life. There are many organisation who try to let us do what they want even movies, school, advertising, governments, but we are still self responsible for what we are doing. I know that people can get a psychotic but that can happening even by running, breathing and living. It would be good if the BK know how to recognise and deal with that, but I don't think there are more people getting psychotic by the BK then by other meditations, blowing, drinking or doing drugs.

Yes, I have meet her and she is not a hypnotist she is just a puppet doing the things she does because she have no brain.


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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post27 Jun 2012

It is scary ...

The golden rule:
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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post27 Jun 2012

I appreciate that it is difficult and challenging to consider that a part of Brahma Kumarism is hypnotist or hypnotism. It took me a long time to accept it as well. But I agree that Jayanti Kripalani is the perfect example of this, and she has widely influenced all Western BKs with her style and the trances it induces.

A good question would be to ask, "how did it happen?"

It did not happen at the start of the movement. Their Baba just chanted "om" and people went into trances, were possessed, had very strong psychic reactions. The trance meditation started sometimes later. I do not know its history.

I am not "mad" at the BKs ... that is propaganda the BKs also put out ... but I do focus on the BKs. It is my specialist area. Like you, I used to think that they were "acceptable", even a very good and disciplined religion ... but then I started to look and discover all the things they were doing and had hidden from us, like the failed predictions of Destruction, the false history, the suicides, financial and mental abuses and so on. Even many BKs do not know it all, e.g. there was no God Shiva in their religion until 1950.

I realise that it was unacceptable and they were deceiving too many people, they had stolen our minds and lives from us and destroyed many families and relationships ... in short, that the leaders were basically crazy, obsessed with VIPs, and extremely dishonest.

I do not think that "just because the Muslims do it", or worse, it excuses the BKs to do it. I wish all the medieval, tribal religions would stop their nonsense and stop messing up people's lives ... but I cannot work to stop them all. Therefore, I just work with the one I know best, the BKs.

I have been to a therapeutic hypnotist and spoken to them about how their practise works. It is very, very, very similar to a lot of the BK meditations. I think that the BKs are not aware of this ... that they are practising hypnotism and self-hypnotism without knowing it ... and it is used as a foundation to open up people's souls, chakras or whatever you want to call them, to the BK spiritual influences.

I think the BKs dabble about in people's minds but really don't know what they are doing ... and when it goes wrong, which it does, they have no idea what to do and just dump the individual.

We have had cases of this in Australia, Japan, India, Europe. They don't talk about it, so we do.
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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post27 Jun 2012

dany wrote:The golden rule:

I actually agree with this.

The only thing to do is stay away from the BKs, keep your family away from them, and stop them spreading within your community or society.

Do not flirt them, do not think you are more clever than them and cannot be influenced by them, do not enter into discussions with them, and do not make compromises with them. Do not allow them to dupe others.

In my opinion, the Brahma Kumaris leaders are psychic parasites (I don't blame the followers, they are just being used).

They cannot breed and so they must capture loners, lost and vulnerable people, other families' children or unwanted daughters ... and live off them. They mentally subdue their followers by hypnosis and mind control and have created a "hive mentality" where they are the fat "queen bees" and the followers are the sexless drones who work to sustain them.

It is not possible to say that the "god spirit" of the BKs is ... but it is not "God" as other religions or humanity considers it ... and it is a negative, destructive, addictive force which will take the best of your life from you if it can.

The BKs are 99% 'take' and only 1% 'give' ... if that. Please prove me wrong if you can.

You will find more strength and happiness in life if you learn how to really give and join a group which also gives, not dull your mind and space out with the BKs. This is my current opinion. BKism is like an addictive drug for many followers, even those who no longer go to the center.


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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post28 Jun 2012

"Personality Transformation", is one of the most dangerous aspects and results for following BK teachings.

I have closely known a person, before and years after BK experience, and could hardly recognize or relate to that person. I found the same feeling and impression with other people who also closely knew that person ... before and after.

What really surprises me most is that the world is paying attention to environmental, discrimination, preservation and other issues, but somehow overlooked the destructive cultic issues and their fatal psychological consequences on mankind ... These cults, such as BK, are mushrooming in our societies, and unless serious action and measures are taken, we will wake up one day to find ourselves in a real dilemma ..!!
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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post28 Jun 2012

dany wrote:I have closely known a person, before and years after BK experience, and could hardly recognize or relate to that person.

What changes did you see?

Personally, I would say the main changes are superficial or surface level and if you can get them to snap out of it, they are just the same as they were before ... for good or bad.

Personally, I think there is a lot of emphasis on outward control, the use of language and so on ... the BKs speak about "acting royal" a lot ... but I am not sure that people really change that much. And BKs tend to space out a lot into meditation.

They will also be "giving you dhristi" a lot when you look at them or speak with them ... "sending you vibrations" to do something to you. I am not sure what now ... perhaps willing you to be like them. I wonder if that has any effect?


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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post28 Jun 2012

Relation and involvement degree between a particular person and a certin religion or cult varies from a person to another.

The depth of involvement will determine the particular person conception and also degree of commitment, and would accordingly control his attitude and behaviours. Reason why we sometime see even major religions producing fanatics who are prepared to go to any length to prove their commitment and loyalty, while others, even though they follow the same religion, are not prepared to follow the same path.

The warning signs is when we notice "personality transformation", i.e. isolation from family and friends, lack of interest in previously practiced hobbies, less interest in earthly affairs and concentration on religious and divine issues, very strong commitment to the teachings ..etc. Sounds like symptoms of depression, but they are not.

I am a strong believer in what is called "moment of truth". In other words, no matter how hard you try to change certain things in a person, that change can only happen when the moment of truth light flashes in that person's mind ...


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Re: Hypnotized BKs

Post30 Sep 2013

A group of young students at an all girls school were left in "mass hypnosis" after a demonstration from a fledging hypnotist reportedly left them locked in a trance.

Maxime Nadeau was forced to call on his mentor for assistance after the hypnotist could not reverse the condition of several 12 and 13-year-old girls at the Collège du Sacré-Coeur private school in Quebec. One of the girls was reportedly left in a trance for five hours.

"Being in a trance is a state of well-being," Nadeau told the CBC's French-language service. "I wasn't stressed. I knew they would get out of it."

Still, Nadeau eventually called in his mentor and trainer Richard Whitbread to reverse the effects.

"There were a couple of students who had their heads lying on the table and there were [others] who, you could tell, were in trance," Whitbread said. "The eyes were open and there was nobody home."

In order to reverse the effect, Whitbread says he convinced the girls he was "re-hypnotizing" them and them brought them out of the trance "using a stern voice."

"I don't know how to explain it. It's like you're no longer there," student Émilie Bertrand told the CBC about her experience. "You're spaced out."

Nonetheless, Bertrand described the experience as "cool" as said she would do it again, even knowing the potential consequences.

Interestingly, Whitbread said the girls may have been especially vulnerable to Nadeau's suggestions because of his young age and "good looks."

In related news, television host Dr. Oz recently interviewed "hypnotic motivational guru" Paul McKenna, who says he can help patients achieve long term weight loss through his techniques.

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