Lies of omission: silence as dishonesty & deception

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Lies of omission: silence as dishonesty & deception

Post23 Jun 2012

A lie of omission is a method of deception and duplicity that uses the technique of simply remaining silent when "speaking the truth would significantly alter the other person's capacity to make an informed decision".

I often ask, can an "Age of Truth" ... the Brahma Kumaris' "Sat Yuga" (meaning the age of purity and truth) ... be built on lies? Does a "pure" god ... can a "pure" god or an "Ocean of Truth" as they call theirs ... lie and deceive to achieve its aims? Or support lying and deceiving amongst its adherents to achieve its aims?

I remember the family of one of the leading Western BK pioneers once accused the BKs of doing only one thing ... teaching their son to lie. Here is how the "art of silence", and controlling what adherents say or don't say, can be misused.

Let's define "lies of omission".

A lie is simply defined:
    1) To make a statement that one knows to be false, especially with the intend to
    2) To give a false impression.
    3) Anything that gives or is meant to give a false impression.
Different varieties of less obvious lies:
    1) Derail: To change the subject of discussion in order to avoid the truth (for example, one might pretend to be offended in order to stop a conversation about one's questionable actions).
    2) Confuse: quibble or confuse the issue, or deliberately use ambiguity in order to deceive or mislead.
    3) Misinform: To invent or perpetrate a false story with the intent to deceive or mislead.
The Lie of Omission

Less obvious than the others, a "lie of omission" is to remain silent when personal morals, ethics, professional or even legal responsibilities call for one to speak up.

A lie of omission is a method of deception and duplicity that uses the technique of simply remaining silent when speaking the truth would significantly alter the other person's capacity to make an informed decision.
The biggest lie about lies: a lie of omission Is not a lie!

A lie of omission is the most insidious, most pervasive, and most common lie on the entire planet. Commonly, those who use this type of lie, have conned themselves into believing that to intentionally remain silent when ethical behavior calls for one to speak up is not a lie at all. In spite of overwhelming evidence that their silence deceives, misleads, and often causes untold grief and misery, they refuse to speak the truth.

There is also the common misconception that 'intentional deception by silence' has no consequences. To that get out clause the BKs believe, "remembering Baba whilst one does it" also removes any bad karma.
    Lies of commission (telling a lie), and
    Lies of omission (withholding the truth)

    are both acts of intention deception.

Lying is a learned or taught habit. We can learn it through example of those we look up to. To the Brahma Kumaris leadership, it appears acceptable to lie when it is convenient, or for their perceived benefit. Said often enough, their lies, their omissions, and their deviances from the truth become "truth" and are repeated by their followers.

To the BKs, a lie is not a lie ... it is just a misunderstanding. They want you to misunderstand them and what they are really about.


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Re: Lies of omission: silence as dishonesty & deception

Post24 Jun 2012

Even though all evidences incriminate him on the sexual assault on the hotel maid in NewYork, IMF chief Strauss Kohn was aquitted of all charges, simply because the hotel maid LIED in her immigration application and, according to law, a LIAR at any time can never be trusted again, even for a different case and circumstances ... Hats off.

I wonder how many million times Brahma Kumaris have lied to their followers and potential followers to seduce them to join ... The biggest lie is when they claim that God is talking to them (wish I could fix a lying detection device to medium Gulzar), and have chosen them from 7 billion human beings to inherit the earth ..!!
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Re: Lies of omission: silence as dishonesty & deception

Post24 Jun 2012

dany wrote:The biggest lie is when they claim that God is talking to them ...

Is that a lie or it is a statement of belief? I am not sure. I am sure though that falseness and deception are taught and encourage by the Brahma Kumari leadership in the West.

I think that a statement would have to be 'knowingly wrong' for it to be a lie ... but that the adherents believe it to be true.

The big question then is how and when did the BK leaders decide it was God, change their philosophy and re-write their history.

We know that their histories like 'Adi Dev' are deliberate and misleading lies, that there was no God Shiva in 1936 and it was not until sometime after 1950 that they invented or introduced the idea. Before that, insanely, they believe Lekhraj Kirpalani was God.

The actually revelation of Shiva post-1950 was such an eventful occasion in their history (the replacement of one living God for another invisible one) that it could not have been missed, ignored or cause shock to the BKs ... so why is there no mention of it?

The leadership like Janki and Jayanti Kripalani have most certainly lied about it many thousands of times over and now their brainwashed adherents repeat it without question. Janki Kirpalani allows them to falsify her own personal story which is a lack of integrity. However, I don't think we can blame them for lying until they come to know the truth. We can accuse them of making irresponsible claims ... but it would probably be more beneficial to try and educate them first and then count on their own personal integrity.

The strange thing is, there is something in the mentality of a brainwash believer that can be very obstinate and refuse to change ... and they are programmed to see any such question as a challenge to their faith. I suppose it might be simple psychological "denial" but in some cases it is ego and arrogance ... and they cannot admit they are wrong or fooled even.


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Re: Lies of omission: silence as dishonesty & deception

Post24 Jun 2012

When a statement of belief is invented or composed, then it is an obvious lie, or deception at best ...

The other day I was reading about another famous cult chief (died recently), called Sai Baba. He used to perfomed magical tricks to attract followers and to prove to them that he is chosen and must be followed. When approached by certain truth seekers and was requested to install multi cameras and microphones to authenticate his tricks and allegations, he was adamant and firm in refusing, because he knew he would be exposed.

Brahma Kumaris invented that "God talk show" to, again, prove to their followers that they are special, and are privileged ..!!
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Re: Lies of omission: silence as dishonesty & deception

Post24 Jun 2012

Just because something is wrong or false does not make it a lie. In this topic, I am concerned about 'lies of omission', how not telling people all the facts, and withholding information, can be dishonest. This is a matter of ethics for every BK teacher.
The truth ... the whole truth ... and nothing but the truth.

The BKs are not telling us the whole truth but I can tell you that inexplainable 'things' do go on within the Brahma Kumaris and to those meditating. If you accept that, it will make it easier to understand how people can be sucked in and hold on for life.

I would say most people getting sucked into the BKs, and many of the periphery, do experience strange experiences, e.g. visions of lights, a feelings of lightness or bodilessness, seeing things and some of their mediums do go into deep trances.

What they are, how they happen, by which mechanism some people are effected by others not, I do not know. Nor do I make the same assumption that the BKs do that this must be God, their founder made perfect etc. But I would have to accept things do happen. Many people do when they first go to Madhuban.


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Re: Lies of omission: silence as dishonesty & deception

Post26 Jun 2012

Visions of lights, a feelings of lightness or bodilessness, seeing things is because of sleep depravation and low protein food and some of their mediums do go into deep trances is a habit, a performance.
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Re: Lies of omission: silence as dishonesty & deception

Post26 Jun 2012

I have to disagree with you on this one strongly, Jann ... from my own experiences, and from the experiences of other students.

Many of the people having those strong experiences were newcomers who did not follow the principles, and perhaps only came to one or two mediations. They might even be following other religions. In fact, we used to comment on this ... how a newcomers would be given a *very* strong experience to hook them or bring them.

A simple, skeptical view does not explain it. We are not talking about a simple "dizziness" or something.

Teachers teaching the meditation courses also used to remark how extra-strong experiences were given to teachers teaching too, as some kind of reward.

The thing is, if we are honest, it was beyond our control. We were not doing it. It was being done to us or them beyond our control. Quite often it would be so strong that it would frighten a student and they would snap out of it.

I would say the same is true of the trance mediums. "Something" was happening, although we do not know what.


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Re: Lies of omission: silence as dishonesty & deception

Post26 Jun 2012

Some people claim that certain places (historical, religious, spiritual ..etc) have non physical vibrations and rhythm, others claim to be haunted by spirits.

I believe this is the influence and intimidation of the overall atmosphere which creates such illusive feelings, like bodilessness .. etc, but a visitor may have first to surrender his emotions and sense of judgement to experience that.

I found Madhuban just another small town. The question which persisted in my mind there, if BK founder Kirpalani was god or equal, how could he anger villagers to the extent they tried to kill him few times, and put his house on fire few others ..!!

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