The hypocrisy and paradox of BKs (part II): Earth Care

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The hypocrisy and paradox of BKs (part II): Earth Care

Post07 Jun 2012

One of the golden rules of code of ethics is, "Do not preach what you do not follow".

The Brahma Kumaris jump on every opportunity to defend the environment and strongly call for its protection and sustainability, and even participate and sponsor enviromental issues seminars. This is not because they care about environment (to them the world is coming to an immediate end anyway), but because this is the international trend now and whoever speaks of environment protection will be viewed with high respect and appreciation.

In Brahma Kumaris Mount Abu H.Q., they do have an S.T.P. (Sewage Treatment Plant), wrongly located in the middlle of the large residential area, yet they do not operate it due to cost. Instead they dump the complex huge sewage effluent on the nearby fields, thus creating major enviromental and underground water pollution for the neighbouring villages.

To be fair, they did operate the S.T.P. some years back when drought hit Rajasthan region and they needed the treated water to irrigate the complex landscape.

It is worthwhile repeating again: Do not preach what you do not follow ... !!
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Re: The hypocrisy and paradox of BKs (part II): Earth Care

Post08 Jun 2012

The BKs got caught on such hypocrisy in the past, e.g. doing their "Peace March" thing and promoting their idea of "peace" during an anti-nuclear war campaign in Australia.

Just as with the latest "greenwash", they were posing with the left wing, anti-war people looking for new recruits and credibility. Someone outed them for believing in Destruction of the world and believing they will inspire a nuclear holocaust to "purify" the world and kill off an impure humanity for whom there is no hope of change ... only a getting worse.

Like many things the BKs do, I believe the many young and Western BKs who started and continue the environmental aspect of the BKWSU were sincere but it is contrary to the teachings. It is funny because I would say most come from a 'left wing', 'eco' background ... and yet the India leadership could not be more 'right wing', military and industry friendly. They are crawling all over the the big corporations, sucking up to them, trying to "pacifying" workers and doing training camps for the police and army.

As much as it is a good thing to "green" such an international organization as the BKWSU ... I mean, Sister Jayanti must create more global green house gases and pollution flying all over the world to chase VIP on her own than the rest of Mount Abu put together ... it is just another disguise for them. Why would they really care? For 75 years they have been preaching all the "impure" world ... the "fag end" of creation as they call it ... must die.

They don't believe in saving the forests or impure indigenous people ... they believe it all must be destroyed by nuclear bombs and sunk below the ocean to make way for the Golden Age. Their only interest in indigenous people is to try and convert them and start a BK center out there ... and they cannot even convert the bhil tribes in Rajasthan.

Therefore, all in all, I don't just think it is a pose or a hypocrisy ... I think it is a psychopathic lie or schizophrenia.
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Re: The hypocrisy and paradox of BKs (part II): Earth Care

Post21 Jun 2012

The hypocrisy and paradoxes of the BKWSU. Jayanti Kripalani continues her rather unecological globe trotting after VIPS and flies down to Rio de Janeiro for yet another UN conference, Rio+20 and to contribute to the Interfaith response to Sustainable Development: Ecological Civilization.

One might consider what interest the Brahma Kumaris have in "Sustainable Development", "Ecological Civilization" and "compassion for people" when they believe the whole world must be destroyed by Nuclear Weapons and 7 billion plus members of humanity killed in order that they inherit a "purified" world?

But then one has to suspect, it is just about chasing VIPs and promoting their own agenda as usual.
Rio+20: Sister Jayanti, Director of the UK Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Universityby Responding to Climate Change PRO

Sister Jayanti, Director of the UK Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University talks to Pavilion TV about the spiritual aspect of the environmental crisis and says they believe it is a lack of spiritual awareness that has caused it.

She believes peoples’ actions would not have been the same if they were more spiritually aware and had values which were more holistic and pure and based on concern and compassion for people, nature and the earth as a whole rather than self interest and money.

"We must have Destruction: exterminate ... exterminate ... exterminate ..."


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Re: The hypocrisy and paradox of BKs (part II): Earth Care

Post22 Jun 2012

In BK’s own terms, watching Jayanti crossing the globe from east to West in what she claims to be: "Saving the Earth" bid is a real ... DRAMA.

It is amazing to what length some people would be prepared to go, to gain others recognition and acceptance, which includes contradicting their own basic principles ... It would not be surprising to see Jayanti in a bid to prove to the world VIPs that BKs care about family integrity and start her own, even though I believe it is a bit late for her to consider having children ..!!
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Re: The hypocrisy and paradox of BKs (part II): Earth Care

Post22 Jun 2012

Meanwhile, back in the real world, real NGO leaders said that world leaders at the Rio+20 Earth summit in Brazil "delivered a new definition of hypocrisy" for standing in the way of progress and failing so far.

Greenpeace said, "The epic failure of Rio+20 was a reminder [that] short-term corporate profit rules over the interests of people", the outcome of the conference was "nothing short of disastrous", as governments came offering no money or commitments to action.

WWF said, "two years of sophisticated UN diplomacy has given us nothing more than more poverty, more conflict and more environmental destruction".

The International Trade Union Confederation criticised leaders for their lack of courage and for doing nothing to adopt a new model of development and reminded us that the reality is "we are living beyond our planetary means."


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Re: The hypocrisy and paradox of BKs (part II): Earth Care

Post22 Jun 2012

Such conferences like Rio +20 are nothing but another episode of ... HYPOCRISY ..!!

The large Industrial countries are not prepared to commit to certain environmental issues such as "carbon emission", because that will mean death or near death to certain industries.

I wonder what will be Jayanti’s role in such conferences, apart from introducing herself to the VIPs and possibly try to convince them to transfer the Environment protection money to BK account instead of investing it in a vanishing world ...!!


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Re: The hypocrisy and paradox of BKs (part II): Earth Care

Post05 Aug 2012

HQ. Co-ordinator of the Rural Development Wing, Rajayogi BK Rajubhai felt the methods employed by our farmers in the olden days used to be emulative to several countries. He said the farmers have now been in neck deep crisis as a result of their departure from the age traditional methods and the policies being adopted by the governments. He said Brahmakumaris had done an extensive research on Yogic Farming, which proved to be of great benefit to the farmers. This is very necessary for future of India for serving the healthy needs of Indian population.

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