BKWSU condemns relationships when Dada Lekhraj had a family

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BKWSU condemns relationships when Dada Lekhraj had a family

Post04 Jan 2011

I am really confused by what they teach at the BK org. I have a girlfriend for the past 6 years. I love her more than anything, never been unfaithful, always worried for her. I have sacrificed a lot for her and have no regrets.

A few years back she admitted she and her spiritual teacher had something inappropriate and that she complained to one of the Sisters and he was disciplined. She never tells me the details.

Now for the past year she has said everything related to love is a sin. So she has distanced herself from me. She hardly meets me and spends more time at the BK org. She says making love is a sin and that I need to find someone else because I am impure for wanting a physical relationship.

I asked her how were the Dadis conceived if not out of love? Were they the result of immaculate conception? Was Lekhraj?

Why don't people question what is being taught to them instead of following things blindly?

I was never on anti depressants and this has led me to see a shrink and take strong meds to keep my sanity. I trust no one and hatred is poisoning my heart.

How is it that the BKs condemn any physical relationship between the husband and wife or between loved ones and their founder Dada Lekhraj had kids of his own?

So their leader wasn't celibate but he wants everyone else to be?

Practice what you preach!
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BKWSU condemns relationships when Dada Lekhraj had a family

Post05 Jan 2011

Welcome to the forum Jedi. I am very sorry to hear about your pains. They are real. You have been hurt and it is unfair.

It also sounds as if to me you ex-girlfriend needs help too. She needs to get out and away from that cult immediately.

If what you are saying is that you think that she and another BK had a sexual-emotional relationship, which she has every right to and is part of being a human being then in essence, by the BK system, they have condemned themselves to the lowest order for eternity ... and it will be used against them.

Are you saying that she was also unfaithful to you with this BK teacher during the 6 years you knew her? I am sorry to ask but I need to be clear.

It is strictly against their rules to have any kind of relationship, even emotional. Was she abused by this individual? It sounds to me that she was and that she is still confused. He abused his position of power and trust over her.

The short answer is that you cannot trust the Brahma Kumari leadership. You cannot negotiate with the Brahma Kumari leadership. You cannot expect any logic from the Brahma Kumari leadership. You would be largely wasting your time to expect any nobility or common decency from the Brahma Kumari leadership. Any discussion you enter into with the Brahma Kumari leadership is likely to be used by them to try and get you to join their cult. They will defend themselves to the end and have 10,000 yuktis to do so but we can help you defend yourself from them.

If you can, get your girlfriend out quick. Free her. Keep them away from her mind. Let her know that the religion has been re-written and falsified many times ... especially relating to the End of the World, or Destruction as they call it ... and that many incidents such as hers has happened and been hidden. The religion is not pure.
Jedi wrote:So their leader wasn't celibate but he wants everyone else to be?

Practice what you preach!

In the light of everything else we have discovered about the early BKs and the BKWSU leadership. This is a good question to ask. You might ask the ethics of a cult encouraging young people to give up relationships and family on the basis of End of the World predications that have failed, been hidden, failed again, been hidden, failed again, be re-written and so on. And you might ask what responsibility its leaders are going to take for all those peoples whose lives they have sucked up, and how they are going to look after them when they get old.

One snippet to add is that if you look into it more, Lehkraj Kirpalani had a long sex life too ... and when he was finished, he sidelined his worn out wife and took a younger virile woman to be his spiritual partner, "Om Radhe". Although I am not suggesting their relationship was physically sexual, one has to wonder what exchange went on a spiritual level between them playing "mother and Father" to the fledgling cult.

The BKs have recreated Lekhraj Kirpalani as a saint in order to support their business-religion even more than they keep re-inventing their business-religion. Including this is the invention of a god spirit they call Shiva around 1950 because before then they all believed Lekhraj Kirpalani was God and there was no mention of another spirit.

The BKs have an answer for everything which they have built up over the decades. Their usual answer is "Lekhraj Kirpalani was the most impure human being" implying that any wrong he did is acceptable and had to happen. Of course, why Lekhraj Kirpalani was the more impure in comparison to Hitler, Stalin or Mao (who all murdered millions) is never really answered either ... it is just accepted as is.

What they or they god spirits says is true is true because they say it is true ... that is the only logic you will get out of them (... and if it is not true, then that is OK because they will re-write it afterwards and hide the old version). That is the quality of the Godly University for you.


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Re: BKWSU condemns relationships when Dada Lekhraj had a fam

Post06 Jun 2012

Yes, good points - he had his 6 kids and then everyone had to be celibacy - go figure!

At the time, he was a sanctuary for many young women who wanted to avoid arranged marriage which was good for those women at the time as I believe that women should be able to choose who and when they marry. Women are not possessions. This is still a big problem in some parts of the world.

But sex is normal. The BKs see that sex is wrong or bad. Their whole philosophy doesn't add up - Sister Sudesh told us that in Golden Age we would conceive with a kiss ... mmm, not sure about that ... or the whole 5,000 year Cycle thing ... but not everyone has a good education and good guidance.
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Re: BKWSU condemns relationships when Dada Lekhraj had a fam

Post08 Jun 2012

Jedi wrote:A few years back she admitted she and her spiritual teacher had something inappropriate and that she complained to one of the Sisters and he was disciplined. She never tells me the details.

I missed this the first time I read your post.

BKs don't exactly have "spiritual teachers", so it might be a senior BK Brother who was teaching her the 7 Day meditation course, or was it the center-in-charge. Did they fall in love, or did they have sex?

If she says, "complained" it makes it sound like the BK teacher made a pass at her, or tried to seduce her. Yes, it is all very against the rules.

As to finding moral or ethical consistency with the BKs ... forget it. They manipulate whatever pleases them. They say Lekhraj Kirpalani was "the most impure man" ... everything has to be the best or greatest for the BKs, it is a silly claim because there are men who have done much worse than him ... but claim now the world have changed because God has come.

Not only did he did continue on a sex life well into his middle ages but when he decided he was god, he took a teenage girl to be his wife and mother of the organization, albeit as a celibate partner, and sidelines his actual wife who had given him his children. He and they believe he was God from the middle of the 1930s until sometime after 1950.

Somehow you need to reactive your partner rational brain and make her start thinking again. Stop her drifting off into space with the BKs.


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Re: BKWSU condemns relationships when Dada Lekhraj had a fam

Post08 Jun 2012

Hi, Jedi.

Here's my own experience with them. My wife and I attended their learning sessions and continued on to watch their Murli sessions, mainly because it felt so peaceful. Learning to meditate with open eyes and anywhere, anytime was really cool. But here is the deal: in order to go deep into their philosophy and achieve what they call "a pure state" we would have to opt for abstinence. That did not go well with our plans of starting our family. We approached the leader of the centre with our concern and were told to simply come visit whenever we needed. But that was our choice.

It is clear that your girlfriend has decided to go a different direction. Many took this path as a conscious decision, others just took the jump without weighing the pros and cons and realised their hasty decison later. You know your girlfriend better than anyone so if you think she is a sort of "trance" and will eventually snap out of it, be patient and keep helping her.

Good luck, man !


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Re: BKWSU condemns relationships when Dada Lekhraj had a fam

Post08 Jun 2012

BTW, guys. What I learned of their founder during the years I attended their sessions was that he led a normal life, that is, he may have met many women and had children of his own, until much, much later in his life when he had this "vision" and went sexually abstinent. I was told at the time that the reason BK is run by women is that it is a way of making up for the low value attributed to women in Indian society.

This much I learned. cannot tell which part of this is true and which is not, though.
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Re: BKWSU condemns relationships when Dada Lekhraj had a fam

Post08 Jun 2012

Koolbloke wrote:I was told at the time that the reason BK is run by women is that it is a way of making up for the low value attributed to women in Indian society.

Yes, that is the PR version.

I think the real version is much simpler ... Lekhraj Kirpalani was not only very wealthy but a shrewd and wily character. The kind of smooth, polished, shrewd and wily character you would need to be to be a self made multi-millionaire jeweller.

When his conduct, seances and enculting of other men's wives and children became too much and he was being threaten with legal action, he established a committee made up on these women and young ladies. This strategy achieved two things, it protected him and his wealth which they were living off ... and emotionally it compromised his critics because they could hardly be seen to sue their own women and children.

I don't see anything divine in it. It was an extremely cunning move ... or "canny" if you prefer to be polite.

Remember at this time Lekhraj Kirpalani was claiming himself to be God and the Gita Sermoniser ... the equivalent to "the author of the Bible" in a Western context. There was no God Shiva until after 1950 ... a long time later. Remember also that the nature of the seances was much wilder than the version in the BKWSU hagiographies and his conduct with the young women risqué by their community's standard.

I think Lekhraj Kirpalani's treatment of his shagged out old wife is hardly evidence to suggest his values of women were that much different to the norm. If she was a normal women, she must have been crushed to have been ditched and replace with Om Radhe as his "eternal spiritual partner" ... the chubby but attractive local teenage "princess" who became his number one devotee, his Eve ... and a walking tape recorder of his beliefs.

The BK story has been polished, re-written and falsified so many times for Indian and Western consumption ... the suggestion that they are feminists being one.

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