Spiritual/Psychic attacks

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beyond BK

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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post07 Jul 2011


Thanks for posting this article. I was curious to read it but unfortunately, after doing so, it seems that there is nothing to support Mr. Wiseman's skepticism. It really just sounds like the explanations that were given fifty years ago by the same non-believers who have never meditated nor been spiritual.

It is, admittedly, very difficult to find a good explanation on spooks because most people do not thorougly explore the mystical and the scientific. They generally just explore one or the other. In my experience (so far) Krishnamurti may be one of the few experts who has been able to speak intelligently on the subject of spirit, mind and matter.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post07 Jul 2011

rayoflight wrote:It really just sounds like the explanations that were given fifty years ago by the same non-believers who have never meditated nor been spiritual.

I think you could even say 100 or more years ago, Ray. It is the same skeptic, materialist argument that was raised up against the spiritualist church movement around the turn of last century ... it is hell of boring and hardly progressed one inch. I have not read the book. I suspect it is just the usual "Skeptic Debunking".
Wiseman: One is that they have paranormal experiences. In fact, that's the thrust of the book, to try to understand why people have those weird experiences given that spirits don't exist.

He states the position he wishes to expound clearly "given that spirits don't exist" and then goes on find the simplest disproofs that are just as easy to rebuff - if anyone cared - rather than to take a more rational or genuinely scientific approach. How can anyone possibly prove or disprove such a proposal?

I find "Debunkers" far more boring and uninteresting that the worst psychic charlatans because at the least the "psychic charlatans" hold people's hands, make a few old ladies happy, and put on a good show. The skeptics come across as a kind of airless "old boys clubs" for entirely unimportant individuals who happen to have a minor science degree of some kind or another. As hard as they try to put it down, weird and wonderful psychic stuff really does just keeps popping up to disprove them.

It would be interesting to read a genuine study of how many people are satisfied by the psychic services they have received (even if they are entirely spurious) versus how many feel genuinely hurt or abused. Yes, without any doubt there are charlatans, but, unfortunately for the debunkers, there are too many inexplicable anomalies to be ignored.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post15 May 2012

Do you have any connection to the Brahma Kumaris ... and would you care to provide us with your impressions of them and their spirit guides?

Or is this just an advert for your company?
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Mr Green


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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post15 May 2012

Davidukpsychic wrote:I am Psychic Medium Sean and you are very welcome to my website. Please take a moment to view some of my articles on my website, and to really get an idea of what I do and how I might be able to help you whether as your psychic medium or to perform an online tarot reading for you.

I use my natural psychic ability and my amazing skill with the Tarot to give you a reading full of insight and guidance.

I always give my psychic readings like a best friend. I am open, honest and gentle. I use my abilities to help you make good decisions in life and help you remove any blockages that stop you having that fulfillment.

People like you frighten me


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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post15 May 2012

Hear hear Mr Green....


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Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post07 Jan 2013

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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post07 Jan 2013

Do you have any connection to the Brahma Kumaris, David ... and would you care to provide us with your impressions of them and their spirit guides?

Or were you just spamming this forum with links for a commercial psychic hotline?

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