BKWSU Principles: No business between BKs

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BKWSU Principles: No business between BKs

Post13 May 2012

One of the issue we often pick up on is how the Brahma Kumaris have Maryadas (or principles) for their followers ... but then latterly don't follow them, especially when it comes to business and making money.

One of the principles is that there should be no business between BKs and BKs should come to the center only for the purpose of spiritual development. Ha.

An anonymous donor has uploaded an audio file of a BK going through the principles; here. It is mostly in Hindi but with some English. The tone of it is universal though.

A readable version of a recent English version is here and says, " Worldly businesses should not be discussed in the Center", so may be it is OK as long as they go out of the center now.

How and when did they decide to change it ... or does it only apply to the lower caste BKs?


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Re: BKWSU Principles: No business between BKs

Post13 May 2012

Talk is business, writting speaches is business, and whatever is connected with composing proper phrases is a lucrative business. Jayanti is a talented speaker and knows how to say the right words for the specific occasion, and hide it behind a a sweet and deceptive facade.

All that does not hide the illusions of BK cult and its foundationts and principles for those who know ... !!


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Re: BKWSU Principles: No business between BKs

Post14 May 2012

ex-I wrote:"Worldly businesses should not be discussed in the Center", so may be it is OK as long as they go out of the center now ... or does it only apply to the lower caste BKs?

All and this means "ALL' Maryadas or principles are for convenience of the BK executive machinery and not for the intended essence taught during the "unmodified" Murli Days when Brahma Baba a.k.a Dada Lekhraj Kripilani was alive. If two businessmen join BK this does not mean they are forbidden to do business henceforth (it's pure nonsense to interpret it that way). Dada Lekhraj had humble beginning with a pious background and he himself never converted the "Satsang" or religious discussion meetings that were conducted at his place by his "Guru" into a hub for business networking. The intention was to maintain the sanctity of both the place and the religious gathering.

Today, when the various wings hold their seminars and retreats, networking is bound to happen and has occurred in front of me too. I feel exchanging contacts is fine, but discussing which equity share is up and which is going to slide in share market ... well this just should not be discussed while one comes to attend Murli class. This too has been witnessed by me.

However, it is not the caste based discrimination which occurs but class based. For example, the following set or class of people are coerced by the BK teachers to "not" discuss business at all:
    1) Anyone who does not toe in line with the BK teacher or center in-charge, regardless the directions even in latest Avyakt Murlis.

    2) Anyone who does not offer free service (Seva) when asked by BK teacher.

    3) Anyone who excels at knowledge and its interpretation and even application better than the BK teacher.

    4) Anyone who does not appear to be a prospective gold mine. Which means even if you have donated 1 million dollars in the past but will not be able to donate any in future than you are no more a "prospective" goldmine, just an empty one. :-?
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Re: BKWSU Principles: No business between BKs

Post14 May 2012

I was only speaking from personal experience and what I was told by "instrumental souls" ... but then I was young and I suspect the only value they saw in me was an an unpaid labourer or free course teacher.

I/we were told not to think about business because it would be a distraction from doing meditation. The idea of two or more BKs thinking or sitting talking about anything but knowledge or service together was unthinkable. The idea of turning what was once "service" ... the typical vague chit chat plus meditation public events we used to put on or publishing books ... into a business was beyond unthinkable.

To be honest, I am sure that for most BKs, especially in India, it still is. What really goes on for the business men attached to the BKWSU, I have no idea. I cannot speak Hindi/Sindi.

I do remember we had reports of low rank BKs being ripped off in business deals involving the BKWSU and property in Mount Abu though.

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