Kalki Avatar

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Kalki Avatar

Post10 Dec 2010

Hi, Martina here

Is there any supernatural power existing on our earth to protect the universe ?


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Post10 Dec 2010

Is end of humanity is near?
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Re: Avatar

Post10 Dec 2010

Welcome, there might be, who knows ... ???

Question, are you and jacksong the same person? you have the same link ... ???
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Mr Green


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Re: Avatar

Post10 Dec 2010

if it is, it is


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Re: Avatar

Post10 Dec 2010

martina01 wrote:Is there any supernatural power existing on our earth to protect the universe?

Do you need more evidence than the existence of earth or your existence to ask this question or my existence to post this reply to prove a supernatural power? Though what ever natural is supernatural. It may be or may be not part of a Grand Scheme but there is something that's providing for every thing or rather say provides base rules to play out with.
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Mr Green


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Re: Avatar

Post11 Dec 2010

Without knowledge there can only be faith. There is no knowledge of such a thing so you can have faith in it or not, up to you really.
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Re: Avatar

Post12 Dec 2010

This looks like spam but some good might come out of it. It seems that in India there is something called "Public Interest Litigation" (PIL) that one can take to the High Court and Supreme Court to investigate religious frauds. It appears there are many Kalki Avatars ... and the usual financial scandals of relatives of the guru siphoning off cash and investing in property and land just like the BKs.

I am afraid we are already full up of Brahma Kumaris gods and god men, their bankers and accountants here. It is not a good habit to get into. Just like other addictive drug, they will use up all of your money, consume your life, destroy your family ... living will become one big struggle to find the next god hit. You can lose your job, your health, your education, your family wealth and property ... and at the end of it, you will just be thrown away like an empty shell as the god moves on to the next victim.
Mr Green wrote:Without knowledge there can only be faith.

Also known as ... "Where there is a prophet, there is a profit" or "There's Gold in them thar Gods".
    a) Is this Kalki bhagavan?
    b) What has this got to do with the BKWSU?
When I was young, I had the impression of India as some distant, wonderful, exotic place full of spirituality. I had not a clue what it was really like. I think part of being sucked into the Brahma Kumaris was just a simple curiosity about a culture that at that time was very foreign to me. I really liked Indian culture. Now ... all the innocent, peasant farmers and hill dwellers aside ... I tend to think it is a garbage can of a mental asylum, with a reasonable IT industry attached to it.

When they do a census of the population, and they ask what religion individuals are, they should have an option for:
    a) Are you a Hindu?
    b) Are you a Muslim?
    c) Are you a Christian?
    d) Are you the incarnation of God?
Has anyone ever counted how many gods there are in India, rounded them all up and put them in a room together to fight it out to see who is the god of Gods? A sort of heavenly "Big Brother" TV show. In the West, we put these people in mental asylums. I think there must be some department down in the local Indian Employment Centers advertising these jobs ...
Would you like to be God? ... no previous experience or training required.

Job Requirements: Ability to have your photograph taken with local politicians. Salary is tax exempt.

V Vijaykumar Naidu born in Tamil Nadu. In the early eighties he was a clerk at the Life Insurance Corporation. Later, he became the administrator of a school in Rajupeta village in Andhra Pradesh’s Chittoor district. Both Kalki Bhagavan and Amma Bhagwan (V Padmavathi) claim to be two divine Avatars (the tenth avatar of Vishnu and his wife).
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Re: Kalki Avatar

Post12 Dec 2010

martina01 wrote:Is there any supernatural power existing on our earth to protect the universe ?

Pure Love.
jacksong2k10 wrote:Is end of humanity is near?

Speak of the beginning, then ask of the end.


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Re: Kalki Avatar

Post24 Dec 2011

Jai shree Kalki ... jai Maa vaishno ...

Kalki puran says, Lord kalki will be an asur and take part in dev asur sangram ... just like earlier devasur sangram for Amrit ... asurs will win as lord Kalki is on their side ... asurs will be worshiped just like devs for next coming yugas ... SatYuga, dwapar, treta ... will also take part in third world war to be fought between USA/Britain and East (India and allies) ... puran also says Kalki will appear in year 2012.
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Mr Green


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Re: Kalki Avatar

Post24 Dec 2011

Santa Claus comes tonight for those that have been good


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Re: Kalki Avatar

Post06 May 2012

martina01 wrote:Is there any supernatural power existing on our earth to protect the universe ? Kalki Avatar

All depends on whether you want to believe in such a power or you don't want to believe.

Lot's of "miracles" were explained by scientists, but still there's a great amount of them that cannot be explained. If you really think that a power couldn't do that, you won't believe any proofs you'll see here. But if you believe - then don't doubt.


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Re: Kalki Avatar

Post07 Apr 2017

martina01 wrote:Is there any supernatural power existing on our earth to protect the universe ?
No but there is a supernatural power in the universe that protects the universe, now and then it will rise a person to solve the problems on Earth.
jacksong2k10 wrote:Is end of humanity is near?
Yes, but the world will not be destroyed as of such, there will be many wars as there is now, famine drought and pestilences foretold in the Book of Apocalypse! All major religions around the world tells of a guy that will come and bring peace to the world and usher in a Golden Age.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Kalki Avatar

Post09 Apr 2017

HI Hex Hammer,

Thanks for introducing me. Yes, I am here, to bring peace and usher, in a Golden Age, but I didn’t want to toot my own horn.

Please spread my message and follow these easy steps to peace and usher, and you will feel your destiny is blessed.
    1 Treat others as you'd like to be treated
    2. If you are a masochist Ignore #1 - that won’t work for you, see #3.
    3. If you are a masochist, treat others as they’d like to be treated.
    4. If others are masochists and you are too, see #1 again - it’’ll now work for both you and them!
    5. If others tell you I am not truly the one of whom it has been said will be the usher of peace but merely an usher at the local cinema, ignore them for they are the spawn of cynical scorpions who want to pull you down to their level. Better still, smite them, especially if they are masochists, for you will be fulfilling #3.
    5. Send 1/10th of your pre-taxabale income to me (PM me for details) and you will receive a thousandfold return, in the form of worldly-wise street smarts.
That’s my Pinky promise to all my children.

Vv Vv

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Re: Kalki Avatar

Post05 Apr 2018

Hi dear

I know the real kalki avatar. I am having all proofs of Nostradadmus with me to prove him as Kalki Avatar, Jay Kalki Shriram.

Chyren Selin - search by this name you can get more details about Nostradamus.

I have all location, name, age, all proofs with me.

Reply me back, very urgent, his arrival we need to show to all.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Kalki Avatar

Post06 Apr 2018

Dear Vv Vv Voom,

I am already here and fully revealed. No more cryptic clues. All is clear. Please read my post, just before yours

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