The Veracity of Mediumship within the BKWSU

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The Veracity of Mediumship within the BKWSU

Post03 Apr 2012

Veracity is often defined as "habitual truthfulness" or a "conformity to fact or truth". It is an ethical principle ... and I remark upon how seldom the Brahma Kumaris speak of "ethics" in comparison to their willingness to adopt what would widely be considered unethical practises. Deception is not part of veracity however 'educated' or 'valued' it might be.

Brahma Kumarism is a religion based on spiritualism, not Hinduism; that is, the mediumship of bodiless "spirits" which are said to possess, overshadow, guide and control the minds and bodies of its leading adherents.

Mediums such a Jayanti Kripalani, a relative of the foremost spirit medium, Lekhraj Kripalani.

There is, of course, a lot of controversy around the idea of spiritualism; from scientists and rationalist, who claim the idea is impossible and so therefore ridiculous; to Christians, who claim it is Satanic; and yet, for Brahma Kumari adherent, these spirits are utterly real. They not only control their lives, they give their lives and minds over to them. And they are said to be, the God of all religions himself and the deceased Lekhraj Kripalani.

Many BK adherents claim to have met these spirits in other "spirit worlds" and the BKWSU claims that they, and their leaders, can fly around in their spirit bodies not just looking in on every BK center but even on every adherent's home ... spying on their activities each morning.

I have no desire to question whether spiritualism and mediumship is possible or impossible. What I am more interested in is the veracity of the phenomenon. How "habitually true" or "conforming to fact and truth" is Brahma Kumari spiritualism and its spirit mediums?

Spiritualism may just be guesswork (cold reading). It may be some higher faculty of the individual. It may be exactly as it claims to be ... communication with bodiless beings in other realms ... but to me, it really does not matter. There can be no doubt it all has an 'effect' on many levels. Surely what matters most is how true that effect is. Or how habitually committed to truth it/they/the effect is?

In the case of the BK medium Jayanti Kripalani, Jayanti is said to have the ability to "fly to other realms", meet and commune with her deceased relative, take copies of business or even architectural plans, and messages from others. She is one of the BKWSU's 'trance messengers'. She enters a deep trance where she appears almost dead and with a sort of sharp, violent twist "leaves her body" only to return some time later with a update from the holy spooks above. At the other end, in the spirit world, her deceased relative is said to be a spiritual medium for an even higher spirit called Shiva Baba who the BKs claim is the God of all religions.

I never remember it being discussed how or when Jayanti first learned this art, nor how they teach it to others. Generally, the BKs talk of being "pulled out of the body" in a manner beyond their control. It is not the same as the possession which happens when "God" comes to earth at their HQ, and I have heard that the BKWSU is now downplaying this sideshow as it became too much of a circus (BKWSU mediums were adding their own spin into the messages and people were becoming distracted by it). However, it used to happen regularly. At least once a week and on special occasions. It still goes on whenever the BKs require important business advice ... or some rich donor dies.

The theory is Jayanti's deceased businessman relative is now "perfect" and "equal to God" (Bapsaman). They say he is the only individual in the history of humankind who will ever become so, a 100 watt bulb in comparison to the Christ's or Buddha's 40 watt bulb. As such, he is capable of giving the highest spiritual advice or "Shrimat".

Miraculously, according to BK logic, he or they are always right (... even when they are wrong. Which they are. Often).

What I don't understand is why aren't God and the 'highest spiritual human being' at all concerned about, e.g. the deceit and manipulation, the lack of veracity, the cover ups and hiding of its organization's historical revisions, the subculture of lawlessness which has prevailed, the lack of duty of care over its adherents - who then go on to break its rules hypocritically and attempt to split families apart, abuse children or commit suicide - and so on.

What is so divine about sitting in the clouds being divine, turning a blind third eye, and having a million + people "Remember Me" ... when you allow all this crap to go on?

    Is it divine or Godly ... or were the Christians right after all?

Why, when "God" can give business and planning permission advice can he not warn of which adherent is abusing children or which suicidal adherent it would be good to call up and look after (... especially if he had popped round to see them that morning as he said he does)?

Why did God make false predictions of the End of the World and have hundred or thousands of individuals run around like headless chickens giving all their time and money to the BKWSU? Why did God get the world's population so wrong on more than one occasion? Does God and the "perfect man" really not think it looks pretty crass to screw up, hide it, and then just stick a sticker on top to re-write a new date?

Why does God, through his mediums, not even care to address any of this?

The point I would like to make is that these are not 'little mistakes' or "misinterpretation" by enthusiastic followers, like they like to belittle and pass them off as. It is actually quite difficult for individuals, such as ourselves, to fully comprehend the scale of deception or delusion being carried out ... one now effecting 100,000s of families, and reaping 100s of millions of dollars.

One or two lost lives we can imagine and feel ... 10s of 1,000s are beyond us. We are not talking about something the size of a "dropping of a crow". We are talking about a huge black tsunami swilling around the world sweeping up homes, individuals, even businesses with it.

    Does "God" really not care ... or is it just not God?

I am afraid I do care ... and despite however wonderful the mediation experience might be for some, I am sorry ... but it is not God.

I am sure God has higher standards.

Tragic deaths aside ... has anyone else noticed how much waste and garbage is swept along by tsunamis?

Your response appreciated.



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Re: The Veracity of Mediumship within the BKWSU

Post03 Apr 2012

At some point in the process of becoming a BK, it becomes necessary for continued involvement to have a suspension of belief, or a decision to overlook facts that jar. I knew many BKs who did not believe all of the teachings, but liked the lifestyle and could overlook what did not suit them. I guess you get that in all walks of life, it just strikes me as particularly jarring around spirituality where what is being presented/offered is God, the Truth, and the Answer to all the workings of the World, the Universe; in fact, supposedly the answer to everything.

I remember being disturbed by the story of Destruction, or as you describe it the massive tsunami. I had accepted (It really makes you wonder looking back, the stories we accepted) that to sustain the new pure world, it would require pure souls who had been purified by intense meditation but I wondered, and questioned, why the rest could not just die of natural causes and float off to the Soul World until their turn came to come back again? Well, I was told that explosions and natural disasters were necessary so that all that impure world could be destroyed (there goes all that garbage and waste).

I was never happy about all those 6 billion people, but what state (or stage maybe I should say), do we get into to think that not only is that OK but that it is desirable?

It's hard to know. How many BKs believe it all, how many do not care, how many are there who have made this their life and will defend the organization above all?

The fact that discussion or questioning is completely taboo helps to perpetuate all the duplicity.

And, yes, eventually through the rose tinted meditation we begin to perceive those things that are amiss.

It certainly seems incongruous that God would not sort out some of the goings on among these "highest of the high souls". It might be argued that it is an overall overseeing that God is engaged in, but as you point out, he chats away to "special fortunate souls" about all sorts of everyday matters, their health etc. And, of course, a lot of about the entertainment of VIPs. It's all very bizarre.

Another thing that starts to jar through, is the conduct of some of the high souls. I know some long term BKs, one who I spoke to very recently (she told me I would not believe some of the stuff that's going on!), who left and tried to live the same life on her own but says she misses, or needs the power she gets from the gathering?

What makes us get so dependent, in a relatively short time, so that some actually cannot adjust to life without it?



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Re: The Veracity of Mediumship within the BKWSU

Post04 Apr 2012

And another strange thing, I recently saw a video of BapDada on Youtube celebrating his 76th birthday having birthday cake.
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Re: The Veracity of Mediumship within the BKWSU

Post05 Apr 2012

starchild wrote: ... the story of Destruction, or as you describe it the massive tsunami.

It is true that the Brahma Kumaris teach that all the continents of the world will *literally* be covered by huge floods and tsunamis which will wash them clean of civilisation ... and all except India disappearing under the oceans.

When I wrote it though, I was thinking of the black waters that hit Japan last year and the psychic or metaphorical "tsunami" the BK are causing all around the world; sweeping homes and bank balances away, tearing families apart and even pushing individuals to their literal deaths. Not natural depression but 'suicide by BK' and crises directly related to the BK philosophy or lifestyle.

I do not see the 'water' of the BKWSU to be clear and pure. How can it be? It is full of half-truths, cover-ups and re-writes. And behind the PR facade that they like to present to the world, there are all sorts of exploitation and hypocrisies going on about which the BK leadership uses outsiders' ignorance of their religion ... an ignorance based on their hiding and re-writing the actual teachings ... to defend themselves.

It's funny but by denying the rest of the world, or even their adherents, access to the original spirit teachings, the leadership disallows them from being able to judge the BKs 'on the basis of their own values'. A defence made even more profound within the religion where leaders can easily contradict the rules and teachings at will. Instead, the BKs want to be seen and judged on the basis of religious views they call ignorant and impure.


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Re: The Veracity of Mediumship within the BKWSU

Post23 Apr 2012

My question with this is a simple one...if God created pure souls then why did they become impure. If they became impure then if he is the creator of all, then he is also the cause behind the impurity?


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Re: The Veracity of Mediumship within the BKWSU

Post24 Apr 2012

Desi According to BK It is in the nature of the Drama that souls become impure as they identify with their bodies, and all that goes with that, as The Cycle of Time continues. God is not the Creator of all, according to BK, but knowledge given by God and link in Yoga with that Supreme Soul give the gift of lift to BK who accept this and follow the lifestyle and meditation, and so they achieve highest qualities, BK say. But best you read more about it on here.


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Re: The Veracity of Mediumship within the BKWSU

Post24 Apr 2012

leonard wrote:Desi According to BK It is in the nature of the Drama that souls become impure as they identify with their bodies, and all that goes with that, as The Cycle of Time continues. God is not the Creator of all, according to BK, but knowledge given by God and link in Yoga with that Supreme Soul give the gift of lift to BK who accept this and follow the lifestyle and meditation, and so they achieve highest qualities, BK say. But best you read more about it on here.

Thank you Leonard for your reply. This is where I disagree with the BK. I have read many scriptures, read many books by other enlightened beings and they accept God being the creator of all - even evil. Or shall we say that God has given the capacity for one to go for the false over the truth. I have read many ancient Hindu scriptures and from what I hear from the BK is not in line with the scriptures.

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