Dadi Janki's age and Shiv Baba through Lekhraj Kirpalani from 1937-1969

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Dadi Janki's age and Shiv Baba through Lekhraj Kirpalani from 1937-1969

Post11 Apr 2012

Dadi Janki 8.4.2012 wrote:See how Shiv Baba through Brahma Baba from 1937-1969 made us belong to Him with the study, sustenance and attainments ...
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re: Dadi Janki's age and Lekhraj Kirpalani from 1937-1969

Post11 Apr 2012

It is amazing how she keeps on going on with the fake history. There was no Shiva Baba in 1937, so how could he make "us" belong to him? They were in love with Lekhraj Kripalani and he was their god and prince ... Prajapati God Brahma they called him.

The truth is, she was not even around/involved in 1937 ... her name is not on the 1938 list they published. The woman was intelligent enough not to be deluded, so is she just dishonest? The answer to that must surely be, yes.


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re: Dadi Janki's age and Lekhraj Kirpalani from 1937-1969

Post12 Apr 2012

her name is not on the 1938 list they published

I think the writer is referring to the list of Om Mandli members published in 'Is This Justice?' in 1938.

Janki Kripalani's name does appear there on page 153, age 13. There is some doubt as to when she arrived at Om Mandli. As near as can be ascertained, Dadi Janki came to the Mandli in 1937, then left at family insistence to get married.

She had a child who died very young, and some years later returned to the Mandli. It would appear that she is in her late 80's, rather than her mid-90's as BK officially say.
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re: Dadi Janki's age and Lekhraj Kirpalani from 1937-1969

Post12 Apr 2012

Sorry, my apologies, she is. "Janki Metharam Kripalani aged 13". Thank you for correcting me.

What I should have written was that she was not "one of the original founding committee" as they often claim.

From the current press kit ...
"In 1937, at the age of 21, Dadi joined the Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya founded by Prajapita Brahma."

Perhaps it is two half truths, e.g. Janki joined in 1937 (aged 13) ... and then returned aged 21.

Sometimes it is beneficial to make a mistake and have it highlighted by someone else. I have never looked at this before.

If so, then she must have returned in 1945, 13 years after it all started and is now 88 whereas the BKs claim she is 96 now.

Equally loose is her Companion of God website which states,
As a founding member of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, joining in 1937 at the age of 21, she became one of India's first female spiritual leaders.

... Anyone who wants to be instrumental in serviing the world needs to know how to work with integrity.

Whereas, certainly in the early days, she was not a leader but stuck in the sick bay from what I remember.


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re: Dadi Janki's age and Lekhraj Kirpalani from 1937-1969

Post13 Apr 2012

There must be a birth certificate somewhere.
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re: Dadi Janki's age and Lekhraj Kirpalani from 1937-1969

Post13 Apr 2012

The concerning thing is, such accuracy just doesn't matter to the BKs. There is so much of it, so many half-truths and lies, they just shrug it off with their shoulders as if it is normal ... like when they lied for decades about her being tested as "the most stable mind in the world", then quietly withdrew the claim in the West ... and then BKWSU India keeps on making it because it is good PR.

It seems as if to them, and her, accuracy not the point. What matters is getting ahead and if burying the past or exaggerating works ... then that is just fine.
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re: Dadi Janki's age and Lekhraj Kirpalani from 1937-1969

Post20 Nov 2012

From a topic I started on the BKs discussion forum before they banned me ... more mysterious revelations about the age and involvement of the BKWSU leader Dadi Janki Kripalani (... who claims to have "never lied" but makes no such claims about making things up, changing things, exaggerating stories, embroidering truth, or allowing other BKs to do so on her behalf!).

Previously in the past, the BKs have claims that Janki Kripalani was one of the original committee set up to administer the Om Mandli on Lekhraj Kirpalani's behalf so that he could avoid legal complications ... which is not true. Now they are saying she might not have joined until she was between 25 and 30 years old which would make her joining about 1942 to 1947.

I am not clear what "Lekhraj was 54 when he became 60" means! The BKs are obviously trying to square up all the various exaggerated versions they have written of their own history.
Love wrote:Post subject: Re: Official BKWSU history research project
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:16 am 

Dada Lekhraj
    In India there is a term sathiyana which literally means "going sixtyish" and is used when someone enters a particular phase of life, rather than indicating an actual biological age. Sathiyana is often used pejoratively to indicate someone having a heated brain associated with ageing. However, it can also be used to indicate the "tapas" or heat associated with spiritual endeavour. Lekhraj was 54 when he "became 60". I've seen the birth certificate.
Dadi Janki
    In "Is This Justice" there are 15 Kripalanis, 3 Kirpalanis (the two are often used interchangeably) and 4 Jankis. Neither name was unique to Dadi Janki. Also, to the best of our knowledge, the names and ages listed in ITJ were taken between October 1937 (the official beginning) and June 1938 which is when a lot of documentation and written information exchanged hands between families, courts and Om Mandli.

    At that time Dadi Janki (nee Janki Samtani) was still married to Navil Kripalani, and staying in Assam. As a point of interest, Narayan Dada was quick to point out that Navil Kripalanli of Assam was a completely separate lineage to his from Sindh.

    Another indication that Dadi Janki is not the Janki Kripalani listed in ITJ is when one considers the traditional practice of having the husband's or Father's name as the middle name. For example Jasoda was Jasoda Lekhraj (husband) Kripalani and Dadi Lekhraj was Lekhraj Mulchand (Father) Kripalani. The Janki listed as 13 is Janki Metharam Kripalani. Metharam is neither her husband's nor her Father's name.

    Finally, Narayan Dada, who was between 10 and 12 in the early days has quite a good recollection of early events. He says Dadi Janki was at least 20 when she joined. He suggested she was between 25 and 30 in fact. As a child, Narayan would have known if Janki had been close to his age.
I agree that the sooner the official website can be updated with more accurate information, the better it will be for everyone.
Pink Panther wrote:Post subject: Re: Official BKWSU history research project
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:48 pm 

I have sat in classes (plural) with Dadi Janki where she said she came in contact with Om Mandli when she was aged 13 or 14. She was forced into an arranged marriage and had a child at that young age which she cared for for a short period, maybe two years, which she then gave away to someone else to look after so that she could join the Mandli. (Gave away her own child? Yes, that's what she said at the time. The story may have changed since). She was definitely still in her mid-teens, and for years felt she was seen as "junior" because of her delay in joining, so she made extra 'effort".

Now, the facts and figures in that version of the story may be "rubbery" - DJ has been "caught out" (a negative turn of phrase I agree but you know what i mean) a number of times spinning a yarn differently, but justifiably in her view. She has said so to me directly once when i challenged a contradiction to one of her previous classes (not on biography, on Gyan points) , because it was for a desired outcome or effect, to make a particular point. I gave her the benefit of the doubt at the time and thought maybe she was being sublime, subtle, esoteric ...

Selective memory, false memory, loss of memory, desirable memory etc are very human. It's the Rashomon effect (named after the famous movie of the 1950's by Akira Kurosawa where different people witness the same event in different ways). That's why documentation is so important.
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Re: Dadi Janki's age and Shiv Baba through Lekhraj Kirpalani

Post20 Nov 2012

If Janki is 96 as they claim ... and that is open to doubt ... she would have been 20/21 years around the infamous 1936/1937 and a mature adult in the eyes of the law when the Om Mandli were protecting those adult women who chose to leave their families.

The reference to Narayan "Dada" Kirpalani is Lekhraj Kirpalani's son. Unfortunately, any reference to him cannot be immediately accepted as reliable for a number of reasons, partly because the BKs don't know enough to be able to ask the right questions and are too conditioned by the cult; and, partly, because Narayan is old and in a vulnerable position.

In my opinion, he is probably not going to tell the whole truth to the BKs and the BKs are not going to want to hear it,

I note also the BKs have taken down the "" website for Dadi Janki's "Companion of God" autobiography.

It's a remind that any researcher researching the BKWSU has to take screenshots and copies of any websites because they have a history of changing, removing or burying the truth.

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