Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post03 Mar 2012

Dear Mr. Green

Your kind and generous response really touched me. For the first time in all these postings it felt like there’s at last been a connection between the two positions. As you said, your issue is with the BKs not with Easton and it’s nice to know you wish him well. Me too (he’s a good man with a good heart). I also wish you well in your crusade and where there have been the injustices you speak of, I sincerely hope you find a solution for all concerned. Keep up the good work! Thank you for having the capacity to hear what I said in the spirit that I meant it and to hold out the hand of friendship.



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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post04 Mar 2012

This is for ex-l, you said love is not enough, you need truth. Then I ask you to look in your heart and ask yourself why you cant except the truth that Easton, Orbit myself and many others have presented here.

My main reason for this post is to answer the question you left, mainly for others who may be in need of Reach's help. and because of what there reading may be doubting its integriy.

You asked, "Paula how did you end up going to the BK meeting/retreat, did someone at reach recommend you?"

THE ANSWER, IS ABSOLUTLEY NOT ... I went to a Mind, Body, Spirit show for some health concerns that I had, and the BKs had a display where they were promoting meditation for its many benefits.


You also said you don't believe I am angry or hateful, but other reach members are. I have to disagree, although some posts may appear aggressive. I can see its because of the injustice that's been done towards Easton and his work. In fact, in Orbit's last post there was nothing more than compassion, understanding and respect, and sincere wishes that you all find a solution, wishing you all well in your crusade. I hope as mr Green was, you are able to except that in the same generous way, and are able to call a truce.


There have been many deeply damaging things done through religion and, I believe, spiritual organisations. I only mentioned the Catholic religion, in the hope it would help, because of the undeniable cases of abuse that were carried out by priests. Does that mean the motives of any practicing Catholic if they happened to be a therapist (does that mean their motives would be to lure clients in to be at risk of more abuse? I think not). I do understand your concern to protect others, and I may be wrong but in my humble opinion I think you're deeply hurt at the injustices you may have endured and seen yourself, but directing that pain and anger at someone whose motives are clearly sincere is not the way forward.

If motivation is sincere, then every single action we each perform can be a positive one but if our motivations aren't pure and there not adequate then even religions and spiritualities become smeared.

I don't know what your believes are. I am not fully sure of my own but I know I have my own deep believe in God. I don't know Easton's or anyone else's for that matter, but what I do know is that we each have to respect each others and more importantly and also except that its their own private business.


My last words are for mr Green, ex-l and those who have been deeply hurt from your experiences. I wish you all my deepest love, I sincerely cant put into words, the compassion warmth and healing love I feel for you all ... all I can say is I understand and I hope with time you find the peace real peace that you deserve. I wont be leaving another post. I apologise for any spelling mistakes, not well at present. I hope what I've written is received in the way it was meant, and brings no offence but love and peace to all and, in Orbit's words, more than anything brings a truce.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post04 Mar 2012

paula wrote:This is for ex-l, you said love is not enough you need truth, then I ask you to look in your heart and ask yourself why you cant except the truth that Easton, Orbit myself and many others have presented here?

Because no one is answering the simple question I am asking and I feel "buried in bullsh*t" instead.

    Is he a BK, or has he left now?

    That is, does he still believe in Brahma Kumarism, and what is his personal relationship with the BKWSU now?

According to the Brahma Kumari philosophy, whatever experiences you have been through to get to this point, you will repeat them EXACTLY in 5,000 Years time again ... and inescapably every 5,000 years.

Therefore, may be you next time one of you drop by, perhaps you could just get the answer for me and save all this back and forth?

To be honest, I have to reject any portray of myself as particularly "damaged".

I am interested in finding out, at one level, how individuals incorporate beliefs such as the Brahma Kumaris' into their lives; and, at another level, the evolution of the religion. One of the recent evolutions has been the creation of business relationships and supportive networks between BKs, and we seen other BKs of his generation go into similar "coaching" area. It has been a trend.

Therefore, my interest in Reach, given it has 3 or 4 BKs involved, is how that came about, their relationship with the BKWSU's members/leaders (Enigma mentions 20 years of hassles/criticisms) and so on. It is all fairly intellectual and academic*, e.g. did it come about from an initial core of 3 or 4 BKs who were a little bit disaffected with the BKWSU and wanted to do more for humanity? Or did other BKs join later attracted to do for humanity? (We were aware told at least one of them had sort of left the BKWSU, or gone independent).

You have to understand that, unlike other religions, the Brahma Kumaris basically teach God says charity for others is not a good thing and one should only concern one's self with promoting the BK religion, so it is unusual that any BK does any good for anyone except the BKWSU.

(* For example, see The Brahma Kumaris as a 'Reflexive Tradition' by John Walliss)
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post04 Mar 2012

Orbit wrote:posting a link to a BK retreat facility which is outnumbered by hundreds of other links to just about everything imaginable, is proof of nothing ...

To be quite honest Orbit, in matters relating to the Brahma Kumaris, we know better than you. You seem to know very little.

And you are using a number of fallacious arguments to blind individuals, where all that is required is a one simple answer.

If those are the sort of ethics you use in your own business, then they fall short of our standards. Sorry.

Enigma once wrote, "in my past association with the Brahma Kumaris". If it turns out that, in fact, there is a "current association with the Brahma Kumaris" then that will be the first nail in his coffin as far as I am concerned. Not because there is any terrible about being a BK, nor that he is a "bad man" ... but simply because he was less than completely honest. If I was motivated enough, I could sit down pull out all the BK references I can see ... at present I am not.

Unfortunately, I am just tired of BKs not being honest ... I think that because of the extreme nature of their beliefs (e.g. death of 7 billion people so they can rule the world, God's exclusively speaking through their mediums and all the continents sinking except for India etc), it seems to encourage adherents to become dishonest and manipulative.

Their leaders most certainly are ... and we can prove that statement, therefore the work still goes on.


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post04 Mar 2012

ex-l, as if any further proof were needed, you’re not interested in any truce and the repetitive nature of your position demonstrates you’re not interested in the truth either! You’re only interested in being right. The greatest ignorance is to be trapped in one’s own opinion and point of view.

I hope no one bothers to comment on your postings any more because every question you have posed has been answered but clearly not to your satisfaction. It’s as if once ‘you’ are satisfied the truth has somehow now been established! Which might just be possible to accept if you weren’t so confrontational. This is why your position lacks credibility. You’re more interested in having the last word than accepting other people’s perspectives and experiences are different from yours.

The brainwashing you say the BKs are guilty of and their negative indoctrination is the pattern and style of your communication. You continue to selectively quote other people’s postings, missing out the most potent parts of their messages. It’s pointless demonstrating this to you because you are actually not interested and will only ignore the bits that don’t suit your argument – which you have done throughout this thread. As I’ve said, your actions show this is personal for whatever reason? I’m sad you did not follow Mr. Green’s lead, for he had the dignity and grace to move on and presumably chase the BK adherents doing the damage you claim. And I sincerely wish him well in that endeavour.

I would ask you to cease this endeavour but it’s clear that you won’t. You’ve ignored the thrust of all those who’ve posted and kept coming back with exactly the same message. You spoke of the ‘back and forth’ nature of this interaction but no one is responsible for that more than you as your listings bear witness to.

Finally, end the speculation of ‘if Enigma’s association is current then that’s the first nail in his coffin’... another one of your revealing references. It feels like this is part of your agenda to somehow tarnish him and Reach’s reputation, because Easton clearly stated that neither he nor Reach has any affiliation to the BKs - which if you look up the meaning of affiliation means ‘to be attached to or connected to an organization or a member of that said organization or group’. Having been firstly disappointed by the postings here and then incensed by some of the wild, outrageous accusations, without due diligence and fact, I decided to speak to Easton about these things myself today. It’s interesting to note that your concerns about Reach’s BK origins and motives are as I suspected completely without substance as BKs form no part of the foundation of this organization. In fact, the BKs that are part of the Reach network are not even partners in its structure i.e. they are on the periphery of the organization and have no decision making powers. And it’s not 3 or 4 members, it is 3 - 2 of whom remain on the edge of the BKs activities because they are ambivalent about their own position. Which means there are 61 from a range of other denominations. Interestingly most of them for your records are Christian. So presumably Reach is really a Christian organization!?

Of the 12 partners in Reach there are no practising BKs! This is why it’s important to get the facts before we start passing judgment and as an academic and researcher I like to gather all the information before making comment. This is something I suggest you start practising because a lot of harm has been done here, quite simply because no one has spoken to the one person all the allegations have been aimed at. The reason Easton said he would not post here again is that the more he read the more it was clear this was not about the truth because as posted by I think Bright Spark earlier on in this thread and by Easton himself, if this was really all about the truth, why has no one ever spoken to him, as he would have been happy to have any reasonable discussion? Why have a process that has taken so much time and energy making accusations based on assumptions and yet never speak to the primary person involved? And why should he or indeed anyone discuss their position in a public forum where it’s clear the minds of those involved have already been made up?

There you have it... fact not fiction. Reach is not a BK related con as the two are not affiliated in any way, and not that it’s important, but it has more practising Christians, Buddhists and agnostics amongst its membership than any other denomination/faith. So Reach is actually a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-faith organization that invites people to follow their own truth and make up their own minds.... But those of us who’ve been following this know you ex-l will still find a way not to have the humility to accept your position is wrong and bring this matter to a close. For some reason you need to have the last word.

I hope those interested in truth and justice will now let this matter go and move on. It’s clear that Reach has no interest or desire to take individuals down any path. Their mission is to help those looking for answers, to find them within themselves. Because that’s where they believe the best answers lie. This is the philosophy I’ve seen them demonstrate in all the work and dealings they’ve had with our organization, which is why we’ve continued to draw on their services. Therefore, those of you looking for help or support do not be concerned to turn up at their door.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post05 Mar 2012


The 'Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy' is published by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, is here.

Our concerns go as far as whether vulnerable individuals are being referred to the Brahma Kumaris or initiated into their practises by website, personal contact, during therapy sessions etc ... especially without them being told what the Brahma Kumaris believe and how they operate, or as part of a business. That is it.

I suggest it would be ethical if the Reach "Partnership"

    a) stopped promoting Brahma Kumarism all together, and
    b) stopped incorporating its practises, until
    c) the "Partnership" had carried out an independent professional review of them ... to which I will be happy to contribute.
How does that sound as a proposal?
Mike26 wrote:From: BKs' therapy con (see link)

My work colleague told me that in the counselling room (located in the house of the counsellor) there is a strange picture of an oval shaped golden-red light with a pinpoint star in its centre. She claims her attention was constantly drawn to this picture on the wall by the counsellor. She said she found this behaviour weird. In addition, the counsellor is encouraging her to become a vegetarian and to practice meditation on herself as a soul in order to help with her difficulties.

You see ... that refers to a Brahma Kumaris "trance light". A symbolic representation of their 'god spirit' ShivaBaba, which you also see in the Reach logo. The advice being given is 'Lesson One' of the Brahma Kumaris' "Seven Day Course" ... Is this activity still carrying on and is he charging for it?
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy wrote:Practitioners should not allow their professional relationships with clients to be prejudiced by any personal views they may hold about ... beliefs.

If you have recently spoken to Enigma, perhaps you can clarify matters for us? Simple yes and no answer please.

    Is Enigma still a BK, or has he left now? Does he still believe in 'The Knowledge'?

There is a lot of distracting word play going on here. Perhaps for you it is about protecting business ... as in the money. For us, it is about people and families. We do this for free.


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post05 Mar 2012

Admin wrote:Admin NOTE:

An identical copy and paste of a previous post, here was removed. Would the poster please answer the questions above and not flood the forum with duplication. Thank you.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post05 Mar 2012


Why? Because you don't want to address the issue I raised, or someone is hiding something?

Typical. Ask for a straight answer and they won't answer ...

The ethics of what Mike26 posted above are very, very, serious from the point of a therapeutic association. These Reach people refuse to address them and continue to support the BKWSU instead.

Interesting ... I see Marneta Viegas and other BKs/demi-BKs on the The Reach Approach Facebook page. She is rare individual who has done very well out the BKWSU in business and personal terms whilst breaking all the principles. Relax Kids is a personal business which grew out of BK service and strangely benefited hugely from Brahma Kumari support and facilities ... one has to presume because it was good for BK business too.

What you won't fully understand, Orbit, is why ... from a BK point of view ... we are concerned by the ethics of all this.

Damned 'end of the Silver Age'/Copper Age souls mucking up the family business as usual ...


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post05 Mar 2012

Dear Admin

Sorry, I was unaware that posting my post for a second time was in breach of your rules. I can assure you that this was not my intention. The reason I did this was that I believe all the questions raised by ex-l have been answered several times but as I said in my posting I don’t feel those answers are being acknowledged or respected. I had contacted Easton (Enigma) myself to ask some of the questions that were repeatedly coming up in order to stem the tide of this negative debate and even though a comprehensive answer was given this proved to still not be enough. Interestingly I took the action of contacting Easton because of something ex-l said in response to Paula’s last post and I thought this would end what now feels like an entirely personal crusade.

The reason I won’t be posting again has nothing to do with answering questions ... I think this thread has lost its way because of one person’s refusal to hear the many voices that have spoken. I do not want in any way to undermine the good work being done here but the sly comments and innuendo have not helped this debate in any way. The proposal that ex-l makes has no foundation when it’s clear the Reach partnership has no alliance to BKism when there are none amongst their numbers ... what could be clearer? And so his proposal makes no sense because they’d be debating what is a non-issue for them.

Furthermore, as an organization that uses their services there’s a requirement by our committee to check their code of ethics with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and other professional bodies. So I’m very familiar with their practices and policies and given that they insist on a review of all accredited therapists every year this is one of the most audited and regulated of all the professions. So Reach and its members have to meet their strict criteria every 12 months and if they didn’t we wouldn’t be continuing to work with them.

I also need to address this repeated issue of making money with Reach. Ours is not a money-making organization. We are a training/educational entity so this repeated reference to me saying what I’m saying because of the financial implications again deflects from the ‘discussion’. I’m saying what I’m saying because of my prolonged contact and experience with Reach.

Finally, the Facebook reference is completely spurious because there are people on there from all over the world, including myself and at least 6 other people I’m acquainted with and as I keep stating I’m agnostic and have no interest in these matters. Facebook is something that people from anywhere in the world can comment on so how does this prove affiliation because some BK or demi BK as you put it is posted on there ... and when I’m sure most of the people commenting are not known to Easton personally. These are just desperate attempts to keep making the same point regardless of the answers.

Anyway, I think ex-l will keep doing what he’s doing despite the comments of others. What I hope though is anyone coming to this thread will use their own minds to judge both sides of the argument.

My apologies again Admin for my duplication. I can assure you it won’t happen again ... May the good and legitimate work of this forum continue to bear fruit.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post05 Mar 2012

Orbit wrote:the Reach partnership has no alliance to BKism when there are none amongst their numbers ... what could be clearer?

There is little clear about what you or Easton have written.

How about ...

    Just answering the simple, leading question clearly?
Therapists, like religionists (note I use the polite version, not "cultists") have an additional burden of avoiding 'undue influence'. One of the issues we often pick the Brahma Kumaris up on is their lack of transparency in such matters. What is the Reach Approach anyway, a registered company or a charity in some other name?

    Just a few posts ago we were told there were 2, 3 or 4 BKs involved ... now there are "none".
    Can you tell us what has happened to change matters? Have they left the BKs or left Reach?

You say there are no interconnections but Marneta, from Facebook, also appears on Reach's Connections page. I appreciate not knowing the BKWSU's history, you won't understand the significance of it but it does place Reach or Enigma in the web that has built up around the Brahma Kumaris over recent years, one which the BKWSU uses in its service programmes.
Mike26 wrote:From: Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

My work colleague told me that in the counselling room (located in the house of the counsellor) there is a strange picture of an oval shaped golden-red light with a pinpoint star in its centre. She claims her attention was constantly drawn to this picture on the wall by the counsellor. She said she found this behaviour weird. In addition, the counsellor is encouraging her to become a vegetarian and to practice meditation on herself as a soul in order to help with her difficulties.


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post05 Mar 2012

ex-l, you ask questions but you are clearly not interested in the answers. I am now wondering if you have even properly read the postings? I had promised myself I wouldn’t post again but the on-going injustice of your selective quoting is hard to ignore. But I’ve promised myself that I can’t maintain discussion where there is actually no dialogue, so this will be my last response regardless of what comes back.

You made reference to the changing numbers of BKs. This is simply another misrepresentation brought about by your selective quoting - see the following that has only just recently been posted, yet you've chosen to ignore it - and as I said, you were the inspiration for the questions even being asked:
Easton clearly stated that neither he nor Reach has any affiliation to the BKs - which if you look up the meaning of affiliation means ‘to be attached to or connected to an organization or a member of that said organization or group’. Having been firstly disappointed by the postings here and then incensed by some of the wild, outrageous accusations, without due diligence and fact, I decided to speak to Easton about these things myself today. It’s interesting to note that your concerns about Reach’s BK origins and motives are as I suspected completely without substance as BKs form no part of the foundation of this organization. In fact, the BKs that are part of the Reach network are not even partners in its structure i.e. they are on the periphery of the organization and have no decision making powers. And it’s not 3 or 4 members, it is 3 - 2 of whom remain on the edge of the BKs activities because they are ambivalent about their own position. Which means there are 61 from a range of other denominations. Interestingly most of them for your records are Christian. So presumably Reach is really a Christian organization!?

You keep making reference Mike26’s entry and Easton has already addressed this in his own posting featured below. Yet another example of ignoring what has already been said.
As for those examples given where individuals have had weird experiences of someone trying to persuade them to look at a point of light and become a vegetarian I simply cannot comment, this is not something I have ever done or would ever do. Although I am the Director of Reach and proud to be so, I cannot control every conversation and interaction someone has with another, but given, as I have said, nearly all our practitioners have no knowledge of or interest in Raja Yoga, these accounts make no sense to me and if I were to find anyone engaging in such practices, their association to the organisation would be terminated; we are not interested in brain washing.

I end as I did before wishing those who are pursuing legitimate injustices peace and love.


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post07 Mar 2012

Dear Admin

I had said that I would not be commenting on anything further on this site. However, I did say that if there was further slander and defamation I would be taking legal advice, which I have done.

It has been suggested to me that in the first instance I should respectfully ask you to remove this thread ‘Is Reach a BK related Con?’ because there is in fact no case to answer and although Reach and I don’t owe this forum answers to their questions the questions that have actually been asked have been answered repeatedly. Furthermore because the answers to the questions completely show that the proposition is flawed, the on-going negative publicity that this thread has generated (as we’ve had several enquiries about this) and will almost certainly continue to generate, is of harm to the good name of Reach and its activities and me personally.... and will also prevent those looking for help to potentially avoid seeking it from a credible source. And so I’m asking you to remove it on the grounds that it is in breach of your own terms.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “Brahma Kumaris Info - the Truth about the BKWSU” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “Brahma Kumaris Info - the Truth about the BKWSU” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit.

I sincerely hope you will act in good faith and conscience in accordance with your own terms and conditions, because I think when you look closely you would agree the vast majority of the postings against me are in breach of your own rules. I have no interest in undermining the important work of this forum. Where there is any abuse, under whatever name it operates, I and Reach are active in a variety of forums to expose and end such bad practices. Ours is an organization with accredited members from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and various other professional bodies relevant to our area of work. With regards to ethics and good practice, we meet all the criteria requested of us, which in most cases has to be done on an annual basis and an affiliation or relationship to the BKWSU would only serve to undermine our good name and ethical practice – which I would never compromise because we are actively working with the most vulnerable and needy members of society ... a group I know well from my own personal experience.

So please can you play your part in ending that which has been very discrediting of me as an individual and Reach as an ethical organization, as I’m sure you have no desire to discredit those, albeit in a different way from you, working for the good of others.

I thank you for your anticipated co-operation in this matter and wish the forum the best in exposing those who are guilty of the crimes that you seek to expose.

Kind regards

Easton Hamilton
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post07 Mar 2012

Easton, straight answers please ... are you a BK or ex-BK? Does Mike26's report refer to a session you carried out?

    What are your thoughts on the Brahma Kumaris, their beliefs and philosophies now?
    We certainly know you were involved, where do you stand on the whole thing all now?

I am not interested in any more of the twaddle over legalistic definitions of what constitutes an official affiliation or not ... nor miles and miles of distractions from business "partners" and supporters. We are all individuals here who have been through the BK mill and know very well what goes on.

    Please ... just show us a little respect and speak to us as equals.
    Do so anonymously. Do so offline if you want. But stop all this posturing and hostility.

A year ago Mike26 published a report which clearly suggests that clients at your practise in your home were being introduced to concepts and practises which were clearly Brahma Kumari. Perhaps you or your therapists have quite rightly stopped doing so now.

Please confirm that:

    a) you have stopped doing so, and
    b) that it is Reach's policy not to refer vulnerable individuals to Brahma Kumari teachings or practises, or any other cult.

(Clearly no such reports nor insinuations have been made about the non-BK members of Reach who have no idea what we are talking about).

For me, it is not even clear what "Reach Approach" is. Is it a shop, it is an association, is it a business referral agency, a religion (you seem to publish your own 'theory of everything') ... or does it just rent rooms out to any therapists who may - but mostly may not - have had some connection to the Brahma Kumaris?

Perhaps it just started with yourself and a few borderline BKs, and now has expanded to involve all these other people. I am sure you gained experience from doing BK service which has benefited you as you say. Please ... a little honesty and clarity.

I cannot find a registered company by that name. I cannot find a charity by that name. I cannot find any business details on the website. How does one become a "member" or "partner" of Reach, and what does it mean? Does it just mean "someone who hires rooms at your house"?

Dangerously, you still have university drop out Brahma Kumari Jayanti Kripalani listed as an "expert" on your site and numerous recommendations to BK and BK related businesses. You present Masaru Emoto as a Doctor. (Emoto’s "degree" was gained from the Open International University in India, where an M.D. degree costs $500 and a Ph.D. costs $350 with no classes or tests required). You use Scientologist/ex-Scientologist actor Will Smith to support your theories (co-incidentally, the BKs also happened to do a service programme on "Greatness" just recently).
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post07 Mar 2012

This topic was created out of two separate topics:

    Is the Reach Approach BK related? by ex-l
    BKs' therapy services con? by Mike26

If Easton Hamilton wishes to suggest an alternative title for it, we would be happy to consider it.


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post07 Mar 2012

I have read through this thread and wanted to comment but found myself feeling increasingly nervous of handing the truth of my experiences over to an arena where it is likely to be torn apart and degraded as has sadly happened to others who have been courageous and honest enough to come forward and share their truth.  I've also struggled to understand why some of these blatantly slanderous and defamatory posts have been allowed to remain when they seem to me to be in direct violation of the terms and conditions of this site. 

However, I find myself dismayed and saddened by what I have read to the point where I just cannot sit back any longer and I feel compelled to share some of my own experience with you all because I do feel that it is relevant to this discussion.  I am offering this to you from my heart and I ask you to please respect the fact that this is my truth and I would not be sharing this in such a public forum if it were not for the fact that I simply cannot stand back and watch what I see to be such a grave injustice taking place right in front of my eyes.

About ten years ago my life completely fell apart.  I was trying to cope with a very cruel and acrimonious marriage break up, two very young and vulnerable children and a life threatening health diagnosis.  The truth is I wasn't coping with any of it and was on a frightening and overwhelming path of self loathing and self destruction. A friend recommended that I contact Reach and there is not a day that goes by that I don't thank her in my heart for pointing me in that direction. 

I began seeing Easton for therapy and the unwavering care, support and guidance that he gave me quite literally saved my life.  It did not just save my life it completely transformed it.  I was brought up in a cult and what became clear to me, as I worked through my issues with Easton, is just how much impact this upbringing had on me.  From a very young age I was told that there may come a day when I might doubt and fall away but I must always remember that this would be the devil at work and all sorts of horrendous things would fall upon my life.  I was told that if I were to ever fall away the final judgement would be much worse for me because I had been blessed with the "truth" and this brought great responsibility.  I soaked up these messages and other similar judgements on my 'sinful nature' like a sponge.  

What eventually transpired is that I was 'disfellowshipped' when I was 18 for not living up to the standards they had set, and these people who had been my family for so long (I lived in the leader of the cult's  house for a considerable period of time along with him and his family)  turned their backs on me.

When I first met Easton I had totally given up on hope and on life. I believed that I had brought all my grief and despair upon myself and that I deserved the punishment that was falling upon me.  I felt worthless and undeserving and completely ill equipped to create any sort of life for myself.  I felt like I had nowhere to turn because I couldn't create a life without religion and I had already proven myself unable to live up to a life within religion.

It was Easton's gentleness and encouragement that helped me to find a way out of this personal hell I was living in. He taught me how to find myself, to like myself, to trust myself, to empower myself and to reclaim my autonomy.  He is one of the only people I have ever encountered in my life who simply gave and gave without any expectations of return or any agenda of his own.  I could never have believed that I was worthy or capable of achieving the levels of peace and contentment that I now live in and I will always be grateful to Easton for the fundamental part he played in this transition. And through my journey of therapy with Easton he never once tried to influence me or steer me in any direction but that of autonomy and personal power.

What strikes me as I write this and consider what I have read on this thread is how ripe and ready my "pulse"would have been at this time.  If Easton had been the person that you accuse him of being then I was the ideal candidate for him to steer in the direction of the Brahma Kumaris.  The notion of this is so ludicrous to me when I think of how gently and consistently Easton encouraged me to think for myself and to find my own path and NEVER ONCE tried to influence the direction that path would take.   I cannot begin to tell you how liberating this was for me as it was in such sharp contrast to the way I had been brought up to follow commands without question.

This is why I find it so distressing to read the accusations and judgements that seem to have been directed so carelessly towards Easton and his work.  My own experience along with what I have heard from others who have sought help from Reach have been nothing but positive and I know that many lives have been transformed by this organisation.  Truth be known, I honestly do not know how he manages to keep on giving in the midst of this type of mindless attack.  

I genuinely do feel for all of you who have had such negative and abusive experiences.  I know that my own experience will have been different to yours in many ways but nevertheless destructive and damaging.  I understand and appreciate your desire to protect others from the kind of suffering you have gone through.  I just feel that, in this instance, you are fighting against a man and an organisation who have only ever done good and this seems very unjust to me. Knowing how much Easton  has helped me to work through and past the damage my own upbringing caused, I would hate to think that anybody seeking help would feel unable to approach Reach because of the rumours and speculations they have read on this forum.  That, to me, would be a real shame.

Thank you for your time and patience in reading through this post.  From my heart, I wish you all the best of peace and contentment as you reclaim your own lives and on into the future 

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