Police rescue girls from PBK ashram: BKWSU plot?

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Police rescue girls from PBK ashram: BKWSU plot?

Post02 Sep 2011

Cops rescue girls from ashram

On August 30, 2011 The Pioneer reported that in what seems to be a case of human trafficking a 17-year-old girl kidnapped from Banda on last Tuesday was recovered from ashram cum `Adhyatmik Ishwariya Visvidyalaya' of one Baba Virendra Dev Dixit in Fatehgarh on Monday. The cops also claimed to have found over a dozen minor girls in the age group of 4-years to 6-years besides CDs, tapes and other items.

Circle Officer (City) Farukabad, VK Singh, who led the raid party claimed that they will verify that from where the other girls came as the staff of the Ashram failed to give any convincing answer and it was suspected that they might be also picked up at early age.
Minor girls recovered from UP ‘spiritual school’

Sanjay Pandey, Lucknow, August 30, DHNS:

Dozens of minor girls have been recovered from a school-cum-ashram in a posh locality in Uttar Pradesh’s Farrukhabad town, about 250 kilometers from here, in what the police suspect an alleged case of sex-racket being run from the so-called ‘Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vidyalaya’.

The police, however, do not rule out the possibility of the girls being sexually exploited. “All the girls would be medically examined to ascertain if they had been sexually exploited,” the officials said adding that a case had been registered against the owner of the ‘ashram’ Virendra Dixit, though he was yet to be arrested.

The matter came to light when the Father of Meena, lodged a report with the police in Banda stating that his daughter had gone missing. Meena had been abducted from Banda and was brought to the ‘ashram’, his Father Rakesh Kumar Singh alleged.

Further investigations by the police on Monday led them to the ‘spiritual school’ in Farrukhabad town, sources said. All the girls, recovered from the ‘ashram’, were in the age group of 10 to 15 years. “It appears that all of them were either abducted from different places or were brought on the pretext of providing them religious and spiritual education after persuading their parents,” the police sources said adding, “We are trying to contact their (girls’) families.”

To the religious minded public, the school-cum-ashram was meant to provide ‘spiritual knowledge’ to the people and teach them how to attain salvation. But the reality turned out to be quite the opposite.

The raiding team, which found the 17-year-old girl Meena, who had gone missing from Banda district a fortnight back, was shocked to see that there were dozens of minor girls in the school.
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Re: Cops rescue girls from PBK ashram

Post02 Sep 2011

good, I hope these girls can now have a life
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Re: Cops rescue girls from PBK ashram

Post02 Sep 2011

Good find Jann.

I suspect there is more to this than meets the eye. At the very least another split family, something like the mother going off with the BKs/PBKs and the Father attacking the cult as a whole in this manner. Worst case scenario, it is all part of another BK/Vishnu Party plot against the PBKs.

None of the PBKs care to admit it but it seems there were sexually controversies relating to Virendra Dev Dixit. I don't know the details but something like he had sex with all the original PBK mothers on the ground that he was the "lustful thorn", Krishna or something.

I never heard any complaints about this from the women so I hope they enjoyed it.

Morally, I have nothing against them having as much sex as they agree too. In fact, I am pretty sure a good shag would sort out many a Brahma Kumari and is just what they need. Personally, I think you need to know what it is all about before making life decisions in order to help others. As I was told it, the big deal was that none of them got pregnant ... and this was the big miracle. I don't get that bit though. Likewise, one or two of them were encouraged by BK/Vishnu Party to file cases of rape against Virendra Dev Dixit is an attempt to stick him ... but they never happened.

It was all about fake Hindu moral outrage. Fake because far worse things happen to young Indian girls, in the name of gods.

I suspect nothing will come of this but the damage has been done and the Brahma Kumaris will be frantically photocopying the news cuttings to circulate around to their centers and contacts. It is all pathetic.
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Re: Police rescue girls from PBK ashram

Post04 Sep 2011

OK ... to than meets the eye to this one as usual!

It seems that a young woman decided to leave home herself and study at the ashram in Farrukhabad run by the Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (PBKs). He parents were against it but she was a major (over 18), not a minor, and so legally permitted to do so.

It appears a, somehow, a radical women's group called the 'Gulabi Gang' (means Pink Gang) became involved and ransacked the PBKs premises in the presence of the police, insulting and manhandling the PBK Sisters and Brothers who lived in the ashram, and looted whatever they could find.

The police then took many PBKs Sisters from the ashram to the police station where all of them gave a statement that they are living there voluntarily and happily. They were then allowed to return, which they all did. Looking into the matter further, there is no suggestion of any sexual impropriety this.

The woman in question had neither been abducted, nor was she a minor. She had simply gone to the ashram to study of her own will and, on doing so, it appears she herself informed the local Superintendent of Police and the Police Inspector about her intentions as are the PBKs rules.

When questioned by the police, she gave a statement in favour of AIVV.

The 'Gulabi Gang' (different link) members have continued to create troubles for the ashram. On 1 September 2011, they again entered the ashram and ransacked it, damaging two vehicles and seriously injuring an elderly, physically handicapped gentleman who lived there.

I can understand the upset of the parents but it appears that the attack is part of a longer term animosity on behalf of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University towards the AIVV. Before the incident an individual claiming to be a BK follower for 30-40 years rang up to the AIVV center in Delhi and sought the phone number of Farrukhabad center threatening them and that BKs all over India are using this situation to their advantage by attacking the PBKs, Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV to the extent possible.

If this is all true, and none of it sounds outlandish, it marks a new depth in the hostility of the BKWSU towards the AIVV. How they involved the Gulabi Gang and press is another question but this has many similarities to the usual allegations made by the BKWSU against the PBKs.

See also: more video, and more.

The Gulabi Gang (pink gang) is a women vigilante group in the area of Banda in India's northern Uttar Pradesh state. They wear pink saris and go after corrupt officials and boorish men with sticks and axes. Several thousand now proudly associate themselves with the group. They have learned to strike fear in the hearts of wrongdoers and have earned the grudging respect of officials. They even shun political parties and NGOs because, in the words of their feisty leader, Sampat Pal Devi, "they are always looking for kickbacks when they offer to fund us".

The women have thrashed men who have abandoned or beaten their wives and unearthed corruption in the distribution of grain to the poor. They have also stormed a police station and attacked a policeman after they took in an untouchable man and refused to register a case. Usually, they are great defenders of the poor and downtrodden.

What raises my suspicion is the wording of the press release. More on this later, I am sure.


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Re: Police rescue girls from PBK ashram

Post06 Sep 2011

Uploaded by SikhRevolution on Sep 4, 2011

A RSS Baahman Virender Dev Dixit has been accused of rape and running a sex racket in a so called "spiritual" and "religious" school. He was earlier in Ahmedabad (Gujrat) and now runs a "spiritual" school in Farukhabad .

We had earlier exposed more than 1 year back another RSS Baahman Rajiv Ranjan Dwivedi who was running the biggest sex racket in India: RSS pakhandi Baba's sex racket busted.

Such immoral Baahmans are backed by politicians and fascists organisations so they hardly get punished. Even this Virender Dev Dixit had been arrested earlier on these same charges of rape but was released later.

Baahmanvadis have always been exploiting ordinary poor people sexually and physically even on the pretext of teaching them religion or spiritualism but nowadays they are being caught due to the media and awareness amongst people.

Any one or any religion or community they think is a danger to their existence and which spreads equality or awareness amongst the masses is attacked. This is why these Baahmanvadi forces are against even the Sikh religion.

And ... uploaded by anant98251 on Sep 5, 2011

virendra dixit, fraud Baba? 03/09/2011 news channel AJTAK.

Brahma Kumari's great job. BKs want to close this virendra centre (PBK).

Category: News & Politics
Tags: virendra dixit, fraud Baba ? PBK ?

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Re: Police rescue girls from PBK ashram

Post06 Sep 2011

Good heavens ... so much for the Brahma Kumari world being such a pure and wonderful place. This is a pretty heavy weight stitch up and it would not surprise me that the BKs are behind all this. It will show the Western BKs again what the BKWSU is really like. And now the Vishnu Party is involved stirring things up too. You can also clearly see the Pink Gang's mob involvement in the videos.

There is one small problem, Virendra Dev Dixit is not RSS. The "RSS" is the 'Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (National Patriotic Organization) a fairly right-wing Hindu nationalist organization for Hindu males in India. It was founded in 1920s as a social and cultural organisation in British India to oppose both British colonialism and Muslim separatism.

It is interesting to read that even on Youtube someone mentions the BKs trying to shut the PBKs down (again) but you can discount the Sikh guy's anti-Hindu rant.

By the way, Youtube member "Anant98251" is Anant Patel, the crazy Vishnu Party member, and son of the founders of it who, for whatever reason, loath Virendra Dev Dixit. He has his own website now and calls himself Shri. Another bunch who think their guru is god incarnate and not to be trusted ... they have basically set up a religion-business on the basis of their time spent with the BKs and PBK, mixed with their version of Hindu astrology, and been working the slur against Virendra Dev Dixit for years. They tried to do the same thing here.

Shri Anant Patel wrote:there is new in the leading news channel AJTAK, Baba virender dixit is fraud Baba and he is wanted in the police. He is not India. He left India. There are 100 girls included 16 minor girl caught from the farukabad center, India. Brahma Kumari Sister caught from the centre.

One of the parents of the girl come to police and the center is come to in the limelight. They denied to send girl back to her home.

Baba like only girl (brahmakumari not Kumar) as per the video.

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